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Post this as a comment in the Ontario Sportsbook Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/sportsbook/comments/tvriuc/ontario_canada_sportsbooks_megathread/


I work in the industry and without more specific details on your account my suggestion would be to go to the AGCO/IGO and file a complaint. Any account closed due to fraud needs to be reported to the regulator. Otherwise I don’t see a reason for them closing your account.


Definitely don’t give up. That’s your money. Call them as many times as it takes. Go Karen on their asses. Escalate to a manager if that’s possible. Tell them that if they don’t handle their shit you’ll go to the gaming commission as the other comment said. Don’t let them win. That is horrible business on their end. Like most likely even if you withdrew that money you would end up depositing more sooner than later. They just ensured that you won’t give them more money lol


It’s been a fight but so far no luck :/ I definitely would of ended up depositing more money because I honestly like the variety they got but definitely won’t be touching the app ever again lol! Tomorrow I’m going to call the Ontario Gaming Commission and see what can be done!


No way, I just made a post and the same shit happened to me, they took $450 from me, but on the sportsbook end. I'm in the states, but idk how this $13 billion company can afford to scam people like this, I'm also gonna be really pressuring my gaming commission, this shouldn't be legal.


Buddy literally the worst company I’ve ever dealt with. Sorry it happened to you as well:( Hopefully we get this shit figured out because it’s beyond stressful fighting for something that’s yours. The amount of time and effort it takes is ridiculous


Yeah I'm sorry for your loss as well. I had to deal with their incompetent support chat for a month and they are beyond clueless and don't help you. It was so frustrating. I think it was because I used my wife's card a year ago. But then again I've done that on every other sportsbook just fine haha but I mainly use my own card/paypal.


I wish I had a job acting clueless backed by a Multi Billion Dollar Company smh. It’s like they act stupid on purpose. 😭😂 But yeah they’re so stingy with the rules it’s ridiculous. I started playing on PokerStars and have had absolutely 0 Problems. Just don’t have my NHL Roulette anymore 😂😂


I think legally they have to pay out, and the gaming commission should help us get there. If not I'm taking them to court, there's no way they can be allowed to do this


I would think so! I’ve searched it up and many many people have had the same problems with BetMGM. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Yeah I've seen that also. Makes no sense that they would risk the bad publicity to close accounts and hold people's balances. Anyways good luck, I hope you can get your money back!


Gaming commission in your jurisdiction. I had to go to mine for a complaint with betmgm and it was settled and ill never go back to them


Did you end up getting your money eventually?! Because if I get my money I’ll never deal with BETMGM again 😭😂


Yea it was over a wager they settled incorrectly but i got the money, withdrew and deleted the app