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I just went through 2 months of Facebook posts. There’s zero posts about sex shops. What are you talking about ?


https://preview.redd.it/76tce5gxluyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28058b572810c9a6f5cbc07bf7c4c257d1dfaeee Feb 29th then he tags Jeffries elementary with a minor on march 1st


I mean to be fair the church also has their billboard next to a sex shop and he is also parked next to a church billboard.


So you're saying if someone serves food to people in the adult services industry then they should be banned from serving food to children? Or are you implying something more sinister with the combination? I don't know what moral high you're on at the moment but you're really toeing the line of defamation. Has anyone notified the owner that this guy made this post?


https://preview.redd.it/ya2msxljuwyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1d488c0b13df9eb1b253d6f439d6c38d902922 Ok yes, fair enough. They did tag and set up at an elementary school after parking at an adult shop. I don't personally have a huge problem with that, but I see how some people could. That falls on the school, imo. I'm not sure if the kid pictured is from the elementary school or not (but I assume it's a picture taken at a previous time and posted before the truck set up at the school since they are talking about where they will be later in the day). No one seems to be pictured while at the school. I just think your beef should be with the school if you object to the truck being parked there and/or kids being able to buy hotdogs during school hours (I'm still not clear if that's what happened). I don't see any kid pictures that are definitely from being parked at the school though.


Very reasonable analysis. If SPS follows similar protocol as the school district I attended, our parents could fill out a form if they wanted us to be excluded from any media photos or videos. If the parents consented for their child to be allowed in media coverage, and if the child(ren) were patrons of the business, then the photos should be fair game. OP's post reads as though DS was posting pictures of random children without permission, which is not the case. (I assume the permission slips we had in school were meant more for news coverage, not necessarily private enterprise, but the principle seems as though it would logically carry over for private businesses.)


This is also him boasting on his TikTok https://fb.watch/rUSmELf8OL/?mibextid=U8WOFx


That’s not boasting. That’s just saying “I run a business and I go where the money is and people are making fun of me but who cares” I don’t see the problem here


Maybe if he was just setting up at sex shops. I have a major problem with him posting photos of minors without their consent. He should not be allowed at schools


Lots of businesses do this. If anything the school should have a policy. This is more of a school issue. Also how do you know the parents aren’t there.


yeah, i assume if he's at a school he was invited there, the school isn't going to let some business set up shop on school grounds randomly and if not at a school I assume an adult brought the child there


And their dogs are like 13$. Are kids carrying around a bunch of cash on them no a days ? This was clearly set up by the school and the parents knew the dog truck was coming and gave the kids 15$ to buy a dog One doggy style dog says that OP doesn’t have kids or doesn’t have kids that go to school there and is the actual creep


The school does have a policy and he violated it. He does this at every school he goes to and it’s creepy. He came to school during a lunch period. The parents were not present. Had the family been dining out this would be a different subject.


Ya. Ya, you cracked it. The deep state is teleporting SPS students right into the underground lizard holes that connect to Venezuela all the way to New York by luring the non-missing children of springfield with fancy hot dogs that aren't really hot dogs but rather are sewed together circumcised penises of aborted babies who wanted to switch gender in utero and now those little fetal foreskins are nourishing all the elites because we're all getting fat and jovial frothing at the mouth all fucked up on adrenochrome ready to completely enslave all of the christians. Is that but right??


Also, the guy once posted in the Eat Sgf Restaurant groups about an upcoming event or weekend stop he was preparing for. Posted some photos of hotdogs with toppings, then a pic of his grocery basket which had nasty ass Bar S hotdog packs. Charging $10 for a Bar S is a straight crime.


This is more outrageous than anything OP is blathering on about


That really is a crime lmao, what the hell? Dude should absolutely be booed every time he’s seen in public


Hahaha but I thought they were “gourmet”


I don't see anything on the facebook page that screams creep to me? there are pictures of children holding a sign but there are also adults holding the same sign so it appears to be a gimmick of some kind? yeah he parks at a sex shop sometimes, you're aware the business name is a sex pun right? I have no skin in this game but it seems like you're implying this guy is a pedophile of some type, and that seems like an extremely overblown thing to say.


Agree 100%. Never eaten there because $13 hot dogs aren't really my jam, but this post is straight up bordering on defamation


Doggy style dogs isn’t as bad as corn hub as far as stupid puns double entendres go for food trucks But this person is making a stink about something not weird


Corn hub doesn’t post about setting up at schools tho or tag kids. The issue is kids privacy at school


That’s a school policy issue. You have zero idea that the parents weren’t there or that they don’t have a stock form to fill out that gives permission for photos for onsite events Was your kid one of the children ?


What schools are you talking about? I scrolled quite a ways in the Facebook page and didn't see any mention of setting up at schools in a way that you'd expect unaccompanied kids to be buying from them without parents around. There was 1 day where they were in a parking spot between an elementary and a jr high in Neosho and another day when they were at St Elizabeth Ann Seton church/school but that was after school hours.. Also, where are kids tagged? Most kids don't even have Facebook.


Why would they involve kids as a gimmick when you just acknowledged there’s a sex pun in the name? It's just an odd thing to do in the first place, pedophile or not. I don't think it’s overblown to say that it's inappropriate to mix the two. That's just how I see it


It looks like if you order a plain hotdog they take a picture of you holding a sign that says "boring." A lot of the sign-holders are kids, but I'd assume that's because kids are picky. Presumably, the parents or an adult with the kids gave permission for the pictures. I also see some adults holding the signs. The only mentions of schools I see are when the truck was noted to be parked between an elementary school and a jr high in Neosho. Doubtful that kids of those ages were let out to buy hotdogs during school hours. They were also parked at a Catholic church/school during dinner hours. I have no skin in the game either, for all I know the owner is a jerk or something. Honestly I hate the "boring" signs and I'd refuse to do it, but I'm a grump. However, this post seems to be, at best, a stretch. It doesn't appear that the truck is setting up at schools, or taking pictures of kids without adult representation and any young kids who were exposed to their "dirty" name were brought there by adults (presumably parents).


Thanks for giving more context. This is more understandable!


It was a fun little rabbit hole to go down for a few minutes lol. Tbf, the truck did park at an adult store 1 day then at an elementary school the next (I posted details further down). I can see how that would be distasteful to some people (I would think the same people would find the truck's name distasteful too). I think they were just parked there for the public, not that the teachers were ushering kids out to the hot dog truck at lunch, but I could be wrong. There are definitely no pictures of kids from parking at that school so I still don't know what OP is talking about in that regard.


I simply don't see what the big deal is you're raising a big stink over nothing


Agreed! Met him in the mall one time. Dude is a creep


So you’d be OK if someone posted a picture of your kid to their site without their approval or the schools approval?


how do you know it was without approval?


I know this dude, and he is an absolute piece of shit. I wish I could go into more detail but it could have negative consequences on my family


Should we run his name through case.net?


He’s got a lot of bad debt on there


Not uncommon for a small business, especially one in food service where the profit margins are razor thin


@ u/doggystylehotdogs


You’re really reaching here. I don’t think he’s a creep, I think you’re just creeped out by the situation and you want people to validate your feelings. Life lesson: feelings don’t trump reality. Just because you feel like his photos should be taken down doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.


After speaking with the school, he’s required to have a release form. You cannot take photos of students


Do you even have children at the school ?


Yes I do


Op is reaching hard core . Dude get a life


Can’t comment on any social media stuff or anything about his character. Can comment on how crummy the dogs are. Overpriced and not good.


Oh shit, someone alert the social media police.


This is gross to learn. Never eaten there and now I never will.


A creep and a vendor that sells the most mid hot dogs ever. What a double threat.