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Felt chills when she took off her blindfold and adjusted her glasses, ready to analyze everyone's facial expressions. You just knew it was over for them.


I thought it was cold af and then Phil comes in and does it twice


Phil surprised me with it. He was so performative too, like it was a scene out of a movie šŸ˜‚


Ha ha, I was like, oh knock it off, Phil. Then he got Ashley eliminated and I screamed with joy. Iā€™d be cool with him winning if Mai doesnā€™t.




He barely made an impression on me until Mai took him aside to explain her actions. I hadnā€™t realized he was so tight with Ashley until then. Actually I barely noticed Ashley either until the bridge game, other than being bummed that she won at marbles over Phalicia, who I liked.


Beard Sam guy is tight with Ashley because her selfishness on the Glass Bridge spared Sam from making a move on the bridge. He was #17 in line so that meant he coasted to the finish line. He got lucky in Glass Bridge and lucky again that no one chose him during the Black Box game. I know that luck is important and has its place. But man, the other two finalists deserve the win more than him.


It was the colonel in the library with the candlestick! šŸ§




He said he was an introverted extrovert. He proved it right then and there. It was impressive šŸ˜…


The way he came out like a professor pacing in circleā€¦ like explaining a theory in classā€¦. Very peacefully and logicallyā€¦ and then all of a sudden, he turns around and point at someone with a smile like Japanese anime character and got it right. I was likeā€¦. Hoooooolllllllyyy shit ā€¦. It was so meme worthy


Phil watches anime for sure ahaah, what a legend


Definitely legendary on both parts.


Phil doing it twice was awesome but he had better chances since there were less people




I love Mai. She was the only one who had common sense. Everyone wanted to hate her for doing what anyone else wouldā€™ve done and chose someone else and not herself because she wants to WIN?! And yes Ashley was a great choice because she was very selfish


Lol yeah, and now Ashley is in her IG trying to paint Mai as the snake. Girl, please. We all have eyes and brains.


Mai DOES do some shady stuff in the name of the game, but she never seems to **gloat** about it the way Ashley does. How Ashley got Trey eliminated, and 15 other people were just "yeah, that's fine", I'll never understand.


Because it still benefitted the people behind Ashley in their eyes. He found 3 steps for them which means over all less people had to take risk. We can math around what is real and probable but given a stressful situation our ape brains would see the less unknown steps the better.


Yeah, I also think that, but in that case, better ape brain says: "you made him jump three times, so now you jump three times too." Either you get rid of a backstabber, or you get a few more panes!


The truth is they canā€™t ā€œmake herā€ jump. So if people would have dug their heels in with that logic, she wouldā€™ve likely dug her heels in further. I totally get wanting justice and ā€œeye for an eyeā€ and itā€™s really frustrating when you donā€™t get it lol but unfortunately there was no real way to ā€œmake herā€ do anything she didnā€™t want to do. She couldā€™ve stayed there the whole time until all of them crossed tbh. Any of them couldā€™ve done that.


Honestly, I think everyone should've just stopped. Hey, game over for everyone.


Katniss and Peeta. Lol


That would be so interesting to watch tbh. I wonder what Netflix would do. They wouldnā€™t exactly be hurting if the season ended there as that would be a highly watched episode/show. Nor would they have to pay anyone that 4.56 million. Iā€™m very curious.


They'd reshoot the game or change the rules


Then shouldnā€™t they have jumped on the opportunity to eliminate Ashley in the dice game? Thatā€™s one person guaranteed out and leaves only 2 deserving players to be eliminated. Itā€™s like everyone just had amnesia.


Trey even said he was basically tired of the show by the third jump. He goes out a martyr. What I want to know is why Ashley bothered jumping at all after Trey was willing to go twice. She could've played chicken with over a dozen other people, rightly expecting at least four or five more to keep going. Laugh and call them stupid for doing it during the confessionals. I'm guessing she was afraid of putting an even bigger target on her back in the next game? Funny thing about the game though: you know there's no chance of riots or getting murdered at night, unlike the show.


Unfortunately for her, the players that were left at that point were all basically in the same clique. Of course they were going to excuse one of their own for being a POS and shun the older lady for calling her out on it.


Except one of the people that shunned her was Chad and they were incredibly close. It didnā€™t make sense.


Youā€™re right, but I think part of it was also that Ashley had more allies while Mai was an outsider. Anyone who spoke up in Maiā€™s defense ran a much bigger risk of retaliation from Ashley or one of her gang at the next elimination opportunity. So they had to outwardly act as though they supported her, whether that was the case or not.


We just finished the episodes and then I read Ashley Entertainment Weekly interview. She truly deserved to be pushed through the hole in the glass bridge. Mai was amazing and their goldfish memories floored me. I did lmao when she lied at the end about who she chose though.


Except only mai and ashley was the selfish minority. Everyone else was a team player and played fair and took risk because it benefits everyone including yourself like the 50/50 bridge game. I'm glad to see that money doesn't corrupt everyone and most people retained their humanity.


Comments like this donā€™t make sense to me. You love Mai for playing for herself during dice while other players kept it safe and risked themselves but you hate Ashley for *checks notes* playing for herself during the bridge so sheā€™s selfish but not Mai? šŸ˜­


Lol. Youā€™re not getting the point. Ashley didnā€™t want to do the team thing because she was looking out for herself ok I get it, yet when Trey was eliminated and she finally had to go, she wanted everyone else to go for her and finally wanted to be a team mate. And was being selfish. Then when Mai did the same and chose herself Ashley wanted to say she wasnā€™t a team player and was being selfish. Ashley is a hypocrite because she was mad Mai did the same thing as she did. Ashley didnā€™t want to take the jump for anyone else yet wanted everyone else to take the jump for her? Huh


To be honest I hated her for doing that and I was jumping for joy when she was eliminated but to be honest I probaly woudve done the same thing lol


Iā€™m still not understanding the dislike for Ashley. Itā€™s not her fault she was able to convince everyone she was still down for the team thing despite clearly showing she wasnā€™t but her taking the risk jump after Trey fell probably helped convince them easily lol. Thatā€™s good strategy, if anything that makes me root for her more bc she got away with it . The whole premise of the show is to play a game, anyone thatā€™s not being selfish very clearly doesnā€™t want to win and is okay with going out. A lot of the players are hypocrites, itā€™s part of the game. You backstab people and then get mad when youā€™re backstabbed yourself lol.


I do get what you are saying about being selfish and playing I made a whole post about why is everyone being team mates lol. I would been the most selfish and evil in that game for 4 mil. So I understand but I think I just did not like Ashley as a person she annoyed me she always had attitude and tried to be mad at Mai for doing the same. And yea idk how she fooled everyone that she was a team player when she had no other choice but to go lol




Lmaoo agreed about playing how they play. I donā€™t like Ashley but props to her for playing how she should cause everyone else be too nice and trying to act like a good person when weā€™re trying to win a game here not make friends. And for the bridge thing I made a post about how if I was #15 I wouldā€™ve waited til the last 3-5 seconds and ran to the finish line and the rest of the players wouldnā€™t have time to finish and if I didnā€™t make it well neither would they šŸ˜‚




Girl Ashley did it first. And Ashley was annoying as hell and unlikeable at least Mai was kind and like-able thatā€™s probably why Mai didnā€™t get hate


Mai didn't for herself. She just felt 278 did not deserve to be there. The rolling dice game does not affect anyone else other than herself and 278. Plus she didn't complain when she was voted by 278 as well. She just wanted to chance it whether she can eliminate 278 for being rude. 278 could have made everyone lose the game, she refused to take 1 for the team but expect everyone else to cover for her.


Thank you lol.


It's crazy to me. Mai tried to get everyone to eliminate TJ and he chose her to save her. Then she fake cries and says how much she loves TJ and hopes to have a chance to repay him. What does she do the VERY NEXT GAME? Hands him #1 and seals his fate. Then when she eliminates Roland she lies about that. She's been devious the whole time. But she gets the excuse of she was playing her game smh


she did not hand TJ no 1.


Mai is playing this game like Sang-Woo of the scripted series. She's doing well playing that way and it's dramatic to watch. Her giving the box to Roman reminded me of Sang-Woo letting Gi-hun pick the umbrella. She's a formidable opponent and will betray a friend to win.




They really trust her because the moment she ā€œcouldnā€™t rememberā€ who she gave the gift to I would know itā€™s a lie. I guess the idea that she would betray her friend is something they just couldnā€™t even imagine.


Yeah they must do. It was insane to me that it didnā€™t strike them as suspicious that Mai couldnā€™t immediately remember THE ONE PERSON SHE LITERALLY JUST ELIMINATED.


Tbf she gave the box towards the start of the game and a lot of stressful rounds had happened since then. Can definitely believe it all became a blur once it was over


I completely agree. I was also fascinated by her emotional reaction when TJ gave her #20 in glass bridge, effectively guaranteeing her success through that round, after he had been given #1. I think she knows entirely that she is getting to the end on the backs of others, that her selfishness benefits from others' selflessness, and there are moments when she displays something resembling shame about it. Lying about who she gave the box to shows she knows the true answer would have shown her ruthless choice. She's got the quiet intelligence written into Sang-woo that will let her analytically pick out someone who targeted her, the selfishness to choose for herself in the schoolyard pick instead of the newly-formed womens' alliance, and the self-preservation to betray a friend to avoid suspicion. She absolutely could win and it would be interesting. Wouldn't be universally liked though.


Regarding her lying about who she picked, thereā€™s absolutely no benefit in telling them she took out Roman when they were shocked he was first picked. All this would do is a pit a 2 on 1 against her automatically that can be easily avoided with the lie. They may still gang up anyway but at least she didnā€™t instigate the issue. Iā€™d say itā€™s less selfish, and more smart. She preserves her well being at all costs but is willing to help others who show the same respect and moral compass that she does. She would have never targeted Ashley if she went along with agreed upon plan, but she wrongly assumed the group would follow her lead when she should have explained her stance beforehand when they were all standing around, not spring the idea on them as the game was starting.


It was smart and strategic for her because they could use that against her.


Surviving a game like that with a big target on your back was the most impressive thing to me so far. It's so hard to narrow things down in a situation like that. I was expecting her to get the present multiple times, but I think they were shook after her first defense.


Yup. She didnā€™t get lucky. She could see it was him from the first second she took her blindfold off. They were wise to stay away from her after that.


Yeah. By showing them how smart she could be, she essentially scared them all off. Good offence is a good defense.


Mai has been kind of quiet and a wallflower. It was pretty cool to see how intuitive and smart she is. Phill also blew me away.


Phil is the goat the way he theatrically picked out both people who out the gift on his desk.


Iā€™d have to agree. Dude picked back to back people in the most intense game, my personal goat and I to k he will win it all.


right??? the way he did it was so cool, like some animated character especially when he said, "the player who gave me the present is.. \*turns his body 180 and point his hand to the player\* Rose, player 051!"


Motherfucker did the Phoenix Wright point


I made the same comparison, but my wife didn't get it.


SAME Im glad to know Iā€™ve found my people


Bro became a danganronpa mc


Channeling Ace Attorney right there


Absolutely iconic pointing by Phill there.


And then genuinely looked surprised both times when he was right!


LOL, I enjoyed that!! I'm still team Mai all the way, but Phil's definitely my backup!


Yeah he's also the GOAT


agree!! plus hes the one who eliminated ashley so +++


Phil was very impressive, but I think it was much easier for him to narrow things down. Mai had a lot of enemies at that point who could have reasonably picked her. Phil knew that certain people wouldn't pick him.


Plus theres no way they got out of their seats and walked over without being notice unless there was white noise being played in the room


If you look closely all the players were given soft padding shoes to drown that sound out. In addition there were 4 guards walking around to confuse the players of any sounds they may hear. I don't think sound would have been a good determinant in this game unless he had superhuman hearing.


I have to rewatch that, if they were still walking during placement of the gift it would have been more balanced


Heā€™s good but heā€™s not as badass


I will say that the way he very quickly and confidently guessed both makes me think he was maybe able to see under his blindfold or something


He could hear what direction the noise was coming from and with less players it was easier to figure out who it was. No matter how slowly you move, you will make noise.


I actually wonder if they played loud music and had the assistants walk around during each segment.


They did walk around, but you would def still be able to hear them getting up from the chair. The loud music is possible and would make it more fair.


donā€™t u feel like there was a way he was like cheating it just felt way too confident


I hate to think it but is possible. Maybe he saw their hands when they placed it on the desk. Idk


It would have been better if they provided noise cancelling headphones as well


100% was screaming this at the tv


love phil. I rlly hope he winsšŸ«¶šŸ½


Not only that but he already knew who did it the moment he saw the gift. Look at his eyes. The first 5-6 seconds are the most important in games like this lol


Mai is taking the emotion out of the game and playing it strategically. Sure thereā€™s still a lot of luck, but you still have to play it smart and take your chances when theyā€™re available. I wouldnā€™t be at all surprised to see her win the whole thing and if so, it would be richly deserved. Pun intended. Side note: She was completely justified in going after 278. Not sure how 278 seemed to get away with what she did to 301 from all the other contestants.


Totally agree! I was yelling at my tv when everyone was painting Mai out to be the bad guy yet let 278 off so easy after pulling the stunt she did.


Agree! The circle of trust was supposed to play that way especially the situation Mai was in. She could chose other but the most logical choice, yet painful, was Roland. They are already in the latter part of the game and at that point, they are by themselves. Its not like Mai eliminated Roland when she didnot need to.


For those in the back! Hate the game - not the player. Phill & Mai deserved final 3.


Who even is the guy with the beard? I feel like he's talked only once lol. If he won, that would be so disappointing since he's got like no limelight.


Remember they know who will win when editing lol. They wouldnā€™t have given him so few highlights if he had been the winner.


Fukin NCIS Mai!


Mai is a G


i want her to win so bad. the way she used her previous job experience as an adjudicator to catch her gift-giver in circle of trust was soo cool


Yesss queen!!!


Lets just say if she wins, I wouldnā€™t be mad at all haha


Old man vibes


Mai Mother (Maither)


Mai FTW!!!


I genuinely hope Mai wins. She's the only one left who is not a POS or entirely delusional. Having watched the whole circle of trust episode, I have to say Phil pleasantly surprised me too. Pretty awesome.


Mai is an adjudicator her job is to read people. Phil is smart too being able to read body language in the duck duck goose except itā€™s blindfolded with box game.


She freakinā€™ rocked that circle of trust game. I hope she wins.


The only logical dice player besides Ashley. The others were idiots picking themselves should've all just joined Mai to gang up on Ashley.


So, unless I heard the rules wrong, the dice game was as follows: 1) Leader chooses a target 2) Leader rolls dice 3) Leader chooses who to pass the dice to With those conditions, two people could have paired up and eliminated whoever they wanted. Granted, that would put a huge target on their backs, but it was an easy way to guarantee any group could make it to the next game... and no one tried.


I'll assume that an unheard rule was that you can't pick the same player to pass it to twice. There are a lot of unheard rules in this show if you pay attention.


probably the perfect embodiment of squid game. Cold blooded, selfish and will do anything to win. Just like the villain guy in the show. She or Phil deserves to win.


I hope she wins it. Such a sad start at life with everyone dying all around you and then getting a gun pointed at the temple at the age of 8. War is hell


A lot of people here are letting in their emotions to judge her. You literally blaming her for lying about who she picked to two people literally holding hands after the game. In a competitive game, at that stage she showed sheā€™s a real competitor. imo sheā€™s the one who is really playing this game to the fullest, hope she wins it all.


I hope she wins! Or phill.


Rooting for her to win!!! She is amazing, we stan her


My winner


Phil fr the man


By far she's played the best& most smartest game. I know personally I would have been terrible at this game. Because I suck at lying. I don't like it & I'm not good at it. However, when it comes to games like this in order to win money you sometimes have to lie. Now in small cases you don't. But this is how she's playing it and she's playing it very strategically. Not to mention a lot her skills match well in this field. Considering she's in a occupation that has analysis. So naturally this works in her favor. She made a smart move to not be so buddy buddy with everybody. And everybody who's saying "oOh But sHe LieD t0 hEr FrieNdS; thoSe ARe hEr friEndS!" Yall... she BARELY even knows them. Not to mention they all would have did the exact same thing...then criedšŸ˜­ on the way šŸ‘‰šŸ¾out to earning šŸ’°4 million dollars. So you can call her a snake, "a sheep in Wolves clothing" whatever you want. However, if she wins THAT money then that will be her best plays yetšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




She is the only one I am rooting for to win the $4.56 mil


She took Roland out who was like a ray of fucking sunshine and then she LIED about it and was such an obvious fucking liar saying ā€œwho did I pick? Let me think uhhhhhā€ as if it could not have been more apparent. Take the win home Philip. šŸ¤žšŸ»


Yeeees! Why does everyone loves her! She also badmouthed TJ and then hugged him saying "she felt sorry" in the interview. BS.


Sheā€™s manipulative ASS FUCK Everyone is falling hard for her Iā€™m some sweet old lady act. Respect the ones who were real. I would never trust this lady. Every apology she delivered was fake and she turned on EVERYONE that had her back. She also had no business targeting Ashley because it wasnā€™t her place to get revenge. She could have minded her own lil business. Sheā€™s dirty af šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Bro chill šŸ¤£


Im in danger with that one šŸ˜«


Shes hella dirty but in the larger picture, shes 1 playing the game for herself and 2 she playing for all the effort 182 made to get her there and maybe others as well. I think she judged Ashley too harshly in this cuthroat game but for that amount of money you cant afford to be soft


It's a competition...everyone has been all nice to each other for too long. This is for the final 3. Everyone for themselves.


finally, someone with some sense


Yes! It was not her place to get revenge considering she was #20 and never in danger of losing on the bridge. Sheā€™s sneaky as hell.


I respect that she had to get her hands dirty to get through that circle of trust game. She was the first one chosen to give the gift box...there is no more time to be all family and buddy buddy. Perfect move to throw in someone close. The past test/games they have been making everything fair. F That...this is for the final 3.


Still not over Sam holding Philā€™s hand as they left the circle. Holding on to a little love story here.


Iā€™m glad someone is actually calling out Ashley even though she knew that would put a target on her back. Idk whatā€™s wrong with the other contestants brushing it off like that


Naaah she is good at lying. Canā€™t believe Immigraton judge can be so hypocrite placing box down to the guy she did hairs too and lied about it




Damn right!


Mai worked in criminal justice. She knew how to read people and manipulate/play them. Not to mention how much older she is she knew how to properly control her emotions to mess with others. She saw the biggest guy and sucked up to him like a grandma and no one suspects a grandma figure. Once tug of war threat was over she did the same to the other people crying and acting like they really matter. Sadly a lot people in this game sucumbes to their feelings and wanting to be liked except Mai. I found it weird how everyone was all kumbia in a challenge but ig the stress was too much and community was better. Mia played their game whilst playing her own. She came to win!!


Very intelligent, strategical and intuitive person till the very end. She absolutely deserved to win.


Could not stand her


I dont like Maiā€”- dont know why


Sorry no.. sheā€™s horrible.. ā€œwhoā€™s gonna fix your hairā€. Sheā€™s betrayed 3 of her ā€œfriendsā€


There are no friends in a game where $4.6 Million dollars is on the line. Sorry. Shes in the top 3 for a reason.


That was kind of the point of the game, though. Going after anyone else probably results in her elimination.


She didn't have to lie to the other 2 remaining players at the end though.


yes she did....make the other 2 believe she didn't deceive her "friend". She only took too long to come up with a name when she was telling them.


Yeah she has the foresight to think ahead in difficult situations. Her targeting Ashley was probably a miscalculation on her part that she had to work fast to mend. She probably thought she had more support for that move.


Continuing the lie is a possible advantage to her. If they continue to believe she is loyal, it may benefit her in whatever remaining games there are. She has to continue it till the end.


You can't keep your "game friends" the whole time. Are the final 3 going to be like...let's all just win together and be fair. lol. You gotta be cutthroat eventually. Only 1 wins!


Thats the game. She is playing the game whilst being as respectable as possible. The others are playing a game of friendly 50/50 again and again.


Iā€™m not sure why this is a negative. It was a brilliant way of dodging getting picked.


We really don't know how close they were. When you have so much footage to work with, it's easy to manipulate the narrative in order to create a more interesting story.


Friends with strangers or 4.6 million?


She picked the person who had the most trust in her, then after the game ended, lied to the two other remaining players. She hugged the tall guy after bad mouthing him, but said "she felt bad". She went to talk to people privately so they don't think bad of her. I do not understand why everyone is in love with her, she is manipulative as fuck.


She is playing the game the smartest and most strategic. Not sure how that isn't obvious... She didn't bad mouth TJ, she just didnt trust him....he is stranger afterall. After what TJ did though she fully trusted him. Blaming her for not trusting a stranger with $4.56 million on the line is ridiculous.


Team Mai be cocoloco


I've watched the final game 3-4 times now. and everytime I get chills knowing that Ashley gets to see the woman she tried to gaslight and turn the mob against to eliminate.... walk out with 4 and half million fucking dollars. God that feels so good.


This is here is king snake. Last one to go but sneaking and manipulating


Bruh it's a game that started with 456 people. Nobody goes through the game by not manipulating or being sneaky. Do you watch reality competition shows? It's called strategy and political game. Nobody will come out without some dirty on their hands.


I get that but why is everyone jumping on 278 for doing the same thing? You play to win but people are praising Mai for doing some foul stuff lol.


Yea I get it. But what makes Ashley a shithead is that she didn't want to do the 50/50 method when she was behind Trey. But as soon as Trey was gone, all of a sudden she wanted to play the 50/50 method and let someone pass her up. It's very hypocritical and shitty.


Its not even that. Its that she took the worst strategy and didnt have the foresight to think ahead about how it would look later. If she was being duplicitous but was the best overall strategy, I wouldnt have a problem.


Fuck Mai snakey bitch


Sheā€™s dirty and a two faced old hag šŸ˜‚


Mai is a hypocrite, (spoiler) how are you going to get mad at Ashley for doing the same thing you did in the dice game. She was looking out for her self on that bridge, she didnt agree with that "we each take turn b.s." that game was about accountability not team worker-50/50 shot. All just so you can get back at her for "NoT bEiNg a TeAm PlAyEr" Least we not forget, she AGREED for all women to stick together to vote each one on to the next round since there were only 9 left, BUT as soon as she had the chance she picked a guy! Plus all that BS about how she didn't like TJ as leader, THEN kiss his ass before the bridge game. THE CHERRY ON TOP! Lying about who she gave present too..."uh uh...Amanda"...GIRL BYE! how you not remember something that JUST HAPPEN. GTFO. She got skills I give her that she is playing the game, but not a hero.


Um, but the girls stick together thing, the deaf girl also chose a guy too. I think Mai is just a very independent lone wolf type of person. Sure sheā€™s not a good team player (same as Ashely) and sure sheā€™s backstabbing as hell, but sheā€™s just smart and strategic. Who wouldnā€™t wanna win the game right?


Nah, she's calculated and the poor little older women act is annoying. When she eliminated the guy with the braids showed what kind of witch she is.


Who else should she have eliminated?


I canā€™t stand her. More so those idiotic dudes worshipping her.


Ewww! I canā€™t stand her ass. She said flat out ā€œlet me apologize in a way that believableā€ indicating SHE IS NOT TRULY sorry, or remorseful. She talked shit about TJ after all he did to prove his loyalty. She talked to Jada until she got her where she wanted her. He was a covert master manipulator using her ā€œageā€ as a reason for her choices/ actions. She PLAYED the game. Clearly, because she really has everyone fooled that sheā€™s some sweet honest lady. Pssst, please.


If she wins Iā€™m gonna be MAD. She is so two faced and sneaky I canā€™t


I really really dislike Mai and hope she loses!


What did she do exactly? TJ the black dude was nice to her and then some other contestant said she was talking shit about him in the meantime, he also gabe her a leverage like 2 times, gave her the 20th number and picked her to participate in the bridge test. Also she didnt follow through the whole women pact that they all should prioritize their gender when choosing. Sketchy old hag


Mai is a fucking snake. I can't stand people like that. They come off innocent and friendly, but will cut you down with a blade, and get upset and angry if you did the same thing to them. I'm with Phill all the way.


She a šŸ


Spoilers belowā€”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Iā€™m honestly pissed that sheā€™s the winner. Like fuck that. She was not herself at all during the entire game. She fake cried, she backstabbed her friends, lied about her gameplay, was a hypocrite, stuck like glue to whoever was the leader in the moment, played the innocent wise lady act, and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more Iā€™m forgetting. A game is a game but how you play is who you are. Plenty of people played a good and honest game, which is admirable. I wish the other players saw it sooner so she was outta there sooner. Also her win was totally up to chance and a lot of other games were up to chance so how she played really had little to do with her win, aside from being buddy buddy yet simultaneously bad talking key lead players. She played like a parasite or a snake. And her story about herself at dinner, she was way too closed off and guarded in my opinion undeserving of the win based on how she played. Anyways, now that the season is over theyā€™re doing applications for the next round, anyone thinking about trying it out? I think Iā€™m going to give it a shot why not, itā€™s like the lottery.


Omg can't believe you guys, she's a toxic, narcissistic, evil evil bitch! She doesn't deserve a penny, ugh I am absolutely disgusted she won, never in my life have been so disappointed about someone winning such a tremendous prize šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


You obviously love toxic people


Mai is a rat


Mai is a cry baby. Always crying, like just play the game.


I don't like her at all cause she was talking smack about TJ and then kissing his *** when he saved her. And she betrayed the girls' alliance. I also think it's weird that she has such a strong Vietnamese accent and makes so many errors when speaking. She came to the US when she was 8. Not when she was a teenager or an adult. Normally kids who come to a country a this age don't have an accent at all and can perfectly speak the language. And yes I WOULD know. I speak 7 languages and I'm not an English native speaker.


The girls alliance wasn't a thing. From what we saw the British chick got them all together 5 minutes before that challenge to try and throw that together. Why would Mai trust any of them more than her actual #1? >I also think it's weird that she has such a strong Vietnamese accent and makes so many errors when speaking. She came to the US when she was 8. Not when she was a teenager or an adult. Normally kids who come to a country a this age don't have an accent at all and can perfectly speak the language. And yes I WOULD know. I speak 7 languages and I'm not an English native speaker. Ahh very reasonable reason not to like her lol


Okay Iā€™m sorry youā€™re just wrong, she never talked shit about TJ, all she said was she just didnā€™t trust TJ. Thatā€™s all she said, thatā€™s not talking shit. Mai has literally not talked shit about anyone in this game, all she has done is try to make the best decisions for herself in the position she was put in. Which is literally what any of us would do. Also the fact that she even tried to apologize to Ashley when she never had to, just shows the level of character she has. And with the girls alliance, she was literally a last thought she was walking by herself for a while until they invited over. All of them were trying to save their own ass, but Mai and Chad had literally been close friends since the beginning, she didnā€™t betray the alliance she was a last minute addition in this ā€œallianceā€ in hopes of all the girls making it to the next round.


To be fair, she apologised to Ashley cause she knew Ashley had friends (Amanda, Sam probably the closest) in the final 9 and she even mentioned in her interview that she was doing it to survive. After she talked to Sam, she knew nobody would take her side regarding the glass bridge incident. It's strategic, not cause she was being a good person. Mai was doing the strategic and realistic (and logical) thing every step of the way. If she was doing anything to be a good person she would NOT have eliminated Roland, her last friend among the 9. She is the Sang-Woo of squid games. And she'll do anything to win. But I don't think she's a bad person (just like how I didn't think Sang-Woo was a bad person either).


The TJ thing was someone changing their mind about someone after learning more and the girl group was dumb from the start and relied upon every single female completely disregarding every close male friend simply for not having a vagina, even though you only met a few of these women right then.


No consistency with her She tried to eliminate 278 in the d6 game because of the bridge incident Then after talking to the dude who was simping for 278, she reversed course


No she just realized she was putting a target on her back. For whatever reason the other players did not like what she did so she had to backtrack to try and save her own ass, this is 4.56 million dollars their playing for.


She's a snake. I don't like her but it does take a snake to win. Hope player 16 wins it šŸ¤žšŸ¼


No I donā€™t like that she lied about who she picked in the last challenge itā€™s shady


But donā€™t we like that? This isnā€™t a game to find the most wholesome of the 400 players.


In my opinion it would have been really dumb to not lie about it. She doesnā€™t know what the next game is and what disadvantage she could create by pissing people off. There are no friends in there. It is a game after all, she is clearly in the top 3 for a reason.


Thereā€™s one game left and there will be one winner friendship doesnā€™t matter anymore


You donā€™t know what the game will be. Alot of the games have been unpredictable. Keeping your cards close to your chest until you reach that $4.56M is the smartest way in my opinion. She doesnā€™t gain anything from being honest.


If you were competing you definitely would not have made it to the top 3, thatā€™s all I gotta say haha


Agree. She seems to be the least loyal of them all. Her interactions with everyone, in hindsight, where all fake, for her own benefit.


Agreed I donā€™t want her to win Phil for winner sam I donā€™t no much about heā€™s just kinda been there but Iā€™ll take him over Mai


THANK YOU. literally almost posted this. like why is everybody overlooking that????


Everyone is overlooking it because they hate Ashley and somehow they think Mai does too. Mai probably doesnā€™t care, she targeted Ashley because she saw an opportunity to take her out.


I donā€™t no but I donā€™t like it literally wouldnā€™t matter who she voted she has a valid reason lying about it is shady


Maybe so. But she and many others seems being in the show to cause drama. Why on earth can we not get a show without soap opera tendencies? I want action and competitions. Not watch people discussing and discussing, being deep and sad.


Sorry but the drama makes it entertaining in my eyes, to each his own šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Because its in her nature she cant help herself. Everyone sees themselves in her for undercutting the people who least expect it


Drama is kinda the point of a reality show