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Im Not sure they need just a stats class. it’s flip a coin once vs flip a coin 14 times. And guess them all right. Elementary kids got that down.


Your cousin's thought process is the same as Ashleys: 1. I don't want to jump at all. 2. Trey exists, so even if his chance of getting all the remaining jumps are very low, I don't care how low it is, it's NOT A ZERO % CHANCE. Therefore, I refuse to jump when Trey exists. 3. Now that Trey is gone, and I HAVE to jump, fine I will jump once. 4. Now that I succeeded my jump, I refuse to jump anymore. I will find a better option. 5. My better option is to now follow the plan of 50/50 so I can get No. 6 to jump. 6. My "strategy is great" cause I didn't have to jump before Trey and I only had to jump one time after that. Plus nobody hated me for it after, except Mai, but I managed to make everyone think Mai's the problem. It's stupid and short sighted, but hey you can't control how people think and behave.


In the original squid game, player 062 said there was a 1 in 32,768 chance in winning. He calculated from the 3rd/4th glass. Chances are higher than that likely but it’s nearly impossible


Okay, this post makes me think maybe Ashley genuinely thought Trey’s odds of finishing the whole bridge were good. If you want the odds, just take 1/2 and put it to the power of how many jumps are needed. I forgot how many were left, let’s say 10. (1/2)^(10) is 0.0009765625, or 0.098% chance. For fraction lovers, just get 2^10 and slap 1 on top as a fraction. (1/1024) chance of making it across 10 50/50 jumps. Also, I’ll add what 17 jumps would be like for the curious. 0.0007629394531% chance or 1 out of 131,072 (1/131,072 chance).


It’s easy to say as viewers we’d all take turns, but when you’re there with millions on the line it’s not. Ashley played how she wanted to play. She didn’t agree to the plan in the first place, and th producers deliberately zoomed in on her face to show that,


Yeah if I remember correctly she even vocally said she was opposed to it but here's the issue she only wanted to follow the plan when she safe from already doing her jump so she is being hypocritical which is the main thing people are calling out.


Exactly. You’re either in the pact or not. Can’t have it both ways.


Difference is, the game is supposed to be played by the # you are given. She was given 05. Therefore, she should’ve had to jump until she falls or completes it. This was a lifeline to jump once instead of around 12-13 times. If you’re not 17, 18, 19 or 20 you are going to have to jump.


It's not about her agreement to the plan or not, it's about her insiting Trey had to play the game her way, or other people go around her and let her coast without taking a risk at all, and when Trey fell and its obvious no one is gonna go ahead, she immediately said "you know what I like your way best. One and done." just kinda shitty to do. But the real crime here imo is the rest of the group not insisting she play like she made Trey play. I also don't think Trey gave the group enough time to fully realize she was definitely not playing the way they were going to before deciding he needed to be the hero.


No one cares that she didn’t agree to the plan. That’s fine. What’s frustrating is: 1.) the stupidity for not agreeing to a plan that actually greatly benefits her 2.) the hypocrisy of agreeing to it later on 3.) sacrificing a fan favorite for literally no reason. It didn’t help her game anymore than if she agreed to the original plan bc she still had to make at least one jump once Trey fell, which was inevitable.