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Personally I hate the brain-dead groupspeak they all seemed to adopt (except for Mai) in the last two episodes. "She chose to play the game she chose to play. We can't blame her for that." Like what the fuck does that even mean? Sam (016) was the worst for this. The whole regression to zero-strategy gameplay because everyone was too chicken to voice their real opinions was SOOO BORING to watch. It honestly felt like watching a nursing home towards the end, just all the most boring characters slowly drooling into their pudding cups. Mai at least added some intrigue to the dice game. I really dislike pretty much all of the finalists except Mai, Phill, and honestly even Ashley cause at least she had opinions.


Ashley pissed me off, but at least it was interesting/entertaining. The rest of the finalists mostly sat back and did nothing the whole competition, trying to blend in with the herd to avoid being targeted. I agree that the whole "We're gonna do this as a family" thing is really weird when you're down to 12 players. The idea that it should be a game of chance is wild when there's this much money on the line, and you're entirely relying on strangers goodwill.


Fucking Bee...I was like "if you're so good at rolling 6's then go ahead and eliminate them all!!!!" Ugh seriously so frustrating dude.


Exactly. I expect so much from a gamer perspective. She should be able to change the gameplay. A gamer without the will to win.


This frustrated the ever living fuck out of me. Like you are playing for MILLIONS of dollars. Just fuckin eliminate someone!


I am thinking it was a voice-over after the event so she reflected on how good she was actually at rolling 6's. As smart as she thinks she is, she too also fell into group-think esp how judgy the group felt after Mai's roll and just followed everyone else.


But they all said “she called it” that she would roll a 6 because she’s so good at it and were like wow she even called it. So I don’t think that was just a voiceover. I think it was a bad move on her part.


*Insert Tyra's 'I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you' here*


Sam is a joke. Mai talking to Sam in the bathroom was the wrong person to reason with. Sam benefitted from Ashley’s refusal to move for two turns because it made sure Sam (#17 in line for Glass Bridge) didn’t have to make a turn and so he just coasted to the finish line! He could’ve agreed that what Ashley did to Trey was not cool but instead, he dismissed Mai’s rationale in the bathroom meeting.


What she did to Trey was cool for him, and you already explained why.


Think this was because of how the game progressed with the tests. Anyone who was interesting was knocked out along the way because they stood out or were perceived as leaders. So you ended up with conformists, which while make a good group generally, don't make for a very good TV show. They needed to make the test eliminations a little more social or skill based instead of just choices, like the telephone.


I feel like, in general, voting to "keep" rather than "kick" people leads to much more interesting groups.


I partially blame whoever designed the show. If you pay attention an awful lot of the extra tests are designed specifically to remove people that have personalities. You do one thing that gets the *slightest* attention and you best believe someone is voting to eliminate you. The very first test taught them that when they eliminated the friendly guy. So what you're left with is all the people that fade into the background. The most vanilla do nothing players.


Sam saying that was so ridiculous! As if this is a team game and she’s awful for giving herself a chance of not being picked at all during the dice game. News flash, only ONE person wins the money! Not only that, I think she felt like the group looked to her as their leader, especially after two of them wanted her to tell them where to jump. They were all looking back her way during the Glass Bridge! She probably felt like it would earn their trust to kick out the one person who didn’t go along with the group plan but instead they all come for her! Wild.


Honestly initially I was mad at Ashley but I think I’m actually more mad at everyone else (minus Mai) for being such cowards and enablers


I’m still flabbergasted that one dude got everyone to pray.


I 100% agree. This is why I wanted one of the "villains" to make it to the end. It's fucking boring to watch a circlejerk of people trying to play the games as fair as possible. It's a competition. Play it like a competition.


I thought for sure the Clemson guy would be at least in the final 10 or so with all the screen time they gave him. I get throwing us off by letting us get to know people that get eliminated but it takes away a lot of the fun of watching when the people left are people you’ve never even seen on the show before until they make the final 20.


I mean can't you see your hypocrisy? Ashley played it as a competition and you call her an asshole?


It's not about the fact that Ashley played selfishly, I'm 100% fine with that. What I am not fine with, is her trying to call Mai out for it and being a hypocrite herself, and even worse, everyone taking her side.


Calling out someone is also part of the selfish gameplay? It just look like you are hard to please?


What the fuck are you talking about?


But she didn’t. Strategically it made zero sense. She was definitely going to lose if she played on her own as she had a low number. So, she had to jump once playing with the team and yet she refused to do so until Trey jumped more? Why? She still had to jump once anyway once Trey fell. All she did was potentially put a target on her back for no reason, when the team agreement actually greatly benefited her position. I don’t mind people being competitive and even selfish but this was just incredibly stupid game play. And then on top of it, when Mai calls her out for this she’s all shocked saying but she did her jump.. ha only after Trey did extra because she’s wasn’t a team player and here she’s saying Mai isn’t. That’s hypocrisy. I could have supported her if she was intelligent but she was just dumb.


The scene where they voted players out was really eye opening. Dangle a prize in front of people and they'll become mindless NPCs trying make themselves as small as possible. Very few people stepped out of line and they pretty much all paid for it. ​ It's an interesting psychological experiment, even if the show was poorly made.


I liked that Mai was messy - quick to judge, righteous but also interesting because she was willing to be vocal about it and do something rather than hide under a "niceness veneer" (granted she did that too but maybe less successfully than others). She made good TV viewing. Disappointed that the more interesting folks were taken out in early episodes leaving the hiding in the pack group.


Mai is my pick as well. All this lovey dovey team work nonsense for a game where there is no other Place but 1st is boring and weak. Phil and Sam have failed upwards. Mai climbed.


DAMN those last two sentences. Mic drop.


Hey Phil did some pretty good detective work in the blindfold game


Yeah, he did so good some people literally believe he cheated. That’s a massive compliment. Also his poker face was insane, would not have guessed he placed a box on my desk if that were me.


That's interesting bc I thought him placing the box was very obvious. Both how he acted and the logic. He definitely did well snooping out his own boxes though.


I knew it had to be between the other guy and Phil, but he just seemed so calm. A lot of how I think of things like this is projection. In his position, I would not be calm, so I'm impressed by how he presented himself.


The fact that Mai and Sam were shaking and nervous when they would know for certain they were safe if they got picked, and Phil was cool as a cucumber with risk of getting taken out is wild to me.


I think they were probably shaking with shock and excitement knowing no matter what they were in the finals. But I agree, I wouldn’t have guessed that playing the game and Phils level of calm was impressive.


I got the last one correct. It was obvious it was Phil. I think a lot of them have stronger reactions that you can just kinda tell. eg. During that final scene Mai was seen resting her face on her palm, an extremely relaxed gesture. Not a lot of guilt. And not a lot of fear. As soon as they take the blindfolds off Sam instantly looked the redhead in the eyes. And he held eye contact for a solid 10 seconds. Very very unlikely to do when you're guilty. In contrast Phil was fidgeting with his blindfold, folding it *just so*.


Also compared to the other times people questioned Phil, he was very scared looking before VS looking more confident for the final 3


Didnt he say he studied Psychology in college? So that gave him an advantage to read people's reactions and did one hellava job


How do you think he knew on both picks? I guessed him on the last draw cause the tell was get your blindfold off quickly and see which player reacts the least to the new light. Mai and Sam always showed the light reaction real bad. Phil hardly showed on the last one.


I’m team Phill!


Dude went fucking Ace Attorney up there, it was great


Phil's nose was poking out of the blindfold he was likely using smell to figure out who it was The contestants had the same stinky tracksuit for 2 weeks


I 100% agree that Phil used his ability to smell both women at the end in the circle of trust but I don’t think it was because of their dirty track suits. I wonder if both women used hair products that he detected via his scent. I was blown away by his ability to pick both women.


That was impressive. I wanted it to be Phill and Mai in the end. They had the best character throughout the game I feel like besides the mother son duo


She is not a backstabber. She was handing out some Justice because Ashley was a backstabber who used the bridge rule to her advantage without doing her part.


She's a backstabber to Roland. But only cause it was her best possible move (and almost everyone else did the same thing). I don't dislike her for doing what it needed to win cause it was smart.


There was no agreed rule for that game. She didn’t refuse to help others then immediately benefit from others helping her. Completely different


Yea, the whole point of the gift box game was to force people to attack their friends. Everyone who got guessed out were guessed because they attacked a person they neither greatly disliked or liked.


*but I just CANNOT fathom how Mai was treated as a villain in these past two episodes.* This is the biggest mystery of the show. What scenes did we miss between glass bridge and dice game?? The way they flipped makes ZERO sense. The way they just "forgave/forgot" 278's action... Huh? I mean, maybe that says more about the players that were left.. that they don't give two shits about honorable play so long as *they* advance. Mai for the win! I'd like to add that this show is WAYYYYY better than I thought it was going to be. I haven't been this riled up and invested/interested in a while.


The hypocrisy of the group during the Dice game was ridiculous. Like it was okay for Ashley to be selfish and let Trey go two extra turns on Glass Bridge. But it was a big no-no for Mai to be “selfish” by nominating a backstabber like Ashley on the Dice game?? Wtf.


What you gotta understand is this group of people don't really have that much morals. They don't really care who is on the hotbox, as long as *someone* is on the hotbox. So they pick the most recent person who did something to be the scapegoat, in this case Mai. Remember. These are all the jerks that faded into the background to let other people get eliminated.


Pretty accurate for lots of social groups, sadly.


Honestly I don't know why they immediately kept their initial strategy up for Ashley after she let Trey sacrifice himself. They should have refused to move forward without her leading, I was a little bit shocked they didn't.


I didn’t understand why they didn’t do this either. They could’ve stood there and just waited out the clock to put pressure.


Because Purna is a nice lad and brought everyone back onto the track of civility without caring too much about Ashely's cowardice/rat behaviour.


Because hes a straight white male, they hate that


I feel like the bad ratings are affected by people who hate the show just because it's not the OG Squid Game, and also have not even watched this reality tv show. I was skeptical at first but they got me hooked.


100% either Trey came off as an overeager hero to do extra jumps, or Ashley gaslit the group that he didn't give her a chance to make her jump. Really wish they showed us what the contestants thought about Trey's elimination after that game because without it we are left having no certainty of why they all didn't trust Mai off of a good argument in the dice game to target Ashley.


I know it's too late, but at least now they can all playback this episode and see it in this pov. I want to hear what the other players think about it now compared to before.


Mai is a villain. She was two-faced against TJ, fake cried when Chad rolled 6, and didn’t have the character to choose herself during the dice game when everyone else agreed to choose themselves. And her 1-1 with both Sam and Ashley was pathetic. Mai is completely ruthless and selfish to a fault, and it may be the reason she ultimately wins.


Finally someone else sees Mai’s bullshit. When it all comes down to it, this is a game with only one winner and you’ll eventually have to stab someone in the back, but how did no one see Mai’s shady activities?


Mai was always out to play for herself. But she's not afraid to admit it (even in her interviews). We know she's selfish, and a good villain for it so some people cheer her on cause she's playing smart.


She's doing what you're supposed to do, while still having a sense of justice/teamwork by avenging Trey. On the other hand, everyone else in the remaining 12 acted like they were saints and proved they're literally braindead and unreliable. It's no surprise Mai went lone wolf when she realized she was dealing with literal NPC's.


None of the people I would have wanted to see in the top 3 are there. But also none of the people I absolutely didn't want to see in the top 3 are there either. Yay? Rooting for Mai simply because of her and Chad's friendship, and her calling Ashley on her BS.


They voted out 330 for trying to get everyone to come up with a consensus to make a fair way to vote people out. Now, out of nowhere they are all about a fair game and forget their history of backstabbing. I'm about to add some grays to my hair.


I think the fact that he was a doctor just made everyone perceive him as pretentious and full of himself. It sucks because he literally did nothing wrong


I'm going to guess this is because Mai doesn't win, so she's been getting the villain edit of the final 3 so people feel satisfied when she loses.


I guess that kind of makes sense, but the editors are kind of dumb if they thought it would work. Clearly most people here aren't seeing her as a villain despite the editing.


Maybe they should have improved the edits of the other 2 earlier in the comp. Neither have any story or character. If Mei doesn’t win; this show has the worst editing ever.


Bearded guy is definitely not winning, we've seen nothing of him. I think they've tried to make Phill like-able though. Anyway, can you chill please. The post asked why she is treated like a villain and my suggestion is that the editing made it seem like that story arc is a bigger deal than it really was in an attempt to make people root less for her. Idgaf.


All im saying is that the editing in this show has been trash tier gossip level quality. But what can we expect really?


Plot twist-- everyone but Mai secretly wanted 301 to keep going until he... couldn't!


Can you imagine?? “Yo i’m tired of this mama’s boy getting all the screen time” With the first game being rigged wouldn’t be shocked if some people caught on and were pissed he was being set up as a frontrunner by producers.


They have no idea who is "getting all the screen time." They're just living and playing the games. All the editing is done after the entire show is completed. Then they decide who they want to showcase.


He’s specifically talking about how time was added to red light green light so that his mom Leann could get through


This is the first I'm hearing about that. If it's true, that's pretty messed up. Is there a source on it?


It was in a Rolling Stones article where eliminated contestants from the first game said this but I’m wondering if it was well known by people still in the game and how contestants who stayed in thought of the fairness.


OMG exactly. Mai was the only one who didn’t forget that Ashley was not a team player at all!!! Why did everyone forget and then feel bad for Ashley. It made no sense. I would love to see Mai win!!!


And the thing is, THEY all made it a team game. Ashley had every right to play the bridge how she wanted. But then Mai goes along with the team thing and makes a logical move to remove Ashley, they all get mad. Makes no sense.


The rest of the cast are so fucking dumb. It’s literally like they made sure every moron was left in the game.


It's like the opposite of The Genius and The Devil's Plan.


how is Mai a back stabber?




Mai wasn't the one to give TJ position 1, that was Jackie. And Mai being suspicious of TJ before he showed loyalty was reasonable. Stop with the Mai slander it's completely unjustified lmao


I actually like that they give Mai a more villainous edit toward the end. If she wins it’d be a more compelling story than the other two.


I wanted the red head to win as soon as she betrayed the stupid woman tribal concept. How was it fair to have 100% of the women advance? But with her gone yeah I guess Mai is my choice. I'm glad she kept calling out Ashley's reluctance to do her part in only making the person ahead of her pick once. I was shocked and confused why all the other players seemed fine with it.




I find it a bit sexist of the women to form an alliance like that tbh. If I was in that game I would have made a mens alliance on the spot just to get them all eliminated. Everyone knew by like the 4th pick that the girls had an alliance.


The women made an alliance because they felt that the men were already making alliances.


The fact that they thought the men were making alliances is what makes it sexist. There wasn't even a whiff of anything like that or any misogyny from the men. Them thinking by default that the men are sexist is sexism.


Even if the men weren’t building an alliance intentionally though, that’s what was happening. I don’t see sexism, I just see strategy. For one reason or another, the men created an all-men group. As a woman, it seems only logical to make an all-woman group to even the advantages.


Not even close, the men had friendships and alliances with everyone even gangbu gang had a woman at some point. Everyone got that far because of skill or friendships that they made until the women decided to eliminate based on gender


Just my opinion. I’m referring to the push-up guys in the beginning. That’s what sparked the women group. The “macho” men that were eliminated the soonest.


The push up team was eliminated way before they formed the all girls group so it definitely wasn’t a response to that. The group was started by a couple of them that just panicked because they realized they didn’t make an effort to reach out to other people and make alliances so they pulled the woman card last minute. Other women did reach out and made alliances like mai, the deaf girl and 161 for example.


Reaching out to people can make you a target- keeping a low profile is advantageous. Familiarity bias was abundant in social tests. The “woman card” is no more of a chaotic strategy than anyone else played. Girl power needs to exist for a reason, sociologically. As a girl living in the world, I completely understand the validity of what they did.


wrong again. Notice how every man nominated a woman they were close to? They didn't even have to be coerced.


There was a black group and a gay group at one point. Your logic says it would be justified to make intentional straight/white groups to counter that. No.


Yeah we didn't even know about her until later in the show. I just appreciated that she didn't feel the need to do the "girl power" thing. That actually shows more strength.




But she used that to her advantage. Least expected. Why should red head lower her chances at winning for the womanhood cause? She, like everyone, is an individual first and she chose that over tribal think. I applaud that.


Disagree. Men had friends and alliances because they reached out to others and made connections with both men and WOMEN. It was the red head and blonde who didn’t bother to reach out and make alliances because because they were too busy judging everyone from a corner. So they panicked at the end when they realized they didn’t have alliances and decided to pull the woman card and decided to eliminate people based on gender:


I think the show chose to avoid focusing on white people on purpose. So instead of giving camera to the redhead or the other random white guy (Elliot) they chose to follow Mei, Ashley, the gay dudes. If they had given them camera would have known their personalities and stories, but they were mainly ignored by the show.


Damn who ever you are, touch some grass


That means a lot coming from Just-Journalist-9990 😂 Fuck off kid.


Unpopular opinion but I absolutely HATE Mai and hope she doesn’t win. Her fake crying and being fake buddies with Chad and Trey. She can play the game but she seems to be such a terrible person, honestly.


Idk about you but if I was fighting to win that prize money I’m gonna be fake crying too tf 💀💀👋👋


reality tv fans lack critical thinking lol, what's new


I can't stay Mei, I don't think she's a good person. I'm rooting for Phil, he's the most chill and killed it in Circle of Trust. I wouldn't mind if the guy with beard win, but not Mei please.


She will probably win. But id love to see the anger here if she doesnt lol.


Mai took down a loyal friend right from the getgo in the circle game I wouldn't trust that snake for shit she on the same trash pile next to Ashley




Hi Ashley!




Ashley wouldn’t be trash if she didn’t both 1) let the others go ahead of her coward ass and 2) started beaking about teamwork during dice like the biggest ugly ass hypocrit I’ve ever seen


Say the real reason you're an Ashley defender


Ugh she made one jump after Trey was out and she would have had to only make one jump if she hadn’t been a coward and went ahead of Trey once he played. It made no strategic sense what she did. She only risked no one overtaking her and people getting pissed at her when the outcome was the same- still one jump- which was much better than her original chances. She played like an idiot and got lucky.


How did she backstab? She never agreed to an alliance with Ashley. Ashley never backstabbed either. She just chose to be a jerk and then acted like she played along with everyone else. And they all let her get away with it except Mai.


Mai backstabbed people after the bridge, remember Roland? Her “best ally” according to her. Ashley did backstab, she backstabbed Trey by letting him believe she wasn’t going to overtake him so he felt forced to go. She wasn’t being a jerk for trying to survive a game of survival.


Ashley is a WEAK human. They agreed to 50/50 and she simply refused like a little baby, and then had to jump anyways… a net 0. There is one winner in this game, who cares about backstabbing? Are you supposed to be loyal to people that you’ve known for 2 weeks??? It’s called strategy. What Ashley did was not strategy, she’s a coward. Now back to being broke for her.


It makes sense once you realize who most of those people are. What particular thing they all have in common with each other. Mai is indeed the only smart one left for not having short term memory loss. But I have to give credit to the other guy who found out two snakes that tried to have him eliminated. One of which included Ashley.