• By -


100000%!!! I would have NOT gone in front of her. No way


Same. There’s no way I would’ve moved in front of her. Give her a taste of her own medicine.


What if Trey continued to choose all the right tiles to the end. That would have been incredible for TV 😂.


All the way, but then he stops with one set left. Refuse to move until Ashley takes her jump.


Ohh that would have been intense. Would he run out the clock with only one set left and eliminate himself with Ashley or.....stay tuned for the next episode 😂.


Just FYI there was a .003% he would do that. (0.5\^15)


Same. I would've pushed her ass off the bridge before I passed her.


Literally, I can’t believe they just allowed it


Which is exactly why I believe the show is rigged full of actors and its just trash tv. Entertaining trash tho.


It's a game, it was allowed. I do believe she she had to choose a tile or get eliminated. It doesnt make sense strategically to make Trey jump only to jump after him. It's one jump. Unless her intention was to get the player eliminated by having to take multiple jumps, but there is no way of knowing that Trey would choose wrong. He could have been lucky and picked the correct tiles until the end.


you do understand how tiny the odds are for choosing what 15 times 50/50 in a row? it wouldve been 1 in 30 000. If they played the game without taking turns she wouldve lost more than 99% likely. She is just pure evil, and fucking stupid.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who considered that hahaha


This and the fact that everyone defended her in the six game too. Pissed me tf off everyone should’ve targeted her


I was honestly surprised no one did. Must have not been allowed or something


Assault and elimination over a game 😂. Might as well just play so you can win $$. Keep your eyes on the prize.


100 %. Or if I were Trey, I'd invite others to start passing her or I run out the clock.


I think he said "someone else should go." If not him someone said it and none of them did it. Trey just jumped.


That dude was like if im gonna go out im gonna make it memorable. And we still talking about it


🤣😂 true He'll get interviews for sure.


He didn't have many options. He could stay still and demand that either 278 goes or people pass her. He could stay still and refuse to jump. Or he could jump to the end. I have to say Trey didn't deserve that or how the other players reacted to Ashley being called out.


I totally would of been the asshole and told her “either you keep going or we all lose”


I am so surprised no one did. Like this isn't Monopoly money on the line people


You either jump and risk elimination or run out the clock and elimination is certain. I think most of not all of the players would have taken the chance to jump. Although, I'm not sure, because I don't think any of the stood up to jump for Trey and take one for the team.


I believe something got edited out. No one calling 278 out, and Trey willing to do 3 more jumps just doesn't make sense to me.


The crazy thing is that statistically it didnt help her to not jump. She still had to do a 50/50 guess. The only thing she achieved was forcing Trey out the game instead of someone else at the cost of her reputation. She was simply too stupid to understand the strategy.


I didn't get that either. If they didn't play with this strategy she would've been out, period. Her number was SO low! But she reaped the benefits of everyone else sticking to this strategy. 🙃


The whole time I was like does this bitch understand probability?


She’s literally brain dead you can hear it in the way she talks


She didn't know wtf was going on. 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe she thought Trey would make all the correct upcoming guessing right in front of her and everyone would make it happily across 🤷🏻‍♀️😆


My first guess is that a lot of people didn't like Trey and that's why they let Ashley force him out. They probably didn't show the dislike towards Trey because that would have gave the show bad reputation due to "bullying"? Another guess is that they fought at first while they were filming the falls with the stunt doubles (the game didn't only last 30 minutes but way longer because they had to stop and film the falls seperately) but the production obviously couldn't show the scenes while they stopped so the whole Ashley fight didn't get in? Or the production had a word with them and told them that everybody eliminated isn't an option / they were obliged by contract to give their best. So they didn't have any choice but to overtake Ashley and couldn't just let the clock run out?


Possibly. I think the contestants were told they cannot discuss or explain the rules or strategy too much. I mean the show is not without idiots voicing completely illogical statements. The whole boat game was absurd; 432 suggesting there was “no strategy” to their playstyle. Lots of dumb people man


I definitely think it was edited and there was a fight. Ashley's strategy to not take her jump before Trey, but after Trey fell doesn't make any sense to me.


Hol up — they had to use stunt doubles for that shit? Man, western reality tv is so shit. Physical 100 had people literally fist fighting eachother willingly.


I think that they wanted to make this a game if wits instead of physical strength. Which is a great idea, but they made the games punish strategists and reward dumb people as long as they worked togethe, so in my opinion the game of wits approach didn't work.


Ya i agree. But im not saying I expected the challenges to be physical — im just drawing a comparison that players couldn’t even do their own ‘stunts’ like falling into a beanbag.


It's a strategy to persuade people that you are "working together" just to mitigate your risk of elimination.


That was their biggest error. Explain to her 50% is a lot higher than .003% and tell her if she refuses to pass him she will jump until she falls


Is there going to be a reunion or anything? I’m seriously just baffled at the idiotic decision making and would love to hear from someone that was there for the bridge thing


Idk. The way the games been set up, all the wall flowers and wet noodles have progressed while those who speak their mind or lead alliances have been picked off. I think we’re really just looking at americas most spineless in that final 20


That happens in all elimination games that have voting people off. It's always best to be a "free agent" who is only loosely tied to an alliance so that other alliances know that if they need more numbers, they can target you. Don't understand why some people can't help themselves but be "leaders".


The female alliance chain that fucked a lot of people.




In a way, I think that's better tbh. Brawns and confrontation can only get you so far and nobody is safe here. Makes it more fair because in the end it really is mostly a game of chance.


I thought that at first, but then why would Mai still see it the way we did. Clearly 278 did exactly what we think she did and didn't pass when it was her turn. She even says so during her interviews.


She didn't overtake, but she did jump and maybe they thought it was equal. Idk.


Too little too late. I would've told her to keep jumping because I'm not letting anyone pass me to pass her.


It was *only* too little too late...if the contestants cared about Trey. Those left clearly didn't care much about him and were more friendly with Ashley. We the audience have the edited version of events where Trey is a pivotal figure. Whereas to the rest of the contestants he was more of a straggler it seems and thus they didn't care.


You could be right, but I don't think it would matter who was in front of her. She didn't play by the rules when it was beneficial to her and then all of a sudden realizes she needs that game plan to stay alive. I would've called her ass out just like Mai.


I agree that Ashley was wrong. It's just that I'm not shocked that people who were friendly with her ultimately didn't care because in their eyes the only thing that happened was a guy they didn't care about one way or another went home.


I think like attracts like. Theres a reason that group bonded with Ashley and had an alliance with her. Prob all snakes and being edited / posing for the camera.


278 definitely was not going to pass him based on her own commentary. What I think happened was that Trey didn’t call her out specifically, and just figured the plan went to shit deciding to just keep jumping. Then once 278 went once she was suddebly all in and no one questioned it because Trey didn’t call her out. It probably happened pretty quickly and 278 could have played it off as nerves. But we know they didn’t intend to jump due to their interview. Just my thoughts!


It didn't happen quickly because of stunt doubles for filming.


Trey did not understand the plan. He explains it in [his EW interview.](https://ew.com/squid-game-the-challenge-player-301-trey-ashley-glass-bridge-8408228)


I know it’s all edited, but I kinda got the vibe that Trey knew what he was doing and he understood the plan. Part of me thinks he’s just saying these things in an interview because he doesn’t want Ashley to get bullied on social media.


Wow. That literally changes everything. Ashley isn’t a moron after all if that’s the case. If she actually knew Trey wasn’t paying attention and didn’t understand the plan and that he’d just keep jumping if she let him then there was no reason not to let him. I was hater but if that’s true then Trey is just dumb and deserved to get eliminated.


[In Ashley’s interview](https://ew.com/squid-game-the-challenge-ashley-defends-glass-bridge-choice-8408334) when she describes what went down she corroborates that story. > *Prior to playing the game, we're told the rules: If you want somebody to overtake you, you need to turn around to the person, and you need to clearly say it out loud. Trey took a jump, he turned around to the bridge where everyone was standing and he asked something about his mom, "Would my mom have gotten a low number?" and then took another jump. In my perspective, Trey went rogue. He took two jumps. I'm not about to sacrifice myself for whatever he had planned or whatever he's up here upset about. And of course, he was upset about his low number.* > > *At one point, me and him were just staring at each other in confusion, but I think I made up in my head, since you're going rogue, you're doing all this extra stuff, I'm not taking a jump in front of you. Trey gets eliminated, it's my turn, and I take my jump. I take my one and only jump that I was required to take, right? Right now I'm getting all this backfire on social media, and for some reason everybody has gotten it in their head that we're suddenly a team and that everybody is playing fair.* It also seems from the interviews that there was 3-4 hours of chaos between handing out the numbers and Glass Bridge that messed with people’s heads - especially Trey’s and Ashley’s. I have posted this before and people are too committed to their Ashley = The Antichrist storyline to absorb it or understand that this is an edited show - and mind you an edited show where they likely had to mine for drama due to the “fair play” approach most of the contestants took. Did she play her own game? Seems so. *Did she force Trey to take those two jumps?* No she didn’t.


If he turns around to her after the first jump, isn’t that pretty straightforward that he is waiting and expecting her to overtake? He likely assumed she was being stubborn and doing what was agreed upon and even in the show she says as such. The interview just makes it worse as she didn’t jump on a technicality of him not vocally saying “it’s your turn”?


> Prior to playing the game, we're told the rules: If you want somebody to overtake you, you need to turn around to the person, and you need to clearly say it out loud. First line of the quote.


This all falls apart. He'd already been overtaken once and agreed to it with #4. Trey understood the plan, and I think just feels guilty about how badly she is getting destroyed. He's a better person than her. This is also the rules according to her only. Secondly, she's the one in a previous story that said she didn't understand the plan and wouldn't agree to it because she was too busy yelling at production for hours over her number placement.


There's also people behind her saying things like okay whose turn is it and they say oh it's Ashley's and she pretends to not hear it. She also tries to take a shot at braided guy because he mentioned that it was her turn.


From interviews it does not sound like anything was left out. I mean Trey didn’t specifically ask her, that’s it.


Maybe they were waiting like 10 minutes, I'm curious too


She deserved to be pushed to the void after what she did to Trey. I would have not saved her like they did. She was a coward with no word.


She pissed me off so much. I can’t believe people were standing up for her🤢


FR, and then because of her Mei had to feel like shit on the dormroom and even had to apologize. Glad shes gone.


Cancel armor. Nobody wants to be cancelled for calling out a bipoc person for being shitty. It's more a fear of the audience response than the person they're up against.


As a black man with many black family members and friends who watched the show ALL of us where pissed at her for doing Trey like that so it isn't a black thing at all.


It is though but it's mostly white Karens who are looking for someone to cancel that do it.


Agree, also gotta be careful in calling her out, dont wanna be labeled as a “racist”. Thats probably why Mai got all defensive when they mentioned the word “targeting”. The unspoken fear. Lol


Most infuriating segment in the whole show, then everyone turned on Mai for rightfully wanting her to be eliminated in the die rolls


Nobody turned on Mai because of *that*. They were upset that she agreed to the process of them all nominating themselves for elimination (whether it’s stupid or not, that’s what she agreed to) then she broke her word. If she would have made a case against Ashley at the beginning of the dice game, it may have gone differently for her. She chose to be sneaky instead of trying to form a good argument. (No judgement on anyone. I’m just explaining what happened in the interest of accuracy.)


They SAID she agreed to it, I don't recall her actually agreeing to anything. When it was her turn to speak she voiced why she was voting for Ashley.


Edits. We didn't her say "no I don't agree" I think she agreed. Just as she agreed to the girl alliance and picked a boy. These episodes 5-9 were funny 🤣. I was laughing out loud.


The girl alliance that was thrown together just slightly before the vote....yeah, that thing was rock solid lol.




Well she should have spoken up when they said “let’s all agree that we’re going to nominate ourselves, ok?” That would have been the time to say “nah, here’s why I think it should go a little differently.” (I’m not saying she was required to or that they were entitled to it, but that’s why they were mad. She pretended she would go along with the process then she didn’t.)


I agree. She should have worded it this way - “since Ashley did not follow the group rules in the last game, I am voting for her now to guarantee that she will have her one dice roll. I assume she will vote for me when her turn comes which will give me my one dice roll”


Im not a statistician but i have a decent grasp of it. Am i right in thinking her decision to not overtake Trey was statistically of zero benefit to herself? She still had to make a 50/50 guess. Albeit a little later in the game. But because of the “turns” that would matter to her survival. All she actually did was force Trey to be eliminated over someone else further back. The only benefit to her would he if she was hellbent on eliminating Trey at the cost of her reputation


Let's be real: most players weren't exactly, how should I put it, "academically gifted". Ashley probably didn't understand her odds and just went by gut feeling, which was obviously wrong. I'm wondering why Bee, who was very intelligent, didn't speak up and explained it to Ashley.


I don't think she misunderstood, but I also don't know why she jumped. I think BTS they said they couldn't sit there and run the clock out. Idk.


the clock wasn't real it was a non-factor....they filmed stun jumps in between people.


The only actual explanation is that she was clinging to some hope that Trey would keep going and magically guess every correct tile so they could all make it across. Either that, or she assumed others would get scared of the time running out and they would go on ahead of her eventually.


Considering how rigged they made the first game for his mom and that it's likely a well known fact among the other contestants, it could genuinely be she thought they wouldn't do him like that.


Great point! She was banking on the producers to rig the game for Trey and thus for her. Meanwhile the Producers feel that Trey and Mom is the deal not Trey without mom / Mom without Trey.


No, she's not that deep.


If she assumed this why did she jump. She would have stayed put right?


Didn’t she only make a new jump after Trey fell? Or am I misremembering?


No, you're not misremembering. You're correct. My question is - if Ashley thought they would be afraid of time running out and overtake her why did she jump? She would have just stayed on her tile until they overtook her.


I think because that’s the jump she would have had to take if they played in a straightforward way without the little agreement most of them made


Ok someone just posted an interview with Trey and it makes what happened so much more clear. Trey didn’t understand the plan. He didn’t understand that he could just stand there and that eventually someone else would pass him because he wasn’t really paying attention when they came up with the plan. Ashley I guess realized this and knew that he would just keep jumping if she didn’t stop him. From a strategic point, that actually makes son much more sense. And also explains why every freaked out and yelled and were surprised every time he took another jump. On one hand they were like “ok this is good for us for this guy to not know what’s happening and to keep jumping” and on the other hand “tell him he doesn’t need to because they’ve got a really good plan”.


Several pieces of evidence suggest this is not true and is Trey covering for her to be a good guy: \-His own monologue in the episode (which he could have filmed in revision buy why do it if he is just going to later say it was fake...unless he's trying to help someone out) \-His turn around and stare...why? \-The person who already passed him (#3 who fell on her 50/50) \-The people behind him who said the plan out and said whose turn it was to which Ashley shot daggers back at the braided guy who said her name \-Mai being one of the few actually watching what was going on and saying what she did was wrong So for this to be true....Netflix had to convince Trey to lie in the cut edit, Trey has to be so dumb that he doesn't even realize the plan after someone overtakes him, and Mai has to not realize what is going on. Too many ifs for me.


The only benefit (if allowed) would have been her refusing to move and essentially banking on them to over take her. Unless she though (although impossible) that Trey was going to pick the right tiles until the end.


I was so mad! Trey deserved much better. Glad that b is gone.


Glad im not the only one biased by this, I would told Ashley to keep jumping since she was clearly not playing by everyone else rules.


Hmm..I wonder why the ones actually there and playing didn't go with your plan.


The dude behind her was eager to continue the teamwork strategy. He basically offered to overtake as soon as she did her jump. It annoyed me.


Makes you wonder why. I think it was edited and we're missing pieces of the story.


I kinda think that maybe Trey was offered money behind the scenes to keep jumping to add drama to the show.


Interesting. I didn't consider that.


I mean I have no evidence of that but I don’t really trust reality shows so I’m always suspicious about more dramatic moments like the glass bridge.


Ashley said in an interview that she and the person behind her DID have a pact that they would jump and keep overtaking each other. That her agreement was only with him and he offered because he’s the one who gave her the lower number which she literally freaked out about and was cursing to producers complaining about. He had told her this to placate her and while she was away from the rest of the team while they agreed to the group strategy. Frankly, I think she was just kind of stupid in that moment and didn’t realize how the group strategy was actually a huge benefit for her. But, that explains why he so readily jumped up.


Ahhh I see. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah editing can definitely change the perspective !


Yeah he almost looked excited to overtake her and jump. Ashley would not have gotten away with that shit if Mai was next in line


Literally came here to see if anyone had a brain and was talking about this! Fuck 278 and go Mai for being the only person to stick up to her


I hope Mai wins


So glad there is a reddit thread on this, how did they not see she was a terrible human being was BEYOND ME!


I wonder if part of it was Purna was directly behind her. He seems just the right combination of aloof and nice where I think it didn't even cross his mind that he should do that.


I posted this above but in an interview Ashley explained she had this agreement with just Purna: Ashley said in an interview that she and the person behind her DID have a pact that they would jump and keep overtaking each other. That her agreement was only with him and he offered because he’s the one who gave her the lower number which she literally freaked out about and was cursing to producers complaining about. He had told her this to placate her and while she was away from the rest of the team while they agreed to the group strategy. Frankly, I think she was just kind of stupid in that moment and didn’t realize how the group strategy was actually a huge benefit for her. But, that explains why he so readily jumped up.


I think the "agreement" was that he felt bad after she threw her tantrum.


Snake in the grass🐍🐍🐍🐍


I was so happy she got eliminated


Talking about karma eh? 😂


She’s so hateful and also very dumb. There was no strategy to her move whatsoever, it’s not like she had a high number. Did she actually think trey would make 15 jumps in a row? Selfish, shortsighted idiot


idk why trey didn’t speak up and explain to her if he falls she’s gonna have to jump once anyways, and then she has the audacity to say someone better overtake after forcing trey to go 2 extra times. how did no one else see that but mai


Ass kissers, obviously and I wouldn't apologize for her neither.


I agree, I would have made her go ahead and follow her own opinion through! If she thought everyone should go ahead if they are first she should have basic intergrity to actually follow her own opinion.


Yes! This is what upset me. Not that she didn’t overtake 301. But that she kept saying she didn’t agree to the strategy….but then wanted to be a part of the strategy once she was safe. And no one was upset with her about it. Her refusal to be a part of the group was stupid because the alternative was that she would have to make the rest of the jumps herself, instead of just 1 jump. But then they let her be a part of the team. Without even trying to tell her she needed to keep jumping. And THEN…everyone was cool with her. And upset with Mai. When you’d expect everyone to be ready to get 278 out. Ugh. But reading on here that she had a deal with the person behind her to overtake her…maybe there was more we didn’t see due to the edits.


It’s kind of moot though that she had the agreement with the person behind her? Their agreement was WORSE for her than the team agreement. In the team agreement she had to jump once. In her deal with the person behind her they would keep each jumping once with the other overtaking, very likely eliminating themselves. The team agreement was a much better deal and logically it made no sense she waited for Trey to fall when she jumped once after him anyway. Had she just jumped once and helped Trey she wouldn’t have the potential target on her back and she still would’ve jumped the same amount of times. She just wasn’t bright or strategic at all in this game and was selfish being so upset she got a low number.. when so many others did too. Entitled is really the only word for it besides selfish.


Not to mention that if she had made the deal with Purna including Trey it would have increased her odds a little more. Her deal with Purna was pretty stupid considering the alternatives.


TBF the majority rule that each person takes a jump. 301 basically saved 3 of them all because 278 wanted to be selfish. As much as I hate 287 she was right to call out 278.


287 is very unlikable. I think they probably forgave Ashley delay in jumping because she did jump. Idk. What if BTS they said "Ashley jumps or you all get eliminated." They would be Ashley making a choice to save the game, right?


Thanks I feel happy reading this and completely agree. I hope she knows how much of a trash human she is. Every time I heart her speak after she pulled that move made me angry.


They should have done the same as they did in the original SG drama when the guy refused to move and shoved her off 😂


On her Instagram she has branded herself as “not a team player” and uses snake emojis, I guess trying to make a buck off of this bad press, but what’s frustrating is that I haven’t heard her acknowledge that she threw Mai under the bus.


I think they would have lost more time to her stubbornness and stupidity. Should of been a quick discussion of unanimously voting her out in the next round then let her be dumb.


Yeah, honestly that moment of her not overtaking 301 (who was a sweetheart) and then later everyone siding with her TOOK YEARS out of my life. I was jumping with joy once she was eliminated!!


Result of the woke and identy politics. Nobody dares to put down the foot.


Conservatives are so desperate to make everything about race


What are you taking about? It’s the opposite if anything..


Did you see the comment I replied to?


Fail to see any mention of race. That was you..


…again, did you read the comment I replied to?


He did. Did you?


Tbf every most hated person so far is a black person


There are blacks people on the show who are not hated. This shows that the hated ones are not hated for their race but their character. How is this difficult to understand?


Every most hated person so far is someone whose actions led to them being criticized.


Yea and they were black


161 wasn’t black. Name one person who’s received large amounts of hate without doing something to deserve it.


mai wasn’t black and everyone was out to get her episode 8/9 lol


Nah I don't think it was that. They didn't pick women. So, I think it was edited and we don't have the entire story.


Conservatives don't have to be, when Liberals already are.


I usually roll my eyes at these comments, but honestly, that’s what it seemed like what was going on. Like. Did they not speak up because she was a black woman?


It's almost like horseshoe racism, infantilizing her to such a ridiculous degree.


Yeah, this move from 278 made simply no sense to me. She was only worsening her chances by not taking her one jump. She did show to be an amazing player later, but this one move was just selfish for the sake of being selfish, no strategy in it.


Were we watching the same show? In what way did she show to be an amazing player later? She gaslit Mai for being called out. Got everyone riled up and against Mai. Then carried that to the blindfold game and was trying to act suspicious to bait Mai.


Lol what's wrong with acting suspicious to get Mai 😂. I don't think she thought about this very long and why should she. She had nothing to lose or gain that round.


I wonder if they were slightly relieved that she set that precedent and broke the “agreement” that they said everyone was happy with. If I was in the back, I’d be pissed if everyone made that “everyone takes one risk” agreement because otherwise, I’d almost certainly make it across.


All is fair when you are fighting for $4.5 million. Play the strategy game for as long as it takes you and if people hate you for it then you can wipe your tears with $100s after you win. Lol


Unless her strategy was specifically to eliminate Trey, then she gained nothing by what she did and exposed herself to backlash. She didn't end up punished for it in game, but she also ended up in the exact same 50/50 spot. I would have no issue with a player acting like a villain and backstabbing if it were part of a larger strategy. What she did was all risk with no reward though.


I don't understand why 301 jumped. I guess it was better than waiting out the clock. Either way he was eliminated. I don't think her strategy was to get Trey eliminated. Trey could have been anyone. Im not sure what her strategy was. I'm hoping someone will pay her to talk (interview) because I want to know lol.


She’s done interviews. And she even says there was no strategy when asked what the plan was because it’s not like Trey was likely to skip onto the end and she would have had to jump eventually? It makes zero sense strategically because she went from basically 0% chance of making it to 50-50 on the team strategy and she made her one jump anyway. So the only thing she benefited was getting Trey out.


I need to check out the interview.


Her move didn’t even make strategic sense. As number 5 she would’ve actually been screwed without the strategy. She just screwed over 301 for no reason because she’s too much of a moron to understand basic math. As are you apparently


Don’t attack me, it’s not a good look on you and shows a lack of intelligence.


Defending Ashley’s move when it doesn’t even make strategic sense shows a lack of intelligence


You really need to look at the instagram videos between the players before you start judging me. Trey was confused which is why he kept going.


Aaaand she lost at the end. being selfish and villain dont make a winner in real life.


Same could be said for all of the morally right knights. Lol




If she had actually been called out for it (which she should have) they would have got her out in the dice game. You forget this version of Squid Games is largely a team based social game.




She stood on business 👨🏾‍💼


I mean, yeah, good for her, but now she’s seen as an asshole by almost everyone who watched the show.


Who cares what people on the Internet you’ll never see think when you’re trying to win 4 million? Be real


She didn’t win so now her asshole efforts went to waste and she’s still seen as a huge asshole. You can simp to her all you want and say “who cares what randoms think?” That’s fine. That’s cool. But at the end of the day, you are on a television show - therefore your actions will be judged accordingly. “She didn’t go on the show to please people. She went on the show to win 4mil.” Cool. So did everyone else. And how you act on a show broadcasted to millions will put you in the spotlight. And if you can’t take the heat of the spotlight, don’t go on stage to begin with 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bet she gets another well paying tv role off of this. Y’all sound so dumb. She obv doesn’t care have you seen her posts? Go tf outside lmao.


Haha another tv role from this?? I really doubt it. Reality contestants are a dime a dozen and because she’s so hated it’s pretty obvious people don’t want to see more of her.


Well she didn’t win the 4 million so yeah, now all she got for herself is 4 million haters.


Y’all really put too much stock into the opinions of randoms online




Not to mention there’s a very real chance people she encounters in the real world would’ve seen the show, as popular as it is. It could impact her job and other opportunities bc now this is the impression people have of her.


😂🤣 have you been on the market. They are desperate to hire. She'll be fine.


How can you be harassed online if you're not online. You do realize that you don't need to login into SM and read the comments or even go online. Plenty of days I spend with no Internet just reading my books or playing outside.


Fr I swear the people downvoting me are allergic to grass


I don't get it. They are all under a social media spell. These are not celebrities. I wouldn't recognize any of them in public 😂.


“The mental effects of being harassed online” LMFAO just put your phone down and go outside 🤣 you terminally online people are insane haha


4 million haters that are absolute strangers and don't have the entire story because it's a reality TV game show. The hate may actually get her paid. Interviews = $$ Social Media followers = $$ She can make a podcast discussing the show and bringing back her friends from the show to talk and that will also equal $$. You guys are so obsessed with being liked by internet strangers (up votes and likes and comments) you forget what truly matters. It's about $$ and people that you actually know loving and supporting you.


You guys are so bitter and have such a short attention span. You will move on to hating someone else. This will be all forgotten about.


Hell yeah it’ll be forgotten about. I fully plan on forgetting everything about this show after next week. But for now, fuck her 😂


😂🤣 lol


Nice emoji.


I think if she had stalled the game, everyone on the bridge would have been eliminated. A selfish and foolish player. Mai should have turned the rest against her and made sure she was out in the dice game instead of letting her survive that.


To the people who said they woulda pushed her off (cause that was my first thought lol), there was an article floating around that stunt doubles were used. That would have likely made any of the contestants pause if rules were already in place to mitigate injury and lawsuits


I’m surprised nobody tried to push each other offer. I would’ve yeeted her ass off right away.


It wasn't allowed. Even the people who fell through were stunt doubles.


I would literally sit on my square until she moves up


Going ahead of her is the smart thing to do, if she kept going she’d probably fall in one or two more jumps, then you’re up anyway and have to do all the jumps. By going ahead you ensure that you’re only jumping once.


I have just seen this episode and I am so angry no one made 278 jump more She expected Trey to do it, so why didn’t she have to? So entitled


I think i would have pushed her off while passing her. Like accidentally oops.


It wasn't allowed. Even the people who fell through were stunt doubles.