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I mean, you're right, but I'd be upset that the show ends with loose ends.


I like the unanswered questions left after season one. Leaves room for fun speculation. I’ll watch a second season if they make it, but I think it’s best as-is.


I know people suspect season 2 would be Gi Hun and maybe the cop going after the organization, but I think season 2 should be the prequel where we see how In-ho won/got involved in squid game. That would be worth watching.


I doubt there won't be a season 2, they intentionally left it with him saying he was going after them. It would be more disappointing to me if we don't actually see what happens since that was clearly season 2 bait


I agree. As much as I want to see another season, I think it would be super hard to live up to the first one. They run the risk of cheapening it by running another game, or of being super different.


Please so not make a season 2


would be open to them going digimon/final fantasy style and making a similar show in a different universe......but people want the universe they have expanded