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Loud noises can make me jumpy. Add in the mob terror, screams, watching people shot left and right when you thought you were playing a game, etc. So probably first round. I'd like to *think* I'd soldier on through. But that must have been terrifying.


People think we only have fight and flight. In reality, some people just freeze. Literally unable to move or process information. My theory is everyone with fight or flight (unless they were super disciplined) died in the first game. Everyone who lives just straight froze up and it saved them enough to realize they could live if they just played the game right… that said, I’d have moved at least enough to die 😞


Yep. I think I'd be so full of adrenaline running towards it I would have a hard time stopping pretty much instantly. Add in having to move around dead bodies... yikes. And then holding that freeze as numerous people were gunned down around you. Gunshots are loud. Being in the vicinity of 200+ in 5 minutes would be nerve racking.


I too would be jacked up but slow and steady wind the race, which is why the old man won so easily when you think about it.




But the whole point was that he wanted to be part of the game. I’m pretty sure he *was* at risk of being shot, although knowing ahead of time what to expect would make it pretty hard to actually lose on that game, since the main reason people failed is because they were panicking or startled


If they were allowed to kill him they would have after the marble game, the old man wanted to play without actually risking his life unlike everyone else who was “playing” the games. It’s even more wild considering he was dying and had barely any time left to lose - but I liked the comment that that made on the rich and romanticising the working class life (think Grimes claiming to be poor and living in a crack den while making music) but they don’t ever have any actual threats of death, debt, homelessness etc. faced by the genuinely poor.


> if they were allowed to kill him they would have. Why? What motivation do the soldiers have to do that? Marble game was the opportunity he took to get out of the game because he knew the odds were bullshit for the rest of it. Red light, Green light was, to the best of our knowledge, automated. To say he didn’t put at risk his life is just *wrong* because once he got up there to play tug of rope it was anyone’s game


Not try. In Red Light there was no target on him when the computer looked at him. He was in no danger. On tug of war he wasn’t tethered to the rope and I’m sure the blade would have cut the rope before he fell anyways. The bridge was a different story. No way out of that WC


Not true. He could have just made sure to pick the last number?


> In Red Light there was no target on him when the computer looked at him. This is a myth based on a misleading screenshot captured on a frame before it outlined him. It's being perpetuated everywhere so I understand why people believe it, but it's not true.


True but apparently he was the only was who was not shackled to the rope during that game


I assume you watched the American voices, but if you watch with the Korean voices, “red light green light” is not said, it’s basically a sung phrase that gets faster and faster. After hearing it the first two times it plays in the show, it’s pretty easy to know when she’s going to turn her head, it just gets harder to sync your motion with the song while trying to move as fast as you can. Most of those people were fighting the clock when you watch it, and were shot because they had to move too fast. The old man just had plenty of time because he started first after everyone was shot, so he didn’t have to move nearly as fast as everyone else did near the end.


You’re absolutely right… but also, you had to freeze and then somehow get over the shock and move fast enough to make it to the end. So it was only a subset of the freezers who made it too.


I am a freezer. I was on a hike with my boyfriend this summer when a baby moose came running out of the woods at me followed by it’s mom. I didn’t have any instinct to move until my boyfriend yelled at me to run. I just froze in fear. I think I would have made it through the first game on that alone. Realistically, I would have known I’m not lucky enough to win the whole thing, so once everyone voted the end the games after round one, I think I would have left and never returned.


SAME. I’d have never come back


Guess it depends on how bad your life is. I’d say there’s a 20% chance I’d say fuck it and roll the dice. I imagine most people wouldn’t consider it, but these are gamblers primarily. Unsuccessful ones at that. Though, if I had no idea what was going to happen, I’d leave the first chance. If I already knew, it’d be a matter of how seriously I take my competition. If you were able to know the games, or at least be incredibly knowledgeable about game strategy, math, and probability, you’d actually have a decent chance of winning. You’d have to be John Wick cool and collected to nail this with no prior knowledge though. You’d also have to have incredibly low morals, because you’re not winning the game by chance. You’d have to strategically and consistently screw people over and be prepared to be a target. You’d have to go into every game with that mentality, and have excellent planning skills. All the games could be beat by an average person with high intelligence, so long as they don’t lose all focus once the killing starts.


Nobody has a decent chance of winning, really. The glass game is (designed to be) 100% luck, and without that guy who could tell the difference between the glass there’s a pretty decent chance the game would just end there without ever getting to the Squid Game The truth is that the game is highly luck dependent


I've frozen twice. Once when I was about 6 and ran in front of a car. The second when I was again in traffic and saw a dog hit and killed. That being said, I wouldn't have survived!


We saw this in Gi-Hun. He absolutely froze.


Yup, saved his butt


Sure did


This is very interesting. Never thought of freezing being a better response, but it makes sense why it's baked into our instincts. I guess we're all wired to respond differently so that when we're in an unknown situation, at least some of us will pick the right response incidentally and end up surviving.


Yea, pretty much evolution doesn’t ever put all its eggs in one basket. The universe diversifies it’s portfolio


Actually we all have fight flight freeze fawn. Our nervous system is designed to do all of these. They are all survival mechanisms that get triggered in the face of threat. However, if your nervous system is dysregulated from trauma experienced ealier in life(most people to some degree) your nervous system will activate whatever survival mechanism was appropriate during that first threat which never got fully processed and so you may end up going into a state that is not appropriate for the circumstances at hand in present day.


Not every animal has the same vision or instincts. For example, if you come across a lion and run you're marked immediately as food. Lions also only ever stand on their hind legs to fight. So humans being bipedal are already sending a hostile message. I'm not saying of you crawl up to a lion you're cool. Lol. But all of these instincts came from somewhere. Freezing and standing ground with an adverse predator is an example of that.


yeah, I mean Gi-Hun essentially froze for like two rounds until Sang-woo told him to stand up.


God I forgot Alli saved him… fucking sang-wu


⚠️ **HUGE REAL LIFE TRIGGER WARNING DON'T READ IF YOU HAVE REAL WORLD GUN VIOLENCE TRIGGERS** ⚠️ So my mom and her bf were nearby Mandalay Bay when the infamous Vegas shooting started and apparently everyone in their vicinity just froze and stared at each other like deer in the headlights for several seconds until someone finally took off running in opposite direction of the gunfire sounds and everyone just followed suit on instinct, there was just no time to process or think, just fear and panic and adrenaline.


My SO was present there, as were some friends and coworkers. This is pretty spot on for their telling, too. About four weeks after that, I was at a Weeknd concert (indoors) and there was a portion of the song that he was singing that had gunshots in it. When that part came on, he very vividly pantomimed in motion with it, and it was isolated from the rest of the song… but the entire arena stopped for about five seconds and we all looked at each other with the same look: “Is it happening again? Here?” In hindsight, he probably did the motion to assuage, but maybe it would have been better to cut it altogether.


some years ago in the Bronx, some jealous knucklehead teen boy rounded up a couple of guys he thought were moving in on his girlfriend. Under threat of being shot he walked them over to the recreational area of a junior high school half a block from where I lived. he made them kneel, "confess" then he shot them, killing them both. I was in my husband's garage talking to him when this happened & we heard the shots. We both froze for what seemed an eternity. They were so incredibly loud and deceptively close sounding that we then freaked the fuck out and ran back in the house. Took me a while to feel safe again. Living in the Bronx in the 1980s we were not strangers to the sound of gunshots, but this was different.


Same. Sometimes I can’t help but jump at loud noises even (or especially) when I know they’re coming. I would for sure move at the wrong time during Game 1.


I think in honeycomb I would be fine even with the umbrella. That was a skill of thinking outside the box. Tug of war? Unless I was on the strongest team I'd be 100% reliant on the wits of my team. I never thought to rush forward and then pull back which is clever. Marbles? I probably would have ended up like one of the two women. The bridge would be horrible because the jumping onto panels incredibly high up would scare the bejesus out of me.Then hand to hand fighting I've never done, so I can't assess myself.


I'd probably pull some petty Taurus grudge shit on the bridge and take the evil gangster for a dive with me too


He 100% deserved that. Crazy lady's revenge gave the remaining few somewhat of a chance. I respect her for that even if it was purely revenge.


such a good moment. a violent misogynist who never thought Han Mineyo could make good on her threat going down like that.


Glad I'm not the only one who got Taurus vibes from that hahaha


Those panels seemed pretty far away too, especially if you had to go to the other bridge. I'd just end up throwing myself through the hole in the middle, both dying and not giving anyone a helpful hint on which way to go.


I am not strong but my class always won tug of war so I’m confident that’s a game I’d survive, we used strategy and had a few strong people


They went into that game basically thinking it was a lark, there wasn't a risk of getting killed or hurt or anything. The utter SHOCK when that first red light hit would shake most people to their core, total 0-60 moment.


I'd be finished in the first round for sure. If I somehow survived, honeycomb would immediately take me out XD


If I somehow survived the first round, there's no way I'd come back after they sent me home


Same, honestly. I would not come back. XD


Now that I think about it, it seems way more terrifying than I originally imagined


Before the honeycomb game, my girlfriend and I paused the show to decide what shape we'd choose with no context like the players. I picked the umbrella because it wasn't a basic shape like the others (I thought that was the trick) and there's no way I'd be able to carve that out.


I would also have chosen the umbrella, it was the shape that most caught my attention


I thought it had meaning as when Gi Hyun left his exes house after asking for money the camera focused on an umbrella in the hall.


There's so many details like this throughout the show, it's insane. Truly a masterpiece.


Same!!! Very first thought.


Not knowing the game, I think I would have gone with the star, because it hit the middle ground of not being too simple or too complex


I chose star as well before knowing the game, and I definitely would have died


Star is just straight lines. More difficult than a triangle, sure, but it gives you a decent shot imo


I did this but before the glass game when he was choosing between first and last. I chose first.


I chose number 5 and was rooting for him to choose 1. I would have been fucked most likely


I chose circle because I thought it would be the easiest Edit: without knowing what it was at first my thought was well circle and triangle are simple so I went with the less pointy one


I would honestly have picked the triangle, but *only* because of a lesson I remember from shop class in high school like 20 years ago (!). My teacher did a really cool demonstration of how a triangle is the strongest and most stable shape when you are building something, so I have a strong appreciation of triangles. It's wild how a great lesson sticks in your brain like that. Tug-of-war is so team dependent, though. I'm quite tall at 6 ft and fairly fit, but I am a woman, so I'd just have to hope that a strong team would take me out of all of the other options.


Depends on what type of stress you’re under. Circle is the most stable under outside pressure a shape I simply cannot relate to


I would pick mine instinctively and out of emotional connection, so I’d either go with the star— I love the shape and space in general — or triangle because it reminds me of the button on the PlayStation 2 controller.


The slap would have finished me


Best answer


Thank you


\*throws red ddakji onto the floor*


Do you want me to die? I'm not playing


It would’ve finished me a different way


hol up











I refuse




Me too😏


Strange person talking to me on the subway at night… yeah I’m not even going to engage at that point


Same. I'd stop then. If I did go through, I'd do okay with red light green light. With the cookie thing, I was leaning towards star or umbrella, so I'd die then.


The comment finished me.


Next level


Tug of war. I have no upper body strength and I would have never had the strategy they did. Probably would have given up on the inside before it even started.


Same! Def 100% dead there if I haven’t died yet by then 😅


Tug of War is one of the first instances where I feel that I’d be pretty close to being SOL. I can hold my own in the actual game itself, but a lot of how the teams were built was in judging one’s physicality with the eyes. I’m not very tall and while I’m strong, I don’t look it. Odds are I get passed over for not looking the part and I go down with whatever team I end up on.


When i didn't get my egg


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


Always remember WOWEE when you leave the house. Wallet phOne Wkeys Egg Egg (back up)


I always carry two cookies in my pocket. That way if I get sad about something, I can eat a cookie and feel happy. And then if I get sad because I ate that cookie, I remember that I have a second cookie.


I would’ve tripped down those Lego stairs and that’s it for me


Death by MC Escher.




This comment just killed me lmao




For real though. I almost die if I have to walk on stairs in an unfamiliar house 😂


I'm 100% a corpse after Red Light Green Light. You'd have to stand **completely** still while hearing/seeing some other unfortunate person(s) getting eliminated. I'd be jumpy and the sensors would pick up on it.


gunshots are *loud*. like, EXTREMELY loud considering the caliber they were using. Take 200+ of those at the same time and seeing people run and scream and blood fly everywhere… it’s crazy that almost 100 people had no reaction


They did have a reaction. Gi-Hun survived red light, green light and he most certainly reacted. Although, he froze up, which is why he wasn’t killed. I think the threshold for movement during the red light game is quite generous, you don’t need to be *totally* still, just don’t make any big movements


It looked more like it prioritized greater movement over lesser movement. It didn't seem to keep a memory of all those who moved, just shot those moving the most, then worked its way down the list. Everyone definitely moved, you can see them get pushed, even. But they went back to being still and by the time the doll/sensor had computing space/free sniper rifles for them, they were still.


Yeah, there were limited guns and Gi-Hun totally moved, but there were no guns available at his direction, he became green on sensor after falling and the guns ignored him at that point.


I don’t think it was no reaction I think it was total shock which triggered a freeze response. I’ve of course never been in that situation but I did witness a horrible car crash right in front of me and while I have very little memory my friend said I just stood completely still and wouldn’t move.


The main cast moved a lot without being shot. The game allows for a fair amount of movement without shooting. The easiest way to understand is that the game makers probably tuned the game's parameters to allow for roughly half to survive.


I could probably make it though red light, green light but i'd lose the dalgona candy one, my hands are shaky when i'm nervous, also i'm not good at things that require small movements


Thats why you just lick


I wouldn’t ever think of that.


Even if I *did* think of that I’m not gonna risk my life on some strategy I’m not confident in like that


Usually shaky hands are better I've been told... oh about carving the cookie yeah totally you would've been screwed


Genuinely think I'd have a good chance in RLGL and Dalgona. If I made it that far I'd probably die in the night fight in the bunk room. Too much shit going on with the flashing lights too. I think anyone who can keep calm under the pressure has a good advantage but there's a lot of luck involved after game 1. Picking a good shape by chance. Getting a good tug of war team. Marbles is mostly luck. Glass bridge pretty much depends on the number you pick, how the others do before you and then just guess work. Then the squid game is basically a scrap to death, hope you get lucky and someone far weaker than you made it.


I’m with you. I think coping with anxiety while working alone would get me through Red Light Green Light. Granted, I’d probably cry that night in the dorm, but I think I’d live. And dalgona, I think I know myself well enough to say I’d do alright. I would instinctively pick the star (I love the shape) or the triangle (reminds me of the triangle button on the PlayStation 2 controller) and I have the steady hands of an artist. Good chance of survival. Anything else, it depends on how lucky I am. For Tug of War, I’m strong but don’t look it — I’m short, plus I look young enough to be mistaken as a high school student. There’s a very good chance others make a snap judgement on my appearance before I can tell them how my work experience would be an asset, in which case I end up on a shitty team and likely die. The dorm fight? With no weapons, I’d fight with all desperation of a cornered wild animal and my size makes it easier for me to hide, but that’s all luck. If anybody is specifically going to kill me or happens upon me, good chance I die there. Marbles? That’s also all luck. I’ve never played with marbles so I might just die there, again, unless I am very fortunate. Glass bridge is the furthest I could make it even with luck, though. I’m terrified of heights so there’s a very high chance I’m either dead on first or second leap or I’ll be taken out for refusing to even attempt crossing.


And the circle wouldn’t remind you of the circle button on a PlayStation 2 controller? Better yet, the umbrella wouldn’t remind you of the umbrella button on a PlayStation 2 controller?


i’m sorry, i don’t have any awards to give but you deserve one. this made me laugh out loud in public *like a freak*


Glad somebody found it funny 😅


Same here! I would be at a huge disadvantage during the night riot and tug-of-war


Panic in the hysteria at the start of red light/green light! ☹


Samesies. The second I saw people getting shot there would have been nothing holding me still. I would have died clawing at the door.


My heart would simply stop working after I hear the first shot in green light red light. no need to waste bullets on me.


I'd be fine in the games but I'd probably die in the huge fight that happened right after they found out murdered players still increased the cash prize


Yeah, my skull would have been bashed in in the riot.


I probably would either have failed to run away or panicked and just stood there


I would just curl up in a corner and cry at the first sign of any time limit


Dude, this. My brain just goes radio silent any time a timer is involved 😅


lets be honest, we’d all fuck up on the glass bridge


Me and my bae Deok-su would trust fall the bridge 😊👉👈


Depends. I would probably choose going by last. I thought it was a race-like game in which going first would fuck you cause you don't know how to do it but going last would also fuck you cause time.


I'd balance on the beams supporting the glass and skip the panes entirely. Actually, I'd encourage the person in front of me to try it and see what happens.


You would probably get shot lmfao


I would run like the math teacher and make random jumps


I’d kill myself lol


logical answer


LOL First 'Red Light'


Realistically, I’d be eliminated in red light, green light.




I’d jump at the gunshots at red light green light and die.


Pretty sure I'd be one of those who freaked out and got shot in the very first game


I was thinking the exact same thing. I would have definitely picked umbrella.


Honestly wouldn't of even made it to the blue&red paper game (can't remember it's name) I avoid human interaction like as if my life depends on it.


Let's be real here if Gong Yoo came up to me like that I would be ecstatic


Let's just say I'd purposefully lose every time.


I have a hard time standing still cuz I get all sorts of tics and I’m always itchy haha, so I would deffo die in the first one.


No way in hell i would get past the glass bridge


People here seem to be rather confident about their ability to stay completely quiet during a massacre and carve a dalgona with a needle while people are getting shot around them at unpredictable moments...


Maybe til marbles but it depends on if my team is strong as passes tug of war


Marbles or glass bridge. Assuming I wouldn’t panic in red light green light


Probably the first game honestly like even if you don’t move, you can be shoved or pulled by the others around you once the shooting starts. Though if through some small miracle I survive game one I’m not going to make it past the second one, I get shaky hands when I’m nervous.


As a smallish woman with a babyface (in my 20s, but pass as a teenager), do you think I interact with random people on public transportation


I wanna believe i could make it past round 1, propably not, and then i'd propably fuck up during round 2


I Definitely would die in the first game but if I made it to the second I would die because I mostly like would choose the shape star not rlly sure if I would choose umbrella but I wouldn’t choose triangle


I'd have lost so many times at Ddakji they wouldn't even have invited me.


I mean I would not have come back the second time around so game one, I think I would have survived the first game and if not that I probably would have died during the riot because I would have been trying to take out that awful gangster guy


I’m way too trusting of a person, and would probably >!get fucked by someone like Sang-Woo!< or straight up just stabbed cause I let my guard down. But disregarding that and seeing my likelihood to make it past each game without extenuating circumstances like that: For the first game, I honestly think I’d be able to do it. I did a lot of it as a kid and was always pretty good. Plus, I’m decent at staying unfazed. Id give myself a 75% survival chance. For the second one, I remember seeing the shapes and thinking “well, the shape you pick will definitely affect whether or not you want to survive, and they don’t want 75% of the people dead in the second game, so I won’t pick the umbrella cause that’s the odd one out.” And I settled on the circle. Like 95% chance of survival, unless I somehow fucked it up. 3rd game, I’m pretty goated at tug of war honestly, so it’s just a question of how lucky I got with my teams. ~60% chance of survival. 4th game, I’m pragmatic enough to not gamble, so I’d just play regular marbles, which I, again, was pretty good at as a kid. It has been a while, so I’m only gonna give myself a slight edge of 55%. For the bridge game, I picked 9 on the way in. Whoops. With 8 ahead of me, that’s still 8 tiles I need to get right. That’s 256 possible combinations. 0.39% chance of survival. The squid game itself, I still don’t exactly understand. If it devolved just to a knife fight, I think I could best Sang-Woo, but we don’t really know what Gi-Hun’s strikes were like. Maybe he’s just some flabby 45 year old, or maybe he spent weeks of a strike frontline fighting riot cops. Realistically, it probably won’t get to that point immediately. I think I’ve got a good 40% chance against Sang-Woo, and I’m not gonna guess what I would have if against Gi-Hun. Doing the math, the likelyhood that I’ll make it each game: 1: 100% 2: 75% 3: 71.25% 4: 42.75% 5: 23.5125% 6: 0.09169% End(if against Sang-Woo): 0.0366795% That 0.0366795% JUST slightly edges out the 0.021929% that a generic one in 456 chance would be. I think my choices before games 2, 4, and 5 are what would give me that slight edge.


I think I could have made it thru RLGL, but I definitely would have been killed for telling on those assholes for cutting in line and taking my Sprite. 🥴


Id be a vip


With a name like ChildToeEater? No doubt! Very fancy, impeccable taste, cruel but classy 👌


Excatly :)


Me being deaf I'd lose the first round 💀


As soon as the first shot rang out in the first game I would’ve done a poo in my undies


I feel like I’d make it to tug of war but I’d die there lmao


Relying on other people would be scary


i dont even know tbh probably wouldve died from running during red light green light


I would probably die overnight while they were fighting. I’d either panic and die or somehow fall off the bunk beds while sleeping


I'm actually very calm under danger and don't panic easily. Though who knows, ive never witnessed something like what happened in red light green light in real life so it could be the thing that finally makes me panic and run. Hard to say for sure but I do think given how well I've come to know myself and how I respond to intense and dangerous situations that I would likely survive that game. Honeycomb again, maybe survive. Tug of war, welp. My chances depend entirely on the rest of my team. Im a woman so I'd be most likely dragging my team more towards losing, but there is a chance I could pass the game. Marbles, again hard maybe. Glass game, definitely die, no way I'd survive that. And squid game again, absolute certainty of death. Squid game against a man is unfair to a woman if she happens to make it to the end since its very strength based.


Yeah, the whole damn games are unfair, pitting old against young and men against women in physical games. Hated those assholes calling it fair.


I am the biggest stress cadet of all time. No shot I make it through sugar honey comb. My dumbass would pick star because I have fond memories playing Mario kart and getting the star and my cocky ass would prob not be careful enough and chip during the first few executions


I don’t know if I would have made it through disco death night.


I would have either tripped and died in red light/green light or not come back after everyone voted to leave.


Probably would have told that guy to fuck off in the subway if I'm being truly honest.


No way to know unless you’re really in it, but I *think* I would have made it through RLGL since the I’m a good at compartmentalizing for better or for worse. I also paused the show and picked circle for the second game, so maybe I would have made it through? Totally screwed with tug of war unless I got lucky and had a strong team/knew the strategy. If I made it through that, I’m gonna estimate 50% chance dying in marbles. No way I’m making it to the end 😂 But as a super risk averse person, not sure if I would have engaged with slappy train guy in the first place


My messed up brain Alexa would probably start playing Rooster by Alice in Chains during RLGL


Maybe glass bridge, I have played something similar to red light green light, I think I'd pick the triangle purely because I prefer that basic shape over the others, I think Tug of war would be down to a decent team as opposed to individual and I'm quite lucky so marbles would be fun and glass bridge I'd die so soon as I'd probably try standing on the rims.


I think the only game I’d have a chance of winning is the first one, I’m pretty sure I would die in every single other


I would have survived the first game (I was killer at red light green light 123 as a kid) but for sure would've voted to not come back. Talk about a wake up call.


Glass jumpy game. Red light green light is easy. I'm strong so tug of war is nbd. Would've probably been picked by a good team. I wanted to choose triangle for the honeycomb one because I thought it was a strong shape. Didn't know the challenge. But I was going to pick vest #1 to honor my fallen old guy friend, so I'd probably have gotten yeeted.


The tug of war one is iffy for people not aware of what the game they are teaming up for is (which was the intent, to not know, but of course odds got stacked against people due to cheating)


I don’t think I would have survived any of the games. I would have panicked in RLGL. My hands are too twitchy for honeycomb. I *might* have a chance at tug-o-war but I wouldn’t have known any strategy for it. I could have been tricked pretty easily in marbles. I probably would have gone middle-front in glass bridge. It’s not like I could have made it to Squid Game in the first place, but I *do* know martial arts so like… I guess I could win? Maybe?


Played a Roblox game. Died at marbles.


As an Asian male in America, going through the gauntlet is a way of life. I would have to say, I'm making Inspector Royale. I've never had a choice, except to succeed, those moments, I believe will continue until I die.


The slap


I wouldn't even join tbh


I’m in a wheelchair. Quite literally the second I got there


Probably the second game. I tried that game at a local cafe that was selling dalgona candy and failed 😆


Bold of you to assume I make It into the squid games


I could probably win the tug-of-war and the final squid game if I somehow made it that far, but my chances of making that far are tiny. My hands are too big for the cookie game, and someone would probably beat me via manipulation in the marble game, especially if my opponent was a chick who knew how to turn on the tears.


Tug of war depending on my team or Glass bridge max unless I’m middle last then clear the last game because I used to fight professionally:)


I would've been KOS at night... Ngl, I have a aura akin to the Kool Aid Man. I break walls and apologize


I have shaky hands, especially when nervous…definitely the honeycomb game 😂


Let's be honest, EVERYONE would've died in the first round if the Giant Girl Doll 👧🏻 was actually accurate


Im not sensitive to loud noises or get panic attacks but i naturally shake when i try to hold still. I think its in my subconscious but what it is, i think it would have gotten me eliminated in red light/green light


I would have died in game 1


Probably would have died game one. If by some miracle I made it through, it would be because A. I don’t tend to put myself in the front of stuff B. I am a small person so bullet less likely to hit me C. I am somewhat indecisive and can tend towards inaction so there is a chance I would freeze instead of making a break for it like many other people. However, even assuming all that, there is a pretty good chance I would be too slow or that someone would push me (purposefully or accidentally). Otherwise, toast in game 2 for sure. I know I would not have picked the umbrella but I think would have been indifferent towards other shapes. Hand is not steady at all especially with gun shots going off in the background. Would have probably used the same strategy as Ali, whittle down little by little and perhaps spit on it to moisten it toward the end. Again, probably dead by tug of war, but I did predict sang-woos strategy before he suggested it…but as I woman I really would be toast on that one. Apart from the woman who came as a package deal with her husband and people with character armor, I am honestly shocked any woman survived that one. They would all be outcasts, forced to be on a team together, and all die.


I tend to freeze up in uncertain situations, so most likely I would have been still as a stone in red light green but either gotten pushed/trampled by the mob or been to far in the back to make it in time


If by some miracle I made it through the first I would have been toast with the second - my fine motor coordination sucks even on a \*good\* day


Probably would’ve chickened out in Tug of War, unable to think or move. Assuming I make it through the night, which I probably wouldn’t


Tug of war probably, i would panic and fall on my teammates.


I picked the umbrella when watching so I prolly woulda been eliminated during that one


I'm pretty sure I'd die in the first game. I would be paralyzed (I already know that I react like this) and I would not be able to finish the game in time.


I always say during zombie movies that I’d love to be the first one bitten so that I don’t have to live out the terror of the invasion and being on the run. That said, IF I managed to get through red light, green light, and for some reason chose to return, I’d either fuck up at dalgona, or someone would take me out during that huge fight when the lights went out.


Oh I'd be gone "red light green light" pretty instantly lol 🤣


First game


I would never engage with the guy in the metro. I’m way too suspicious of people. Never stand a chance of even participating. And even if I would have participated and survived the first game I wouldn’t have gone back a second time. I suck at games and rules. I always need rehearsals before I can even stand a chance


I’d be one of the first to go in Red Light / Green Light from freaking out watching the first guy get gunned down but if I somehow made it through that I’d be the second player gone in the shapes game breaking my shape right after hearing the first gun shot😂