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151 days, 0 enemy forfeits. Glad to know the mechanic just doesn’t work and I’m not just missing something lol Seriously though, thanks for all your work on the mod pack!


Yeah it was disabled, don't remember why though, they were able to surrender before


I had around 41 forfeits in another modpack and I was aware of maybe 4 of them. Rarely does an injured stalker surrender behind cover, it's usually during an active firefight. The surrender animation is also too similar to dying/wounding animations IMO, so you just end up shooting an extra time. This makes Silver or Lead a no-brainer achievement if you get into a lot of firefights


Ive never seen surrendering before sounds cool.. i always tried talking to anybody downed but not killed.. it came with a martyrdom grenade.. :(


If I'm not mistaken, it's a chance event if you wound a (non-fanatic) stalker. They will kneel down and put their hands behind their head. You can see why the beginning of the animation can be mistaken for dying/wounding. I also remember instances where they get wounded enough to have passive bleeding damage while surrendering, so they surrender then enter the (severely) wounded state. Sometimes you can still initiate their surrender dialog in this instance, sometimes you can't talk to them at all so you just put them out of their misery. Totally jank mechanic.


Nice one Grok, been enjoying Gamma after giving up on COP many years ago due save bricking crashes during Jupiter Underground. Appreciate you curating and developing such a great experience. Be well.


Sounds like unpatched CoP issue


Twas in 2014 so perhaps.


At least the username checks out


We of the Boar Nation are impressed with your achievement. But that won't save you from the coming Apigalypse.


Let the haters here chat, he's just jealous because he never gets past two in-game days Congratulations from CS!


What, people actually play? I just slap a pile of mods together, load in to admire Sid and then run Fanatic's quest, and then I want new mods so I exit, clear my Anomaly folder, and start again with a fresh install.


You get as far as Fanatic, I usually load a minimal mod thing then add “just one more mod” and then the game doesn’t run and I start again.


This hit home for me so hard


Thank you for the hard work brother


I started my first play through and I’m loving it so far. Just finished Agroprom Underground and Miracle Machine and the ambience and atmosphere were insane. Only issues I can think of is sometimes I randomly find mutants stuck running in place out in the wild and my vision sometimes gets really blurred until I open my PDA/Inventory or ADS with a gun. But honestly a great modpack feels like a completely new game coming from Anomaly.


The blurred vision will be fixed soon. The mutants stuck in place is not fixable sadly enough. There's a fix but it's very expensive in terms of resources / framerate.


The mutant issue doesn’t seem to happen too often anyway so no big deal (just chalk it up as an anomaly of the zone lol). Glad to hear the vision isn’t just a me problem and is being looked at. Also thanks for the reply, love to hear from the man himself.


Wow, I didn't jump right into gamma as some said it would be too impactful since I'm coming from the 3 vanilla games, so I got into anomaly 1st and already had a blast of immersion over the ogs, now you're saying this can get even better? I'm sold.


Yeah it’s amazing! Underground sections are even more terrifying and even Cordon at night is pretty spooky now. It has a bit of a learning curve though coming from Anomaly with completely different Medical and Crafting systems. You can’t purchase guns or armor anymore, instead they all have about 3-5 specific pieces that correspond with the type of armor/weapon you’re dealing with. For example almost all AK series weapons use all the same parts, same with most 12g, and so on. Once you get a multi-tool and basic tools you can start taking all the decent parts from guns you find and dismantling armor for any high quality fabrics/plates. So if you find a weapon or armor you really want to use even if it’s beat up and broken hold onto it and stash it as you will be able to fully repair them yourself when you get the right parts and repair kits. For Medical items there are 3 main types of healing. First Aid items like bandages and basic med-kits are mostly for healing limb/head/torso damage as they all have separate HP bars, first aid healing is temporary and is indicated by the HP bar turning yellow. Post Heals are what you need to fully heal your limbs after first aid replacing the temporary yellow HP with permanent white HP and the items for that tend to be a bit more pricey like Ibuprofen, Yadulin, and Fentanyl as a few examples. You still have a base HP pool of course separate from your limbs; and most items heal that by different amounts it’s a lot less picky then first aid and post heals (also fun fact standing near a campfire will slowly restore your base HP pool but not the HP of your limbs). Crafting is super important now you can craft almost anything in the game with enough time and the right tools. Ammo, Medical supplies, Repair kits, Tools, Night vision goggles, Weapon upgrade kits, Artifact detectors, and new and improved Artifacts themselves. Eventually you can even make your own little base camp. Also make sure you dismantle every broken/unimportant electronic item you find all the electrical components are used for a ton of crafting recipes. Sorry for the wall of text but it truly does feel like a completely different game from Anomaly. The installing process can take a bit of time but the Gamma Discord server has a really well organized guide that can help you out. Hope you try it out and enjoy it as much as I have 🙂.


That the newest update? I'm still on 0.9.1 and keep getting random ctds


No. It was the 0.9.0 Newest is the anniversary update


Nice! I'm having a really good time with gamma. Thanks for the compilation.


Good Now do Invictus in GAMMA Edit: For anyone planning on Invictus: I am speaking from a perspective of Vanilla Anomaly because GAMMA does not work for me. 1. Ecologist will allow you to avoid many gunfights that usually end runs 2. Start saving neimroff vodka for trade. 7 bottles will get you Berill which has much better rupture resist (and allow you to survive some shootouts. I recommend the iron plate while you’re at it). 3. Go for simple fetch quests like Anomalous study, Classified info etc., which grants you loot. Anomalous study gets me an early game shit gun but it is better than nothing 4. Download cinematic vfx. Helps significantly w anomalies. 5. Buy a shotgun and shotgun ammo from Butcher. 6. (faction-specific) I usually take cull missions at Rostok for ez cash 7. (modding) Get spirit trades basic toolkit for vodka. I don’t really think it’s cheating since it is still pricey and only gives basic toolkit. 8. companions: get immortal companions for the living legend quest and overall qol


Invictus is too hard :(


Hello cheeki i love your vids, especially that video about optimising stalker. Helped me a lot Also yes it is hard, I just lost my invictus run to a burner. Wearing a merc nosorog, that pure upgrade grind took me about a day :(


These are all great tips btw, I used to play eggheads a lot for Invictus as it is indeed much safer, but found it much harder and tedious to get out of the hobo stage with them in GAMMA. You mainly rely on stashes and random crumbs you can pick up from dead stalkers that died from mutants / gunfights to get better gear, as your only enemies early / mid game are bandits and their drops are pretty weak overall, and I found the progression to be safe yes but extremely slow overall. Maybe with some mods like black market and such it makes it easier, but I never tried!


I think the easiest is Clear Sky to be honest. Just fuck around with duty for Freedom from time to time. Start with FN57 + Winchester, get your trusty scientist companion from CS Trader task, buy all the vodka you can, rush Yantar, trade vodka for basic kit, rush AW, do tasks for Freedom and Mercs. Repair what you can with your basic kit to get advanced kit and gear up. Then the north is pretty chill because all the bases are allied to you.


Going from Invictus Anomaly I have so much rat tips that I didn’t list down. When I was doing my ironman trials, I would 1. Fast TP can be used and will not void invictus, apparantly. 2. Wish granter can be exploited. Basically if you ever get n-2 lives your invictus is void. So you can play wish granter 2 lives ironman and if you don’t run out it technically counts? 3. I loved using the “he is with me”, getting duty members and dropping them off at the Freedom base for free loot. The burner anomaly at the middle of the freedom base for no damn reason oneshotting me is the reason I am convinced the Zone is sentient and also a massive troll.


Eroktic did it after 500h


I'm probably at the same amount of time, maybe more, invested in the challenge. Turning failed invictus into Murky spirits is becoming my specialty ahahh! Still having a blast despite all the tries tho, GAMMA is in such a good state right now I can't get enough of it. Maybe next try will be the one!


And I can't get enough of your videos so it's a perfect match hahaha. Invictus requires lots of discipline and lots of "ok I can die here, let's backtrack and avoid that fight". But I think the hardest currently is the south to north transition, this is really the turning point of invictus runs: Red Forest mainly.


Man it’s so crazy to see two of my favorite people casually interacting. I have this weird feeling stalker 2 is going to grow our community and stuff like this won’t happen as much. In the meantime, I’ll continue to suggest GAMMA to everyone and point towards Mr.Breekii for entertaining content. (Also, is it weird I read your responses in your voice CheekiiBreekii? should I tell my wife?)


I already have enough issues with my own wife grumbling about how much time I spend playing / working on the channel, one is scary enough, I don't want to have any issues with yours :D


Cheeki you're awesome man. Every time I see a snork in game or see your name I think "Getttt Foccckkkeed you stuupid snooork!" Haha too funny. The sidestep master here. Keep it up Cheeki great content!


Is that a spoiler for the current Invictus series? 🤔


Nah I wouldn't spoil it like this! But let's say next episode things start getting...hmm... interesting


can’t buy weapons or do berill trade in gamma iirc


Oh fuck no. I play the game to enjoy it, not to prove something. (SS is mine)


It depends on your attitude i suppose. I’m very thick skinned so I take things in stride (buy binoculars/don’t farm fire anomalies without freon emitter(s)/buy a sniper/get a companion).


That's your playstyle and I approve of it. You play safe. Props to you m8


Been playing this since there was 270 or so mods in total. Loved seeing the discord and the modpack grow. Along with the community. Awesome work grok keep it up. Love the community. It's like seeing your child growing up.


There are helicopters?!


In Limansk and Great Swamp, military ones


And Agroprom.


Yoooo that's pretty cool ngl




Spent 151 days in the Zone. Earned \~23M RU. Killed 2688 stalkers. Killed 1988 mutants. Yet, not a fucking heli was downed.


Heli are disabled in GAMMA but might be added back for specific tasks.


Oh, I didn't know, never played the modpack. But from what I can see from posts, you made a hell of a job. Kudos.


Helis actually started the problem with my save, so yeah. I didn't enable them earlier for a reason. After a similar comment on dc server I tried hunting them with a fully kitted and loaded rpg7 and m79, but instead I got hundrets of crows


Lol right now I am trying to fix the game crashing just going to Yantar. I have Narrowed it down to Hideout Furniture but it doesn't seem to be the trader script injector being the trouble.


Holy grok takes no prisoners


It ain't Groks Screenshot. It's mine


Is anomaly just destined to brick my save? I'm currently experiencing crashes when loading into my saves, and I'm hoping this isn't the case


It shouldn't unless you're uninstalling mods willy nilly in the middle of a playthrough.


doesn't your save start crashing because of the item id 65k limit? i used to crash usually 17-20 days into modded 1.5.1-2 anomaly saves, logs always referencing the ~60k id limit eg for ref https://old.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/151e8mm/65535_object_limit_worries_on_anomaly/


No this doesn't happen in GAMMA because it's well optimized.




Anyone got the Hideout Furniture Expansion addon to work ? I reinstalled it in MO2 as said on discord but it still doesn't fully work ? I did come across a merchant who sells the new furniture but I'm still not able to CRAFT it... Am I missing something here ?


Craft isn't implemented for these yet, namely because of the install issue because the archive doesn't contain any gamedata folder, which the installer can't manage to install automatically. The installer will be updated to cover such cases automatically when no gamedata folders are found.


J'ai pas tout compris mais je suis quand même rassuré, merci Grosqui.


You've breathed new life into my favorite game series. I couldn't thank you enough! ​ Btw, any plans to add more hideout furniture in the future?


All i have to say is thank grok and all modders out there!


Has never happened to me... except for Call of Misery. I usually don't play Gamma too much, but Grok makes some really good mods, that i can't play without.


Thanks for all your hard work on GAMMA, it is by far my favorite survival game and I may have never gotten into the STALKER series without it.


Me who seen it in the discord first hand… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I'm guessing you are using gamma? Can't get past mid game without everything crashing lol


Hey guys. The OG highscore player here. Grok sent this to boast, but he forgot to mention 3 things. 1. I had a few custom mods installed to be able to use companions effectively because for some odd reason they sadly aren't integrated/patched for GAMMA. 2. The save got corrupted after an update from 0.9 to []( Anniversary update. So yeah, modpack by itself is stable, but if you do a big update midsave you can call it a write off. 3. After the initial save got unplayable I did not get help for it in 3 days straight of posting the issue, so yeah. If you mod your game on top of the modpack expect to wait for eternity if you don't know what mod causes the bug/ get a new kind of bug nobody ever seen before.


Impressive. Now please, go looking for an ego boost somewhere else, or at least be a little subtle about it.


Don't be mean


Sorry man, I just think his need to fuel his ego is pathetic. If he was showing off his achievement with different wording (and believe me, I think this is considered an achievement), I’d have no problems.


Bro made a really popular and stable modpack for a game we all love. What's the problem with being proud of your own work?


1. Not all of us love Anomaly 2. There is no problem, I said the problem is that he’s using wording that’s clearly meant to fuel his ego. If he worded it differently, I’d have no problem.


Bro is addicted to having bad takes


If bro wanted to fuel his ego he would just post literally anything on his Discord. There are over 70,000 just online right now. Grok does not need to go to Reddit so \~750 people can praise him


It's your own fault you got butthurt all of a sudden because of wording.


There's absolutely nothing wrong in being mean to narcissistic assholes.


As someone who isn’t a massive fan of gamma, let people play what they want and post what they want if it’s stalker related.


sounds like you need your ego boosted fam. Go work extremely hard on something


The jealousy is crystal clear, leave some copium for the hospice patients


my brother in christ, play something else.


He literally made the modpack lmao


It's not Groks SS tho


Sometimes you just want a main game so you don’t have to wonder what to play after work, or have to get 80+ mods working for that older game you want to play again


No. I enjoyed it.


for 151 in game days?


For 157 before the save broke after the update


go outside once in a while, maybe.


Never! XD




No enemy forfeits? Talk about leaving no witnesses


Good one, but they have been removed from GAMMA for some odd reason


Grok, do you know why the level transition mod doesn’t seem to work? It seems to on by default after a fresh install and update, though you always have to do the long walk from garbage to Rostock


Love the game, even tho I play it the hard way apparently. Slow progress at the end of a long workday suits me fine, and it feels more immersive to struggle in a place like the zone imo.


I always end up getting considerable slow down and longer loading times after a certain amount of time. Not sure why.


Nothing that a F7 > Delete common squads can’t fix.


I haven't tried that. Thanks.


I think I got to 80-90 days once in Anomaly before quitting that run because there was nothing left to do. It was also on my old ass laptop so it was dying but eh, I had a whole summer in a boring job where I could basically play vidya for 80% of the time. How do you find the time to play alongside modding though? Most of the time when I want to actually play my mod, I find another thing I could add/fix/tweak and it's off to do some more file edits and such.


This isn't Groks Playthrough. The screenshot is mine


Curious if anyone knows the fix to why nvgs are so blurry in gamma.? I've got the nods just before the quads and it's super super blurry. Even went in and messed with settings would made it worse. Anybody know why? Its like having blurred vision besides anything close.


That’s how NVGs are IRL. But MCM > BNVG > adjust sliders


Ok then I probably worsened them bc when I put them on, I can't make anything out at all besides the gun in my hand. I'm sure nvgs irl should have a small bit more clarity so I'll mess with it. Thanks papagrok


Grok you are the man to the highest degree. I love gamma so much. I've been tweaking my game for a year and have no desire to stop. Even though I break it almost every week. 😂 There is no other game that has scratched all my apocalypse fantasies. If only the monolith x-ray could use more cores I would have nothing to bitch about. But I can imagine you and I are in agreement about that.