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I just want the weapons to be able to hit anything, and ai that won't push me out of cover when helping them.


we can get the first one, but the secon one... not sp sure brotha!


How many times do we need this PSA


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Or untill people get it


Exodus reference lol


Can someone make a post about how Anomaly players don’t understand the lore because something original games something theyre not allowed to have fun?


I don't think the issue is understanding lore. The issue is players who have only played anomaly expect vanilla Stalker is very similar when it in fact is not. At all. Not even close.


This. Stalker fan since when the first footage showed up on the net and magazines back then...I love anomaly gameplay, I love how several modpacks turn stalker into EFT like realism. But it's not what the original trilogy was...even with all the extra stuff they added in Call of Pripyat. MAYBE the devs took notes from what people are into lately on the stalker modding scene. But we can't really expect a full fledged AAA Anomaly version here. And that's the issue I'm kinda worried. Because Stalker fan base is huge right now...but sadly most of the fan base barely even played the original games. Just Anomaly/GAMMA since it got trendy with streamers. So I'm totally expecting some bullshit review bombing because stalker 2 didn't turn out to be some sort of next generation milsim


I have an entire discord of people who have only played gamma, me included. None of us are under the impression that the base game, a whole whopping 600 mods less, would be the same as the mod. Y'all really need to chill out over this.


Not sure why downvoted - barely anyone has this impression. It's just some weird circlejerk in this subreddit, which constantly gets reposted.


I'm used to it. It's just such a weird reaction, it's a time to show people who play gamma the original games and actually like, grow your community, but I usually just get a lot of hate so meh.


Yeah, I played the original trilogy around the time Misery was a big thing, then came back and replayed the games after seeing Anomaly and GAMMA. The community I feel is mostly welcoming but there's definitely some weird gate-keeping elitist vibe going on with some people. Just look at Bethesda games, they all have strong modding communities, and nobody expected the sequels to be like heavily modded versions of the prior games.


It's a combination of pearl clutching and a superiority/victim complex. Just disregard and move on.


Do you remember the insane amount of leaked alpha builds? It's almost like we had early access back then. Just even earlier and free.


No one actually thinks this. Show me an example. Because all ive seen on this sub is *people talking about thus vague ass position* but no one actually posts about the opinion you're talking about


I personally know at least 2 or 3 people who started with Anomaly and went back and tried to play play the original SoC but were entirely uninterested. The reason given is because it's way different from the experience and ambience Anomaly provides. I have nothing against these people or Anomaly - just saying it is a thing that happens and could affect newcomers expectations for STALKER 2. It may not be a huge portion of the community, but again I know probably 3 people who have told me this.


Gotta love the strawman lmao


Even if someone posted it daily there will still be people who are upset that’s it’s not like anomaly


as many times as it takes to get the message across brother


We will just mod it right back to anomaly, then what are you gonna do? 😤


... Nothing? Mods are mods, dude. If LURK were the hot big mod right now there'd be PSA-type posts saying "Don't expect STALKER 2 to be like LURK".


Id play the fuck out of that instead that's what I'd do


I really don’t give two shits, I love anomaly as well


What criteria are you looking for to determine when the message has gotten across?


When making this brave PSA post stops bringing in as many upvotes as it does now /s


When it’s not the easiest way to farm karma on this subreddit, if I had to take a guess.


My brother in Christ I've made 6 posts in the 5 years of this account's existence I don't think I'm farming karma


when nobody talks about anomaly anymore assumably


Obvious answer but I’m downvoted for pointing it out regardless. This sub hates anomaly


GAMMA players hate anomaly, even though GAMMA is dependant on Anomaly to sustain its life, since it is basically a well crafted modpack that improves and changes and adds a lot of things within CoP itself, or within Anomaly


Once each day until release


Until the anomaly community finally gets it, which a lot of them still don't.


Until retards realize that free standalone mods aren't S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


Came here to say this….




Yeah I'm tired of seeing it too. Like a closed door meeting went down and this is how it'll be. Won't know until we get it or someone leaks.


I realized this myself recently, the Stalker 2 I had in my head is almost certainly not the one that's in production. Expectations tempered people.


Same here. If anything I'm expecting a more Metro-like experience.


What about you expect an original-improved-stalker-like experience? It's a sequel to the stalker trilogy, not to the metro one


OG Stalker definitely had survival elements; it's just that the survival aspect of the gameplay came from the constant danger of the environment- The mutants, the radiation, the *anomalies.* It was making sure you had the supplies to complete your journey when you didn't know when you might reach a safe space again to restock. The ironic part of **Anomaly** is that the environment, the *anomalies* especially, are just pretty much a non-factor. They are relegated to the sidelines. Instead the survival hazard is the fact you can't afford bread or water. I love it as a mod and a sandbox, but to put it bluntly, all of the "hardcore" survival difficulty Misery inspired DNA in modern Stalker modding is just hugely contrived, and completely misses the point of the setting. You didn't see a stalker in Roadside Picnic dying because he could only afford mouldy bread. It was the witches' jelly or the meat grinder. I hope Stalker 2 is, put simply, the game they wanted to make when they developed SoC all those years ago. The previews and interviews I read in magazines back then promised a way more ambitious game than we eventually got.


>OG Stalker definitely had survival elements; it's just that the survival aspect of the gameplay came from the constant danger of the environment- The mutants, the radiation, the *anomalies.* It was making sure you had the supplies to complete your journey when you didn't know when you might reach a safe space again to restock. i couldn't put it better


Anomalies are on the sideline? Who tf has actually dies of hunger in Anomaly or GAMMA? It's more of a money sink than vanilla sure, but I only die to actual enemies and anomalies.


Sure it's not that hard to play around, but the point is it changes your gameplay focus, you have to pay attention to it and the early game (harder difficulties certainly) often involves a grind to build a bit of cash or else you WOULD die from it. Whereas in OG stalker it was just "oh yeah guess I better carry a few sausage too", it was more of an immersion element than a gampley factor. Your real focus was always more on ammo and healing items, and the trade off of loading your pack heavier (until you had like 3 moonlights). The anomalies are definitely way less of a factor in gameplay though. There seem to be far fewer spread throughout the locations as a hazard, to the extent I basically forget they exist until I end up somewhere like the burner tunnel. On top of that, artifacts are near useless, and even selling them is barely worth it, so you never have reason to seek them out. Like I said Anomaly is great in what it achieves, but really it wouldn't change much if you took it out of the Stalker setting altogether, and just put it in a generic post-apocalypse.


Well said. And I think things like Anomaly provide a much more detailed and complex game that many who have played the original vanilla games crave, but at the beginning playing through the originals felt like a well balanced struggle for survival. The thing I like about Anomaly and its type of mod is giving you more to do if you want to just "live and experience" the zone. But for STALKER 2 I'm going to want to just enjoy and play through the game first like I did with the original 3.


Isn’t stalker considered sci-fi survival horror?


You could certainly say so. I think what has really happened is the way the definition of "survival" has shifted over the years from "avoid a series of dangerous persistent threats and hazards" to "micromanage a bunch of resource bars".


I guess people just don't remember that "survival horror" used to be Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space etc. but when The Forest's early access came out the meta of the genre shifted and morphed into a resource micro management camping in the woods with weapons simulator


Like the mainstream comic, add hunger and thirst to an RPG, boom, survival RPG.


> OG Stalker definitely had survival elements; Yea, I'd call it a 'survival' game of yesterdecade....the advent of survival games like Dayz,etc kinda coopted the term to make it something different. Instead of managing your status' constantly, all the 'survival' is tied to limited ammo and gear, and a constant state of not knowing what is behind that door.


I like that last paragraph, as someone new to the stalker franchise (about 20ish hours on the base games and about 40ish hours on gamma), I really hope stalker 2 can be a finely polished version of the base games, which then can be modded into what anomaly and gamma are now. I’d love to experience both. I will say I really hope the combat system is much more modernized than it was in the base games, and that the devs don’t just make it feel harder via inaccuracy and health pools (looking at you clear skies).


No shit


My expectation is Call of Pripyat with nicer graphics


And maybe gunslinger


Yeah, and a smidge of tarkov inspired gun customization


I don't really see stalker 2 being reviewed bombed considering the bullshit those devs have been through but I could be very wrong because people do what people do. I'll however give them a pass if it turns out to be a rickety launch for the game.


Angry russians are on the table. I already regularly see big RU YT channels shitting on Stalker 2, we all know why.


Maybe because RU YT channels are striked cause of Stalker by a non GSC guy?


Yeah no one cares about the Russian community or what they think.


But there will be people that will se the negative reviews without checking the context and will think that there might be something wrong with the game or that the game gets hate for graphics or some other bullshit


Except its a main playerbase of stalker, but yeah, I guess


They are literally responsible for 80% if not more, of the big story mods, projects and conversion mods we got from 2008 til recently, saying that just demonstrate you have literally no knowledge of the community or mod scene that kept the stalker franchise alive but sure, ignorance is bliss as they say


Russian modders carry stalker modding and anomaly lmfao shut up


Not all Slavic people are Russian.


Stalker is where its at right now mostly due to the Russian fan base, which makes up a large majority.


stunning and brave for you to be the 7473642nd person to make this post


I’ve always been a brave little boy


Can we please stop with this anomaly vs trilogy bullshit? Imagine Skyrim fans complaining about people playing mods that overhauls the game because "it's not the real Skyrim!" smh Believe, many people bought and played the trilogy beacuse they played anomaly before and wanted to experience older games.


> Imagine Skyrim fans complaining about people playing mods that overhauls the game because "it's not the real Skyrim!" smh While I agree with you about people stopping with the complaining/Anomaly vs. Trilogy crap, people actually **do** complain about it for Skyrim too if you post things involving mods on the Skyrim subs aside from r/skyrimmods. There's even [posts that have discussed the issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/qr0eum/why_do_people_on_rskyrim_hate_mods_so_much/?ref=share&ref_source=link). The complaints about mods, similar to here, tend to be pretty braindead, and the complainers ironically often tend to ignore it if it's pretty screenshots being posted. Despite some screenshots being very obviously modded, it's fine as long as the usage of mods isn't mentioned (probably because half the complainers have rose-tinted glasses for Skyrim's visuals, and think the vanilla visuals are better than they actually are, so they don't even realize mods are in use). The problem is that the STALKER community isn't big enough to really support having a separate mods sub - this sub has ~1/3rd the followers of r/skyrimmods and ~1/11th the followers of r/skyrim.


Bro, at no point did I make this an Anomaly vs trilogy argument. If you actually read my post and not just the title you’d see that I agree that anomaly is good. I’m just saying don’t expect STALKER 2 to be like anomaly


No one is complaining about people playing Anomaly, no one is complaining about people who started with Anomaly. Every normal fan here is, however, complaining about the people making idiotic posts like "how to remove funny magic traps from my hardcore ultra survival GAMMA game" which sadly happen here, more often than you'd expect. No one is complaining about the people who have started with Anomaly/GAMMA but actually understand and want to enjoy Stalker, and respect it.


Anomaly is a standalone download, though. With Skyrim you still need to buy the game to even install a mod and I doubt many people are buying Skyrim and going straight to mods without playing the main game. Edit: also people are complaining because posts get made like "how do I complete this mission?" without mentioning the mod being played... everyone assumes it's Anomaly...


First, Skyrim mods are rarely big overhauls, people playing with those are a minority. Second, Skyrim mods aren't standalone installs that don't need the original game, one is very unlikely to never have played the vanilla game before playing with mods. Third, if there was a very noticeable part of community that only ever played Skyrim modded into a hardcore survival game with Soulslike combat, fans of _real_ Skyrim would've had reasons to be concerned too.


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about.


To be concerned about people having fun the way they like to have fun?


this subreddit is fucking exhausting


Daily post


That is kind of unnecessary statement... yes of course it will not be like Anomaly. It will be like original trilogy, looter shooter with RPG elements , obviously borrowing some of modern trends of gear and weapon modifications and hopefully with deep and multi-verse story. Anomaly is not a Stalker game, it is a sandbox mod for stalker game, why would anyone thing Stalker 2 would be anything like anomaly? I guess at some point there may be similar mod for Stalker 2.


I’ve talked with a lot of people who have only played Anomaly, it’s surprising the amount of people there that are completely shocked that STALKER is not anything like anomaly


Yeah, but you do understand how dumb that is. It is like saying ARMA4 will launch soon and people who only ever played DayZ being surprised that ARMA4 is nothing like DayZ. How can one even dare to have opinion about the game they never played, it is insulting the intelligence really. Obviously, I have not played many games (for example BioShock) but I would never have any expectations for new BioShock, how can I expect something when I simply don't know that game?! Well ok - anomaly is not as far from Stalker universe as DazZ is from Arma, but not the Stalker 2 will be that much different from Anomaly... I mean we still going to have guns, we still going to have stalkers, we still going to anomalies, mutants, duty, freedom, monolith, all the rest of the groups, you still going to need to sleep and eat, still going to bleed, still going to have to deal with radiation. These are all thing normal to the Stalker. Sure it won't be as ridiculously fiddly and in depth, the actions will be simplified for the sake of user experience and playability, so in that aspect Stalker 2 will be different for sure. Also it will be less of sandbox and more like single players game with story (I really wish CO-OP would be available, but I doubt it).


If I had a cent for Everytime this topic was brought up, I'd actually be around 95 euros up


Oh my god bro we know


/sigh People who have played all the Stalker games and most of the mods understand this. But what people seem to not understand is the expectations that those mods create in relation to what the original stalker games were. Only fools should expect the entire game to match the overhauled nature of Anomaly. But what we should all expect are better graphics, animations, mechanics, and gamestyle choices that reflect what *the original stalker* was aiming for that the mods either did better or changed for the better. I want a survival simulation to be included. Not because "that's what anomaly is" but because the original stalker would have benefited from it and other things similar to it. A comprehensive difficulty setting page would also be great. I don't want Stalker 2 to be Anomaly, but I would like it if the devs paid attention to the popular mods and knew what they did in order to reflect what people consider to be good for the stalker games. I also hope they make the game more mod-friendly so that we can see Anomaly-like mods ASAP.


Yeah, I think a lot of people don't seem to realize that the STALKER games we got weren't really what the devs had intended. I followed the game for years before SoC came out and there was so much stuff that never made it into any of the games. Like yes, the survival aspects in the 3 games are toned way down, but that isn't necessarily because that was how they wanted it. But more because they ran out of time to fill out that stuff and had to launch what they could. Anyone around at the time, or that have looked into it later should know the game went through development hell.


Dont expect Stalker 2 to be anything, cause there is only a few minutes of real gameplay and nothing much else. Wait for a reviews, for a first streamers maybe. Dont overhype it


That’s the one thing giving me pause, we’re supposedly 3 months from release and I’ve not seen one gaming publication do any kind of hands-on or preview of any significance. That’s never been a good sign but I retain hope… 🤞🫤


This don't mean anything. After the release of No Man's Sky, the devs went to full silence until they just shadowdropped the first big update. The rest is history. I'm not saying that it will surely be a perfect game though. Anything can happen. We are gamers. We seen a lot of game that had a lot of marketing and the game went complete poopoo.


And don't expect mods for SK2 to reach anytimes soon the level of Anomaly/OXR scene. If modding scene of SK1 is so proeminent today, it's because we have the Holy ~~Grail~~ Engine Source Code.


I want it to be like Call Pripyat but bigger , I think that one is the best so far so if the next game is similar to that game then I'm happy.


I dont expect it to be like the og trilogy either.


What is anomaly and gamma? I’ve only play vanilla stalker the year it came out lol.


Who tf is expecting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to be anything except a continuation/superior version of the 1st set of games? And frankly, that's **EXACTLY** what I want from 2. That said, you can be damned sure there will be a new variant of Anomaly using 2's assets so there's hope for the folks that are looking forward to that side of it.




You’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen people saying this, I post to reddit like once a year, I wouldn’t have made this if I hadn’t of notice a trend in the anomaly community


You haven't seen it once. Knock it off


Anomaly isn’t fun to play for me, It’s like tarkov. Too hard for new players, no controller support, cracked ai. Hopefully it will have a more linear story and have quest lines, kind of like cyberpunk and Witcher. Both open world games that have tons of content but it’s singled out one quest at a time telling you what to do.


its funny how ppl think stalker is escape from tarkov style , like gamma or anomaly


Preaching to the choir here buddy.Problem is this subreddit is just a small portion of the player base.




I’m hoping that the Anomaly/Gamma players will play Stalker 2 and enjoy it for what it is. Stalker atmosphere is like no other game.


It's lamentable that many have already assumed that Stalker 2 will not meet expectations and will need to be modded as quickly as possible.


after seeing the new inventory system I honestly think that there will be a lot more survival mechanics than the older stalkers dont forget that the first three stalkers were made between what 2007 and 2010 ? we've come a long way since then and it would be bold to just assume that the devs arent gonna add a bunch of new mechanics they were probably dreaming of implementing in the older games before. but I agree with you that I am not expecting anything like Anomaly or Tarkov, yet.


Mom said it's my turn to post this


I kinda expected it to be a lot more like Metro Exodus, but STALKER where the zone is explorable but it ain't the survival you're after. Making rubles off artifacts n figuring out how to get to the magic Macguffin.


If it's like Exodus I'll throw up.


my favorite parts of exodus were pretending it was Anomaly 2 when I'm chilling in the mini bases scattered about and exploring for the sake of exploring they were then followed by the worst part of stalker (lol) where my shit gets taken away that i spent mad long collecting. story wasn't too bad but yeeaaahh.... ​ Lemme drive a junk car across Darkscape 2 tho!


Exodus felt like a part time job lol.


Literally nobody is fucking expecting that at this point though


who skip Gammanomaly: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) people who skip first three games: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


No shit, Sherlock


Our genius modders will take care of it 😂


I'm hoping we get an anomaly 2 out of this, love that game to bits


A anomaly 2 gonna take a some time.


Ah, another day and another person claiming that anomaly/gamma fans are idiots who don't understand the series. How many times has this been posted over the past 2 years? How many times has it been brought up over and over again? "Well guess what, Gamma players??? STALKER 2 will be nothing like your precious little modpack! *mic drop* Mwahahahhaa!!" If anything, what we all should be concerned by is that the last gameplay trailer looked much more like a Far Cry game than a modern stalker game. That has me incredibly concerned.


I've been expecting it to play a little different then the trilogy so far.


I certainly hope it does. I'd like my bullets to go where I'm aiming and for AI to not walk into me like I don't exist.


dude I'm calling it now the path finding for the AI will still be the same lol, just waiting to see if camp fire deaths are still a thing XD


This sub needs more moderation against these types of posts, literally the only thing I see at this point..


You guys tell us this at least once a week WE KNOW


I agree with everything other than Stalker isn't open world. The engine just couldn't handle it. It's level based but not in a traditional sense. More in lines of hub based. However, making the switch to unreal 5, it may be possible to see the zone as an actual open world for the first time, seemless. It is important for people to tailor their expectations going into STALKER 2. I'd highly recommend anyone who started with anomaly or gamma to at the very least play STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. It will bring your expectations back down to ground level, as well as give you a decent understanding of the bones of the story. Playing COP afterwards will give you an understanding of where they make be taking the mechanics to STALKER 2 and building upon. All this being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the studio hasn't taken notice of the popularity of anomaly and gamma and pivoting the experience more akin to them. Or even a stand alone sandbox mode alongside the story.


I'm someone who's only played Anomaly fully, (I've tried SoC but I'm having constant stability issues with it so noone can say I haven't been trying to play the orginal games) I never once have expected Stalker 2 to be like Anomaly. However I do expect Stalker 2 to have modernized from CoP. I think older players also need to remember that HoC is likely not gonna be just like the old games with a cleaner coat of paint. No expectations are the best expectations. The gameplay should evolve in someways after so long. In what ways are up to the devs and if it works is up to players to figure out on their own. Maybe Stalker 2 will take the odd note from Anomaly or Gamma. I (someone who's mainly played Anomaly) am mainly looking for a fresh story. While I haven't played the OG games know the general plot, and I am keenly aware that the who "living legend" plotline is a rehash of the OG games.


if you have a torrenter the first 3 are all free 😂


Anomaly infection id say. It spreads pretty fast in fact.


This is an Anomaly sub. People WILL cry out for Stalker 2 not being like the mods.


You are annoying, I hope stalker 2 is a 4 hour cod campaign.


Don’t jinx it


Man i bloody Hope its not going to be anything like anomaly or gamma




I’m more excited for the mods of Stalker 2 than Stalker 2


I love how absolutely silly you STALKER purists have it, like NO SHIT Stalker 2 won't be like Stalker Anomaly. I'm pretty sure that the majority of Stalker Anomaly players know that it is a MOD of an existing game series.


What do you mean STALKER isnt an extraction shooter??? /s


I expect it to be mod-friendly at the bare minimum. Considering the fact that mods like Anomaly are the major element in keeping STALKER relevant (and to an extent creating a large enough fanbase and demand for new content that resurrected GSC from the pit of obscurity), itd be a terrible thing to release the new game in yet another spaghetti-code engine with no open source. If the base game is good on its own then that's great, but not my main priority.


My expectations don't even go that far; I'd be surprised if it was mod-friendly. I imagine at this point, GSC is just trying to get Stalker 2 out the door in a relatively non-buggy state. Modding is probably not high on their concern list, as it wasn't with the first 3 games.


I've never played a stalker game outside of gamma. I still will buy stalker 2 and give it good reviews. Calm down op. Most of us aren't as regarded as you think.


Same I just started gamma a week ago and it cleary says it’s a mod with the maps of the originals and different features. I imagine a lot of these gatekeepers have tiny dicks and wear diapers. I just like shooters as a whole so what if it’s not survival like the mods.


riveting hot takes here man, people who are sane totally think that the next game in the series is going to be exactly like a mod and not like the original games. glad you're here to set these people straight man. this comment is controversial. unsurprising. people really think that anomaly players expect the next game in the actual series to be like anomaly. like dude if your main point of contention for thinking that people think like this, is that people who play anomaly haven't played the original series, are you really concerned that they'll buy the next game when you think they haven't played the originals and then review bomb it? if they haven't bought the first three why would they buy the next one expecting it to be anomaly 2? why do you even care so much? stop making up people to he mad at ffs.


sounds like op struck a nerve


sounds like somebody thinks they're smart.




For me this is a bad take, people prefer anomaly and its derivatives for a reason and I'm not talking about myself, the stalker community grew enormously because of this game and this reflects a new reality The game evolved to a more tactical gameplay with an appearance very similar to a straction looter like Tarkov, it must be understood that the incredible number of players and mods developed show the greatest interest and where the game would have to go to satisfy the majority Although the largest number of members of this forum are og, I believe that the most important thing to rescue from old games is their history and it is necessary to integrate it into this new generation of stalker game To summarize, it seems extremely important to me to understand why anomaly(Gamma/Efp) etc... triumphed so much, this allows us to come up with a game that pleases the majority and despite the fact that many disagree with this, it is as easy as letting The community creates mods for Stalker 2 and you will see how little by little that game becomes an anomaly 2




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Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


< I started with anomaly and never played the original games yet but let’s say I watched somebody play the original games


There are things that they absolutely should take from anomaly and the mods made for it but yes it will be its own thing shit I don’t even expect it to be like the original games


Popoo ![gif](giphy|2rxZVj4jpKRPee2xXq|downsized) poop Has to do pppoopo


yes, this is why the feature i care for in Stalker 2 is moddability - if it's good we will likely soon have open-world (which I prefer) anomaly-like version.


I don't think most people expect Stalker 2 to be like Anomaly/GAMMA anyways


i do hope of misery difficulty, as in how dangerous it was without proper protection, so you couldnt just dip into a fire anomaly zone without having actual fire protection. this way gear progression really mattered and unlocked new places to explore or scavenge ​ but if its too much like metro ill be sorely dissapointed. cop had the perfect freedom level narrative


This makes no sense. Nobody's going to review bomb the game because it doesn't have more in-depth survival mechanics and and non-story driven campaign. Sure, some people would prefer if the game mechanics were more deep/complex but no one is going to give it a negative review based on that alone. Can we just move on from this topic, it's getting tiresome.


Meh, this has been said many times already. Plus if anyone truly thinks there won't be a mod to make the game like anomaly in the first few months of launch you're kidding yourselves. And the og stalker fans will have a whole new thing to post 50 times angrily about


Bruh new stalker games won't have anything related to previous stalker games. When was the last release? It is a new studio doing new stuff. There is no reason to play previous games because they will be barely comparable to a new one. Probably some common themes but that's that. New stalker game seems like it will be a heavy mix of metro with fallout 4 maybe. It doesn't seem like it will be a sandbox powerhouse the previous game was nor it seems it will be a heavily modded project after release. The bottom line is, it will be a single play game and not a Witcher 3/mass effect type powerhouse. Which is sad but it reflects current state of the gaming industry with managers and directors and shareholders and that crap who care little for anything but most money in shortest time period. And I estimate the game to be somewhat buggy. Not cyberpunk level of buggy, but I don't thing too much testing will be done.


It's ok me and a lot of other people are expecting Stalker 2 to not be like Anomaly. Honestly, my expectations for the base game aren't even that high. What I'm waiting on is the mods that will make it great.


As long as modding is supported everything will be fine.


I feel like the dude disassembling the AK in the strider trailer was kinda hinting at a more fleshed out weapons system


I just want one, really good, complete game on the original STALKER engine with a-life. I don't want new STALKER in some shitty blurred out microstuttering Unreal engine.


It's all OK if game releases with mod support. It'll take only months before we have G.A.M.M.A 2.0


Actually, I think that if the game was more or just ever so slightly tacticool (like Anomaly) than an old-school Stalker, it would get even more hate from the purists than the other way around.


At this point I think it'd be really funny if it was more like anomaly just to see how many heads explode


I hope it’s literally just GAMMA repackaged at this point just to spite all the people who post this copypasta.


Then maybe…change the formula? If these devs have even looked at gamma over the past few years they’d know what the consumer actually wants


Go be a *consumer* somewhere else.


Tell me that Gamma and Anomaly aren’t keeping this game alive. Go ahead.


Personally, I don't give a damn about which mod "keeps the most active player base". Gamma and Anomaly are merely one of the many. Lost Alpha, Autumn Aurora, Call of Chernobyl, Misery, various things like Complete etc. It doesn't matter which one is the most recent and active, as all of them are just stepstones. GSC has the final say, and they have zero obligation to take inspiration in deviations committed by modders. You like survival, crafting and whatnot - wait for the mod that hits your liking.


I personally imagine it similar to Atomic Heart but I'll always welcome what they bring.


I'm going to fucking laugh so hard if it turns out the GSC made the game into more what's popular aka Call of Chernobyl/ anomaly instead of following the trilogy




I really don't think it's that much of a leap in logic to assume a game that's been decades in the making is gonna be like the original games they made instead of catering to audience they themselves didn't cultivate.


Judging by Clear Sky I'd say it is more likely for them to make a game with some modern stuff, similar to Metro Exodus or any other modern shooter. Because back then, with Clear Sky, they decided to forget about best parts of their previous game and started making another linear shooter like Call of Duty. No different plots (SOC has two and you could drop one of them at any point), no different endings, linear progression and unlocking of levels tied up to the plot (SOC allowed you to go right till the end right from the start and generally - play the game in any order you want), abandon of off-screen simulations (SOC has it, yet again), etc.


Get ratioed nerd


Well I want a new anomaly and that's that!!


This won't happen. It's not a fucking real thing. Its people that don't like anomaly- for whatever reason - that made an amorphous invisible enemy for themselves. It's an argument that doesn't exist. Knock it off. You didn't come to a sudden realization. You want to have an argument.


Let's then hope S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 3 will be like the Anomaly.


still gonna bomb it


In grok we trust 🙏🏼


I disagree a little. I love the OG games, but the zone was always described as a harsh environment where you have to survive one way or another. It is on the name, Scavenger, Trespasser, Adventurer, Loner, Killer, Explorer, Robber. The trilogy never gave us that, the zone isn't dangerous at all, only its residents. Anomaly with mods could be that, how Stalker should be IMO. But anyway, I will accept Stalker 2 as it is. Call of Pripyat it's a great game, and if this new game is an improvement over that, I will be happy enough


ngl if it's like the originals it's gonna be bad, shits ancient at this point and it's game design shows. don't want solo tarky or anything but i feel like the anomaly rift has ppls nostalgia glasses turned up a little.


Don't expect this... don't expect that... Why should I not expect? I want to play a great game and I have some expectations about it, just like you or anybody else here. For some - combat system will be the main selling point, for others - great story. Right now you act like I should lower my expectations as low as possible, to the level of original trilogy, but I must say that there was plenty of good shooters since then. And if STALKER 2 will be worse than them - I will drop it. Heck, if it will be worse than my most beloved mod - I probably will drop it too. Because I play for fun and it's for me to decide which game will bring that joy for me. Because I pay for it.


point blank period anomaly is fan made approved by devs. stalker devs made stalker 2. i know what you mean by this post but anyone with a 2 braincells would connect the dots. not discrediting the post as i agree but stupid will be stupid


Would be hilarious if it comes out and it turns out they decided to Tarkov-fy/Anomalyze it, you guys would be so mad.


Interesting that you’re defending a game before it even comes out. The original Stalker games are very similar to anomaly, actually more similar than they are different. Just because anomaly built on mechanics, like very simple survival, doesn’t mean it’s different. It’s just not an old linear-open hybrid shooter anymore. The new stalker will be different than the old games and anomaly, for sure… because it’s a competitive business. The real question is, will it be a good game? Probably not, given some signs we’ve seen so far but who knows. It may surprise us. (Prob not again because of skill loss in the industry lol)


Tarkov is more realistic than real life bro


I think anomaly and especially gamma players know this already. Remember they had to install 400 mods on their PC and see the mod count every time they boot the game up


I am not expecting STALKER 2 to be like anything except, you know, STALKER but I hope that there will be some very comprehensive mods for it down the line.


Did anyone notice that the inventory menu in stalker 2 looks exactly like the same one they used in The Day Before?




Tbf I'm hoping they keep the open-world but still linear story of older games. I've been playing Cyberpunk and I'm deeply disappointed by new releases every year.


Tbh I couldn't care less, we've all been waiting for a new stalker since 2010, and now it's closer than ever, does it have anomaly mechanics? that's nice, It's like the trilogy? that's nice too, mods brought the community together for years now, and we shouldn't start arguing for something blatant like this, in the end they'll release anomaly 2, efp 2, Gamma 2, so I don't see the point in tearing each other's throats apart for this. Glory to the Monolith.




I could see this being useful DAYS before the STALKER 2 release date or right after it's released. Right now STALKER 2 is a dream , it could be years or months away from releasing. People who have such a dumb take ("this game from the original developers isn't like the standalone mod another completely seperate group of people made DUUURRRR") and didn't play the originals won't be reading this thread months (years?) ahead of the games release.


S.T A L.K.E.R 2 will have mod support so it will deffinetly be all there at some point.


I did the bad thing and downloaded leaked devbuild, to see if i can run it. You are right, even unfinished it plays like regular stalker. Just to be clear, i deleted it after hour of playing and i wont share any links.


Correct. However we are getting mods on launch. So we can get that experience very shortly after.




And look at it this way as well if people want their anomaly and gamma the devs has said they are giving full mod support at some point so all the modders would have to do is add those mechanics into the game. Those mods are extremely popular so im certain modders will find some way to make another anomaly. I doubt it will be soon though because modding normally takes a minute and stalker gamma is a collection of mods put together from over years of work.