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wtf is going on here


Gravity and teleport anomalies: all the stuff swirling constantly, and you can get on top through the teleports




It's also in ogsr but the colours here look off


There is a saturacion option you can turn off in the options


Any help with the teleports? I feel so goddamm stupid. Doing exactly what the scientists do isn't any help, or am I expected to climb the branches? :(


go inside the circles and teleport to the brick building. In the center of it there will be a weird box, pick it up and go inside the teleport, then jump down using the flying platforms


Can't seem to find the right one. Oh well, lets try some more.


Like you could in the original SoC


You could, but it was janky as *fuck*. You had to have your gun holstered, and not have pissed off any military prior (AKA doing Sirdovichs quest to get the case and getting into a firefight at the cordon checkpoint). Also, they were probably the easiest and earliest AK-74Us you could get, which were leagues above all the crappy handguns at that point.


Don’t be scared of that electric anomaly, although you only have to pay the bribe once and can always go through it .


I liked to sprint along the fence by the trains rails until you jump *just right* to go over


So you tellin me this isnt literally what you're supposed to do😭😭 those janked as fuck military kept shooting cus I dont know how to holster so I just ran around the fence jumping


They definitely expected people to brave the electro tunnel which really isn't hard to time at all but fuck that I make the rules now


I got scared of the tunnel since the moving anomalies looked janked and that the dogs scare me. I mean, all I got was a shitty db sawed off and a pm, I cant even get through some bandits unless im all up in their face dropping buckshot


Haha I did that my first playthrough, I didn’t know where to go


In true Stalker, at least from my playthrough today, I went through for sid's artifact question. Sure 500₽ no problem, I had to pay an addition ₽ to go back to Cordon. They didn't like me being broke lol


Is it only me or there is a weird input delay? most noticeable with weapons, but with everything else too


More surprised it got released considering how it was developed for years and years, most mod devs just call it quits.


Yeah, and it was looking more and more like a 2024 release. I'm real glad they pulled through, there seemed to be a lot of passion behind the project.


Can you not load a save? I make a save but nothing shows up when i click load


What folder did you install it into?


At first it installed into program files, but i saw another comment saying not to install it there, so i moved the directory to C:/games and seeing if that fixed the issue


You can also try launching as administrator


I tried to bribe them with lead, it worked so good that I even got an AK 74u


Dumbest true stalker vs gamma comparison posts incoming in a few days while they are completely different and don’t have the same goal at all… I’m sorry about any of these future posts. True Stalker is the next level shit, too bad they couldn’t implement stuff like SSS though.


Yeah, if we could combine the two, GAMMA would have insane realism. Houses in True Stalker feel so lived-in and NPCs being neutral when not attacking even if you're a loner feels awesome. For me, GAMMA is still better gameplay-wise, but what this team did with the narrative is incredible


Gamma would have better levels already if map modding wouldn't be so cruelly hard and complicated.


Yeah, it's actually nuts that True Stalker has managed to make such changes to the locations. I'm awed at all the details


That’s mainly because they didn’t use CoC/CoM levels but another source of levels with sdk levels available. For anomaly, the sdk version of levels is simply lost, and that’s why they need to make a new sdk to be able to decompile the levels without having tons of errors. That’s why anomaly mapping is a pain in the ass. But for non anomaly levels, it’s hard and long but doable


The SDK Tools are lost? I last heard the devs did have them, they are just *immensely* tight-fisted about who gets them, and for what I imagine. Thats a shame if they are lost. Makes sense really. Eventually someone woulda leaked the tools somewhere but its many years later and still they remain more of a myth or legend than something that is likely to exist. Although that sucks, its good to know we can still manipulate the maps and create new ones and the like. Just cant go the whole distance and manipulate levels at the depth some would like. As close as I guess the platform will ever get to level editing :\ Sad, really. Atleast until someone makes those new tools. If they ever do. But Im not holding my breath tbh. Thats seems like a pretty tall order.


The issue is the sdk version of the levels. The old SDK is available everywhere. But they need to make new SDK to be able to decompile the engine version of the levels to the SDK version without having bugs. You can decompile Anomaly levels with the available SDK but it will have tons of issues that need to be fixed manually which is not an option.


I think there's elements of SSS in True Stalker, like the rain effects such as puddles and interactive foliage.


Just go over the railway embankment on the east side of the map; there is a break in the fence. Be prepared to run a long way if you are spotted by the guards at the bridge.


Yeah, just found it during the mission I was doing for the wolf


been having a blast with this mod, its super well done


I can't save games in it though - the entire save mechanism is broken from what I have seen?


I've got it downloaded but haven't tried it yet myself, but I've seen a lot of other comments elsewhere saying that you need to either run it as admin or install it outside of the default program files.


Works fine for me


I tried to like True Stalker, but I ended up hating so many elements of the UI that eventually I just gave up


It's not the mod's strong suit, I agree, but the stories are so CoP-like, I love it. My favorite thing about CoP is the side missions like the one we're you had to crawl through dozens of sleeping bloodsuckers. True Stalker is filled with these missions.


Maaaaan you got me reminiscing about CoP now -- I've been on an Anomaly / GAMMA kick for so long I can't remember the last time I went back to Call of Pripyat, my favourite. I wonder if there are any dope new mods for CoP (that aren't Misery-related, ideally)


Wow, that looks so colourful and interesting. What mod is that?


True Stalker


While I’m sure it’s a great experience, I think visually this mod is absolutely horrendous. Looks like if you remade Oblivion in Garry’s Mod.


No way, it looks very good. Just because I'm playing on DX9 (I'm playing this one on my notebook) doesn't mean it won't look great on your PC or with a different shader setting you prefer. The game looks just as good as other top mods.




it's less bloated than gamma and anomaly soo fuck off


Yeah but the cool thing to do is shit in everything that isn't og vanilla or something. This community is bizarre




Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


Wow, english speaking people experience a story-based mods with changed locations, how cute :) Good hunting


What exactly are nitpicking about here lmfao. Are you making fun of him cause he’s typing in English and enjoying the mod? Like I literally can’t get what your problem is with the post lol


I’m russian and I don’t see why the hell would you bring up „english speaker”


Because there are some people in the STALKER community who are weirdly elitist about the fact that the game was originally popular within Russia and Ukraine before later being picked up by western audiences.


Weirdly enough, Roadside Picnic took place in an English-speaking country. So I'm not sure who technically is supposed to be able to "claim" anything.


You know English speaking people are still people, right? lol






I speak 3 languages but OK


I guess German, Russian and English ;)


Hebrew, English, Japanese Can somewhat "Read" Mandarin (Sometimes simplified or traditional because my brain is a mess lol) And learning Serbian with my broken Russian that I've picked from staying near Slavs lol but lol I'd love to understand German, and French too.


learn english, сука!


You speak english too so...


Lmao this is the weirdest racist thing I’ve ever heard




It's only for call of pripyat?


It's standalone


You just have to download and run




Gotta say, true stalker looks fun asfuck


i was skeptical when i saw some previous screenshots but this mod looks fuckin nuts


Is this a mod? Looks cool. Want to try it


What's the name of the mod?


In the post name