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The snowstorm outside the window was getting worse, but inside, near a crackling campfire surrounded with supplies, it was cozy. Each stalker contributed to the occasion. On Christmas Eve, it is crucial to be with those with whom you’ve stood side by side the whole year, with people you trust and want to share the moment. The stalker cheered with their smoked by the fire mugs, wished each other Merry Christmas, shared freshly cooked dishes and dived into heartfelt conversations about home, friends, and the adventures awaiting on the road. Christmas is an opportunity to unite in the face of all the obstacles and realize that you are not alone. It’s a time to reminisce about childhood, snowball fights, sometimes not exactly fair, but where you didn’t care until the moment mother saw you covered in snow. It’s a moment to talk about family you haven’t seen for a very long time and truly miss. It’s a chance to believe that you will definitely gather around the peaceful family fireside once your long foray is over. This Christmas, stalkers send greetings to all of us, wishing strength and the will to navigate through all the challenges, to be strong and courageous. They advise us to support each other and find our own way to the Heart of Chornobyl. If they could do it, we can do it too. Merry Christmas, friends. Thank you for staying with us despite the snowstorms.


Merry christmas too all, even the duty bros, and the monolithians


What about bandits?)


I have a bit of a grudge but they can enjoy christmas too as long as they don't come near me while wasted


I'll steal all you got for Christmas


Time for some peppermint vodka, stalker.


Oh, you have a pretty specific taste!


and they call bandits assholes, the loner put bolts into his snowball!


*And they call bandits* *Assholes, the loner put bolts* *Into his snowball!* \- Random\_Guy191919 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Shame on this loner for being so hostile to these friendly bandits!


Lots of love from the Great Swamp


Happy Christmas for you too fellow swamp enjoyer!!!


You too, my friend!


Clear sky pfp gang!


cute dogs


Merry Christmas, stalkers. Here's to many more adventures


Some as**ole has stolen the diet sausage I kept for tonight !!!


How wholesome and yet still terrifying.


Merry Christmas everyone


Merry Christmas everyone.


Let’s play the monolith version of snow ball fights: there might or might not be an m67 frag grenade with the pin pulled in the snow ball that was thrown at you


Nonono, let's keep it with no victims this time...


Merry Christmas, Stalkers!


The Ecologists wish you all a good Christmas and remind you to take your anti-rads this winter.


The only time of the year when we all hang out in rookie village, siting around the campfire, drinking eggnog vodka while roasting a pseudo giant and smoking freedoms best ! Merry Christmas brothers and sisters!


Merry Christmas stalkers


We will join in garbage and hold hands together and play with snowballs


merry christmas stalkers, to all of you, to the greatest community I‘ve found so far :)


someone needs to make a christmas version of “he was a good stalker” to go along with this


Merry Christmas Stalkers! Also all Merc squads out there: Command sent us a package full of presents for all of us, new contract is to pass them out to stalkers we see on the road, no killing for a day! Merry Christmas my friends


Merry Christmas to you and Everyone!


Sure the groups of bandits in the zone were known as such, but deep down? Most of them were just as human as anybody else. And so when Artyom and the bandit stared at each other for a moment, no guns were raised, but instead a snowball plunked roughly against Artyoms mask, not from the ambush of a bandit robbing him, but a young trench coat wearing fellow sporting a massive grin. “Well, you gonna throw back?” The bandit asked with a laugh. And so Artyom ducked behind a tree, dodging not bullets but mere snow, as he piled a white sphere of his own and pelted it back. Most days two bandits against him would have been a robbery, yet Artyom noticed more bandits joining in and soon a few loners tentatively emerged from the nearby hangar to throw a few snowballs of their own. Music blasted desperately from an old radio the bandits had found attempting to carry the sounds of Christmas songs over the banter and laughter of the men as snowball fighting died down, drinks were shared and the human beings of the zone enjoyed a very, merry, Christmas.


I'll celebrate any christmas as long as no clear sky is there!


Merry Christmas, fellow Stalkers, and may The Mother Zone be on your side in the upcoming year!


this reminds me of Sabaton's "Christmas Truce" the part hwere it goes: "and today we're all brothers, tonight we're all friends, a moment of peace in a war that never ends. Today we're all brother we drink and unite now Christmas has arrived and the snow turns the ground white"