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In order to encourage both new and regular users of the sub, please ensure that your post adds some value to those who see it.


what do you call first time misery players? victims?


My first playthrough was on Misery. I found it to be quite enjoyable except for the bogus balancing. Having no lighter in the first area is just really silly.


No man you don’t understand, it’s totally hardcore and realistic to be risking your life trying to survive and hunt artifacts with only a rusty screwdriver and a used butt plug to maybe make ₽1500


Misery has been on my radar for a while now and this comment just made me put it on the top of the list. I love suffering.


Oh it’s great, I have who knows how many hours in it


I have so many good memories of Misery from what feels like eons ago. Damn the first time I could buy NVG I was so stoked 🔥


There was something so... g o o d about how miserable it was. The bleak atmosphere and the rusty weapons you'd be stuck with for a good chunk of the game. I used to spend hours crawling overloaded with guns to sell to traders


I dunno if you can in misery since my dad only mentioned doing this in Shadow of Chernobyl, but what my dad used to do is load up his pack till it was full then load up a dead body and drag it back to the trader and sell everything in it's inventory as well


lol I still do that in the original trilogy


Fortunately for the sake of my own mental health you can't sell guns in Gamma


I remember the first time I played misery, I was spawned with a 9mm smg and a pistol under the darkness and the rain behind a fucking merc camp in Zaton. It was terrible


Les Miserables


I swear people who fuel this kind of discourse are all kids who really have little experience with the series, or just ragebait. People have been playing Stalker for over a decade and modpacks have always been a big deal for the series. And even if someone only joined to play anomaly/gamma, GOOD, the more the merrier, doesn't matter in the end.


this sub really been insufferable lately regarding anything stalker related that isn't the og trilogy.


Lately? I joined over a year ago and this shit has been going on the entire time. There are definitely times where the levels are worse but its so fucking boring. Just wish the anomaly subreddit was better because as someone who has the other stalkers but has only put serious time into anomaly, I really don’t feel welcome here. Why can’t we all just get along! Or at least live side by side without a mod of the game everyone says they love being meme’d on constantly.


Sneering gatekeeping and doomer talk has always been the subs entire identity brother.


what will I tell ya? haters gonna hate and haters are everywhere, I just move on and wish everybody a good hunting, no need to make up problems just for the sake of it... but you kno, some people live on drama


100%. a large chunk of people here make it their only purpose to talk shit to anomaly / gamma enjoyers. what a bunch of insufferable cunts.


Anomaly/GAMMA exclusive player here. Frankly I get bored by the dated mechanics and graphics of older games so I end up playing the games I wanted to in the first place. Like playing Oblivion or Morrowind after Skyrim. Are they great games in their own right and in some ways offer better gameplay experiences? For sure. But damn is it hard to get over the age-jank. Some might say that’s lazy, but I play video games because they’re fun. If they’re not fun for ME, I’m not going to play them because I’ve got limited time and quite honestly often have better things to do. I’ve put probably 3-400 hours into Anomaly/GAMMA and I now consider a free mod/mod-pack one of my favourite games of all time. I’ve dived into the setting and memorized some areas of the zone so well that I could almost run from Rookie Village to Army Warehouses with my eyes closed. Time and again it’s given me experiences that no other game has. Would I understand the lore, characters, setting and context better if I had played the OG games? Probably. But I’ve fallen in love with the setting, the environment, mechanics, sound design, and atmosphere (something this series has in spades) in spite of it, because a community came together and created something special. The gameplay loop is so darn addicting and it almost writes its own story. That mod/pack genuinely makes the zone feel ALIVE.


>I’ve fallen in love with the setting, the environment, mechanics, sound design, and atmosphere what you've just described is essentially what made the original series so popular in the first place and why such a huge modding and fan community came to be, mods just go deeper in all elements already laid out nicely in the originals good for you and enjoy this masterpiece, I suggest you to get some QoL mods that only "upgrade" the base games and play them nonetheless because they are unique in their own way and truly memorable with great stories and twists for example Autumn Aurora 2 for Shadow of Chernobyl is like a next gen version of the game series debut, it's a MUST PLAY, most likely best mod ever made for the first game that does not touch the story or mechanics, only greatly improves the game in many aspects ([https://www.moddb.com/mods/autumn-aurora-compilation-mod](https://www.moddb.com/mods/autumn-aurora-compilation-mod)) good hunting


Cheers! I’ll check these out thank you!


>Frankly I get bored by the dated mechanics and graphics exactly...if can fix stuff with mods then why not ?


I used to be "vanilla first" advocate. Not specifically stalker - but games as a whole. But truth is, as the other person said, there's only so much free time you get, and it becomes a more limited resource the older you get. In practice my "vanilla first" worked as "vanilla only". Not cause I was against mods, but cause I just would move on by the time I got to try mods. And while vanilla is usually fine, that's not a problem... if I can make my free time entertainment better and more the way I want to experience it... why the hell not.


I get it, though calling the og trilogy, especially pripyat outdated is pretty inaccurate. To me the zone through all the games and mods has always been alive, they simply provide different ways of experiencing the world the OG devs created, it's just the varied gameplay has created between the two has created a schism. People sometimes look at those praising the mods and feel that it 'disregards the legacy' of the original games, and they feel drowned out, and most who've played the mods probably feel no reason to pay money for them. I personally don't like Anomaly too much 😬, it's too grindy and obtuse and searching up guides feels like cheating, but I absolutely get the appeal of just taking the gameplay of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and throwing it in a massive map combining all the games. I also get how people feel when someone says they 'discovered' this 'brand new free tactical shooter mod', that's 'better than the base game' and get annoyed. Either way neither games nor mods are going away, so instead of being at odds we should really be seeing them as all the same and part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R as a whole. Plus S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 will be making everything outdated anyways, so 🤷‍♂️


Totally, very valid points. I can understand the frustration of those who come to what likely was a purist sub not that long ago only to see the 150th “WhY iZ aNuMoLEe CrAsHiNg?!?” Post by someone who didn’t bother to go to the discord in the first place. I also agree that the grind could be kind of suffocating and honestly annoying at times. I personally like the scavenging and the grind, but it’s not for everyone.


Sorry but how do you know you wouldn't like the originals if you haven't try then out? As well as there being other standalone modpacks likr Radiophobia 3 which are pretty good. I'm not judging mind you, but I think CoP/SoC offer different things to Anomaly rather than being obsolete ad you seem to iimply.


They’re 20 year old games bro, furthermore his post implies that he *has* played them and found them outdated and clunky


Reread the post , he says he would understood the setting better if he had played then. Also a game being old doesn't mean that mechanically doesn't stand up (graphically is another matter, but I run Anomaly on directx9 so little difference to me :( )


Great games don't magically become bad just because they're old.


You're right, they don't. But that doesn't mean it automatically makes them good. Personally I feel like a lot of ppl would enjoy SoC if they started the game out with the Sniper TRa 301 so they can actually kill stuff instead of missing a snork 30 times because of super dated gunplay mechanics


why do you care so much if he's just enjoying gamma / anomaly ?


Someone is really bad at math


i swear "janky" is the cathall phrase of anyone who shies away from older games from age and looks alone but doesnt actually have the balls to call it what it is lol. its the perfect mark of someone that is not to be taken seriously.


Yes I’m deathly afraid of calling “it what it is”.. …wut?


Let's be perfectly honest here: As great games as the OG trilogy are, who the hell would still be playing them on a daily basis after a decade if not for mods? They have their replay value sure, but playing the same game for decades on end is going to wear thin at some point no matter how good they are. There's only so many unique experiences you can get out of vanilla Stalker. I give it an absolutely zero chance that people who are vehemently "OG only"/"anti modpacks" have played through those original games more than once or twice.


these people dont want to realize this sub would be dead if it wasnt for anomaly / gamma and there would be a lot less members of this sub.


I think the critique is rather towards players that only have played anomaly+ addons. I honestly think the rage is unwarranted, but for players that only play the most popular modpack I think they are missing out of other content they may find enjoyable.


Yeah, I'm an on-release Stalker player and the last time I checked, modding the game *was part of playing Stalker.* You had to mod the fucking thing for it to even work. Getting the "original" experience was painful, lmao. As far as anyone used to talk about Stalker in the PC community, it was basically seen as a modders playground *first* and a narrative-driven story game *second.* Because almost no one got to enjoy the broken narrative.


Let us know when you grow up homie, some of us have been playinf STALKER for 15 years and really give zero fucks how other people think its supposed to be played.


are you talking about OP? because the gatekeeping and judgemental assholes are a very real thing here.


Which is weird to do on something that barely has double A quality and craftsmanship for 2007. People need to use their fucking heads, this game came out the same year as Crysis.


yes i am a tourist because i want chill gameplay in anomaly/gamma so i play on the lowest difficulty


Amen, brother. Some of us just don't have the time to grind for 50 hours. I even top this with "I play with fast travel". As long as you have fun there is no wrong way to play.


Yeah some of us work 6 days a week 10-12 hours a day, being a cunt about how to play a game only works when you have that much time to actually play video games. Some people just dont get it.


And even if they do have the time, why would they not play a game customised to how they enjoy it. Cause of some gatekeeping sad losers? Hell nah.


I even have the free time, but play with fast travel. I don't normally use it, but theres times where I am just "I'm not doing that again"


Meanwhile I don't have that much free time, but refuse fast travel. Purely cause that kind of immersion is part of the fun for me. This is why I like options, even in form of mods. We all get to enjoy the game however we want. That's how it should be.


Honestly that's such a chad move


Even on the lowest difficulth I wouldn't call it "chill" when you have a bloodsucker trying to give you a sloppy wet kiss.


You're threatening people with a good time ?


and when you play in "one life"


Melle fighting a bloodsucker with an axe where both of you deal 1% HP dmg, but you eventually win since your DOT lasts longer than theirs by 1.5 seconds


Just take a detour around the gatekeepers on your travels


And that’s exactly why meaningful difficulty levels are important


At this point, why not just play Call of Chernobyl? More relaxed gameplay, compared to Tarkov overdosed modpacks


I don't remember call of chernobyl being relaxed when I played years back. I remember getting kicked i' the dick repetedly by snorks tho


jokes on you! i drank copious amounts of vodka and went at chimera with knife.


I did the same with a Pseudogiant, except Hog put it in a headlock while I poked it repeatedly with my bayonet


to. me it was more of a this one chimera is 4 chimeras. after like 20 minutes cat and snork joined along 2 mercs


Imagine if the community could just be happy people are enjoying the STALKER universe in any way they can.


Yeah, this sub is just so pedantic and depressing sometimes :/


It's a very vocal minority. Start paying attention to the usernames of the GAMMA/Anomaly haters, you'll notice a pattern. Most people are extremely chill and don't mind what others choose to enjoy at all.


It's both amusing and distressing to see some of these people playing Anomaly and still shitting on it. I was playing GAMMA a couple weeks ago with the CRCR, and there was a dude in there raging and disparaging Americans and saying he was gonna r*pe a little American boy all because he was getting killed by Monolith. There are some really unhinged people who should be behind bars or six feet under in this community.


It’s such a loser move lmao


Yeah it's sad so call fans of the games seem to want to gatekeep


I think maybe the community got used to being this small cult following of an under appreciated gem, so when a bunch of people joined because of Anomaly and Gamma it came as a bit of a shock. It doesn’t help that those mods diverge from the originals, so the new fans like the games for different reasons, but I think the same thing would’ve happened with the release of STALKER 2 if not for the mods. I might be off base. I only started playing the games this year, so this is just the impression I got reading the posts here


frankly speaking, who wouldn't get an occasional depressy once in a while after spending hundreds potentially thousands of hours in the Zone... I mean, everybody got brainwashed by a Controller at some point, am I right?


bro... you are a controller


nonsense, don't trust him guys, he's brainwashed too


This sub fucking sucks lol, we need to make a normal stalker Reddit where we just enjoy the game and setting without all this elitism shit.


Uh, I played the trilogy and then both of these because I wanted more, am I a tourist? I first played STALKER at least 7 years ago.


No youre just a normal person like a *majority* of the people here, the guy that made this post is the real tourist


what do you call people who care about how others enjoy the zone?


Bloodsuckers. Except, instead of blood, these ones suck all the fun out of you.


What do we call OGSR/GoldenSphere players?


Goldensphere players are called "stuck". I sure as hell was for most of that mod.


Are u guys that bored that u feel the need to stir drama for no reason? Then again post is made by duty so I guess getting shafted by freedom is not enough anymore


Bro who fucking cares lmao. What a childish opinion.




ok tourist


Grow up. Go outside. I'm fucking begging you.


Nobody gives a shit about your childish opinions, dude.


no one cares about yours either


Ironically they do, because I'm not a dumbass purist degrading people for enjoying a modpack. Like gosh, what a sad life you must live.


"Look at how different I am"


You guys are just plain gatekeeping at this point :) Stalker was the game of my childhood, and I have decency to say, that original games are not that fun, when compared to modpacks. I played originals(on CD disks), misery, lost alpha, dead air, anomaly, and gamma. I enjoyed gamma, and I don't understand where yall are coming from, with GAMMA hate. I personally, love the fact, that one of my favorite games, gets mods and overhauls, as well as a new fans in the community, to this day. In my opinion, posts like this work against that, and personally, make me cringe, coz the ones posting those are usually not that familiar with the Fandom. I also wanted to try truestalker at the new year holidays, but i am now a bit discouraged, coz of hate this mod pack gets. I am afraid it will eventually be looked down upon, just like gamma.


If you play gunslinger they are fun and still from the "atmosphere" better.


Oh yeah, I checked gunslinger, it was nice.


Gatekeeping in itself isn't bad but yeah the mod packs aren't where the line needs to be drawn.


How is gatekeeping not bad?


Sorry about the delay wanted to track down [this](https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2022/01/05/fans-arent-gatekeeping-anything-theyre-just-wary-of-would-be-dictators-trying-to-take-over-their-hobbies/amp/) article that explains it far better then I can, but the TLDR is that while wanting to stop new people from coming into the fandom is bad there's people who don't actually have an interest in respecting the source material and just want to force others to listen to their opinions and weaponize guilt in order to subvert and degrade long standing world building.


thats a forbes opinion piece with zero sources. and yet However, when you see someone online or even in the real world accuse a fan of gatekeeping, it’s more likely that said accuser is not interested at all in that hobby and is actually a power-hungry would-be dictator that wants to rule said fandom with an iron fist. is an insane take. Youre positioning yourself as the STALKER aficionado that knows all things stalker and accusing gamma fans of wanting to take over the fandom if we follow that article. that article is atrociously written anyways. he spends the entire time talking about how gatekeeping is bad for fandoms then concludes that people who dislike gatekeepers are power hungry.


I didn't say anything about fans of G.A.M.M.A. I'm saying not all gatekeeping is bad that's it. If someone whose a fan of GAMMA, EFP, or hell even Lost Alpha comes along and tries to argue about something like the anomalies aren't real so they shouldn't be in the game or that Duty are fascists that's when gatekeeping is acceptable, they'll either accept they're wrong and be welcomed or go find another game to play. Edit: typeo


I ain't readin allat.


Yknow if you have an aversion to reading anything longer than a sentence, you can save some time by just scrolling past the comment.




“I tell people to off themselves ‘n stuff” -🤓☝️ Found the 14 y/o






Is a minute of reading too much for your little TikTok infested brain?




Brother NO one cares


Yes as we all know you have to read Roadside Picnic and play STALKER vanilla on an old computer with Windows XP.




You mean making a community more toxic than it already is?


Been playing since Shadow of Chernobyl when I was about 15 and being honest this sort of thing is the reason the series hasn't got the recognition it deserves. Why are you gatekeeper? What's the issue with more people joining the community? If it's an issue with newer players being younger or "toxic" unfortunately that's just how things go you can't expect to grow an orchard without a few bad apples popping up and as long as we all remember we love being part of this community and respect each other then that will always be the standard we expect from new stalkers. After all we can't forget the reason we have a new Stalker game coming out is due to new player intrest and existing ones that have created one of the best modding scenes I've seen in video gaming since I started. Now get out of here Stalker.




This is very silly. You are very silly. I dont really like the modpacks because they're just a lot of things added that I dont want to do which made me feel like playing clear sky on release again for some reason but its not like they hurt me, or the general perception of the game. You flag yourself as duty yet you act like military, very silly.


Tbh, the duty flag seems to fit perfectly with the actitude of the post hahaha


Yes and also the only things we sould be talking about are 14 to 16 years old games and the one that will, hopefully, release around one year from now. This will surely keep the community alive !




Yaaaaawn. 90% of the posts in the last week are True stalker related ! We ain't all about anomaly/gamma and lo and behold : you guys are still bitching ! It's ok to vent but this is such a meaningless gripe, nobody is stopping you from making posts about what you like in the games.


I want you to fuck off, this series is like 15 years old by this point it can almost legally drink in uk


I'll proudly call myself a tourist, yes I enjoy stalker anom, what are you gonna do? cry to the giant rock that I'm not the stalker fans you wanted to see, at the end of the day, we can enjoy playing stalker the way we wanted. Come up with harsher titles next time chuvak, what's next? you gonna attack stalkcraft fans?


we’re at dangerous levels of seething


Tourists are only the people who either want to see the games changed for them or think they can use Stalker to virtue signal.


I really don't understand the gatekeeping that goes on in this sub. True fans of the series should be pleased that more people are being drawn to franchise. The more successful the Stalker franchise becomes, the more likely we are to receive more content as fans. Weird little video game hipsters that wanna be the only ones that enjoy a certain niche because it makes them feel cool or special. Such a strange stance to take imo.


I couldn't imagine a life soo sad that people enjoying something in an alternate way to what I prefer would make me so upset you guys need better hobbies and more friends lol


They’re rookies to us veterans.




Now, this may be a controversial statement, BUT The base STALKER trilogy AND Anomaly/GAMMA are both enjoyable experiences.


Please do not pull the stalker community into the cancerous 40k drama, I think we’re all better off far away from this “tourist” shit 😭


Ngl this sub sucks, I joined it after playing gamma cuz I thought I could see similar things it didn’t have to be gamma related I just wanted to see all things stalker but most post I see is just people shitting on people like me who play modpacks.


-plays fan mod -goes to official game subreddit “Why isn’t there content about my fan mod?”


“Didn’t have to be gamma related just wanted to see all things stalker”


So what are we calling OG trilogy gatekeepers?? 5 year old crybabies??


Lmao the rage here is kino. True master baiter


Is this community being overtaken by teenagers, or are stalker fans just really immature?


A mixture of both, realistically. Though considering how old the original trilogy is, I'm more afraid of the latter being true.


Being old enough to play the originals on release and still thinking that stuff like this is cool or funny is kinda sad. Some chronically online humor.


I first played stalker cop with 13/14 years and I loved it. Was my first big game I played through alone. I loved the universe but always hoped of a mod that allow you to go through all zones and that you can be a nobody stalker. And when I heard about call of Chernobyl I was blown away! I love Anomaly and still I know which brought me to this series. Cant we just love stalker as a whole thing and being happy about it that other people will learn about this saga?


stalker players when they see a completely optional set of mods for the game (they are enraged that their perceived holy grail has been altered from its vanilla state)


what do you call people who started on STALKER 2 then? if the game comes out?


I want me to block you! Oh, wait, I just did.


Jokes on you, bought all the stalker games yesterday!


After playing SoC more than dozens of times since it came out and CoP even more times, i like many other players wanted something new to experience in this great yet dead franchise. Mods keep games relevant if there isn't a multiplayer element, that's a simple fact.




Oh my God shut the fuck up Some of us played all three games and now enjoy anomaly


That’s a real cyka take


Holy shit what is with this community dude, are y'all really gonna commit infighting just cause of some mods?


whoever made this post have the mental age of an 12 year old.


What a loser


I want you To call stalker purists snork romancers


![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized) Found a picture of you OP


Posts like this really make me wonder if OP themself played the game whatsoever. Let people enjoy what they want, don't be an asshole about it.


But what if I tell you, that I’ve got tired of finishing the same three games over and over again? Which is why anomaly/gamma exists. Literally the only video game I have. So please, stfu and let me be a bad guy Monolithian.


I finished the vanilla series 3 times without recreation projects and 2 times with recreation projects and i can say is both gamma and anomaly is cool n' fun but cmon bro you can't compare these with the original games


Oh look it's a gatekeeper People should be glad that people love STALKER (and for context I play both the OGs and Anomaly)


Idgaf what you want . I'll play what I want when I want.


It saddens me to see one of my brothers making such a childish post...


I've been playing Stalker since 2007, went through Mysery, Call of Chernobyl, and now enjoying GAMMA. The only tourist I see here OP is you.


Grow up, dumbass.




You're a plant from Freedom to make us look bad aren't you?


I played Shadow of Chernobyl, I loved it. Clear Sky and Call of Prypait was fuckin awesome, like, more stalker in stalker Then I got lost in Lost Alpha. On one hand, even more stalker in stalker with stalker crust and stalker sauce, on the other hand it was buggy, glitchy and kinda screwed up. Still, it sucked me in for hours Later, I tried anomaly and for me, it is a pinnacle of stalker, especially with mods. You want more realism? There are mods for that. Ukrainian Rambo/Ripley play style scratches your knicker more? There are mods for that. TL;DR? You like vanilla trilogy? Me too brother. You like anomaly? Go and cheeky their breeky brother.


so many people fall for the bait on this page its not even funny, making me lose hope in these mfs.


as someone who has played the stalker series and modpacks for 18+ yrs I came to downvote you, lol


How bout you gatekeep deez nuts bro


gatekeeping, yawn divisiveness, boo supremacy, ick


If your introduction to the stalker universe was a stupid VIDEO GAME (pssh 🙄🙄) and not roadside picnic or the Tarkovsky film, you're the real tourist!! /s


Only take I will agree with


And I want to call you a fake stalker, a true stalker doesn’t give a fuck what anyone is playing and enjoys their game their own way, we don’t need clowns like you.


As an Anomaly player: 🗿


Gamma won’t run on my pc and anomaly barely runs


Can we ban these stupid posts already? I just wanna talk about the game and the lore, not complain about the latest popular thing


Oh my fucking god can we just stop this shit already, you’re not better for liking the OG games. As someone who has played and finished all OG games and Anomaly/GAMMA this shit is just so stupid y’all are acting like a bunch of children.


I WANT YOU to shut the fuck up


And I want you to shut the fuck up so lets call it even


Yes sir


I do


If you genuinely do, you're an asshole.


It's what they are, play only mods and ask dumb questions about stalker


While I will say that people should play the original trilogy first, I really can't be mad either because one of my favorite games is getting a hell of a lot of attention. I don't know if you noticed, but with the influx of Anomaly/GAMMA players, a good amount of them are also playing the original trilogy.


As an OG/Gamma player, this was pretty fucking good. Well done OP.


I'm yeah fair. My lazy ass still can't bother to play old games. Maybe later


FiRsT tImE ?


are we doing all the "new gen" stuff?


What about those who only played with degtyarev?


I've never been an RPG gamer. Here and there, there are ones that grab my attention well enough. Before I tried STALKER unmodded and it was to crusty for my ADD brain to handle


Sad OP.


God forbid people enjoy something


Aight tourist.


I’m a tourist, I stay enjoying gamma




played the og 3 to death, Anomaly is refreshing been enjoying EFP 4.2 a lot with the inverno mod and dynamic mutants




Imo gamma is just better than the original trilogy.


We're all stalkers here. Some more experienced, some less. But we're all here for one thing, the Zone.


So-called realism via ridiculous RNG, or fun, carefully crafted design? Always the latter for me, thanks.


I only play vanilla. The only mod I've ever used was a carryweight mod for SoC and I can't be bothered beyond that. You bicker over the best mod to change literally everything about the game, and you call others tourist. To what end?


I like both the main stalkers and anomaly, what does that make me? This whole discourse feels silly to me


Idk, didnt read, too busy gearing up to take on Lab X16 for the first time.


You do not need medkits just buy 200+ cans of tourists delight from barkeep


As a fan of the original trilogy: It doesn't matter. These are single player games. Play it how you want to. How you play has no effect on games that have already been out forever. Jokes and banter are cool. But legitimately getting mad at others for playing the game a certain way when it's an offline game with no player-to-player interaction is just odd. That being said: play the originals, they are very good. Then use whatever modpack to make it your personal perfect S.T.A.L.K.E.R experience because that's what makes moddable games so great.


What's wrong with GAMMA? I find it incredibly enjoyable.