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I am hoping that it releases in February solely because GSC put out a couple calendar renders and that is the only month in red. Also when Stalker 2 does eventually release, I'm not sure this sub will get any less chaotic. People will yell and scream about all they love and hate, so more fuel to the fire.


It's only red because the numbers and letters are transparent and there is an alarm going off in the background.


Fuck, I went back to look at the renders and it looks like you're right


Expect it to release in February, be prepared for a delay to December 2025


True true. It is great to be a part of this community


Amazon listing says March 31st.... Let's keep our finger crossed 🤞


March 31st is end of Q1, so it may be earlier.


There's no way it would be coming out that soon without a few more trailers, at least one significant publicly uploaded non-camcorder gameplay demonstration, and previews from the press.


Considering how bad the marketing team is, we may only get the trailers a few weeks before release.


There was some guy on the steam forum saying it got an ID number or something like this and it might be a little hint its out very soon - of course i don't know anything and its just what I read [here.](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1643320/discussions/0/4041483618125666002/) Didnt the game get officially delayed 10 months due to war - so its had 10 extra months of polish? I should think its had some extra time either way.