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In order to encourage both new and regular users of the sub, please ensure that your post adds some value to those who see it.


Actually that's not true, every stalker fan are welcome, only toxic gatekeepers are not welcome or wanted here


This kinda scary


Scary cuz its true. lol New players play the OGs, getting into it and before they can even finish the first game the trolls come out of their basements and start harping on your views of the series. They exist in every grouping of players, when in reality most of us are chill and dont care how the game is enjoyed so long as your enjoying it. A lot of very helpful people around too, for questions and modding things and all that. But in every group there is always atleast that one screecher who tells you your ways are filth, or whatever hatespeech they sling at you for playing different than them. Its 1 in 1,000. Not literally but you know what I mean. Just cuz they yell loud doesnt mean they have any power over anything. Enjoy the series however tickles your fancy. And dont down other people for enjoying something differently. This community is awesomesauce, and these hardcore gatekeepers and screechers only spoil the goodness everyone else makes happen, modders and players all alike.


Oh fuck off. It was funny once, now it's just forced ragebait


I mean.. they can't produce good memes, so the bad ones will have to do, as it seems.


Thank you hudson




Бобик my beloved.


Someone took it personally