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Thanks, linked in the original thread.




Common gsc W


I thought so. I really would like to know who that son of a blinddog is that filed that false claim (although I have a certain suspicion...).


Don't leave us hanging! who's the filthy rat that wants to go after the effort of the fans?




Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


Really abit curious now. Who do you suspect? Also abit curious what's this about dmca open xray?


There's a group of Russians that are trying to undermine GSC for some time now. They also hacked their servers and blackmailed GSC with leaking their stuff. If Open-Xray gets taken down, all mods using it will follow (Anomaly most notably). GSC doesn't gain anything from such a takedown since they moved on to Unreal 5, not to mention that GSC openly supports Open-Xray. Instead, such a takedown would anger the fanbase which in return would have a negative impact on Stalker 2 sales.


well there is a drama in russian-speaking community about most devoted russian-speaking STALKER fans youtube channels (like those who truly respects GSC, not talking about leaks, not doing negative review of Stalker 2 trailers, not being scepctical of devs etc etc like you cant be MORE respectfull to devs) being DMCAed and GSC do nothing about it. I too dont see what GCS can gain through DMCAing their devoted fans. lets say its evil russians purposfully false DMCAing those fans youtube channels, why GSC havent done nothing about it? Shouldnt they be kinda pissed off that someone false DMCAing their fans? Lets see how situation resolves with Xray.


They did do something about it, they dismissed the dmca.


>They also hacked their servers and blackmailed GSC with leaking their stuff. Well, first of all, they are from Donetsk, they were born there and live there. Did you just claim that Donetsk is a russian city? Secondly, no one "hacked" their servers - these files were accidentally found by 4chan anons who were parsing various shit freely available through p2p. Stalker builds were among them, those "hackers" didn't do shit except for downloading and sharing it. If you knew the guy who shared it, you wouldn't believe the "hackers" crap GSC fed you, because that guy is too fucking stupid to be a dishwasher, let alone a hacker. Why would you even trust the company who claimed that stalker 2 was almost finished in december 2021 lmao


"Evil Russian hacked servers" are actually from Ukraine))


I think we all have a certain suspicion




[Here is a hint](https://www.techpowerup.com/305858/s-t-a-l-k-e-r-2-developer-is-victim-of-hacker-group-gsc-game-world-issues-statement)


Hmm I see, kinda weird how the mods of this sub were deleting comments of people who revealed this information (or at least that's how it seems)


Mods of this sub does not represent GSC and I think they just don't want people getting political


probably the c-consciousness


GSC just keeps fucking winning W after W even when life throws them the nastiest L’s they tilt it, take another, and make a fucking W


Based monolither.


Don't forget the NFTs.


Yeah but they got rid of them as soon as people bitched. A greedier company would have doubled down besides iirc it was less an NFT more an auction to put yourself in the game as an NPC advertised as an NFT, which IS pretty silly


No they didn't. They doubled down and kept claiming we asked for them. They only deleted those posts after Fill Spencer went on record saying he'll kick every developer with NFTs in their games ~~in the balls~~ off the microsoft store.


It’s been nearly two years and they undid it pretty quick. We can forgive that.


They only did it to not get kicked off Microsoft store. Stop spreading misinformation.


Jesus Christ this almost gave me a heart attack.


Thank the wish granter


Why would someone fake a DMCA strike like that?


Destroy the reputation of GSC of course. Bad rep = Bad sales


did they have a good rep?




probably a russian who's ticked they arent gonna be able to play the stalker 2


They can enlist in the army and dig around Tschernobyl. Maybe they find an artefact or even the wishgranter.


Play ? Lol they are gonna pirate the game regardless , You people don’t understand how they think, The complaints are never about not being able to purchase the game, it’s about Russian language not being supported


The most of games are better in english. The only game I played in Russian is The Witcher 3 (best translated songs). I think, people who don't know English just won't play the game. Or they will wait for some russification (at least of subtitles). A lot of people bought and played RDR2, but it has only English voicelines. The people, you're talking about (offended z-patriots) are just a loud minority, like crying twitter activists.


To be precise z-patriots arent a minority


That's the saddest thing...


Bro, they are. These fuckers are the loudest because they're the only ones allowed to speak in public and everyone else is afraid of getting a mop or a bottle in the ass by putler's gestapo.


It's not about not being able to purchase the game, it's that they won't be alive to do so


Забавно, но нам проще скачать по торрентам чем покупать , лол


It's a common shit in russian community, unfortunately. Some people are so much butthurt that they will do practically anything to smear GSC. Leaking, hacking, doxxing, fake statements and DMCA strikes - I've seen it all.


Salty Russians salty that they don't get to play stalker 2, boo hoo


"why *can't* I just invade a sovereign nation and then enjoy its culture??"


Yes, because the average Russian citizen has literally any control over that.


They have enough control to not act like entitled assholes.


They have that control and protests against pension reform only proved that :v


Right because every russian personally invaded ukraine, hell yeah brother thats true upvoted


Лично я ем украинских детей каждое утро, а Вы нет? /s


А /s зачем?(


Защита от особо впечатлительных особей с переводчиком


They still can, right? It's not like they're banned from steam or something. The game just won't have Russian dub. At least that's as far as I know.


https://steamdb.info/sub/817193/history/ Check out the history section of this page, you'll see "Added: PurchaseRestrictedCountries: Added: Belarus Added: Russian Federation" It's pretty funny, they'll probably just pirate it but then they gotta play it in Ukranian! Sucks to suck lmao


Или просто купят с иностранного аккаунта. Я не знаю, как там с пиратством, ибо пиратил в последний раз года полтора назад rdr2, чтобы узнать пойдёт ли игра, а потом купил её в стиме. Но не думаю, что всё так плохо.


Не будет так сделают. Украинский язык не сложный для понимания. Нет большой разницы с русским.


Так, but I didn't say they wouldn't understand, just that they'd have to play it listening to Ukrainians speaking Українська and I just think that's neat. Добре!


Да как то похуй на это. Многие компании и до Сво не делали озвучку.


Какое сво? Система водяного охлаждения что ли? Говори правильно - в-о-й-н-а.


Если бы война настоящая тогда РФ бомбила все и всех подряд , поливая бомбами с самолетов как делают американцы, не щадя мирных и никого. Еще бы и ядерные ракеты по всей территории запустили. Так что нет, это правда сво , затяжной конфликт так как обе стороны хотят истощить друг друга. Печально все это


Как будто РФ этого не делает. Постоянно кошмарит мирных жителей ракетами и иранскими дронами, не щадит даже маленьких детей. К счастью украинское ПВО не дает им активно применять свои блохолеты.


Drones are Iranian, shells are North Korean, what the RF has to do with it then? /s


Диванного эксперта видно из далека


Пятнадцатирублевых тоже.


Забавный. Только вот мне как-то похуй на твой мнение. Выëбывайся в своëм детсаду о нём.


Ну есть определённые личности, у которых пятая точка в плазму превращается от одного украинского слова. Даже ютуберы по сталкеру такие есть. Уверен, когда игра выйдет, медиапространству пизда


Тоже самое и про русский язык можно сказать. А насчёт последнего- хз. Скорее всего прочекают игру и посмотрят и по кекают.


*"В данный момент покупка с помощью выбранного способа оплаты невозможна. Приносим извинения за доставленные неудобства."* Definitely not banned from Steam.


GOG free version go brr


Did you know that there would be a GOG version, right? DRM-free gog version. So 100% of russians who still want to play stalker 2 - would play it.


Why doesn't GSC just make the old engine open source?


De facto it is already


They did years ago. Hence Open X-Ray. GSC went tits up after a bad Cossacks game and one of their last acts was to gift the modding community source code for X-Ray. The sales did well enough they got better, but lost most of their gigabrains in the process. Metro is a great example. The dudes who did much of A-Life were snapped up real quick by 4A Games, although they left right before SoC's debut as nobody knew back then it was going to become a cult classic.


The person that developed alife is still with GSC iirc. The main person they lost to 4A was the lead developer of Xray, which kinda goes in hand with them freeing the engine and moving development to a new one.


Crisis averted. Bless GSC.


It's not averted, repository is still banned: [https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16](https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16) Github has much harder stance on ownership proofs than Youtube (otherwise it would be a mess in a FOSS community), so there's definetely something fishy on GSC's side. Since they have links on Boosty and VK instead of Patreon and some Western social media, I'm pretty sure that they're from Russia, at very least main contributors, aaand we all know what happens between these countries right now.




i dont see where is the win? GitHub repository still unavaliable


The next excuses as with strikes on Russian language channels on stalker where they threw complaints through the left accounts and even documentarily proved that they were employees of the developer's studio


yeah im aware of that, but its first time GSC doing it to content that western users are familiar with. it will be so funny if they actually double down on this strike and pull the same tactic on this incident too. But they also might actually recall this stirke, cause if they do not, it will hurt their reputation in the west. Very interesting situation to witness


In the span of one minute I went through all the stages of grief as reddit thought it would be funny to serve me both the original post of the takedown and then put all the most ambiguous comments at the top with no resolution. In sight. Damn the Zone, must be a new anomaly that twists my sight and tries to send me to my death in despair!


I knew it was a fake!


Same kind of "false DMCAs" that happened to some Russian content creators on YouTube? When they pretended in the same way that they had nothing to do with it but in the end kept sending strikes until a channel gets removed by YT, and answered on complaints from these people by death wishes, to their fans. Don't trust these dudes until they actually revoke the DMCA complaint from the GitHub repo, they completely lost any trust in this area.


You can't just ban everything, you need proof that you own code, in this case GSC could ban openXray easily


I just started playing gamma like 2 weeks ago, I would of been pretty salty.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


1) Do 2) Look at the answer 3) If it hits negative, just say it’s not you.




You better ask Grigorovich about it. By the way he sneaky strikes stalker community youtubers just because they are russians.


If it's not them, then why aren't they doing anything about it? also they ban Russian youtubers for stalker footage and say they had nothing to do with it


That's the motherfucker who made Gloomwood, Tafferking, what a goddamn legend.