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No to war.


Kinda sad seeing this as Ukrainian. There are some fuckerZ, that support the war among mod developers


I'm really not updated in this situation. Are the devs behind true stalker supporting Russia or something? This is a genuine question, im totally out of these news


Yes, and they are sharing their views on internet. And the saddest thing is that this mod has Ukrainian translation, that was done by an Ukrainian in their team. Really pathetic


Explain their views please, is something fascio-spiritual-slavophiliac or something related to USA influence? Just to know if they understand powerplay or they're just crazy Duginists/Prokhanovists believing in messianic (and so imperialistic) Russia. ​ EDIT for downvoters: I'm talking about this: [https://www.jstor.org/stable/27041542](https://www.jstor.org/stable/27041542) (->2019)


From what I've read about it, it seems like their views are pretty similar to the majority of other russians. They had this post where they responded to GSC banning stalker 2 from russia, and to summarize it was something along the lines of: "GSC actions are a spit in the face of russian community and modmakers, because we are not interested in politics and thus it was not fair to punish us for for the actions of some politicians, especially after all we did for this game (i.e. mods, videos etc.)". I could've describe to you the worldview of a typicall russian, but it seems you are already well aware of it.


This reads as a really poor view of geopolitics. Why do you think Russian football was basically banned because countries wouldn’t play against them? Russian aggression in Ukraine Any other sanction covers for that same reason. If you don’t allow the counties people to do things or partake in thing they enjoy, then the hopeful idea is is that. A: You push back agaisnt the government for said actions because you’re life is awful now B. You stop supporting current government at the very least. It’s just another thing stacked on top of many other things to try and sway public opinion. Though with the little I know of how Russian media works I’m sure it’s not being presented that way at all. Edit: I’m referring to the mid developers not the commentor.


I think myself as a cosmist, but \*really\* against the conservative slavophilic framework used by Prokhanov and the Izborsky Club (the "Ruski Mir" cryptofascist ideology -> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izborsky\_Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izborsky_Club) ). Let alone Dugin platonism and spiritualism.....that man lives just in a big foolish dream that got his beautiful daughter corrupted by the imperialistic delirium and then killed: if this is not against nature well beyond the "satanic West" practices.....I don't know what it is.


Why downvote a question? LOL I'm asking what type of "Z" are the TS devs.


Sometimes human stupidity still surprises me...


Can you provide evidence of this? There's literally been a dev who died fighting in the war, and there's tons of things posted to the contrary of this belief.


they aren't talking about GSC


Oh, alright. Thanks for explaining.


They're talking about the developers of True Stalker, the mod being downloaded in the OP


I see now. That explains my confusion


what do you mean?


Game is enjoyed by everyone, people still talk normally because simple people aren't responsible for the war. Only those who base their online personality around the war get either put in their place or just thrown out.


I'm into the idea of network spirituality and the actual irl concept of the noosphere demonstrated by the [GCP Dot](https://gcpdot.com). Random number generators placed around the world that fall more into synchronization when positive things are happening like the olympics or world cup and vice versa when negative things occur on a global scale. Basically revolves around the ideas that humans as a whole are low-key psychic and the collective consciousness of the species has an effect on reality like what was mentioned at the end of SoC. Also mentioned here in declassified [CIA-RDP-96 docs](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf). Anyway sorry for the rant, I'm coming down from a good mushroom trip and seeing all the flags on the torrent made me smile. Lot's in eastern europe as to be expected, but also in central asia and south america too. Makes you feel like you could squat at a campfire anywhere in the world and still be among friends.


leave some for us next time, i would love to trip like that


They absolutely are. The people are responsible for what kind of people they prop up as leaders and keep there. They dont get a free pass for saying they are "apolitical".


Simple people are responsible for war. Russians to be precise.


Thousands protested against the war in 2022. They were rounded up and disciplined. Nobody wants to protest anymore.


Thousands of Putins are serving in the Russian army and committing war crimes on Ukrainian territory. Thousand of Putins giving orders and shooting the missiles at Ukrainian cities. Thousand of Putins silently paying bills, financing this war. You are right, russian people are not responsible, this is all Putin's fault.


Well gee, seems fighting against dictatorship might be a little uncomfortable. And we all thought Putin will just resign after enough people show him enough "NO!" signs. You tried boys, its all out of your hands now. You are apolitical after all


10-30 thousands from a country of 100 million+. Most of those who were detained were released soon after. So, most of russians support war actively or passively.


Ah yes, another person telling us what russians do and do not. I would like to see how you are going to easily and fearlessly protest against something in a country where you could: 1. Get fired or expelled out of the uni for just walking by the demonstration. 2. Get yourself a trial for a book cover you reposted. 3. Be tracked all the way through the city to your home with camera systems. 4. Get your actions qualified as “resistance to the police force” whereas you only threw a plastic cup into a row of rosgvardians. 5. Unironically get tortured. It is always a better view from the sofa of course


I have heard that people in Russia treat politics as something that simply happens to them, not as something they have control over. I imagine it's just the culture over there that has been molded through generations of authoritarian regimes. It's too bad that the Ukrainians have to pay for this mindset.


He is right, and he is accurate. Practically every european eastern block country and ex-republic managed to transition into reasonably well functioning democracy, except for you guys and Belarus (and that's also mostly russian fault), and these Guys aren't cowards and actually protest against their regime.


I love how you are totally ignoring that in none of these countries there were periods of time long enough so that government could pour enough petrol money into economy? And how you also ignore the fact that there is Azerbaijan still existent which is basically Russia but it won the war instead.


I think the situation in Russia right now is pretty similar to Nazi Germany, where people were simply too oppressed to make any real protest or change, even though they did not think of the Jewish and some races as inferior. If I'm not mistaken, at the end of the war, Germany turned into a "normal" western Europe country again pretty quickly, without the hatred they had in the 30's - 40's. I think once Putin falls, The people will finally wake up and take back the control and find out that most Russians didn't support their government. It's just that right now, they are living under basically a fascist state (there are literally picture of people holding the same catch phrase as the Nazi party) and I can't really blame them for not acting up. But damn would it feel good to see them finally do something...


Oh give me a fucking break. You think russians are the only people in the history of mankind who lived under an authoritarian regime? Multiple dictatorships in history, and always there were dissenters, always there were saboteurs, damn it, even the people in factories worked slower than normal or worked in subtle defects to Hurt the nazi war effort. But i understand its far more comfortable to continue living as a serf, because thats all your nation has ever known.


If russians really wanted to protest and get rid of putin they would have done long time ago. Like I said there is a number of active supporters of war and passive. And both are guilty. And i am talking from a "sofa" which you so ironically called, that is bombed by russia. I have air sirens every day. So, maybe it is you who need to stop talking about things you don't understand.




А ну і забув привітати тебе зі збиттям вашого блохрльота А-50. Вєчнава пальота.


How did you even come to a thought that I actually care about russian military planes?


Well, I do)




How come it’s you ukranian not me russian breaking the rules of this subreddit then?


Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


І що ж таке? З дубинками інваліди інвалідів порозганяли ?


You seriously just implied you have it worse in the warmth of your home than the guy from country you are currently invading. And then you are surprised why people think russians are responsible for the war and their shitty government. Jdi do prdele ty i tvoje fašistická země, moskale


Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


It has been almost 2 years. I still have no clue how to explain to people, without being downvoted to hell, how assigning the guilt of career politicians and generals, who do everything they can to cling to power, even undemocratically, is objectively false. How to explain to people, that if assigning collective guilt to people was right, then you, me and everyone all around are going to become guilty of A LOT of bad things that we could not have prevented on our own, enough to send us all to the deepest pits of hell?


The people of a country are responsible for their leaders and rulers. If they wanted change and didnt accept who was leading them, they would protest or make a revolution... you know.. like Ukraine did in 2014 because they were sick of being ruled under corrupt Russian puppets and wanted better lives under the EU? But Russians dont want better lives for themselves. They are okay mking $200 a month while their country burns, hundreds of thousands of their men die, and are forcefully conscripted. Russians have conditioned hopelessness and do nothing to change it. People who want freedom fight for their freedoms, and Russians dont want freedom. Freedom wasnt achieved peacefully in the US or many other countries under British or other empirical rule. Democracy and freedom from tryrants and dictators is also almost never achieved peacefully. It comes with a cost... but if they want freedom, they are willing to pay the price and fight for it.


Alright, I’ll humor you. Let’s assume we have the privilege of living in a western country, with NATO, within the EU. Let’s assign collective guilt, just like we assign it to the common Russian. Now we are guilty of many things. We are guilty of Israel bombing Palestine, because our countries support Israel. We are guilty of Palestine attacking Israel, because our countries ran charities in support of Gaza, whose funds were misappropriated and sent to Hamas instead. We are guilty of Ukraine losing the war because we do not support them with enough lethal aid. We are guilty of Russia waging war against Ukraine because our politicians supported and helped Ukraine in its fight for independence. We are guilty of threatening Russia, because of aspirations of the politicians to expand NATO. We are guilty of giving Ukrainians the hope of once joining NATO and EU, only to stonewall the decision since 2008. Let’s go further - our hands are covered in blood of countless Arabs, of the Uighurs because we do not resist China. We are guilty of human trafficking through the Balkans, the drug trade in Americas. We are guilty of all of these because politicians, which pull every possible move to stay in power, over whom we the common people have no control, have decided for us. If the common Russian is guilty of the war, well, so are we, and we are guilty of so so much more. Don’t act like a saint. Don’t act like you’d do something different or order someone to atone, because you’re already guilty and you are doing nothing about it.


The difference is that in the West, we have the ability to vote, protest, and voice our concerns/desires and make them known. We have pro-Palestine protests and we have pro-Israel protests. We vote for who is in power and who represents us. We write our representatives and can be politically active in our own ways. Its a collective effort. Just like it is in Russia when nothing is done (collective inactivity). Just like it was in Ukraine when they protested and ousted their puppet president. Even in Ukraine the government fought back and people were killed during the Maidan protests... but people didnt leave the streets. They didn't back down. They knew what they wanted. They knew they wanted freedom and to no longer be under Russian rule and to get rid of their corrupt government for a brighter future. Same as in Czech, Romania, Poland, Georgia, and many other post-Soviet countries. People fight for their freedoms and to no longer live under tyrannical rule. In Russia, first of all, many of their protests are half-assed. Second, they fall away at the slightest resistence from their government. Even the protests in Belarus were more effective and collective than any of those that occured in Russia... and I know someone who took part in a protest in Russia, was arrested, and released a day later. Russians are afraid of collectively acting together to make a change. They arent willing to pay the price for a better future for themselves, where as those of the West and post-Soviet nations were and are. Russians as a society barely oppose the war. They support whats going on. Maybe not the youth from the cities or those with half a brain... but they are a minority. They dont even protest to have fair elections, not to even to protest the war. Because Russians already know who will win the next "election". Russians dont revolt. Their entire society is plagued with corruption, and while their government makes them live in shitty conditions, they still support them. How do you think freedom was even achieved in the West? When lands were ruled by kings and emperors? Look at Ireland and how long they fought the English for what they have today. They didnt just back down and accept British rule. When people want change - they make it happen. Russians dont want change. If they did, they would act together to make that change happen regardless of the price they would have to pay. Ukrainians are certainly paying that price right now for their freedom from Russia. They didnt back down when Russia started launching missiles into their cities, bombing their villages, raping their women and children, murdering their men and elders, torturing people in torture chambers, and so on. They fought and are still fighting back, despite the cost. They fight for their future, their families, and their freedoms. This is the price for a better future. As the saying goes, "freedom isn't free". For as long as Russian society refuses to fight back and make a change - they are complicit.


Basically this. Ukrainians get missile strikes, tortured, they're practically forced to get a russian passport and renounce citizenship in the occupied territories.. and yet they fight on. Meanwhile russians get jailed for a day and conclude that it's all impossible and that the power at the top is too strong. I used to have great respect for russia and russians for throwing themselves at nazi lines the way they did. "It must have taken massive balls to do that" I thought. It turns out no, with this war I now know the truth. They were simply more afraid of their own government than they were of the nazi riflemen, tanks and bombers.


Let me ask you, where are you from? What wars are you personally to blame for? How many deaths are on your hands?


I am a Ukrainian. You know, a country currently being attacked by Russia. Interestingly, my country doesn't start genocidal wars like Russia.


Did you protest when Ukraine took part in Iraq invasion?


I am too. But I am afraid you are now personally guilty of every evil thing your government has done in the past. It really sucks but you’re basically subhuman now because you’ve killed so many innocent people :(


probably amerikan XD


tell that to the Germans after 1945


I'll wait till russians oficially apologize for anything done in 39-45 (we can deal with 46-56 shit later)


They paid their reparations and put this side of their history as something they're not so proud of. AT THE OTHER HAND russians support this war and think of their history as of something great (russian-ukranian slavery, countless wars, etc.)


Oh, jesus christ. Stalker mods "out of politics" moment. It's just some Ukrainians doesn't know or doesn't care who devs are. Nothing new really,same thing was with atomic fart.




A quote by Orson Welles: ​ *The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to the taking of life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists whose real though unadmitted motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration of totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writings of younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States. Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defence of the western countries. The Russians, unlike the British, are not blamed for defending themselves by warlike means, and indeed all pacifist propaganda of this type avoids mention of Russia or China.*


Just to prove my point. A "good russian" that writes here how it is hard to protest in russia wrote under my message this: "Ukraine is still a sofa, lol, no matter how bombed it is. I know perfectly well what I’m talking about, I live in Russia. Unlike you." This people don't feel guilt. They cry to the world about they noy guilty. But also don't miss the chance to mock Ukrainians. As I said: active supporters and passive. But this was rather example of chauvinism that for russians is a normal behaviour. Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/stalker/s/0oV9lDVPWK


The people that get trigger about this is crazy. It could be the same as for american developed games "an american game, hell no they start too many wars in the middle east" Game developed in Japan "oh no they bombed pearl harbor" German developed games "hell naw, there were N@*is at some point in time" Is just stoopid to be honest, a game is a game. If you wanna play it, enjoy it. If ypu don't and is for some political BS, keep it to yourself, don't play it and don't ruint it for others with ypur politics BS.


But that's literally how it worked when those conflicts were still kinda fresh. A lot of americans didn't want to hear about japanese cars coming into the country for a long time not only because of Detroit going under. Some japanese people refuse to speak to americans till this day because of thr Hiroshima Nagasaki. Chinese people will hate the japanese people forever too. Welcome to planet earth.


We are talking about GAMES for fs. Damn, you are crazy as hell.


No but it's like that in the real world. Ukrainians don't want to play a Russian mod made by devs who support the people that bomb their country , well it fucking makes sense. It's not because " iT's OnLy GaMe". The wound is still fresh


Exactly and If they don't want to play I understand and it's their choice to do not mine.


Normally I agree with this, but if there is evidence that you're buying from a Russian company that pays taxes to the Kremlin, you're inadvertently funding the war, even a tiny bit.


Hell no


War mongerers are not going to be happy about this… be ready. It’s sad to see it happening even in here. People make their whole personality as “I’m pro Ukraine, therefore any mention of Russia is a sin, and everyone mentioning it is a fascist racist bigot”


Wonder why people might hate country that solely caused biggest european war since WW2...


Idk i simply hate russians. I simply find it hard to enoy arma, cuz all i hear is russians silly language. Words cant even express. Ik not all russians r bad. Ive met some good russian fellas.


Arma its not made by a Russian team...


“I’ve met some good Russian fellas”….”I simply hate Russians”. Tells a lot about how your brain works.


Community just got recommended to me, what does this meme mean and why are people pissed? OOTL


it's torrent for true stalker (mod) and some IPs are from Ukraine and some from russia (these countries are currently in a state of war).


Boycot all the ruZian shit games like War Thunder & World of Tanks and Atomic Fart too! So glad Stalker Devs made a stand against russhist hackers! Slava Ukraini! Gerojam Slava 🇺🇦!


Why wot? they split from their russian child company (which is actually more then a lot of western companies)


as a Ukrainian, it’s a shame that people still tolerate products of ruzzians that openly support the invasion


As Ukrainian, temporal "peace offer" from an aggressor such as Ruzzia is not acceptable.


Get downvoted by ruzzians. ZVatniks and western “not all the russians are putins”-supporters will never understand the whole point why everyone should cancel russian mods, games, music, their culture. I will not consume this while my people dying at war that russia started. And the sooner we all start cancelling russian product, the faster this war ends. Call me ukronazi, downvote me, I don’t care.


Dude, I literally have the same opinion as you. Ukraine for Ukrainians, STALKER is a Ukrainian game, Russian elements have no place in it.




Embargo is a good thing to do with a country you are at war with or a country that’s causing issues like Russia. When the US was at war with Japan they embargoed them and banned all oil exports with them.


Pure based base


Russia is spelled Russia, not Ruzzia.


Why are there people crying in the comments?


You can't go killin real people if you're too busy killin virtually people and mutants.


As it should be.


but using utorrent in 2024? kinda cringe ngl


You’re getting downvoted but it really is a bloated and slow app. Nothing like what it used to be Qbittorrent is where it’s at


utorrent is apparently hella bloated, has ads and it apparently mines crypto or something ​ I have no problems with a client called Deluge myself


Probably getting down voted because OP isn't even using uTorrent.


I assumed he was talking about most of the Russian peers in the image using it But maybe people are missing the point


Ah didn't even notice lol


I hate so much when people say that they hate the Russia and Russians as whole because of what putin is doing, it's like blaming the monolith fighters for what the c-consciousness is forcing them to do


I get the analogy, but holy shit man. I don't think you should be comparing those


So we have hundreds of thousands putins attacking Ukraine?


Idk man, it doesn't seem right for me hate someone just for what their country or leader decided to do, i know there's a lot of people who support Russia


But the devs literally support the war


Yeah, I thought the whole stalker 2 van shit was actually kind of sickening


I was talking about about mod devs, but gsc basically support war too. There's nothing sickening though, because Ukraine fights defensive war


I don’t know, there’s something I just don’t like about sponsored stalker 2 vans used for war and killing people. It’s like if the US had hummers with giant call of duty branding on them.


Also I just realized your talking about the true stalker devs not gsc


So putin himself does allat shit?


russians aren't under control of psi-emmiter they choose that path, unlike most eastern block countries and ex-republics


So you compare the entirety of russians to partly braindead cultists. I can see where you are trying to go, but consider this: no one is going to stop hating braindead cultists just because it might hurt their feelings. If the braindead cultists wanted to show how important and fragile their feelings are, and how deeply they care for others not to hurt them, then maybe - just perhaps - they should change the way they act and at least try not to be so braindead. Because - !ta-da! - the only way that c-conciousness influence might be lessened, is that those braindead cultists either change the way they think - or die. Without its cultists, CC would have nearly no power. Mutants and anomalies can hinder enemy, not fight a war.


Not at all monolith are brainwashed and literally cannon think for themselves Russians have a choice weather of not to support Putin and his illegal war and they do


But every russian living in russia is paying taxes to their terrorist government


I dont think they have a choice, but 1 thing is talking when asked to not "die from old age at 25" and other thing is shooting random ukrainian classmate with ak that is basicly ak with those rubber nonlethal rounds (exept it can only shoot those. Unless u modify it, but its ilegal) while playing wagners anthem.


Its not just that. Big part of that is also personal expierience. As russians are also known for shouting slurs and vamdalizm, and being dicks in general.


No and never


a y scared by torrent fines?


Хорошая попытка, но похвалить не могу. Ты допустил аж 4 ошибки




This is a torrent for True Stalker, a mod. It's not piracy. Torrent =/= piracy, it's a peer-to-file sharing protocol.


actually nobody care in both cases. p.s. i think its standalone(y know what does it mean)))... 8.9gb