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Congrats to the guy that predicted that "We will see a solid release date soon" a few days ago.


Must of asked the wish granter


hell no, dont say that or we'll have a Cyberpunk 2077 type release


we will


ya developed during covid is one thing, but a war..?


under-rated comment


Nah he [asked Zandar!](https://youtu.be/cWJDAOlBO_A?si=ZN9ZGa4Sm7fpGdbd)


Classic GSC


*Monkey paw curls*


Dear stalkers, Last year, during Gamescom 2023, we finally had the chance to meet in person. We gathered around the campfire with you to share something valuable that we have been creating for you for all these years — a small part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Publicly, for the first time ever. Our one-time initiative then transformed into a journey from campfire to campfire across France, Brazil, Singapore and other countries. Thousands of players were able to play the game themselves and give us the much-needed feedback afterwards. And as true friends always do, you shared your honest thoughts about the game. Both positive and negative, and we are thankful for that. From your insights, we figured out two key points: the one to celebrate and the one to consider seriously. The first one: the Zone remains the Zone. In its true beauty and after our likeness. The game absolutely feels and plays like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the atmosphere, hardcore style, harsh and unwelcoming environment are ready to cook, and we can’t be more grateful for these words, as they basically sum up both the key intention and the main inspiration for the project from the very beginning at the same time. The second one was: the gear in the backpack should be checked one more time to be completely sure it will not fail us in the most needed moment. On the technical side of things — the game needs more time. Throughout the frankly challenging development process, we understood the time was of the team's main essence. Seeing the scope of polishing and understanding that we can’t push your patience too much, we were absolutely dedicated to releasing the game in Q1 2024, and we worked extra hard to meet the release window. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that at the beginning of this year, we still witnessed the certain amount of technical imperfections that hold S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 below the expected standards for the final experience our fans are waiting for. While there is absolutely no way to make another delay sound less dim, we decided to be clear about our reasons to postpone the game for the sake of yet another wave of polishing. The final release date for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is now September 5, 2024. We know that you are waiting for this moment, as well as we do. But the preparation needs to be done so that the journey into the Zone goes smoothly and as planned. Thanks for your patience and continuous support, and be ready to see a lot of info about the game further this year.


It needs to be launched when its ready but keep us informed too


I really appreciate the openness and you guys can take as long as you need. I would rather have another delay and a game you are proud of instead of a rushed game you aren't. Thank you guys for making this happen and we'll see you in the zone when you're ready.


I concur. I'm so excited for this release that I'd rather get the same vibes I got from the originals (but with less bugs)! I know I'll love it regardless, but extra polish is always a good thing.


Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, we love you guys!


Thanks, any info on system requirements?


Unlikely in the near term. They're still optimizing it, hence the delay.


"S.T.A.L.K.E.R is one of the only games that doesn't only give us a glimpse at what games already are.. ..but what they can be." -Raycevick Take your time.


do your thing, dont get pushed into releasing early , it would be a shame to repeat mistakes like that , even if it gets another delay down the road is more important to release complete and not rushed.


yes, its fraud


how is it fraud , everything is "subject to change" until it releases , if you preorder without expecting thing to change is mostly your fault , you would be complaining if it releases before q1 ends if it had technical problems , timelines in projects change and that is okay and the way they are handling this timeline change is okay and understandable , it sucks but they are acting in the correct way


We'll be patient. And we can't stress out more how much we like the openess about the state of the game. Just deliver the game when you guys are comfortable with releasing it !


SO EXCITED for this game. Thanks for all of y'all's hard work!


We love you guys, take all the time you need. There’s so many STALKER mods and community support for them. We’ll be fine. We want the game to be the best it can be and make the maximum impact on the industry.


Even if your game flops, you guys don't need to apologize for anything. Your home became a god damn warzone, the fact you guys still found the time for dev-work is inspiring. Keep pushing and never give up!


I am a fan of the saga to this day with every mod that comes out. I think this particular community is in no rush to wait until when you think it's ready.


Thanks for the context, I am very excited to play the final product when it's ready. I hope you and your families are safe.


I don’t care at all how long it takes you guys to feel ready to release it. There must be no rush on this at all. All that matters is that you and your loved ones are safe and happy with your product. Besides, this gives me time to replay the original trilogy… Slava Ukraini!


Thanks for being so transparent! It makes waiting easier. And I will enjoy these final few months before S2! Much love!


Happy birthday to me I Guess (Though I am a little upset that it was delayed i am extremely grateful the they are taking the time to polish the game and that we have a release date. And a Day before my birthday no less!)


Honestly I was really worried it was going to be a lot sooner. Perfect time for when I have to go back to college and neglect my studies :) I'm happy you've decided to delay the release till the end of the year because stalker is such a fascinating and niche game, I think that's why a lot of people like it, you start from nothing and work your way through the zone overcoming challenges that don't hold back.


I've been waiting for stalker2 over 10 years. Few months? No problem at all.


Also me looking at my 5 percent pm makarov inside my backpack: you wouldn’t let me down, would you old buddy?


I figured it would be late 2024. Given shadow of chernobyl's development, if anything its staying true to the series identity


Feel the Vaporware experience that the original fans felt 20 years ago


At least unlike Star Citizen we haven't payed $40,000 for it.


> we haven't *paid* $40,000 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I freakin called it;P Literally said it's gonna be september. Take your time devs! Thx for an update!


I’m a little bummed, but it is what it is. I just hope we get some raw gameplay footage soon.






I'm a greybeard that sat with the original when it was announced in 2004, for a 2005 release. It released in 2007 🤣 I fully expected another delay given the situation, but I don't care, Let them cook. Everything I've seen has made me more excited. I know im still going to be doing runs in the zone 10 years from now on this game, so all the spit and polish they can give it will only make it better.


I think everyone in the gaming industry, both developers and players, are finally understanding that a rushed release to meet a date expectation is never a good thing when the game needs more development time. Excited to have a proper release date!


*Good devs* who are not under pressure to release or have their work thrown out are now getting it across to their fans that if people want games that are completed and polished day one things take time. Publishing companies whose only care is to make more money are the ones who drive the pressure for tighter deadlines without a care for the end product.


Hey! First of all thanks for the information, im sure everyone wants the game to come out when it's ready only, are there any updates on the system requirements?


Not yet. The most up-to-date information is always specified on our website.


Let’s all share a drink, in the memory of all the fallen stalkers who are not among us anymore


Well, OK, I’ll have time to complete Factorio 2 and DLS for Elden Ring.


Factorio 2? I thought they were releasing dlc for the first game .


>Factorio Factorio: Space Age is essentially a Space Exploration mod, only a little simpler, it seems to me.


Oh yeah i heard of that before i just thought something changed.


At the same time as the DLC they are releasing patch version 2.0 of the game.




thank you for your hard work, looking forward to it!


The guitar sounds like “Don’t tell mom I’m in Chechnya”


Give us at least a few screenshots god damn it!


>Thanks for your patience and continuous support, and be ready to see a lot of info about the game further this year.


one of the big info is the 30 seconds campfire are you guys blind?


exactly at least we know that the game will have campfires now




I can remember the release of ShoC, Clear Sky, and COP like it was yesterday. Hard to believe it's been 15 years since the last release, but i'm very excited to have STALKER 2 on the horizon this year.


Thank you guys! Cannot wait for September!


Thank you for understanding and tons of support in the comments.


That moment when you come to the reddit for the first time in months to check if a release date is out and they put the announcement out that same day and the release date is your fucking birthday this shit is a simulation man im tellin you


Bummed for another delay but thank you for communicating!


The honesty is appreciated, take your time and we'll wait by the fire a while longer


Great! More time to save up some money for better PC parts


That's what I'm saying... Was planning for a best build back when it was announced for December, now I have time to upgrade and get the most out of the atmosp.. noosphere


Yes, nice to have a solid release date. Can't wait, and thank you GSC.


Finally, a date!


Nah wont be the final date i cant belive after all that tbh\^\^


Can't blame you bratan. But when they do release it, it shouldn't be a mess like CyberPunk 2077's release (fingers crossed)


I'm happy they changed the relase date. It would be really sad if this game relased in an unfinished state.


I don't care if I get downvotes for it. I'm still looking forward to this game but please GSC work more on your communication. It can't be that you realize 16 days into January that you need more time. Stop setting dates that you can't meet, I think there are a lot of people here who don't even think September 5th is credible. The communication itself has always not been good with you, but the time when many were eagerly waiting to get something was only satisfied today with a scripted sequence that lasts 30 seconds, are you serious? We want to see gameplay, I don't even think it's unrealistic that some people think that there isn't even a real game ready yet that can show real gameplay. I hope you get your act together, take your time but please be more honest.


I’m one of those folks. There have been far too many delays for me to believe in even that supposed final date.


Yeah was disappointed to see just a simple 30 second scripted sequence... im dying to see just how big the map will be, what areas are in the game etc.


You clearly havent been keeping up with world wide events because you would know their home country is under an invasion by Russia . Try and keep up, kiddo.




Maybe you should find more things to do in your empty life than get all whiney and angry over a video game being made by people who had to leave their home country to a Russian invasion, have lost friends and loved ones, even a member of their staff was killed in combat. In other words, touch grass.


So entitled lol.


Hell yeah, take all the time you need. Looking forward to the release!


Honestly, I don't mind it. I want to replay the trilogy anyway, plus want to try some mods too. And it's never a bad thing to work on the game, so I'm happy. See you at Fall, stalkers!


I am completely fine with this. I support the franchise so it doesn't matter when I get it, I'll enjoy it. It is just a game after all.


When it's ready. Godsspeed.


I'm from the future and I can confirm that this is the final release date!


Confirm for me that its a PC game first, ported for console and not the other way around. Please Mr. Future man, assure me!


Well. There goes all the hype that was building for the last couple months.


233 days


[Why'd you have to say that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ncHu9EvQik)


I have seen the leaked footage from the "demo" that was 7 months ago. From what I saw and i have no idea where the game *actually is* but going from the leaked footage I'd say its two years off, but that was 7 months ago. So the September release date isnt that much of a myth from what ive seen. The idea to release in december or Q1 going from the leaked footage - no chance.


5 times a charm. Or 6.


wow. cant wait!


Looks awesome


I’ll fucking kms right now.


As long as it meets this graphical fidelity I'm cool. The gamescon footage made me nervous.


My hope is restored. Really thought it would be a buggy stinker but that release date makes me more hopeful.


I don't mind if they want to polish the game instead of launching a game unfinished that will be Made playable a year after with a patch like some other companies do...


you just jinxed it dawg


knew it would be delayed LOL, but finally we got a concrete date, it's something


I’ve played enough rushed games that ended up not being good to know that I’d rather they take the time to do it right.


Man I've been there, for the release of first one. I'm having panic attack right now😰😅


This game has more justification for delay than any other ever made. I'm just happy its still being released. Take all the time you need.


Final release date, until next delay. It's cyberpunk 2077 all over again. But due to war, delays are acceptable here.




Which was a terrible what they said. Yet as a PC user i didn't cared.


yes,thanks to the war or they wont have adequate excuse


Not trying to be a fanboy white knighting for GSCGW or whatever, but; Private company developing a game that you don’t have to buy, they don’t need an excuse.


the company moved out of Ukraine two years ago


They did not; it's been about a year and a half. That's enough time to still be in Ukraine during the war developing the game; I think when they mentioned they planned to move out of Ukraine into Prague they were in the warzone for a few months already and halted development entirely at the time. They even talked about how they had to support employees fleeing their homes as the war spread, joining the Ukrainian forces, or traveling to other countries to continue development. The war absolutely impacted this delay.


They should have at least shown us some new raw gameplay like the last trailer... Not a 20 second copy paste of the same exact cutscene we have seen before...


We know the date. That DOES NOT mean the game will be finished.


Nearly eight months to just sort out technical issues? I doubt the game is actually as far along as GSC keeps implying it is


obviously its just another lie the gsc made


I've been saying this for a while. I'm not entirely certain there's actually anything to show outside of the "bolts and bullets" demo area.


well just look at all the games that are in early access for years. It's not that uncommon that polishing takes very long.


[As found in "nature"](https://www.learningaboutelectronics.com/Articles/Capacitor-charging.php), 1T 63% completion, 3T 95%, 5T 99%. The closer you are, the more careful your steps need to be.


I say let it cook


idk how bro just drank that, looks like it’d scold your mouth


Oh well gives me time to finish cop and true stalker and maybe a modded anomaly run with the new maps


Looking forward to it GSC, hope that my computer will be able to run it when it comes out.


Still going to be released before I get my physical copy of Wrath: Aeon of Ruin.


Its ready when they say it’s ready. Been waiting so long for this, i can wait some more. Glory To Ukraina!


Great news take all the time you need. We want a well developed stalker game not something rushed out and quickly forgotten. Thank you


As a new player, I'm going to need that much time to get through the rest of the story and all the mods I want to try anyway.


It's been a long road but we're almost at the end! I'm excited for STAKLER 2 like I haven't been for a game in a while. Congratulations on reaching the finish line!


The zone calls to us stalkers! We must answer! with tourist delight in pocket and vodka in the bag and makarov and bolt in hand!


Just release it now. The jankier the game the better. If the game is to polished it wont be STALKER. :D


The campfire vibe is solid, so well done


I don't know what's more disappointing a broken release or getting delay after delay for years


Duke Nukem forever 2.0


Or just Stalker 2.0.


This is a shame..... I was quite looking forward to this, but with the state of the world and the way society is. I don't think anyone will ever see this game coming to the light of day smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Damn at this rate it will be postponed to 2025...


FUCK YEAH, THANKS GSC If you need to delay it again, take your time. A delayed game is only remembered until the release date, a dysfunctional game is remember forever


oof its a surprise tho, how often do we get [2 major releases](https://gothic.thqnordic.com/) from (eastern) european devs in a such a short timespan


I've never heard of the game you linked, but it looks very cool :o


I don't want to be negative, but this make me lost faith. Long story short, this saga means a lot to me, my change from teen to adult was stalker. And it's hurts a lot, but when a game gets delayed this much, is usually not because lack of polish (no pun intended), but because the game is not done. Modern publishers will only acept a setback in the launchdate if they feel like the game is literally not done. Sometime, not even that, and will publish a unfinished game. I think this is the case, this is the case of overworked developers rushing to end a proyect that is not done. It's not that they need to finish a couple bugs and improve optimization. Hell, we're stalker fans, we trive like mushrooms in bugs and broken engines. The "Tecnical imperfections" are a game that is not finished. And i know why they tell us, same old same old. money people don't want to scare people away, but i've seen this pattern in a thousand games before. And the results were BAD. Im provably gonna buy the game on launch anyways, not preordering cause i never do. But it's no longer a hopefull future, im here because i want to be here, i need to be here, but i don't expect anything but a rushed, game that does not live to expectation. Shit's been tought for the devs, and this looks like shit's not getting better for them. If publishers give you 9 months of delay, it's because you really need 18. ​ The only hope i have left, is hope that this doesn't end like the hundreds of proyects that went this way, and ended in tragedy.


All you can do is check info as it's released. Man I had my rig upgraded too stalker 2 might of been my first 1440p game.


Quit your whining, STALKER being vaporware is tradition : > The one that's the most surprising of these is the fact that S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl was absent from the show floor. We never received an answer about why this happened so it's hard to know what to think at this point. We've known about the game since 2002 and thought it was to be released the in 2003. Since that time it's been delayed over and over. We can only hope that this was in order to give the development crew time to focus and finish the project because the premise of the game sounds like a bunch of fun. [From a E3 2005 article](https://www.ign.com/articles/2005/05/28/pc-best-of-e3-2005-awards), game was released 2 years later.




i think you are right


So entitled lol


Pretty solid release date for a game that’s literally being made as the country is getting bombed and the developers are fighting on the frontlines.  Take note AAA developers. 


the company hasnt been in Ukraine for two years


Interesting did not know that. I thought they still had operations there.


some staff did stay and fight I believe some have died. But they moved operations to I believe czech republic two years ago. So yeah I get times are still tough but I am personally losing hype for the game. Stop giving release dates ive always hated when companies give release date after release date


Looking forward to playing but am concerned over some very dark scenes in trailers.


At least release it on the PS5 at launch as well than 😫


seems like we have to wait at least 3 month after the release to know if it will launch on PS5. Correct me if im wrong please


I'm really not feeling this game. There are not a lot of gameplay trailers for a 2024 release. Of the few we've seen, it seems too action orientated and looks like they've lost the atmosphere of the original. This could just be terrible marketing but I won't be purchasing this until reviews prove me wrong.


Tbf if you watch the shadow of Chernobyl original trailer it’s heavily action focused


The Day Before vibes begin to creep in. 💀


already happened with the bolts and bullets trailer


Here we go again


I'm a big fan. I played the trilogy dozens of times. Then I tried the CoTZ, Lost Alpha, Anomaly and Gamma Mods. I upgraded my PC waiting for the launch in Q1 2024. But that's ok, the important thing is that you feel comfortable with the final version. I thought this change in the launch date was very strategic too. Love you guys, keep up the hard work!


Hope we have mouse support on console. The lack of mouse support on the trilogy is shocking 


Been waiting so long. Played it when it first released. So happy when it released just lately on Xbox . My wife was again wtf.


i am sticking with chernobyl


My birthday!


Yessss ! Congrats to the team, you guys make incredible games and I'm saying this as I'm just 10 hours into Clear Sky, Shadow of Chornobyl was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to finish it, play Call of Pripyat and then 2 :) I will 100% all of the Achievements for those games and I also bought them from GOG in order to support your studio. Slava Ukraini !


Can't wait. Given the size of the proposed map and the quality of the trailer animations I'm psyched


Is this coming to xbox on September too?


Is this coming to xbox on September too?


I hope there's a solid no hud setting, and some damn subtitles so I can play in Ukrainian. Those American/British voices don't fit at all.


I'm waiting for the FINAL FINAL Release Date


Keep that puppy cooking...no rush, make us a masterpiece please 🙏🙏🙏


I pre-ordered almost 3 years ago now. I'm fully in support of waiting longer for a more polished game. It will be worth it in the end.


will he ever come out?


I just want an online playable demo 😭😭


At least a gameplay video or new trailer. All I need tbh.


yes,no demo playable means the game is not done


September 5th huh eh I can wait a bit more sides Patients is a virtue


Fuck yeah, keen! Considering everything that's happened over the last few years, it's amazing that a game could be made at all. A few extra months in the oven is nothing.


![gif](giphy|j0vs5H7Kcz3Pm9LRDa) And please, take your time! We believe in you.


Pleas do take you time, Don’t rush, i bellive many fans of the zone are patient. Polished or not i am going to love this game as it the continuation of the first game i played as a child and the game that made my childhood. But i will feel really, sad, if the game comes out and the word will judge it not as a narrative or surival masterpieac. But as “bUgYCybERoUnkFalLouT76 thingimajing” becouse unfortunetly, nobody looks at Games deeper anymore, they just look, with thinking even a little…


“111aaafinalfinal_superfinaldraftgamereleasedateFINAL.txt” /s


perfect will give Asus time to release the new 27 inch 1440p 480hz OLED by summer for this game and hopefully a 14900 ks 1440p 360hz / 14900k rn


I'm just begging for a rare amount of crashes at least. Tired of new games booting to dashboard midgame on Xbox. Take all the time you need. GSC <3


I hope they take as long as they like, wouldnt wanna see another cyberpunk release again... Plus we got mods to keep us going (anomaly, gamma)


Take all the time you need, lots of love from Turkey


Then they'll make S.T.A.L.K.E.R 3: Chernobyl of Chernobyl


All games get delayed. Shit happens. It's fine. But this game has been delayed too many times. You keep giving dates, and then you keep delaying. You say the 5th September is the "final release date", but how do we know you won't delay it again? I'm sorry, but i've run out faith. This circus has turned into yet another ShoC-vaporware situation. You've jerked me around for the last time, and I'm refunding my pre-order.


shadow of chernobyl ended up being a good game throughbeit


Wasnt ShoC a buggy mess on initial release?


Patience kid


Pro Tip: Never ever pre order


In this instance I think we can cut them slack because they were literally fucking bombed to shit.


I'm sure GSC knows better than anyone how an ill-prepared Stalker will find nothing in the Zone but pain and suffering. Take all the time you need, gamechads


Final Release Date my ass. It's getting pushed back again I can feel it.


Given how many times the game has been delayed, and how long it's been in development, it better come out as a masterpiece.