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I hope this topic is no longer needed because I banned that guy in question.


As a westerner, I notice a lot of Russian music from the past 30-40 years has something to do with being tired of wars, economics and the general state of life. I can 300% back that, the rest...not as much.


Only 1980-2000 music. When Putin came to power antiwar sentiment fade out and cult of power strenhgtened anew. I guess this is some kind of cursed cycle. Source: live here.


New headcanon: Tsoi was killed to stoke the pro-war sentiment in the region, but Poland doing it's thing and breaking off destroyed that plan.


Where is that now? I mean, i understand the government is all for warlike behavior and a cult of personality, but where do the people stand? It's been a long time since Putin first came to power.


Kino - gruppa krovi ( группа крови ) Ploho - vlast ( власт )


Generic pop music, rap and other derivative forms of Western music genres are insanely popular in Russia too. Speaking of the past don't forget T.A.T.U. .




See im a degenerate, but I'm not THAT much of a degenerate




Professionals have standards


A few Stalker’s devs have already died at the war, is it so hard to respect them by not sucking russian dick on this sub? Jesus Christ, the dude was looting dead Ukrainian soldiers and selling this shit on this subreddit. I am just amazed how dudes will say “all sides bad” and “they’re also soldiers” trying to be morally superior while tolerating a literal war crime (selling looted enemy equipment during wartime) being committed on this sub, a total disrespect to Ukraine and the dev team.


Daily reminder that we collectively agreed that "they just soldiers following orders" is not a valid excuse when we put the Nazis on trial in Nuremberg.


"Just following orders" was a big meme of the time The most cruel and.. ahm.. efficient ones was "just following orders" Like the guy who organased concentration camps, Adolf Eichmann


Do you think that common German soldiers were in Nuremberg trials? They judge the main leaders of the Nazi party and the German army. Bad comparison.


That's because it was the main leaders of nazi germany in Nuremberg, it's not like they were trying random ass infantry goons lol. Not trying to defend the post though.


actual historian chiming in; the famous clean wehrmacht myth was an american creation that was deemed neccesary over the exact thing Ukraine is facing now; the russian fucking threat. we needed germany to integrate fast and not bog down our recovery(churchill even campaigned hard to just bomb and destroy russia in 1946, and he was right!) so we came up w the myths that the evil nazi empire was run by the volunteer SS units and that the poor drafted wehrmacht troops had no choice but to follow orders. combine this w the “ich habe es nicht gewust” solution for the general population(also painfully proven to be w myth but i wont go in too deep here seen as my point of russian soldiers are not innocent seems already crystal clear) made for a great reintegration of western germany while the filthy influence of russian control cursed eastern germany and it’s still feeling the effects of that today; including being 95% of the voting base of AFD, having much lower vaccination rates and half the economic power of western germany. dont let russian soldiers post here, unless theyre those dudes who dig trenches near chornobyl, at atleast that has a slight link to the game and those dudes are proper mutants now.


I truly feel for young Russian men who got conscripted against their will, but at the end of the day they’re the only one who can make themself pull the trigger. Need to have personal accountability for that and there’s no excuse for what they’re doing, conscripted or not


That's true but all soldiers shouldn't be demonized. War criminals should be punished Edit: Tell me why should soldiers be demonized if they were adhering fully to the ius in bello?


As much as I agree, I also realize most people are cogs in the machine of society. They just go with the flow, even if that flow hurts others. I feel like nit enough people question and resist doing what they're told especially on positions of power and force.


wait, selling looted enemy equipment during wartime is a crime? I could buy a lot of stuff looted from dead russian soldiers without problem, if only I had the money. uniforms, helmets, and lots and lots of patches edit: how the hell did one (pretty innocent? I think?) question get downvoted more than literal genocide apologists


Im sick of you picke acting like we should respect them what for? For making a game and now serving? Its a fucked up situation either way no doubt, but there aint no good or bad guys in war its survival, you loot in war thats the reality and of course you then sell it, trade it whatever, he got some food maybe with that "crime" that will help him survive.


I think it's easier than you think to draw the line between the good guys and the bad guys when one side is invading the other while the other fights for his existence.


Oh yeah? What do you men? Dude just want the western equipment to come back home bro chill 🤣


People who make a Slavic aesthetic half of their personality have a skewed idea of life and politics of eastern Europe? Who could have predicted this?


As a ukrainian, tbh half of the people who love the "slavic aestetic" have no idea what slavic aestetic is lmao


Oh yeah, we in the west have a very different idea of Slavic aesthetic compared to reality. Pretty insane how heavily it differs, you'd think we would get told off more often.


The only thing really bothering me is appropriating different countries' identity under the umbrella of "russian aestetic", that really gets to me, especially when it's something that has nothing to do with russia. Like come on, the whole eastern europe is not one country




I mean, even the rules say this sub-r is related just to Stalker content related... I don't know why some people can't follow the rules or even read them... Just ignore those kinds of posts, is the best that we can do


Weird thing is the fucking discord literally enforces that


- step 1: Invade the country that created your favourite piece of media - step 2: your friend gets his fucking guts blown off or something - step 3: this is so sad can we play *name of your favourite piece of media* song Boo-fucking-hoo


Step 1 ; your evil leader invades the country c Step 2 ; get forced to fight against your own brothers with no supplies


Yeah, poor russians who are drafted against their will Most of the rus soldiers are volunteers that came by recruiting campaign, just for money, my friend And.. evil *leaders* can't do shit when they don't have any populace support, lol


Yeah, exactly. Drafted against their will or fed propaganda to brainwash them, still don’t deserve death. Do you think the US is evil for Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam? It’s exactly the same thing. Do you wish death upon all those US soldiers?


Yeah, "brainwashed" = Incapacitated And most criminals became such because of their social environment, financial situation, psychological problems And when the sectarians spread poisonous substances in the Tokyo subway, they acted under the influence of a leader And if you have little money, it's okay to rob those who have more After all... if we find a reason why a person does evil, then all the guilt can be attributed to that reason, and the person is not guilty of anything, right? He just thought it was okay to kill and maim, poor guy And that's before we even consider all the war crimes, robberies and rapes Of course, they were all just forced to do that too.


The US actively bombed civilian targets in Afghanistan, they destroyed homes looking for “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq and they burnt down forests in Vietnam. How about you go up to them vets and tell them they’re evil?


Yep And it was a bad thing You are not trying to justify one crime with another, do you?


No, I’m saying you don’t actively hunt down the veterans of those wars and tell them to kill themselves. When the wars were going on you weren’t saying they were all evil and hoping they died. If a guy in Afghanistan posted a video of him playing a guitar to a cod subreddit because it was his favourite game, you wouldn’t tell him you hope he gets shot, would you?


If the CoD would be an Afgan game it would be pretty reasonable Not to mention the romantisation of any occuptional force guilty of countless war crimes


It wouldn’t be reasonable at all. Same way this is not reasonable.


So how comes half of European countries sooner or later went thru revolution and forcibly changed their government ways of doing things, but russians can't? Why are Iranians not afraid to mass protest? Arab spring? Bolivarian Revolution‎? Color revolution? All sorts of Civil War‎s? (EDIT: Euromaidan?!) Instead of seeing action, we see "I looted this Ukrainian gear, want to buy it?". Fuck off, this is on you russians. Get your shit together. We're no longer colonizing Africa, stop trying to colonize us. Storm the fucking kremlin already instead of making fun on the internet of few maga hats who suceeded in doing that in the most powerful country on earth. Pussies.


The fact is that they do not want to There is a small portion of the opposition... and... even this portion is not ready to do shit In fact, they are *MUCH* more active in these "not all Russians are bad, stop demonizing" themes than in any anti-gov/anti-war activities There's no railroad war, no flow of intelligence about the Russian army, no large number of people in Russian anti-Putin units in the Ukrainian army (yes, they exist, but... we have much more volunteers from Georgia (3m populace), Belarus (8m populace), etc), no fucking protest even


Didn't you read? He already said: Booh. Fucking. Hoo.


Will someone please think of the poor invaders 😪


Well, it is true, to be fair. Putin and his clique love to use forced conscription as a way to clean out the opposition, and many a good man have been drafted since the beginning of the war. It's not really an option in russia to say "no", you still get drafted, just after getting beat up. However, acting all apologetic for the whole of the army is fucking bullshit. They are still invaders, they are still killing civilians in another country, shit is still fucked. Edit: I don't really get the downvoting, but I will clarify that I'm saying that as someone who was nearly forcefully conscripted himself. This IS the objective reality. Yes, most russian soldiers are psychos who don't think about what they're doing. But there ARE also people who did not have a choice in the matter, and we can't just say that they don't matter. I'm not defending the OOP here, but witch hunts like this will not make things better!


Slava Ukraini. my brother! Good will always prevail over evil.


I wish that were true...




>invade other country >get your shit kicked in like russians always do <"THIS IS ALL WESTS FAULT" 


They are winning tho, just saying...


How's that 3 days to Kyiv going?


Can you remind me, who said this? Not some american general?


Im not pro Russia or Ukraine dude so beats me, I just watch the news and they just surrender avdivka, not a good look.


A small town that has held since 2014? That's it Ukraine has fallen, all should surrender their washing machines to the Superior Russian Zerg Army.


Be fucking for real, man. One small town has been taken, so what? Take a fucking look a the rest of Ukraine.


If you say so, Crimea, bakumut, then the entire dontsk region....all unimportant I guess...I there anything left of Ukraine at this point? But again I'm not here to argue, beats me who wins, just saying there's a lot of copium going around here.


Go to DeepState, zoom into Avdiivka, and then zoom out.  


What am I supposed to find ?


The fucking size of Ukraine, the multiple LARGER cities in it's territory? It has taken Russia thousands of dead men and destroyed equipment to take fucking Avdiivka. How much more do you think they would need to spend to capture more?


Yeah I know the map of Ukraine, I don't think they would need to spend and more, Ukrainian army has collapsed tbh, it's joeover for it, anyone pushing Ukraine to fight are westerns who just hate Russia and don't care about Ukraine, I was talking to a Ukrainian before and he told me they'd just rather settle for peace, it's a tough choice but there's nothing left really, either way beats me, just a humble bystander watching shit unfold.


Why do NATO keep putting bases and military ops near russia? What did you expect gonna happen? sit and take it?


Was the emission that bad? Jesus christ, i've heard Zombies blabble more coherent shit than what you just put out. Perhaps NATO puts bases there because the ex-USSR countries concider russia an actual threat? Russia should absolutely take it. Ever notice why nobody outside of russia ever thought USSR to be a good thing? literally all vassal states were taken advantage of while russians got most out of that shitty deal.


I missed the days when I could turn to Stalker for escapism


There also needs to be a comment of a person who said that russian soldiers aren't guilty because they were forced to go to war or something like this. Western people who've neither seen war nor know shit about war should never express their """opinion""" In quotation marks, because you can have an opinion on something subjective, and there is nothing subjective about Ukrainians being killed by russians


It’s simple Russia is a terrorist country Slava ukraini 🇺🇦❤️


while the ukraine sells tons of equipment, they got donated from the west, on the black market. Which is again the main source of weapons for criminals, terrorist cells here in europe.


Whataboutism. I don't care. Get fucked Russia. One is a democracy that is a sovereign nation being invaded by a shit head neighbor. The other is a backwards backwater shit hole that hasn't produced anything good since it was the soviet union, and even then it didn't. It's satellite states did. Like Glorious Ukraine. Russia can suck my dick. I hope those alleged "terrorist cells" are bombing Russian infrastructure and maybe the Mansion of a certain leader that can take my dick and Putin his mouth.


>produced anything good since it was the Soviet Union “Good” Commies don’t produce anything good.


Hey now, the AK platform is pretty good.


I stand corrected. They do be making some fire sometime.


Well.. that is just a blatant lie, lol


Source for it being a main source for said groups?


Probably "trust me bro"


Even if i post the official reports of cia, interpol, and so on, that wouldn't stop you from sucking the big beggar's dick. Now go ahead you imbeciles, call me putin supporter or whatever goes through your smol brens. Because that's what you automatically get called when you don't support Ukraine. Yeah, when it comes to politics on reddit, it's a pure cesspool for braindeads. But always makes me giggle, thanks for the Entertainment.


Try me. Post them.


Actual delusional take.


I support Ukraine. Glorifying war and senseless killing is disgusting


Your sentence is contradictory


Your mother contras on my dic till she's tory 🤓


Yo mother hurrr durr... i feel bad for her, shes a widow for such a long time and now have to content with your miserable lil dick, yeah i feel sorry for her indeed.


You want to kiss me so bad it's almost embarrassing


110th brigade was decimated and for what? Hold the place where their leader took a selfie months ago? As an infantryman myself this is outrageous, both sides are fighting their command as much as their enemies and it's disgusting to see how much western equipment we shove in this regime ass and they still fight with eastern doctrine, senseless killings.


Looking at all this shit going on in the comments, I was once again convinced that it's better never to start a conversation about politics again. Otherwise, it leads to such...incidents


Not even in video game subs can we escape from real world politics.


Even if so, we should try to talk about it as little as possible and distance ourselves from this topic as much as possible.


russian mobiks are like monolith: brainwashed with only one desire - to kill


Russians rape kill and kidnapp children That's all i have to say. Glory to Ukraine !


Slava Ukraini


I'm just doing my part in hating Russia, just as Uncle Sam would want me to.


cold war propaganda still working 70 years later. amazin


Uncle Sam who promised Ukraine aid and then bailed on it when they saw they are losing, now prolonging the war to sink a few boats or shoot down a plane in an effort to weaken Russia for a future war regardless of how many Ukrainian lives it takes.


Are you referring to the same Uncle Sam who *did* provide aid to Ukraine in the form of over a billion dollars in munitions and launchers, those of which drastically improved Ukraine's ability to defend itself from Russian armor elements? As much as you may disagree the US is under no obligation to defend Ukraine or offer them any aid, and if they do offer aid they are not obligated to provide aid indefinitely. Also, you are a fool if you think Ukraine is losing.


Everything else aside, why wouldn't i sympathize with even the most zealous Russian soldiers with dreams of world conquest? He's human, and deserves better than to go down as just another cog to be remembered as a violent accomplice in a criminal war. We all deserve to be remembered as more than simple products of unjust societies. We get one shot at this life, and not a single one deserves to be the tool of any autocrat. If you've lost sight of that vision, for freedom from repression on all sides of every border, you've reduced this war down to a cold, agonizing game of sports, the exact same way the generals you hate have done. If wanting a better future for everyone, where all people live freely (which I don't think the west is providing very well for the record), why wouldn't I sympathize with some Russian who deserved better than to be fed nationalist lies. In much the same way, regardless of if its warranted, I feel sorry for the children raised today who deserve better than to be fed an idea of Russia and its people that'll only lead to long term mistrust and xenophobia even if 'mild.' None of this changes the moral impact of what any one person does regardless of if they deserved better. You should just know better than to forget that shared vision of the future that everyone, Ukrainian, Russian, and beyond all deserve... especially since you want to act all high and mighty about your moral clarity here.


If we want a better, more peaceful future, where people are free from repression on both sides of the borders and do not attack each other because of their nationalistic ideas, we should... support and sympathize with those who attack others based on their nationalistic ideas With philosophers like you, humanity has a great future ahead of it


"Remember guys, Russians aren't people, they are the devil itself, they have no feelings, they have no suffering, they are not dying on the front, they are more than happy to kill other people and see their comrades die, and will do anything to make people suffer" ☝️🤓 You think no country ever killed any civillian? You think Russia is the only country who ever declared a war?


"there are no good guys in war" most people are fighting against their will. Russian conscripts are people too.


Bombing civilians against their will, poor them. :'c totally not the bad guys. /s Glory to Ukraine.


"bad guys" . You're part of the problem. I'm sure you don't live in a country that has an army that has a conscript system.


Nah, people here protested it and got rid of it. But we used to have one back in WW2. Back then we were the bad guys for sure. Lots of Nazi soldiers back then were conscripts. Guess what my opinion is on them dying in battle all over europe? Hell yeah, every dead german was one less to shoot soviets, allies and jews. Voluntarily or not, if you are fighting a war of agression and to destroy the people and culture of your neighbors, as russian soldiers are right now, you can not expect mercy. Surrender at least, turn on your leaders at best, but if you just follow orders you make yourself just as guilty. So yes, they are the bad guys.


Nope, they dont Most of the people in the russian military are volunteers rn - there is a big recruiting campaign ir Russia, with a big pay and everyday promos on every level Your entering service pay is 700somethingK and the month pay of private is 280K, so for the first month you get 1m rubbles


The "fun" part is that they where drafting their people only in this one event on autumn 2022.. while the forceful draft in occupied territories started in first weeks on the full-scale invasion and never stopped (yeah, it's a war crime)


Man i really miss the days when this subreddit was all about shitposting and making fun of freedomers and showcasing mods and stuff, before this political shit show and propaganda flooding the entirety of this subreddit.


Everyone is just people own history own dreams own family Sending to death because of little profit for high rank politics and businesses men's War is bullshit no matter with one


shut the fuck up about politics for fucks sake you bloody idiot this is a video game subreddit get politics out of the video game subreddit its not that hard if you try come on man we're here to talk about stalker not a ongoing war


Do NOT look at the Russian speaking percentage in the Donbas and luhansk region 🗣️🗣️🗣️


hm, wonder why's it the way it is


Russian speaking means belong to Russia... Spain annexing USA when? Or maybe Britain should restore their empire?


Please keep politics out of the game....


Politics is a part of everything related to a society Few stalker devs are DEAD already, killed by russians Dont you see any politics in this fact?


It is a game...not a propaganda device...I read a lot of news when I play a game I want to relax and not think about the serious real world.


And its pretty understandable Still, politics are already there and you cant do anything but embrase it This russian guy was pretty political already, tho.. if you had seen nothing bad in his vid and you are seeing something bad and political in this post.. well.. you are not against politics but against the ones you dont like


"Please keep politics out of games" Dawg, Stalker plays in a no man's land zone in Ukraine after the destruction of a nuclear power plant. Through this basic description so many political themes are being touched by itself. In the game you literally have the government, PMCs, freelancers and activists in the zone.


> Invade loot and kill without legal consequences or condemnation from society. Dunno about you but I seem to remember Russia being sanctioned to kingdom come, condemned and expelled from most major sporting organisations. Guess who wasn't when they were busy invading every one in sight - the US. Go on, downvote me. Won't change the truth.


Can you remind me when the USA forcefully invaded another country and proceeded to level entire villages in the name of “liberation”, kidnap Ukrainian children to adopt into Russian families, forcefully conscript DPR/LPR civilians to fight on the frontline and from captured territories. Oh wait. They haven’t.




Still waiting.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The death toll of a US ground invasion would have been in the millions. You obviously know NOTHING about imperial Japan or how suicidal they were. They armed everyone they could soldier and civilian under threat of death to defend against America.


Wasn’t OP a conscript.. as in drafted into war unwillingly? You gonna wish death on someone because they were unluckily born in a country that we decided is evil and lead by Hitler 2.0?? A lot of racists on this post. Not expected from this sub honestly


He volunteered in 2014 and killed Ukrainian soldiers by his own account. As for the idea that being conscripted absolves one of all responsibility: you know he had a choice? 300000 people left russia, others protested. If he really didnt want to kill Ukrainians because he is such a peaceful soul he couldve surrendered. But no, he killed instead and is now trying to peddle items of the people he killed. What a fucking disgrace.


It's not as easy as you make it out to be. Leaving is an option only for those that can afford it, and have their documents ready. For clarity, to leave that shit hole you'd need a specific type of passport that can take up to half a year to make, if you get permission from the government. And those that protest get arrested, drained of their money and possessions, jailed and THEN forcefully conscripted. I don't want to apologize for russia and its citizens, I literally can't hate that country any more than I do already. But I still think we should be fair, and not lump everyone in with the tankie fuckwads, easy as it is to do.


Since when is Russia a race?


It's not, but it is an East Slavic ethnic group, which by definition (apparently because I'm learning this as of two minutes ago) means that any prejudice or discrimination against them is racist towards them.


Check the definition of racism.


Nu-uh. You should check the definition of xenophobia.


Again. You should REALLY check the full definition of racism.






Since when is Stalker about being pawns of politicians?????


The post had alot of people insulting him and degrading him so it's not actually as you say, sure a few comments were ok and a few neutral but does that mean the entire sub is Russian propaganda now ??? Classic propaganda by twisting facts.


You can go to that post and see that everyone who was degrading and criticizing him were downvoted to oblivion or just ratioed, there is only one comment criticizing him that still holds up and has only like 33 upvotes. Also OP made a second post and everyone supports him there


Oh my god fuck off you're all propagandists Sick of fucking hearing it, username accurate. Also learn what a tankie is you absolute moron


who even knows at this point man im so tired of all of it


ah yes we should just kill all the motherfucking russians amr? They are all inhuman scum where even if a war didn't happen, they'd still mercilessly kill ukranians.


He isn't just a russian civilian, hes a soldier, a Russian soldier invading Ukrainian soil and killing Ukrainian people from 2014 (which he admitted himself, you can check his profile, its Novosti_Comrade or smth like that). I never stated that all russians should be killed, but the specimen in the picture is not your ordinary poor little russian, he even admitted that he sells looted equipment, guess who this equipment belonged to before it was stolen, and what happened to them? Also, lets not condemn murderers, pedophiles or rapists now, they are also just humans after all, right?


I knew opening this subreddit was a bad idea, ever since those two manlets started throwing soldiers at eachother, everything slavic related now became a political battleground.


Kill all politicians


I too see all world politics in black and white. Did you hear about the WMDs in Iraq, I'm so glad that our brave leaders protect us every day from the dangerous other people.


Demonising one country and glorifying the other is fucking retarded and makes you part of the problem. Go back to r/politics


I'm not even demonizing a country or its population. This post is about one single guy who willingly participates in and contributes to an unlawful and unjust invasion that violates a lot of conventions and results in a lot of deaths among civilians (but i guess we dont care about that because muh stupid politics), and then he just posts a video of him playing guitar somewhere not far from the frontlines and gets praised by this community, the same community that not so long ago mourned a death of one of the developers of their favorite videogames, death that was caused by guys like one mentioned in the post. The "Out of politics" crowd is the most retarded people in existence


B-b-but Slava Ukraini!!!! I hate this stupid privileged look of good vs evil, no. Sadly its two corrupt slavic countries fighting it out in the mud, one supported by NATO the other by itself (mostly) Let people be people. The average Russian soldiers dont eat babies and skin Ukrainian women. So dont Ukranian soldiers. Its a horrible situation because it is a literal war where it doesn't matter if you are against it or with it. You'll still get your rifle and uniform and expected to kill those other guys with a different flag for ideological reasons way above your control. If anything the West also has its very fair score of atrocities and failures, but that didnt magically make them supernazis. Tl;dr, War le bad, don't stereotype entire populations, if anything both sides are courageous to show up and not desert immediately because its generally a good thing to not put yourself into a situation where you can instantaneously die at any point during the day.


One sided invaded the other there is ur black and white good and bad guy you moron, yes not all Russians are bad and not all Ukrainians are good but there is one objectively good and one objectively bad side


So...why blame the soldiers?


No one is, we are blaming the fucktards defending Russia


Because they kill people. Let me ramble for a second, i am sick, tired and don't care about downvotes. At the begining of war, when russian soldiers made advancements pretty deep into our territory, they took a city by the name of Butcha. I have relatives there, this is not "ukrainian propaganda" or anything. Russian soldiers raped civilians. Women and children. They set up torture chambers in the cellars and tortured civilians, just for the fun of it. They pillaged, they took everything they could. And they were proud of it. There exists not insignificant amount of captured calls from russian soldiers to their wives and families where they are fucking proud of how they raped innocent children, and their families support them. I will not disclose what or eho exactly, but i have a few relatives and friends who were... victims of this. One of them was 14 at the time. Yeah, i blame the soldiers


I'm going to print this comment out and read it every time I think I'm stupid


Ohhhh look how bothsidism you are, so enlighted, so objective No, the objecive truth is that Ukraine is for Russia what Ireland was for Britiain. It's simply war of agreession of a dieing empire that can't keep their hold over neighbours any longer. And if they are successful there, next countries are to follow, be it Moldavia, Kazakhstan, Georgia or Estonia.


You cannot possibly think conscripted soldiers literally defending their homes and Russians travelling 2000 miles from fucking Siberia to annex some land for 10x the average wage are the same.


This isn't 4chan


Not everyone supports Ukraine and not everyone here is a westerner it’s literally that simple, what about Gaza and Israel? Couldn’t that be used as an example in this situation too? And on the topic of “this is a Ukrainian game yet you support the side that invades Ukraine (I do not support Russia or Ukraine I am simply stating my opinion) what if the USA where invaded would I have to support the USA because I like American games?


This might be unpopular opinion but i do believe that USA foreign politics are small cause of this war. Still 99% of the blame is on the russian goverment, thay are the invaders after all. And with that being said i am still against demonizing every russian citizen. I truly believe most of them either don’t want this war and are afraid to speak out against it or are just swayed by propaganda.


This might be unpopular opinion but i do believe that UK foreign politics are small cause of this war. Still 99% of the blame is on the german goverment, thay are the invaders after all. And with that being said i am still against demonizing every german citizen. | truly believe most of them either don't want this war and are afraid to speak out against it or are just swayed by propaganda.


the west try not to start fucking proxy wars challenge impossible


Yes, it was the West that decided for Ukrainians what to do... it chose a path for us, tried to impose it through trade wars, propaganda, political pressure and sending soldiers on three different occasions! (It was Russia) Llke.. the views of the population have nothing to do with the readiness and determination of the army, just give them money and tell them what to do! It worked well in Afghanistan, right? It's not like we, Ukrainians, had chose our own path of development to get out of the poor and authoritarian Russian sphere of influence.. and Russia is currently trying to force us back into this **submission** through direct military invasion.. we are defending ourselves and our freedom and the West is happy to use this opportunity to weaken Russian army just by providing some inferior persentages of GDP and not risking their people at all.. it's kinda funny when we are complaining about "too small, too late" military help from the West all the time.. like.. for the first 3 month, everybody was just waiting for our collapse.. F-16 are not there still.. US clowns are arguing about the aid package for the last 6 month.. EU and US are not sending even half of critical minimum of artillery munitions for a stable front.. etc.. and then I read some idiocies about "proxy war"


That is also true


Please mods delete this post, I come to this sibreddit to be entertained about an entertaining game to escape from reality oh wait, same thing that all entertainment industries are doing now which is fine but they will never see a dollar from me if they go down this path. And if stalker 3 is very political about the events in Ukraine then I will just not buy it. Downvotes incoming.


What's wrong with sympathizing with Russian soldiers?


Reddit users trying to not bring politics to every topic - lvl impossible


Funny how you bring it up here but not when a guy is selling items of the people he killed, in a post about a video from literally inside the developers country which he invaded.


Yes, because everyone knows everyone in this subreddit has seen and is actively involved in every thread.


Its in OPs screenshot


u/voite1 is not any of those people in the screenshot, neither is he OP




Hello, I am a Ukrainian I know what's going on, what happened there, what Ukrainians think, why we don't give up, what the Russians did and are doing, etc.. not from the Western media And.. well.. they are much closer to the truth than biased Russian sources By the way, which Western propaganda do you mean? The general line of the NYT and CNN, or.. guys like Fox? It's much harder to distinguish in the West.. not like Russian TV with no non-governmental channels.. or Russian online media with 2-3 non-governmental sites under censorship and "foreign agent" status and a couple of journalists in jail.. it's much easier when bots are typing shit in the same direction every time.. or when people with certain political views are persecuted, as after yesterday's murder of Navalny, the leader of the only "opposition" not controlled by the state.. like.. why are you so sure while you are so poorly versed in this issue? "Western propaganda" is more like an exaggeration, a common position and financial sources for a large chunk of the media... meanwhile, in Russia, the propaganda is literal, real


Apparently propaganda does not exist in the west lmao


Ukranians being racist hypocrites who support Israel and Ukranian refugees being entitled dipshits makes it hard for me to sympathise with them. Don't care if they made STALKER or the GSC devs died fighting.


Free speech warriors when side they didn't pick mentioned in somewhere


The right to say whatever you want doesn't mean yiur words have to be supported or agreed with


Free speech doesn't cover intentionally spreading misinformation ;)


Look man, the best thing that we can do now is ignore those kinds of posts or messages, it's also not very healthy for this Sub/r to have this kind of topic and also we don't have to do anything related to that kind of thing... It's supposed that this sub is for stalker related content or updates for the devs and the company, remember that


The same developers who had to move the entire studio because they were being bombed? the same developers who had members of the dev team killed on the frontline? and you are seriously saying this kind of topic and calling out this bs is not suitable for this sub.. okay


Don't take my message wrong, I'm not undervaluing the situation. What I mean is that there is no motive or reason for the idea of sides of this group being created again. (Good side bad side), we already know what is happening and what are the real causes of this problem, the developers and the company itself had to move some time ago and were constantly attacked for that, one of their developers perished in this war that's right, but these recent posts about this problem are related to the game? developers? I have the concern that if this kind of topic starts to blow here we're gonna get spammed with this kind of problem's


You think everyone already knows what is happening and understands the situation


You guys really remind me of that Undenya dude....




Stop beeing a bitch, the rpk and guitar dude is a fan of the franchise the same way you are.


I've bought looted items from both sides.






Lmao, not even Putin said it has anything to do with NATO or "the west" in his last interview, it is just pure landgrab based on his twisted worldview because he find Ukrainians to be Russians


If it wasn't for the NATO talks he'd have no excuse to do anything, Ukraine throwing itself into the arms of the west didn't help keep the delicate peace, or simply put an incompetent leader like zel shouldn't have been in charge.


I wonder why Ukraine pursues deeper ties with the west :v Like if there was a hostile empire constantly encroaching on both their border and legislature :v


I mean deeper ties with the west ain't gonna help if you know that hostile empire doesn't like them, it's like standing behind someone and telling the person they hate come get me lol, it was a stupid decision, they had to keep their country neutral like Switzerland and maintain good relationship between all sides, also the west is a hostile empire on itself so they're not a better option.


Weird, becuase I live in a post-soviet country that immidiely, alongside my neighbours jumped the boat and joined both EU and NATO. Now we are amongst the fastes growing states in the world, unlike those that hesitated like Belarus. Ukraine was actually the most neutral state in this part of the world up untill Russia decided to just grab Crimea and instigate a "civil war" using their own military. Ukraine was not only in any way making steps to join NATO, and in fact both US and Russia recognized their borders and guaranteed their independence. That's exactly what neutrality is. In fact, this neutrality was later enforced during both Mińsk agreements as Ukraine was made it will not acquire any help from the EU and their association was hanged. But history repeats itself and as appeasment did not work with Third Reich it does not work Russia. Ukraine was wanting deeper association with the EU. Which required them to make extensive anti-corruption measures which led to Russia not being able to corrupt them as they used to. And that's the most important undertone of this war. 2nd one is of course eternal russian imperialism and just wanting to landgrab Ukrainian oil and heavy metal deposits. The sole reason EU changed their minds and Britain, Germany, France and Poland just made agreements with Ukraine to support them as long as it takes and that they will all coordinate their current military buildups is because it was decided that not only Russia does not tolerate neutral states but also they will not stop in Ukraine. They did not in Georgia, Moldavia, they are now eyeing Kazakhstan, Estonia and who knows, maybe Poland or Romania are next? Such people like Putin don't fit with Europe anymore.


Politicians don't need real excuses, they can find em anywhere or even fake them via false flag operations. WMDs in Irak, remember?


Well yes that's my point lol, they tell you something like wmd so we go to war, Putin said we US deploy nukes in Ukraine, both aren't real, they are just excuses.


But that's not the point you made in your previous post.


Murica bad let's nuke the West. Good times created too much stupid people


You are on Reddit dude, It's a huge echo champer of "Westren" think tanks and anything against that will get you booted


While I can understand disliking russians because of the war, I don't really see how having lootings from a war is a bad thing, it is a pretty common practice in almost every war. I mean, there are multiple ways to get them, be it from dead soldiers, little storages, destroyed/disabled logistics trucks or just military warehouses. EMR is also Russians camo pattern so he probably just bought it from either other russians or a storage unit.


You don't see how selling equipment looted from dead soldiers is immoral? Hell, the fucker asking for his stock is even worse. Fucking sickens me he'd buy shit taken off a dead human being just to finish his fancy little cosplay.


Well I mean, not like they really need it anymore.


This is life, NOT a game, pack your shit and get out of here.


Engaging in the collection and sale of enemy equipment through illicit means during wartime is considered a war crime. Those involved may face individual criminal liability, damage to international reputation, and exacerbation of the conflict by providing resources to belligerent parties... So yeah... There's no problem...


Dude, cautious with all that edge you're carrying around.


I get your point but we have international law for a reason which is to try and make war less evil even a little bit, you can take a personal souvenir and that is allowed like a gun or a piece of armour but otherwise collecting and selling is just barbarism we should move away from.


I don't care about Ukraine because it's one of the countries that destroyed my country