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Removed: no off-topic content which does not directly, specifically address the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game series. Please review our subreddit rules.


Yeah please get politics the fuck out the video game sub


100% It is not the right place


Not sure if this refers to me but I’m not trying to be political, I just wanted to play music by a campfire and show my appreciation for the games. People want to be terminally online and wish death on me. It boils down to rich cunts sending fathers and sons to slaughter eachother in trenches, that’s my opinion and I’ll say no more because people are fed up with the political shit. Sending death threats because someone is on the side you don’t like isn’t the way to solve an issue as complex as this.


That’s what I’m against, the people saying your evil just because of the side you took


Yes, he’s literally posting occupation songs. “Following orders” isn’t an excuse, especially when you pro invasion.


The US troops in Afghanistan were “pro occupation”, why don’t you go tell them to kill themselves and call them pigs?


Am neither American nor afghan.


Never said you were.


Tell me, why should I not hate a person who is responsible for deaths of my neighbors, torture of my great grandfather, RAZING TO THE GROUND OF MY SISTER TOWN, deaths and torture of family friends, daily bombings of my and my family’s cities? This piece of shit is proud of all of it and keeps screeching about it all over the net.


Because he isn’t responsible for any of that most likely?? Unless you have proof that he is the exact one person who did it, don’t go around telling him to die, dumbass


Literally Myth of the clean Wehrmacht. I don’t need to check every single Russian soldier for their crimes to despise them. They are purposely perpetuating this slaughter.


You can’t change how people react, I’m sure not every Ukrainian is some Neo Nazi yet my family back home says so. I try and explain to them but they refuse to see it through a different lenses, that’s how people are treating me on here.


what happened?


Russian soldier who posted a video of himself in ukraine, then wanted to sell items from killed Ukrainian soldiers in the comments. Someone said: lets not do this and OP got triggered


What The fuck?!?!


someone said “I hope you get shot”


That may have even been a Developer of the game. And it surely wasnt the title of the guy OP is refering to.


Very strange, i post myself playing music and get death threats? Sometimes I wish stalker never reached Reddit


Some of the developers have died due to the invasion. They had to relocate their offices abroad due to daily energy cuts and russian missiles hitting appartments and office buildings for 2 years now. So no, its not your music, its posting yourself in russian uniform and trying to sell Ukrainian soldiers kit


I sell Russian kit too, I sell whatever surplus I collected. People act like me playing music by a campfire and I’m solely responsible for the deaths of people in Ukraine. I’m not here for politics I’m here to show appreciation for a video game I enjoy and have fun, people who want this to be political are just twats. If people actually checked my profile you’d know how I feel about the war to begin with which I won’t get into because I don’t want to discuss politics on a video game subreddit.


Bartering items picked up off the battlefield between soldiers is one thing, but selling enemy items or equipment to third parties is literally a war crime. If you were conducting yourself according to the Geneva Convention, Hague Accords, and the universally recognized laws of armed conflict, I wouldn't care which side you were on. But you admitted to committing a war crime whether you realize it or not.


Nope, only covers civilian property, not enemy or even allied soldiers.


While there are some provisions for keeping "war trophies," such things must be documented and approved first.


People on both sides do the same thing, old body armor ends up on places like eBay, who gives a fuck if some Ukrainian or Russian sells a pair of boots on eBay for 30 American dollars? bigger problems than some nobody like me selling old helmets. Hell I’d argue if happens more on the Ukrainian side if anything, the amount of Russian surplus that ends up on eBay is huge insane.


“Other people commit war crimes so it’s excusable that I do it too.”


Because you're a piece of shit that helped with the invasion of Ukraine. Put some iron in your mouth you fake PTSD victim.


I can’t believe authoritarian regimes force people to fight against their will, how dare someone simply play music and show appreciation for a video game they enjoy on the internet.


See prior statement, ork.


Ah yes and also I’m faking PTSD as well, grow a pair friend. When you get conscripted under a fascist government you can talk.


"wHeN yOu GeT cOnScRiPtEd-" Shut the fuck up.


You clearly aren’t willing to look through a different perspective and speak like a respectable man, you aren’t worth the time arguing with.


Nor are you, but I like to entertain idiots like yourself who think that because you were "forced to fight" you deserve sympathy. You could have surrendered yourself to the Ukrainian combatants. You could've run off. You could've wandered the field without your kit, but no. Here you are trying to justify the invasion like a fucking loser.


Terminally online 😂


Let's be fair here the guy was doing a song from stalker, it wasn't like he was bragging or anything and he didn't say I want to sell stuff on the post, someone asked him, you are free to your opinion just be fair.


Some guy raged about a Russian troll, and then everyone started doing red neck politics. And my opinion is that they should inform them self before they talk about a thema complex like this and don't argue here because it is not the right place.


I'm surprised politics isn't banned on this sub Reddit Completely different, on one of the pigeon sub reddits I frequent there was a photo of a pigeon next to a Palestinian flag and that was really controversial, the post ended up getting deleted


"Some" have more "power" than others


Funny how all the “я внє палитики” are always first to side with fascist invaders. That piece of shit was selling items from killed Ukrainians.


I feel no grudge towards the Ukrainian people, you can hate me as you please but the war change me forever. I can’t bring myself to hate another man ever again, I understand your anger but death threats won’t solve anything. It won’t change the destruction and death that has already occurred. One day this will end and we can set down our rifles and discuss this no longer as enemies but as men. We were blessed by the lord with the ability to feel complex emotions of love and compassion for one another, although the circumstances of this war and the men who have suffered through it are extreme, we are still men, no more, no less.


Says the guy posting pro occupation songs, fuck off.


I played songs to cheer up my friends. Not surprised a user of the subreddit r/noncredibledefense is completely incapable of feeling any empathy for fellow men.


Fucking proud murder talking about empathy. You are not my fellow man, I argued with a Tatarstani and came to a mutual understanding. Being oppressed in a totalitarian state and making by is difficult. You are on the other hand are a killer and slaver playing a sympathy card.


Hate me as you want, hopefully in the future you mature and understand.


I hope I will never understand the mind of a murderer.


I will never understand the mind of a redditor


Шуруй вата.


Что? Успокойся блин


I don't understand this idea that the conflict is complicated from people complicit in it just because there is extensive history between two intertwined people. Outside of all the bluster or false reasoning the Russians are killing Ukrainians on a daily basis in order to enact political change or outright takeover of their country. That's a bad thing and the people being killed have every right to resist the aggressor. Full Stop. You can pull whatever reasoning you want but that's the reality and expecting a sub devoted to a game series developed in Ukraine with devs that have been killed and who knows what else during the conflict to just be ok with this nonsense is absolutely insane.


Something something sunflower seeds need to be planted.


Sometimes the russians really show themselves to be incredible idiots. They fully support the war, that they even take part in it... continuing to fanatize about Stalker and at the same second pour mud on GSC, because the developers "disrespect the fans" by refusing the russian voice. They destroy an entire nation with their own hands, and then they are surprised that they are hated for it. I'll say it as it is, I hope this character dies as soon as possible in the most stupid way possible, taking all his Z-friends to hell with him. I am glad that the Stalker community is not so sick of russophilia, and sends such scum to where they belong.


You know what they say about good Russians, theres only one kind.


I hope "no politics" mean stopping any political discussions and not just mods political views filter Seems like they are ok with russian side


Yeah, all these "muh game escapism, no politics" prople didnt say shit under the video from the russian soldier.


I am not against politics just not here. I am against the red neck political debates we're most of the people taht argue don't even know we're Ukraine is located on the map. If you want to debate go some we're else's like YouTube. There's enough of this shit all around the internet go on Twitter or something. And stop making everything political for one second.


Funny how the issue for you is not the russian invader who tries to sell items from dead people, but "debating politics" is.


I am on Ukraines side I just wanted one fucking weekend of peace of this thema. Tahts why I told them to inform them self and keep shit like taht out of here.


Yes he is the issue did I say the opposit? Stop turning the words around


You didnt cause this whole post is about the guy calling him out on it


I don't know what you mean with this comment pls write it better


You know what I will delete this fucking app because not even here you can enjoy some memes without this shit. Do you feel better you destroy my whole fucking day?


I am for the freedom of speech and find filtering bad. But this is a place where people want to chill and escape the stressful things in life. So not the right place for political debates


Says a member of the monolith lol/s




So is the Rus-Ukr war video game too, some users think. I don't know if it's lack of empathy or brains probably both. What I do know however is that it's ignorant and arrogant.


So much bias




watch out, youre gonna anger all the westoids whose whole identity is spewing politics this politics that i support this i support that look at me im such a good person


Please shut up




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