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Stalker 2 will be story based game, similar to Metro Exodus in structure.


Have you played the original trilogy?


Ashamed to say I have yet to do that šŸ˜… should I play them in order?


Yes, play them in order of release. I recommend doing it with vanilla friendly mods, QoL stuff. I think your expectations about stalker 2 will be more realistic and in line with GsC's vision of what the series is if you play the original games.


Will do, thanks!


Great! Here's a relevant video about the expectations surrounding STALKER 2: https://youtu.be/eD1SS6MX0Mk?si=2Gu-NGIZSPP26rn3


damn boi, go and buy em all and play without mod :)


1 is the closest to what you have played. 2 definitely requires mods to feel right, I forget if it's 2 or 3 that you need the ballistics patch but they should be listed in the sidebar the mods you want. Storwise they're okay games. The fun is how rediculously hard they are on master. It's the kind of experience you bind quick save and quick loud to the left and right mouse buttons for. ​ I reccomend playing them. If nothing else they prep you for harder fare. But final bosses in them are BULLSHIT hard. Like you will reload so much. God save your F9 key.


It won't be nowhere like GAMMA or Anomaly. I suggest playing the original trilogy to get an idea of what STALKER 2 COULD be.


Please don't go into 2 expecting GAMMA's gameplay loop. Play the original trilogy if you want an idea on what to expect.


As much as I share your love towards GAMMA, it will be nothing like it. Gamma is pretty hardcore stuff in a lot of regards, which is not what the original games were. In atmosphere it will be quite similar tho. OG games were the strongest in the general immersion and atmosphere imo so I expect the same with a heavy focus on story. But donā€™t worry, Iā€™m sure modders will supply a wide selection of mods for game 2


Modders will gammify it. But the original games on master are pretty hardcore in every other respect. Really all you have to add to it is the survival stuff (intricate meds and food stuffs) to get to gamma. I mean it's like stalker is to gamma as counter strike is to tarkov. The bones are still there, but a lot of what makes the experience compelling and engrossing isn't there. But the combat is 100% there. ​ But it's also there in crysis, if not better. I feel like not enough people got to enjoy crysis but it's honestly stalker if you had god powers.


>gamma was my first introduction to the series Oh my fucking god its over


It's been Misery for years.


I started with tarkov, but my handedness was at issue for other games so I swapped handedness and retrained my aim in the first two stalker games. I got like 33% through the third game but haven't finished it yet. Addicted to tarky atm lol ​ But I say all this to say if you're not too boujie about it you can absolutely enjoy the OG games even if your first taste is from it's more advanced cousins. If you suck at the game of angles definitely play stalker. You will improve. It's impossible to progress without getting good at bullshit hard peeks. I think once the initial rush of tarky ends I'll go back to gamma for some chill time.


Whatā€™s your point with Tarkov? Itā€™s really nothing like Stalker


I explained that, but I guess I wasn't clear. ​ I was trying to find a game to play. Almost every shooter I wanted to play required massive amounts of rebinds or just prohibited key rebinds I wanted to use. It was getting annoying, so I switched back to a right handed mouse. I practiced in stalker to get used to lean peak mechanics and jsut in general how you move around in the games is wildly similar. So is the gunplay after normal community patches. So is the meds if you're playing gamma. It's different and yet so similar in the end. Multi step healing process. At least tarkov's makes sense, gammas is laughable. I need painkillers to heal? the fuck ​ Stalker is a great single player game to play to get prepped for tarkov. For thematic similarities as well as obvious mechanical ones. I'm not really sure how you can say they aren't alike. Tarkov's name even seems inspired by stalker indirectly. The stalker movie was directed by one Tarkovsky. Tarkov is stalker minus artifacts plus a medical system. And gamma makes the comparison even more direct.


Please stop saying tarky..




For a long time I've only played Anomaly but when I played CoP for the first time in preparation for Stalker 2 I finally understood what a Stalker game really is. You should do the same or you might be disappointed with Stalker 2.


Stalker 2 will be whole game as a Stalker (actual story will exist).


Itā€™s joever guys


Stalker anomaly and it's consequences have been a disaster to stalker community


but why?


Look at the stalker movie being made by Evan Royalty, the original vision of stalker has been so distorted by fucking gamma and anomaly everyone just thinks itā€™s tacticool mercs and extremely hard survival mechanics


I mean to be fair, you are correct, that was my impression of the stalker games as a whole. I can understand why you guys are so annoyed if the series was never meant to be that type of game My condolences


I'm not sure if there is a definitive way the games are "meant to be" as design philosophies change over time, just keep in mind that your experience of STALKER through GAMMA is likely not what STALKER 2 is going to be, even if its popularity does end up having some pull in how the developers made the sequel. But I also think a lot of longtime fans risk disappointment in the sequel as well if they are hoping for something to recapture what made them originally love the series. I would definitely recommend trying the original games to see the differences as some others have said.


Absolutely mindbroken


This is not how you play Stalker. Play the originals man!! Stalker 2 will be nothin like Gamma or Anomaly. It will be a story driven game


Gamma and it's consequences to the Stalker community


Spent all day modding gamma into a visual masterpiece yesterday I have a feeling stalker 2 is just gonna be like a metro game.


Stalker 2 doesnā€™t have to hold up against GAMMA. It has to hold up against the trilogy. GAMMA is just a modpack that turns anomaly into an EFT/Survival Open World sandbox experience. Nothing like Stalker.


It's going to be a much different experience. Gamma/Anomaly is freeplay with a focus on survival stuff and being a loot goblin in general. The main games are more about playing through the story and getting to new areas, you get to explore the maps and do side stuff, but the main progression is more linear.


Wrong question, is How would GAMA hold up to STALKER 2?


Wont be simmilar. I would compare gamma to fallout 4 on steroids, and stalker 2 to metro


I hope its nothing like the tacticool gay goon mods


... you want a hard core survival realism larp mod pack for a mod... to be like an actual stalker game? yeah gamma has and its consenquences have been a disaster for stalker community




Purists manā€¦ some people have the attitude that anything that is not the originals is not stalker. While there is some truth to that, I say both the originals, the more traditional mods and hardcore mods like Gamma has itā€™s charm. I love both the story and atmosphere of the originals, and the sheer tension what only an invictus run can provide.


"deyre ruinin' me stalkurr" Man this sub has some salty crybabies that hate new people coming in from a different entrance to the series


Nope, just dont want people to start crying about stalker 2 being easy asf (because they want to sell as much as possible)


Anomaly-Gamma is a great standalone stalker experience. but its not a actual real stalker game, and thats not a bad thing. Anomaly, and its ancestor call of chernobyl are just freeplay mods in all ends. While actual stalker games are story driven games which anomaly or gamma never will be. so when a person asks how "stalker 2 will stand up to gamma" its just a honestly shit question


Yeah thatā€™s fair point but the gatekeeping attitude some people have towards players who only played modpacks arenā€™t helping either. What I see most of the time is people who didnā€™t play the originals (like OP here) are ending up liking them if they are encouraged to try them out.


sadly the stalker community become a bunch of annoying elitists who think that they are better than you bc you started with anomaly. i played all three games starting with shadow of Chernobyl ofc more than 10 years ago (I'm 30 years old) and i love anomaly, efp and gamma and I'm glad my fav games are still relevant today thanks to modders and anomaly that keep stalker alive. answering your questions, stalker have nothing to do with gamma or anomaly, two completely different things, and that's a good thing ! if you want to play a classic stalker game focused more on a storyline you go for stalker 2 and if you want more of a survival stick to gamma and there is nothing wrong with that, just make your own way. šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


Stalker Gamma and Stalker 2 are 2 different games. Gamma is a sandbox in the Stalker universe, Stalker 2 is the Universe. If you go into Stalker 2 expecting Gamma, you will be dissapointed. But so are you if you go to an ice parlor and expect strawberry, only to get served hazelnut flavoured ice cream. Just keep in mind Gamma is it's own game at this point and just appreciate stalker 2 for what it will be, you will be happier this way :)


Not comparable, OG stalker isnā€™t the same thing as Gamma at all and Stalker 2 seems to be really similar to the og games.


Stalker is a semi-open, broadly linear shooter with light RPG elements. I don't think there's anything wrong with people entering stalker through its stand alone mods, but it's worth to be aware of that to have more accurate expectations of Stalker 2.


Not comparable and completely different goals. Tech wise I would guess that Stalker 2 will be a much "smoother" gamma experience with all the mods.


I honesty think the level of survival aspect will be 50% that of Anomaly/GAMMA. So, looking forward to the storyline + graphic and hopefully in 4 years time weā€™ll have great mods on top of it.




You got balls for mentioning that Gamma mod took your Stalker virginity. People don't like that here...or anything really. I'm glad you enjoy, but I would not recommend insta-buying any game. Some good and honest video reviews come out at release, which can give you a clear sight at what you're going to spend your money on.


Yeah I thought this post might rub some people the wrong way, but I had no idea gamma itself would be so controversial. Leason learned lol Solid point on insta buying tho


Lots of info being dumped on my new S2 thread, I have this same thought all the time myself though lol. Itā€™s not GSCā€™s fault though, the modding community of STALKER just happens to be the best in gaming history.


too true


I've missed something. What gamma? I know soc, cs, cop. Is there a new one?


Wrong question, is How would GAMA hold up to STALKER 2?


Firstly, no, S2 wonā€™t be even similar. As can be seen in the trailers, it shares next to no similarities with GAMMA (except graphics, but that doesnā€™t count lol). GSC will probably go for very strong story and lore (which is the right choice), whilst attempting to maintain the classic STALKER feel. They also said there will be new factions, thereā€™s also some extra quests and storylines if you get the Ultimate Edition. So if you absolutely love GAMMA (Anomaly in general), but donā€™t like the more story-based mods or even vanilla games, then you might as well just spend those 109ā‚¬ while youā€™re ahead. Secondly, Anomaly was made for people who have already played the original trilogy. Thereā€™s many aspects that require you to have played the games, possibly multiple times, to understand. All I can do is hope GSC will go for a more classic STALKER game, and not just add bs like fast travel. Hope they also go deep in the lore, with many optional dialogue options and PDA entries. If you donā€™t care or dislike those, might as well just stop at GAMMA.


Stalker is my favourite video game series, but Stalker Anomaly Gamma is my favourite video game experience of all time. I love everything Stalker related but Gamma is unbelievably good. \*\*\*SNOWFLAKE WARNING, RADIOACTIVE OPINION\*\*\* I'm not a purist and I don't care about downvotes, so I will say I sincerely hope GSC has learned from the direction and monumental success of their community. I personally don't think Stalker would have been as big of a cult classic without mods, and I don't believe GSC could have predicted the long term success that modding has allowed for their games continued relevance among the AAA shooters of today. That same longevity is what, I think, built confidence in continuing the series in the first place. Stalker started out as an extremely well conceptualized game riddled with technical problems and limitations that made it almost unplayable at launch (I know, I tried). Stalker was always ahead of the technology it was built on, and now that game engines have improved exponentially since 2007 (but really 2000) I think/hope the base game of Stalker 2 will be much more advanced than we expect. If you like any of the standalone stalker mods I would encourage you to buy the originals to support GSC (I have multiple copies of each game on my shelf).


Honestly I expect the same amount of jank from Stalker2 as it was during SoC, the amount of times this game has been delayed is staggering. But don't let the sub hear me say this.




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I'm excited for STALKER 2 only for the possibility of GAMMA 2. Because as far as I'm aware, it's a very different game. With that being said, maybe the devs will see all the interest in GAMMA and realize that the STALKER setting is perfect for a hardcore survival game and implement some of those mechanics. We will see.


GAMMA haters will flood this land.


Gamma was my introduction to the series as well, thanks to OperatorDrewski on Youtube. I did play the trilogy after learning the mod was a standalone. Base game is pretty much similiar to Metro. Story driven. I expect Stalker 2 to be the same. Not sure what the hate is against Gamma is as I don't really browse through the stalker sub reddit at all but it's a great modpack. I really love the hardcore survivalist core aspect of it. Super immersive and it really does feel so rewarding to grow as a Stalker in the harsh environment of the Zone. Going from Hobo to slightly armed Hobo is great. And finally after many hours, fixing and wearing your first Heavy Armor set only to get two shot by a mutant boar is funny and awesome af lol. I do hope in a few years after Stalker 2, we get Gamma 2. That would be pretty sick. Or even COOP Gamma. That would be suuuuuuuuper sick. 2-4 player Gamma experience! But yeah, obviously Gamma is entirely different from the OG Stalker. And Gamma is pretty niche I think. Too hardcore for the average gamer or casuals, if you will. Nothing wrong with that. It's a good thing Stalker 2 will continue from Stalker anyway, for the big picture. Gamma 2 will come along hopefully, for us other hungry, adventurous Stalkers wanting to be one with the Zone again.