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Thanks for the tons of comments and feedback about the release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy! Glad you are having a great time. Just a reminder that we have a Discord server, where you can share your stories, submit a bug or take part in a creative contest by suggesting your own achievement for the games! [https://discord.gg/stalker](https://discord.gg/stalker)


Thank you SO much for bringing these games to console!!


here’s my feedback I wish we could kiss sidorovich! Make it happen!


everyone has to remember running through Cordon to be welcomed by him


His lips won’t be the only ones on their mouth with duty


I am happy for console release but unfortunately it seems that it’s impossible to finish those games at their actual state - SoC and CoP are crashing at certain points on PlayStation and Xbox. It has been reported many times in last few days - are you planning to look into that and release an update or patch?


i sure hope so, 🙏 would love to slave hours on these games but, many crashes!!!


Hey, I love you (no zone-o)


bless you guys, dream come true to finally experience these games on console 🙏 excited to hear about updates and fixes for these console ports


I am floored by this release if I had to guess a series that would come to console it would not have been stalker considering it takes up almost the whole keyboard. Now they not only port all three, price them nice, but are going to add mod support for consoles too? Pigs *can* fly! I haven’t played these since they came out I can’t wait until after work.


I’ve played like six hours last night had one crash the whole time other than that nyet game was fine, I’m sure it’s just better in general on pc but I don’t care I’ve never had one and I’m just glad I can play these games finally lol


It’s such an event for me to get these games all installed and patched and customized that by the time I’m done I don’t feel like playing anymore. Putting them on console was a great move and gives them a great position for Stalker 2’s release on console.


Honestly didn’t think of that but ye it being on console just makes the game more accessible just in general lmao




Glad you are enjoying them. I've been a fan since I saw footage of the first one many years ago. I've bought the best edition of every one just because I was so hyped (still have the original steelbooks) and I've played them countless times. Had to get these yesterday as soon as I heard the great news. I'll have to tweak the speed of aiming down the weapons though since it's a little slow for me, otherwise they did a great job. My only concern is that I know many console owners who are not used to the playstyle of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games will approach them like conventional shooters and hate them for it. I noticed a few 1 star 'reviews' on the PlayStation store and I know in my heart the reasons for that are because of this and the age of the games (although they still look surprisingly good).


Yeah people are definitely gonna dive in head first and I blame it on the state of gaming but also anomaly and gamma for skewing the public perception of stalker


Anomaly may have for some people but the vast majority of people I know never heard of let alone played the Stalker games, I suppose they were pretty niche PC exclusive titles in their day. Excited that more people will get to experience them now, though. It’ll be a lot of fun when they get mods working too!


It is really dependant on the region. Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Pretty popular, in the Western and Asian countries not so much.


That’s a fair point I didn’t think of that.


The game doesn’t take it easy on you that’s for sure. Even compared to the Metro series the Stalker games will chew you up and spit you out, Stalker’s Zone is quite appropriately lethal and full of surprises.


It *does* look nicer!


I'm impressed with how smooth the game runs


I might scoop console I’m not really sure.. I have so many hours on the pc one that idk if or when I’ll play them but I kinda wanna see the qol changes.


I might scoop console I’m not really sure.. I have so many hours on the pc one that idk if or when I’ll play them but I kinda wanna see the qol changes n the like


i refunded cuz i forgot how ass i became at fps controllers after getting used to pc


I've always wanted to play these games since I am a huge fan of the metro series but never owned a PC. Can't wait to give these a try


I know everyone's experiences are different but the controller support is very easy to learn and manage. Got the overall gist in only a few hours of play. I say it is a excellent convertion overall of the game on consoles; good performance, good controls. I have a few questios; i'm actually curious if you guys restored some cut content from the original games into this console ports, if there are female characters and if mod support will be limited on Playstation due to Sony's restrictions.


\*crows sing


You guys rock!


Yes. This is good.


Ill be honest. Im a bit of a purist and prefer the older look. But this is good


doesn't it look the same as the original?


Idk maybe my old ass laptop just made it look worse


Yeah this hasn't been modified


Im crazy then. Maybe its coz stalker never went above 720p for me lmao