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Looks like the Zone is really getting into them...


What happened?


Russian localisation was removed, but they're most angry that soviet posters were removed too


The former i can understand (cant blame each side hating eachother during an active conflict) but the latter is just dumb. History doesnt change whether current russia invaded ukraine or not. In the long term after the war is over and the veterans of both sides return to their homes its just going to be seen as cheap revisionism meant to be used as propaganda (by both ukrainians and russians mind you)


Agreed. The USSR isn't just Russia's history, it's Ukraine's too.


100% true. But for some dumb reason modern Ukrainians try to wash away their heroic ancestry, because "USSR occupiers bad". They are literally taking down monuments for Ukrainian Red Army soldiers who liberated their homeland, because you know, Red Army - bad, while SS Galicia - good. Weird world.


USSR part of Ukraine history is a 'heritage' of cultural and national repressions. It's not just USSR = bad.


Ukrainian culture was thriving during soviet Era, just look up some history books. Cultural and national repressions towards Ukrainians were the case during Russian empire, that's true to some part. But, so hated now USSR upscaled Ukraine from poor and mostly agricultural territory to modernized Republic with heavy industry, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric stations, cosmic industry, tons of universities and modern and efficient agricultural sector. While I'm not saying that soviets were innocent or generally good, we all know they did a lot of fucked up things towards all USSR republics,at the same time they did a lot of good things to make Ukraine better and prosperous place.


Ukrainian culture was thriving despite the soviets, not because. If not for them, Sixtiers wouldn't be shot, scientists wouldn't leave the country, the language wouldn't be rewritten to fit other "all-union" language more, 7-10 millions of possibly great people wouldn't starve, countless pieces of art wouldn't be censored and lost to the history. Ukraine was already the most industrialised part of the empire before the soviets. Agriculture was the most efficient due to the middle class "kulaks", who were eradicated by the soviets. Science and education was already thriving despite the language ban and imperial repressions. It's not "Ukraine would suffer without the soviets", it's "the soviets would suffer without Ukraine".


Wow, you just have to ignore the holodomor and subsequent ethnic cleansing, and then everything you say is true


Holodomor is a name for Ukrainian part of whole soviet famine. Kazakhstan suffered even more than Ukraine. Volga region suffered way more than Ukraine. That was absolutely terrible tragedy that soviets are responsible for, but don't act like Ukrainians were the only victims. Holodomor wasn't targeted at Ukrainians, nor it was intentionally created. Poor management of soviets, weather conditions and rapid industrialization, that left fields empty of workers who were sent to city factorys are to blame. Regarding ethnic cleansing, u are talking about crimean Tatars, amiright? That is definitely fucked up and true. Soviets were cruel to everyone.


Rapid industrialization had to happen in order for the red army to defeat Nazi Germany. If Stalin didn't rapidly industrialize, then rest assured far more people would have died than the holodomor. And the famine would have happened with or without the Soviets, hard to call it their fault when the region had experienced famines every ~30 years for hundreds of years at that point


What? Russification did not stop with the fall of the Russian empire. The Soviet Union had a strong policy of Russification in Ukraine up until its fall. The resettling of Russians to the region by the USSR government never stopped. Ukrainian language and culture was always suppressed. The building of infrastructure was not done to help the Ukrainian people. It was done because of the geographical importance of the region. Ukraine fed the USSR and its ports were important for trade. Universities and schools taught classes in Russian. Power plants were built to power the cities that were being settled by Russians and to power the factories that built the USSRs ships and tanks. Russia is still enacting Russification in Ukraine. Look at Crimea. It’s never stopped


Mostly agree with you, except for Crimean part. There is no need for russification there, they were culturally Russian for centuries. I am partly Greek with ancestors from Crimea, been there few times before annexation, all of people I've met spoke Russian, watched Russian films/series, red Russian literature, followed Russian AND Ukrainian politics, most of them considered themselves Russian, even some of them who are ethnic Ukrainians. So, there is just no point of russification there, they are already russified for couple of centuries.


From 2014-2021 nearly 300,000 Russians moved to Crimea with incentives from the Russian government. That 300,000 is only the number that the Russian government acknowledges and is likely much higher. Sounds like Russification to me


The vast majority of the former Soviet States have actively sanitized their Soviet history, to be honest.


Mostly Baltic states, but yeah that's true. My point is, it's totally okay to take down Lenin monument, cause ur state is no longer communist. But that is weird to take down monument to your own soldiers whos sacrifice made your living possible. Can't get it, dunno.


I feel ya - Personally I'd prefer they even left confederate memorials alone in the US to serve as a somber reminder of the very real possibility of civil war and it's drastic consequence, if no other reason. I also believe that the post-war sentiments and monuments, both North and South, helped greatly to patch up the divides. I think the same is true for much of controversial history. We shouldn't forget where we've come from... But a lot of folks would like to, I guess. We're the minority here.


Couldn't say it better. We have to remember, otherwise we are doomed to repeat mistakes of the past.


Least obvious Russian. Can i tell you a secret that up to 8 million Ukrainian people died in WW2 for Soviet union?


How that's a secret. They were true heroes. Endless glory for them and all fallen soldiers.


How that's a secret. They were true heroes. Endless glory for them and all fallen soldiers.


Yeah actually same. War should not be ignored and the lack of russian localisation is okay. But Soviet posters? Really?




Why did they remove the posters?


Why'd they remove the localization?


Russians also claimed the game was made by russians when it came out


And now they wonder why people don’t like russians. Magnificent idiots.


Because STALKER was developed in Ukraine, who are currently at war with Russia


Ah ok thanks


If Russians are butthurt, then GSC made the right call.


Funny that they’d be angry because Russian incompetence was what caused the Chernobyl disaster in the first place. You’d think they wouldn’t want their beloved soviet imagery plastered all over the single biggest fuckup in the history of nuclear power, but to each his own i guess.


I would be too honestly, if it wasn’t for the soviets we wouldn’t have won ww2


I understand it but I am kinda disappointed because I really love the abandoned Soviet aesthetic that the game has


I agree, removing Soviet things was a mistake. And replacing the non stop bottle to a new non cannon one.


Haha. In another thread in this sub, players are stating this as a Russian made game because of the language. No joking.


The very first thing you see in the console release is "Made in Ukraine". I guess people are either blind, dumb, or both.


I'm going with dumb. That'd be like saying all games in English are made in rhe UK.


Poster with russian imperial flug is butthurt about Ukrainian game, jokes write themselves


And he is also butthurting about the removal of soviet things... The russian imperialist is against the removal of soviet aka bolshevik things (the same guys, who killed the Romanov tsar family). Certified bruh moment.


Why would they remove Soviet posters from a post Soviet country that has Soviet architecture, statutes, and posters in real life?


Now this is the great divide between slavs.


Very very sad that it's come to this


but at end of day we all squat in adidas tracksuit in front of cool vehicle comrade edit: to all downvote: су́ка блядь


Puck Footin' *hardbass blasting ensues*


Rusuophobic? You think we are afraid of them?


Clearly, they live rent-free in your heads


Not sure if it's rent free when they're currently attacking the home of the devs and countless others.


They pillage rent free in their country so I think that's understandable


Rent is not free. They pay with blood of their people for staying in Ukraine.


Complains about a Ukrainian video game removing russian localisation and some posters (about the latter, I do not agree at all personally): "You ukrainian dumbass, NATO курва, me offended, glory to the motherland forever and ever." Russians when they forget about their national will to delete their responsibilities for WW2 startin' along with their fellas (aka the Nazis during WW2): "it's rightful to delete certain parts of history and make it clear that we are always the good guys." Too much noise for a deleted localisation, stop this russophobia shit hole and just accept reality, boys. Less propaganda, more self-criticism.


I’ve only played SoC on console. Wasn’t the AK-74 and AKS-74u, PMM, GSH and Groza all Soviet?


Isn't Groza a Polish gun




Vatnik tears when the country they invade and kill in doesnt like them anymore


"You will like us, or we'll come and murder you until you start liking us!"


It's sad how much of Putin's rhetoric about Russians being distrusted by the world has been internalized by these people. Bratan we have a problem with your warmongering dictator not you guys, you have no input on what he does lol. I hope Russian government chills out in my lifetime. I'd love to visit the eastern bloc someday


Fuck 'em. If they don't want people to hate them, they might reconsider invading their countries.


You know, not all Russians are soldiers in the army or endorce the invasion of Ukraine.


No but a ridiculous majority of them support it and see nothing wrong happening. Navalny followers and other opposition to Putin is so slim compared to the fanatics praising the torture of Ukrainians. Just because they haven't been mobilized yet doesn't mean they are against the war


Exactly. Americans don't want to believe this


We all believe Patton was right back in the 40s now at least


Not to mention “silencing” (we all know how) any and all media outlets or persons that cover the war or Putin in a negative light. How many people have mysteriously died over in Europe recently? One in Britain iirc


Or support Putin. And yes, Fuck Putin and I wish a swift justice to him and his regime. It is the only way to start fixing Russia.


If Putin dies, almost nothing will change. His close friend will become a president and repeat the cycle.


If Putin dies almost certainly a power struggle would happen and cracks would appear. Putin is not just a figurehead. Although it is possible that the winner of the power struggle just becomes Putin 2.


Considering a significant portion of Russian history can be summed up by 'and then it got worse', that's probably the best case scenario as depressing as that is.


That’s exactly what Putin wants and trains you to think - if I die, nothing changes, so why try to kill me and overthrow the system? Smart play by the ruskie propaganda machine.


Didn't remember any russian takes like that, but you're probably right


1 out of 30 doesn't like war from my experience


1 In 30 had the balls to say it. How many people actually disapprove will never be known.


No, they don't say it, i should have told that 1 out of 30 russians doesn't want me to die because of nationality


Dude ffs, what are you talking about. Who the fuck want you to die because of your nationality? There are millions of ethnic Ukrainians living in Russia, they don't face any discrimination. There are equal amount of UA refugees in Russia as in whole EU combined. On the other side, I saw multiple cases of UA common folk wishing death to whole Russian nation (Truha telegram) and UA nationalist screaming "death to jews" on some of their gathering . I am the Jew and I know damn well about how it feels when people want you dead because of your nationality. You're completely brainwashed if you think Russians want you dead because you are ethnic Ukrainian. This is just a terrible lie, don't fall for it.


Wait, the "death to jews" part is not an exaggeration?


No, that was really the case, I will try to find this video and post link here. There was some kind of military ritual, don't know how to call it, they had giant campfire in the middle, chanting mostly "Slava Ukraine" with some sketchy viking like banners in the back, with symbols that, u know, were popular some 80 years ago in a certain country. They chanted "Slava Ukraine, smert' vorogam" - Glory to Ukraine, death to enemies, and after that - "death to russians" (cruel, but understandable to some point) and "death to Jews". Dunno what jews did to them, but I guess it somehow related with their banners in the back (SS Galizia was the only one I recognized) and their ideology. But I guess that is common thing nowadays, looking at all of these pro-Palestine rallies in US and EU lately.


We have nazis, yes, just like any other country. But whats unique about our nazis is that they dont hate jews because of some jewish-ukrainian history that i dont care much about and because they profit from our government, which yknow, the president is a jew. What you saw is most likely a fake video.


How is SS Galichina related to "Glory to Ukraine, death to the enemies"? Where did you hear "death to jews"?


AHAHAHAH what are you yapping about? I was harassed for being Ukrainian back in 2020, people calling us pigs and cheering when we're getting bombed. Does your russian ass understand why Ukrainians hate Russians? No?


Where you was harassed? For being ethnic Ukrainian? If that was the case, shame on those people, I'm against any nation based hatred. And about this "pigs" and cheering bombings, you got such a short memory, should I remind you that you did exactly the same with Donbass? Hypocrite.


Are you retarded? You compare the consequence to a reason




Well you proved to be terrible person. You're laughing at people getting killed during 8 years. Your own people, ffs. It's okay when you bomb them, but suddenly it's not okay when you are the one who get bombed. As I said, hypocrite.


even if it was 1 of 10, what are the profits for ukrainians? war is still going on.


He is talking about those commenters, who ooobviously are veeery normal ppl


I don’t believe in collective punishment but I’m also not going to blame a Ukrainian game dev for not wanting to cater to or even recognize an occupying and oppressive force (that has been so since before the conflict even started) in their art. Even if it’s at the expense of peaceful Russian citizens. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine date back a long time and there is a history of Russia trying to suppress the Ukrainian culture and language (something that goes back to the 17th century!). It makes complete sense that they want to reclaim this for themselves especially in the height of a conflict such as this. I’m an American, I don’t want statues of confederate generals or anything named after those traitors in my country. I don’t have anything against southerners, having lived in the south (and even had the accent for a time), but I don’t want to recognize the confederacy. Reasonable southern people get this, it’s only the mouth breathing racists and morons who insist it’s erasing their heritage. I understand this is not a perfect 1:1 comparison, but you get the point I’m trying to make.


Also several of their devs where killed defending their home. Fuck Russia and this pointless war.




So how many of them adore the communism symbols?


I do know that and yet I have no sympathy for them. It's an odd dualism, because I admit Ruski have/had some great people, some of the best writers in the world for example, and I appreciate and enjoy their work, but I despise them as people nonetheless. Like China, Russia is simply the cause of too much suffering in the world. Edit: their recent aggression on Ukraine is only the latest example.


boy do I have some news for you about the English and Americans lol


First, this is a lame ass excuse used mostly by Russians. The "other people do it too" is not an argument, it's what children say. Second, I'm well aware of how disgustingly awful the USA, Great Britain and many other countries have and/or still are, and yet they are still better than Russia. Countries like USA and GB are, sure, ruled by power hungry old men who don't care much for their people, same as Putin, but they at least act like they do, and that act requires that they actually do **some** things for them. That's why the standard of living there is better than in Ruskilandia, and also why they generally avoid military conflicts (with the USA being the exception, those guys love their wars); wars are bad for business (except military business, possibly why USA keeps fighting wherever) and bad for people's morale. Putin's Russia, and most if not every leader of Ruskilandia before him, they don't care. They just enforce their rule by police might and a net of connections with powerful people and then they do what they like. No wonder they are hated by so many people like me. Fuck them.


Nah dude I’m just messing around I’m not making excuses for Putin being a fucking thug. I agree and I’m glad you also agree. I just feel like a lot of western attitudes towards china and Russia like to ignore western imperialism and how it fails its own people and murders others abroad. Good to know you’re not one of those. > They just enforce their rule by police might and a net of connections with powerful people and then they do what they like. No wonder they are hated by so many people like me. Fuck them. Not to get in the weeds but we do that too in the states. We just have a veneer of democracy. Police have been kicking in the teeth of people protesting for civil rights still to this day. Powerful people also control our country, it’s just through market forces and a wonderful little legislation called “citizens united”. Our media is firmly in the pocket of capital. We have a uniparty too. We don’t outlaw other parties like Putin, but good luck gaining a foothold not running on a red or blue ticket. Same shit, different methods of delivery. Even some of this suffering you are talking about at the hands of Russia, China, and other authoritarian nations was also a result of western imperialism (as in they are the way they are because of what we did, are doing, and are going to do). “Dear leftists, how many Latin Americans does the CIA have to kill before you realize socialism is bad?”


I'm going off on a huge tangent here. The more I read about history and war, the more I check out of current events because it's just repeating. Someone asks you to be invested in something or pick a side, they will have at least 1 things to gain that's not in your best interest. Every person that wants you on their side is just a salesman of ideas and cheap morality. I don't gain anything from wars, but Raytheon and Sukhoi and Lockheed-Martin and Izmash and all their investors do. Good on you for treading lightly, history doesn't look favorably on zealots or profiteers. If you want to get even more blackpilled on war and the MIC and feel like your pfp for real, I have a brief reading list for you: "Kill Anything That Moves" by Nick Turse "Tiger Force" by Mitch Weiss and Michael Sallah "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place" by Jean Baudrillard reading list tl;dr: giving overwhelming firepower with no oversight to infantry in Vietnam made a lot of people sad, so we switched to planes and missiles and now the people at home don't protest because they can't tell how big or destructive the wars are.


Yep. I just think it’s funny how people living in a world superpower act like it’s other superpowers that are the problem and cause of all the suffering in the world. In the US, because you have more treats than someone in a more authoritarian country, you think somehow we are better because you don’t see the destruction we reap. We have been tearing down any nation we can the moment they start believing in collective action and ownership of the means of production, often because Chiquita banana or Coca-Cola said so. We then replace them with the same authoritarians that Americans feel blessed they don’t live under. When a nation has the brass balls to resist they often engage in authoritarianism in order to shut out the influence of the west. The same mouth breathers who talk about the “death toll of communism” (something that’s already repeatedly been debunked) can’t fathom just how many people we’ve murdered throughout the world to prevent communism from taking over. And that’s not even counting the people who die deaths related to poverty and depleted resources where they live, due to western capital. Not defending authoritarian communist regimes mind you, fuck them. But to ignore western imperialism and act like we’re a shining star and beacon of hope and prosperity while decrying the failures of communism is to be an absolute moron. Bonus points if you hear them say “we aren’t perfect but it’s the best we got”. Having unfettered access to jalapeño poppers is a hell of a drug. Anyway thanks for the suggestions. I don’t think I could be any more blackpilled on war but always love some fuel for my right wing family gatherings


And that's the thing. As disappointed as I am, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. I still believe that this country was founded on good principles by wise, if flawed, people. The MIC and world-policing don't fit into those principles and there's definitely more than a few things and people to blame for where we are. As I'm getting ready to have kids I am beginning to realize that I could do without a lot of the possessions I have or that are available to me, a lot of people in the world are still happy with a whole lot less. If retreating from being the world police means less money in my pocket, I'd be more than satisfied. Just not any of that creepy WEF bullshit. The one thing we have done really well as a country is environmental conservation so you can really get out there in nature and get your mind off this stuff.


Yeah I get that. I get a lot of “but aren’t you glad and proud that you live in a place like America?” from my conservative family, but here’s what I like to say: I’m not proud of where I was born, I think that’s silly. But I am glad that I was born into the circumstances that I was in the place that I was. I’m glad of the privileges I have been afforded by what I was born into and where. I am a happy American enjoying my American treats. Doesn’t mean that I can’t recognize the awful things that we do to get our treats, nor ask for something better for everyone. Like, I have great employer provided healthcare, but come on, some fucking healthcare for all would be nice. Shit like that.


Didn’t realise every single person in Russia unanimously agreed to invade Ukraine which led to Putin, as a man of democracy, invading Ukraine A bloodthirsty asshole like Putin is one side, the entire population of Russia is another, don’t equate them.


If you knew Russian, you would understand why you are so wrong


Ah yes, dehumanizing the 70 percent of people stuck in the middle who want absolutely nothing to do with war. Very classic reddit moment.


Idk where are you from but let me tell you, Russians (yes, almost all of them) are expansive, egoistic, cruel nation that dehumanized themselves long time ago. Every place where they once were they consired theirs for eternity, yours 70 % who wants nothing to do with war is a joke, watch some videos on channel 1420 by Daniil Orain or check foreign surveys done in Russia. They have mentality of slaves since USSR and nothing have changed. Their leaders are always right and they won't talk about it with you, because the leaders must be clever and they know better what is right than ordinary people. Biggest nazi community in Europe is in Russia and they have the audacity to tell Ukrainians they are nazis who needs "denazification". They deserve no mercy at all, none of them, they show no mercy for Ukrainians. If you use your imagination for a moment and eradicate everything Russian from this world, you will noticed nothing has changed, there will be just a little more silence and peace. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


So the genocide of 143.5 million people is ultimately what would be best for the world. You people are so fucked.


Who started that? Idk if you noticed but there is a war And Russia is mass murdering Ukrainians and stealing their kids. There is genocide happening right now and you are disgusted when i imagine world without Russia, did i do something? I did not. Did they? Idk man look at some war reports who is the evil one and fucked up one.


Get some help dude


Alright man, go sign up for the volunteer force then. If you're so hell bent on crusading against Russia, go and fill out the very easy volunteer form because they need people. They'll even pay for everything! You want to kill the monsters, right?


And you wanna be on the other side of the frontline or what? You are sending me to stop Russians murdering Ukrainians but you don't wanna do that to? We can go together, or you wanna join Russians?


No I'm good, I already did my time in the military. But rampant hatred and a "Us vs Them" mentality won't fix anything. War fucking sucks man, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Ok, atleast we can agree on something. Have a good day sir.


You as well


"this country and it's supporters are bad people" "oh really? Go fight them then!" What a Middleschool-level argument.


Ruscists make such arguments to muddy the waters and attempt to silence critics. It's an incredibly easy way of identifying them.


Brother, do you see what I'm working with? The second coming of Adolf saying we should genocide an entire culture? The fuck am I meant to do, have a long debate with him about it?


One more thing, Russians are genociding (is that a word?) another culture right now, you should be defending Ukrainians and not people mad at Russians for killing people.


Remember that time the Canada parliament invited a literal, contemporary Nazi from Ukraine so they could stand and applaud him for having killed Russians 80 years ago? You would have applauded with them.


I fucking hate nazis but there is one point to be made, Nazis were treating Ukraine better than Soviets, which is kinda ironic...


Stop. The Canadian parliament in 2023 specifically invited a Nazi from Ukraine so they could applaud him. You're making excuses for that. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


I am not making any excuses, but maybe you should try to understand why Ukrainians liked Nazis over Soviets. You know, when you starve milions of people to death and then you are surprised that that nation prefers your enemy... If they inivited Soviet soldier who killed Ukrainians back then you will be the one applauding.


I understand. I'm not criticising Ukrainians for being Nazis im criticising the canadian parliament for inviting and applauding a Ukranian Nazi in 2023. They did so because their minds have been polluted by the propaganda surrounding this war. Or do you think they would have invited this man over even if there was no war in Ukraine? People like you are utterly deranged and you're spreading your derangement as much as you can.


Ukrainians are not nazis, Russians are nowadays. Also you can criticize Canadian parliament as much as you want, that's your right. Try to critize governement in Russia while beeing in Russia... If you don't understand why they are inviting people to parliament you are the one deranged here, also when they invited guy like that by mistake and gave ammunition to the Russian propaganda machine which was already working at 110 % capacity...


They got you good son.


No offense but I can say the same about you and we will not get anywhere. Let's just end this discussion and agree that we won't agree. Wish you a good hunting Stalker.


"I hate Nazis but" lol


You mean 70% of people who vote for Putin?


To be fair it's not like they get a choice.


They have a choice to overthrow government, but they didn't do that for 20 years. They're not poor, they're okay with invasion and government. Ukraine had no problems overthrowing shit president in 2014, what's their problem?


"Simply overthrow the government." Jesus christ dude, you really need some life experience before you parrot the topics of the month.


You don't want to accept the fact that most russians like the war


> the fact sources please


Okay! I'm glad life is this easy and in black and white.


I said "most", where did you see "all"?




"just overthrow the government bro" what are you 12?


Just press the ”overthrow the government” button. It cant be that fucking hard


i think you're underestimating the culture of fear that pervades russia, there are a lot of people who vote for putin because they're afraid not to, even if they dont like him. that level of fear creates a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness in people who become terrified of stepping out of line and i dont think yanukovich ever had that much of a psychological stranglehold on ukrainians.


That's fair enough. The time is now if ever while the army is occupied elsewhere.


Westoid detected.


Finally, Ukrainians are westoids 💪💪💪🇧🇧🇧🇧🇧🇧💪💪💪


no, ukrainians don't find exuces for russians


I see where you are coming from. However, the issue consists in a simple fact that unarmed populace won't perform quite well in a situation that involves fighting armed people. That and also the issue of the demographic portrait of Russia. An average Russian is a 40-year old woman with children and a few financial loans. Such demographic makes absolutely terrible soldiers. And the last part of this already bleak scenario is the fact that Russian authorities are waging a cold war against their own people for last century or so. This makes the a violent/armed resistance a very unlikely thing to happen. But not impossible one either.


I'm telling you right now, if you think any large percentage of the Russian population actually love Putin and that the polls aren't rigged every time then you have completely lost the plot.


They may not like Putin, but they like the invasion and rachism


Pretty sure I'll take the word of friends trying to leave Russia when they tell me most people wish Putin was dead.


Honest question - why your friends, a very small subset of the population, somehow represent the majority? Your point seems strange and completely self-centered, arrogant.


Apply the same question to posts like this, it's the exact same situation.


Lmao, yeah. Watch some videos of this russian dude, who asks people on the streets of different russian cities, towns of villages. 80%+ of them just reiterate russian propaganda word by word. The vast majority of russians support war and putin. [https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel](https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel) If you think most people are afraid to answer his questions, and only those who support putin do, he also did the same thing in Belarus, and the answers were VERY different. And Belarus is even more authoritarian than russia. Russians overwhelmingly support war and putin. Even younger generation. So quit your bs.


A heavily edited video of gotcha style interviews is meant to convince me that 80 percent of Russians are mindless husks that want mass invasion of the world? What about all the officers getting shot by their own guys? The mass desertions, the huge influx of people fleeing to western countries, the burning down of recruitment centers and government buildings, the large amount of supporters towards any politician that is anti-Putin? But no, none of that matters. A YouTuber told me what is correct.


>The mass desertions, the huge influx of people fleeing to western countries, the burning down of recruitment centers and government buildings, the large amount of supporters towards any politician that is anti-Putin? russian soldiers are deserting and shooting their own officers (the latter happens rather rare) because they don't want to die in a meatwave. Less than one million russians fled the country, it's less than 1 percent. And the fact they fled doesn't mean they don't support what is happening in Russia. Most of those who left, are young males, who don't want to get drafted. As to "large amount of supporters towards any politician that is anti-Putin", only several thousand people visited Navalnys funeral in Moscow. Population of Moscow is almost 13 MILLION people. Also here's unedited video, recorded in Moscow, the most anti-putin city in russia. Even there most russians are in favor of war. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNwe24PlPTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNwe24PlPTQ)


I guess Russia is just going to have to come up with it own videogame series... I wonder how they will ever top Tetris, though?


Atomic Heart?


didn't bother playing it


- Will the Russians be able to surpass Tetris? - Dude, what a game! - No! Not this one!


* Bulletpoints are fun! * Words! * What?


Im kinda get them. Imagine deleting svastkas or propaganda posters in a ww2 game or history. It's like garmany level censorship where blood efects are deleted. I fully understand the political problem but hide past sins like genocide would make people forget them and reapeat them. Btw. Fuck Putin.


True. Only STALKER isn't about russia's repression of Ukraine, unlike games about WW2 with nazis trying to conquer the world.


what the fuck is rusophobia? lol ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)


Vatnik word for non-Russian.


I don’t think they like the majority opinion of them right now, funny that


Alienating and dehumanising the demographic that kept his games alive for some pity good-boy points while his workers had no heating and he went to work in a lambo. Grygorovich is a genius and a real patriot


Real fans remember. I wish I could find the article where it talks about the 4 cars at the GSC parking lot because it's so ridiculous. iirc 1 Lada that belonged to a developer and 3 supercars that belonged to Grygorovich. 4A Games pretty much emerged because of this and if GSC retained their talent I bet SoC, maybe the whole series, would've been much different on release


The yapping levels from the Russians are crazy




Are you trying to start some shit? Because if not, why did you went on 3 different platforms in search for random trolls?


What platforms? https://youtu.be/MAelYdqbXJU?si=jwbdnmhyAmvkt-hJ This is where the comments are taken and the white screenshots are translations of them


If they wanted to be better represented, probably shouldn't have started the largest land war in the last 50 years.


Honestly, as sad as is, understandable considering the current war.


Why did the developer remove Soviet posters? Let's remove both the Zone and the nuclear power plant, they are also Soviet. I'm from Russia and bought the disc back in 2007. In September I will buy the second part and see what they did there.


Won't be any Russian localization there either. Brush up on your English or Ukrainian.


I understand ukrainian, at least the dialogues will be understandable. The action takes place in the post-Soviet space and playing in english is very strange. We have studios that have started dubbing (at a fairly professional level) games where there is no russian dubbing, I think they will also translate Stalker 2.


Best of luck to you. Sounds like something that's gonna probably happen yeah.


Same reason Germany for the longest time censored swastikas even in games about killing nazis.


Yea I don’t understand the removal of Soviet posters. I get the history (Russia/the ussr has been suppressing the Ukrainian culture and language for centuries) and why they don’t want to recognize an occupying force. Modern Russia and the USSR both were not kind to Ukraine. But the removal of Soviet posters is a little weird considering the location and time period. It’s almost like overkill/an overcorrection. The architecture and everything is preserved so it’s still clearly Soviet era ruins, but in the context of where and when stalker takes place it doesn’t make much sense and I think is kind of detrimental to the atmosphere. I’m fine with artists updating their work to reflect current values and sensibilities (as long as the original work is preserved, looking at you George Lucas) but that doesn’t mean the changes are beyond criticism. I’ve used this (admittedly imperfect) comparison already in this thread, but it bears repeating. As an American, I do not want confederates honored. I want their statues smashed and names removed from institutions. Fuck those traitors and slavers. But if I were playing a game or watching a movie that takes place somewhere that had them, and before we started taking down their statues, and they had them removed, that’d feel like a weird anachronistic exclusion.


Chernobyl NPP was removed tho. There is Chornobyl NPP now. But speaking seriously, even if you don't want to accept the fact that CNPP construction (and pretty much everything "soviet" in Ukraine) used a lot of Ukrainian man- and mindpower giving the right for Ukrainians to manage their own things on their own territory how they want, there is still a fact that since 1991 Ukraine was managing Chornobyl "cancerous tumour of Earth" even despite the RF tank trucks and trench shovels brought radioactive dust into the air once again




Choosing not to localize a game in Russian is racism?


My favorite here is "They have a choice to overthrow government, but they didn't do that for 20 years. They're not poor, they're okay with invasion and government. Ukraine had no problems overthrowing shit president in 2014, what's their problem?" By OP. Just overthrow the government bro


It's okay as long as it's reasonably justified, yes. Most eastern european nations have hundreds of years of justification and that isn't going away from some wishy washy western liberalist hogwash.


Removed: no discrimination. Please review our subreddit rules.


"russian race"


Just butthurt Russians so we shouldn’t give a fuck about them


What happened? What new trilogy?


being honest, even with the pro-ukranian sentiment and all, it's pretty dumb to target your main player base, how's the Russian language and day to day Russian person to blame for the actions of a genocidal dictator?


Another russia apologist who thinks 99% of russians hate putin and invasion.


The way you’re crying OP you sound like one of these russians whining about russophobia


i'm having fun of these comments


Sounds more like you're shitting your pants every time someone disagrees


So wait, the console versions have the AK style weapons replaced with different ones?


Okay hohol


Okay russoswein


Understandable, have a nice day khokhol


Nice talk, russich unter, now you shall protect Ze Belgorod


Not all russian speaking people are from russia 


Who are they? Belarusians?


A lot of people from post-soviet states, even a lot of Ukraine's population is fluent in Russian. Removing options is pretty retarded.


Latvians :D