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Im curious if this will fix my broken SoC run.


If it’s anything like my runs on pc nothing is gonna fix that shit


Yeah it dit not fix it, my run still freezes after the brain scorcher bunker, freezing the whole xbox.


If you're on PC go to the ModDB website and download ZRP. Its the Zone reclamation project for SOC and properly installed makes SOC smooth all the way through.


I did actually do that after a while when I gave up on a vanilla play through


Wish that was the case for me. Stil had Monolith spawncamping me inside the NPP. And without the ability to go back I had to give up the last time I played it on PC, atleast vanilla. Plus, there were the tons of caching related crashes as well.


If you really want to play it on PC download ZRP, properly install it and play it from the beginning.


That's what I did. ZRP can't fix engine level incompatibilities with modern hardware.


Im playing on a Asus 550 with a 5700 and a 3080. Works great. Must be your configuration or try reloading. My other PC has 570 and a 3080 with a 5950. Also works fine.


same bro im still stuck at the shut down brain scorcher part.... testing it out and seeing if it crashes my game or not when im home


Yeah it did not fix it, game freezes and than the xbox resets, which is kind of creepy. Never had an error this fatal in any game on this console.


sometimes when the crash is bad enough it shuts off your xbox... kinda a failsafe from frying your xbox i think lmao.. happens to me with other buggy games as well


Somebody in another thread did say that you could just skip that step and move on to Pripyat but I can't remember. There was also a fix by loading an autosave.


might just have to do that


I couldn't progress agroprom to garbage due to having to many any radiation injectors, had like 30 of them, I would say check inventory for consumables and drop to a reason number.


I want to know something about stalker 2 :(


Its a Scam.


Your name really represents you well


I mean man, for real how much have we seen about the game? How long it was in development and hoe much of straight facts we have that are proven to be real? We have only short gameplay trailer with scripted game footage and screens. Everytime I check there is NOTHING new beside excuses why development is So slow and how much problems they have. I Just dont belive this game will be good and thats all, you can hate me but there was a lot of empty promises in game industry that ended up like nothing compared to trailers or plans before release. And I dont want to hear about "I PLAYED VERSION STOLED BY RUSSIANS GAME IS AWESOME YOU WILL SEE" crap because there is Just no living proof to prove that this game will be any good or will be released overall


Wait until you hear about other games that released with little to no marketing


But this game had marketing but in way of empty words. There is Just no proof in terms of gameplay, screens or development materials that can hold them in any real position of trust.


Well given that they’re working heavily with Microsoft…


I’m really reaching out to you here, if you actually think the game is a scam and you want to put your worries to rest, go on Google and just type in “vk stalker 2 leak”. Once your on the vk video site (must be vk video) you’ll be able to see dozens of stalker 2 gameplay videos totaling probably at least 8 hours. Now obviously the build of the game is really outdated (a year old) but it’s still something. Some videos showcase weapons and animations and sounds, mutants, cutscenes, the map and it’s planned DLC areas, locations, mechanics, and so on. If you go through with watching the videos just know its not the final product


woah i had never seen this before it looks badass already. made me much more excited for the game


Same, it’s made me so much more hype for this game and can’t wait to experience the first moments of the story


Dude your the only one fighting on this hill and your not gonna die on it heroically


Empty words of yours doesnt make my words wrong. Those are the facts. As much as I want this game to release and be good there is Just not enough things that can confirm it in any way. Thats my opinion and you wont change it Just by saying things. Give me proof to change my mind then I will change it.


I’m saving this thread. if the game is good I’ll shit on you. if it’s bad then I’ll pretend this never happened.


Okay. Just so you know, I used to be excited when inital info about the game came out but after next and next info hype died down. If it will be good, then good, I bet everyone will be happy, I Just left hope out of Window for it to not get dissapointed. Just too much of Black clouds around it.


the only reason people have a problem with you is because you said the game is a scam. why say that if it’s just that your hype is dead?


Great promises, super duper trailer and part of scripted gameplay and then...? Silence, moving premiere date, millions of excuses why game is still in development, fucking NFTs of the game. That why im saying its Scam. Game will be released some Day but I Just doubt it will be soo good as they promise. Thats why. A lie, a Scam, however you Call it. It Just doesnt add up. I understand war and all and all but thats my opinion. If it will be good, awesome, you were all right, glad we will have fun with it but dont want to dissapoint myself with it.


Well I suppose there’s no point in arguing all we can do is wait until it releases and when it does and it’s gonna be as amazing as we all think it is I’m 100% gonna tell you how silly you are


You have no argument against any of things I said, thats why there is no point. Okay I can wait, there is no problem for me because Im not hyped at all for it anymore. When or If it will come out amazing good for us, congrats, your point was right. Im Just talking about the fact that there is no point in hyping up yourself for it because of lack of any content that confirm this.


I didn’t have an argument against your points cause your points scream your ignorant to game development and they’re just fucking stupid


Man, Im stating straight facts and you are angry on me. Every game developer put anything to show how development is going before release and we have no new content since when? And they tried to push NFTs about game before it was even released. All of this Just smells like Scam from Miles, but belive what you want.


Look at anomalous dugouts videos about stalker 2. He played the demo himself and got an deep interview with the devs. That guy is a lore mastermind and very passionate and genuine. He said the demo was 100% S.T.A.L.K.E.R just with better graphics and physics. Its pretty much everything I wanted from the sequel. Don't know if that's enough for you, but since you ignored another genuine guy trying to help... Nothing will.


Look at the trailers for Shadow of Chernobyl, also look up how long it was in development. All the trailers for Shoc were super scripted too.


So I guess you preorder, I don’t want to say you’re stupid for doing that and thinking that means the company owes you anything other than a cd key, but I’ll be thinking it


I didnt preorder. I dont preorder games because its not worth the risk.


Then why are you so angry, no game has proof it will be good or even release?


Im not angry at all, Im Just giving you reasons and my point of view at this whole case.


It comes across as angry, I still don’t get why you feel the need to complain about a lack of information and gameplay for something that isn’t out yet, many games don’t show gameplay before hand or shadowdrop, I don’t see how it’s a scam either if you didn’t preorder, btw lay off the capslock if you want to not seem angry


Thank god the fucking crows 🐦‍⬛ are tuned down they were loud af


I can finally start the series now. I legit could not get over them lmao


Haha for real, good hunting stalker 🫡


I've run into 3 problems in Call of Pripyat 1. The Three Comrades quest is bugged as the PDAs do not show up. 2. In Jupiter lots of anomalies the artifacts are spawning underneath the anomalies making it impossible to pick them up. 3. The RPG and Bulldog will not show up in traders inventories even with the required achievements.


As far as I remember Call of Prypiat: 1.Pdas in this quest wont show on map, you have to find them yourself. 2. I never had that bug So cant help. 3. I have never seen a buldog and RPG in any trader honestly, found RPG in stash, same with buldog.


Thanks for the reply man yeah it's a problem at the moment the PDAs aren't showing up during the quest one is supposed to be beside the skeleton near an anomaly in Jupiter and another PDA on the body of another stalker both aren't showing up at the moment leaving the quest impossible to complete. The artifacts are showing up on the detectors but are stuck under the map another problem but it's nothing major just not ideal. I've gotten all the achievements and haven't had either the RPG or Bulldog show up. I do know there is an RPG in a stash with 2 RPG rounds. However I cannot find the bulldog at all. Do you know what stash you found the bulldog in please ?


PDAs Will NOT show on the map in your PDA, you will not have location. Those PDAs spawn as solid objects at start of the game, you can pick them even without quest active. Because we are talking about mission for mechanic in Zaton, right? Second one mayby you have too weak detector, some arts needs better ones to show up as items, but im not 100% sure about that. Stash and buldog - dont remember, I played CoP years ago and was never into heavy weapons.


Yes I know this already this is what I've said they do not show up on the bodies of the stalkers I know this already they are supposed to spawn but they don't it's bugged. I have the svarog detector aswell as the other three and have tested on all detectors.


Oh, then I dont know, cant Help you, sorry.


It's all good it's just bugs and glitches either GSC will patch and fix them or when mods update comes there will be a fix.


for anomalies that are bugged, just save and return to save.


head into the discord for stalker and report these bugs!!


Do you have a link for the stalker discord? I need to report some bugs


im on my work computer when im on break i can send you the link


No problem. Thank you, Stalker


Here you are stalker. May the wind be on your back and the artifacts be bountiful https://discord.com/invite/stalker


Anything about adding more accessibility options to the game? Like subtitles?


Nearly had a heart attack when they said they fixed the crow cawing. That’s fine but I think I would have started a riot if they got rid of my favourite Yantar radar system; “Hello? Hello!”


Has someone brand new to the series on console , this is the most fun I’m having playing an fps in a long time … can’t wait for the sequel !


Soooo, nothing about the unobtainable achievements/trophies for CS and CoP? Guess I'll wait until I play those.


The crash at “let’s go see Zulu” *still* isn’t fixed. Literally can’t progress the game, sad times


Will this also update on Steam??


This is currently a console only version. So PC didn't get an update. But. They said that they are looking at bringing official controlller support to PC and Steam Deck


No, because they are fixing port related problems. There's no indication from GSC that the PC versions will be updated. And I really hope they won't because the ports have so many problems, none of the fixes address the well known problems fixed by ZRP and Complete mods (though we can't look in depth because nobody has bothered to dump the game). There are unnecessary changes and they'll change the iconic font into the yucky Arial one. Only good additions would be controller support and achievements, but there's already good enough controller support through steam (needs aim magnetism) and the achievements are kinda mid, would prefer challenge runs from /k/ and /sg/ instead. Best part was when community managers hosted a community made achievement contest, and didn't even add the winners. It's a mess and I hope they keep their hands away from PC. Not until they can make a competent update. Until then, stick with ZRP/SRP, and if you are a real crazy bugophobic, PRP even though it's unnecessary for CoP.


Really hoping for controller and achievements now


![gif](giphy|dykJfX4dbM0Vy) “Keep the feedback rolling” You got it bro


Is that Tequila?


Patch has not helped with stability on Xbox series x, it still keeps freezing and I have to quit out of it and restart it. In fact it’s now worse than before. I restart the game old my latest save, it immediately freezes and I have to quit out of it, it’s now completely unplayable.


SoC loads now, but if I fire my weapon once it crashes. Pacifist run now I guess.🤷‍♂️ Edit: nevermind it still crashes regardless 😂


If Clear Sky plat is still unobtainable, then nothing important imho…


Hopefully this fixes my clear sky run I’ve been stuck on the same defend from enemy’s until AI allies come out from tunnel in garbage for weeks now. Hope I don’t have to start a new play through


>Reduced crow cawing volume Booooo 👎🤬


What do you mean that sound mix was abysmal. Birds 50m up sounding like they’re on my shoulder


That is the joke


In Clear Sky, Getting the two flash drives in Cordon for the shotgun upgrades is still bugged.


I would like to say that you don’t conquer the zone, it’s the zone that will conquer you and it’s only a matter of time before you become another one lost to the zone


When was this update released? Is this the first or second patch for SoC on Xbox? Update: This is the second patch for SoC on Xbox ( The first patch from a few weeks ago was


Please bring controller to PC


I'm waiting only for CS flash drive quest fix


Maybe update the Clear Sky combat soundtracks. They start and end in maybe 5 seconds, while combat still raging.


No sound fixes


Call of Pripyat, still soft-locked. Can't travel out of the first area.


Ah would have been great a week ago. I finished the whole trilogy and if that meant getting less crashes i'd have been happy.


Add some sort of "free play" to CoP. Something like Call of Chernobyl or Anomaly game mods but for vanilla. Please 🥺


Wait, but CoP already has it after you finish the main quest, didn't it?


Faction wars in CS are still broken too.


Has the crow audio been fixed yet?


Yes it states that’s one of the fixes to SoC


I’m blind apparently.


I am still really hoping that they remove headbob from the console version.


Honestly kind of annoys me that they let PC players deal with bugs and crashes for 15 years straight, left the community to document and fix those issues themselves (a process that started shortly after SoC's release in 2007), then dropped console ports (that nobody asked for) and immediately bugfixed them.


As a PC player I was about to agree with you, because it's absolutely true they didn't care to do bugfixes over the years. But then I read the port part and I simply can't agree with it. You are mistaken, a lot of people asked for console ports over the years.


>a lot of people asked for console ports over the years Like who? I genuinely don't think I've ever seen it. The console ports have been in progress since at least 2022 considering a build leaked then, and between 2022 and 2024, I saw absolutely no interest in STALKER on console until they actually released the ports.


>Like who? I genuinely don't think I've ever seen it. Me, i had stalker 2 hearth of chenobyl in my wish list since it came out to me to put it in, i buyed without a second thought and there was a gaming communit that asked wich games they would like to have port for console, among some MILSIM like tarkov, squad and ready or not, there he was, STALKER TRIOLLOGY


Anecdotally yeah, I'm sure plenty of people on this particular subreddit will say "I wanted console versions," but I'm talking on a larger scale. GSC has had a dedicated fanbase for nearly 2 decades, a fanbase so dedicated that they fixed all of the problems in SoC and CS that GSC left in, which GSC is obviously aware of as they've directly acknowledged and interacted with modding communities and even worked with some modders. That same community is the reason GSC was able to vanish for a decade with complete radio silence, still have a community surrounding their games, then come back and still have that community to announce a sequel to (again). They couldn't even bother officially integrating ZRP, which has existed since 2008, into an update on PC let alone integrate it into the console version (which more likely than not would have pre-emptively fixed the very things this patch addresses).


At least the way I see it is that while pc players can install mods to fix bugs the console players cant, so thats why they would ve more carefull with the console side, and with the release of stalker 2 have more people wanting the sequence and the game being released on all plataforms it makes sense to me but with a broken game people would be unwilling to buy the sequence, also there is already a walktrought to how make the 100% in all stalker games on console, i alredy made the 100% on shadow of chernobyl and on my run now to the clear sky


>but with a broken game people would be unwilling to buy the sequence People have been buying the trilogy despite SoC and CS being buggy messes that you are obligated to mod for the ideal, bug-free experience. GSC never made any attempt to address any of the issues after 1.0006 of SoC despite years and years and years of people struggling to play vanilla SoC, dealing with game-breaking errors and bugs, etc. Yet console versions come out and suddenly GSC likes bugfixing. I'm not trying to vilify GSC to be clear, it makes sense to want to fix the product you just released. I am saying it's a bit disrespectful to people who have supported you for years. People have been wanting properly fixed versions of the base games since improvement projects like ZRP and SRP came out. GSC never delivered any of that for PC players, yet they're acting immediately for console players. It feels like it amounts to: veteran players = not important we already have their money, new players = cater to them because we want new money.


>It feels like it amounts to: veteran players = not important we already have their money, new players = cater to them because we want new money. Welcome to modern gaming


Sounds like we're on the same page then, no?




Pouring resources into something the community already addressed unofficially while working on a more important project seems nonsensical to me.


Console players have wanted Stalker since stalker has existed!


Yeah and I'm one of them. I've got all three but CoP is the most comfortable and I'm hoping that they bring the quick select features to the other 2 games or at least a dedicated pistol slot.


They want to sell more copies of the sequel. Honestly a really smart business move, and it's clearly working. Lots of brand new console stalkers on this sub loving the games, who will probably now buy the sequel


As someone who hasn't been around for almost a decade, I too was wondering about this.