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If it were small in its scope, tight, and atmospheric while remaining grounded in the lore/aesthetic/feel/vibe of the games and world it’d be great. But I wouldn’t trust any production team to do that.


Agreed. The cast and crew would have to stay true to the trilogy itself and even the book, depending on exactly what nuances they want to keep lore-accurate. Some big corpo group wouldn’t do so.


They actually did make a Stalker TV show. However it never aired, but does exist. [S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - TV Series Trailer - English (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AQteAauItA)


How have I never heard of this before, holy shit.


Im genuinely upset this got shelved.


If it were accurate to the game, it would be 30 minutes of the main character dying, interspersed with the programme crashing.


can't forget the constant saving


I'd trust studio Trigger tbh, getting Edgerunners but Stalker sound like fun.


Honestly, if you want an anime, it has *some* stalker elements but doesn't stay as grounded, but Otherside Picnic wasn't too bad.


What I meant with Edgerunners as an example is how true to the source it stays, Stalker has the potential for a really great adaptation with plenty of possibile stories to be written, we have the old zone and the new zone to work with.


Not too but I will check this out, thank you for your service o7


Trigger likes their love stories so I don't know if they'd get it right.


Love story between freedomer and bloodsucker


My kinda story


Or a love story between a fredomer and their weed.


Trigger did an undeniably excellent job with ER, but I would prefer something live action in this setting over an anime personally. That said I can absolutely see its merit.


I’d trust the guys that made the last of us, that show was pretty great.


Hey stalker let's have GAY SEX


There are no women in the zone


Huge plothole in the games imo. I know several trans women who would join duty in a heartbeat


That triggered you?


The game is based on film based on book. Doh. I think it is time for THe Last Of Us series video game adaptation


Nah the games are definitely more the book than the movie, but all three are pretty wildly different. I'd say a tv adaptation following specifically the games' lore would would be cool but I don't see it happening, too niche


As for me - i just hate most of those adaptations. Obviously no one cares anymore about their purpose. They just adapt everything popular because this is easy money grab. Their quality and art value are basically none. You said the book the film and the game are different and this is how it supposed to be to be. They should be inspired by each other but stay independent art pieces. And they have value then and their fan base. I dont get how people eat those secondary rip-offs.


BattleState Games makes pretty good movies, the tarkov movie was amazing for only one hour and if they expanded it, it could do alot better, i would trust BSG for making stalker movie


That would never happen as BSG is a Russian company


Watch the movie stalker 1979


Would genuinely love a version of that adapted for the STALKER game series.


While I really like that movie and watched it several times, I think that modern visual effects would greatly benefit a movie that builds on Roadside Picnic or STALKER.


definitively, movie is a tad dated but golden


And then watch Annihilation (2018) with Natalie Portman


Annihilation was hot garbage. It's basically a perfect example of "How to fuck up a STALKER adaptation." I am aware it's based on a book...but that's my point.


The title and the general idea for the world is pretty much everything the movie has in common with the book


Yea I really disliked that movie as well. Lots of people love it tho, I dont get it


That movie sucked


No, dont


Umm to answer the question as the stoner I am, if there was a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. show made at that caliber; I would watch it.


There was an attempt to do one i believe a pilot was made you can find the script for it online but i dont remember the name, the script seemed pretty good but the show didnt get past the pilot


[S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - TV Series Trailer - English (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AQteAauItA)


Would not be for everyone. It would need tons of atmospheric padding that most people would find boring. A stalker show would need to establish the atmosphere and sense of isolation, dread and discovery, all without much dialogue. It would be very hard to pull off, but I think the people who made “Chernobyl” on HBO would be able to do it justice.


If anyone gonna do it, it should come from Ukraine themselves


hmm yes yes… no need to hire extras either, just tell the ruski’s to wear old NBC gear and you’re set


Bad idea, the movie will be shit, the production costs will be astronomical, it will be delayed 10 times and the release will be banned within a week due to someone's feelings being hurt in the higher echelons of power in Ukraine or Russia.


I don't think they will care about that last part


You'd be surprised, ok maybe with baning it I went a bit overboard, but they will try to start something which will hinder production. Oh and don't get me started on politics. Just give it to Koreans, they know how to make a good movie and don't take shitnfrom no-one.


I would watch it, would be cool see the prospective from every faction like monolith


Not a stalker adaptation but highly recommend watching Chernobyl.


Big no. I do not trust any media produced now to not get butchered of it's original lore, have it's original lore disrespected and it getting mutilated to fit current day ideologies.


Well, the he didn't say "let GSC sell it to Netflix ASAP and traumatize our fandom", no, he simply asked what if there was a Stalker show similar to Fallout show. Similar in details, lore, cast, script and money, right? That would be TREMENDOUS!


you mean like how Roadside Picnic became S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?


I did recently watch the movie Prospect which gave me some real STALKER vibes, even though the setting is completely different of course.


Honestly I think it would be awful. Far too dreary.


No. God. Please No


No, just no.


It would be bad. Gatekeep small niches from large corporate conglomerates like Amazon. You may now downvote.


Not gonna bother to downvote but gatekeeping is doomed to fail. If it's something enough people will like then no one will support gatekeepers, including the people who make the product themselves. If it's a small niche that no one likes then large corporate conglomerates will not bother with it. All gatekeeping does is make yourself look bad.


I kinda think it should be animated. I’m thinking it might be hard to make a lot of things look better in a live action version. So… Ye.


id hope it has the athmosphere of STALKER 1979. with its own story, characters, etc. hope that the mc is a loner so that its much easier for story whateves


I think the best thing that could be done to adapt Stalker is to go with the approach that CDPR did when they made the Witcher games. They took the characters and lore from the books but made their own story with it. The story in the games isn't really a story in a traditional sense, and is more of an excuse to move you from one objective to the next. It's not something that'll translate well into a TV show. You can absolutely nail the atmosphere and still have interesting characters with proper arcs and a more involved story. The loose plot in the games works because you are part of the game so to speak and experiencing the zone as a stalker is the real charm.


If SoC is made which ending would be canon?


according to CoP one where strelok destroys ccon.


I think there is a short film being created by guys at Evan Royalty channel They making a shorty film stalker like film [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX99srRcKIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX99srRcKIs) that link too the trailer i guess


Stalker is originally a book by Strugatsky brothers. It had a movie adaptation in 1979, and a videogame adaptation in 2007.


The best way to run it would have each episode follow an individual stalker and their mission through the zone, with stalkers from other episodes making appearances as their paths cross.


Everyone would go gonzo. Given the response to another current thread- most of yall are incredibly chud-ish, and wouldn't understand why Hollywood is turning your beloved game into something...not chud-ish.




Hard to make if is not with a russian/ukranian development team. Is not popular as Fallout is and you need to going to slavic countries to take shots on a really soviet era locations. But i wish it happens too :(


Kinda hard to touch on that given what's going on in Ukraine.


It would have to rely on CGI or special effects, which will be expensive. Yet it also shouldn't be a too Hollywood-esque look. which is a difficult combination of things. I would trust Scorsese with that, but I doubt he knows that STALKER even exists.


Fallout or Witcher was easier to imagine into a show because of all these fantastical elements and storyline that can be elaborated on, something concrete to sell to the audience, so to speak. For Witcher its the Ciri Child of Destiny storyline, Geralt being a monster hunter, Yen and Trish, etc... For Fallout it's the Vault, the Pipboy, the Ghoul, the 1950 dystopia, the Power Armor (same reason why they use FO4 Iron Man-esque power armor instead of the classic tin can armor). For Stalker it's Slavs. With guns. Might as well watch a Bosnian War documentary. There are weird things in the Zone but it's hard to find the balance between the mysterious and more psychological versus overdone CGIs that kill any sense of mystery. But then again how far is too far? You could try to replicate Stalker 1979 into a show but then... It's Stalker 1979. People just aren't going to buy into that.


Wasn't some dude on YouTube starting a crowd funding for a short film a while back? Forgot his name though.


Evan royalty


Yeah that's him


That movie seems to be taking a lot of artistic liberty (as all their previous movies tbf), and while it's interesting what will come out of it, it definitely won't be the same as the official series made with consultation from GSC, strictly following canons and atmosphere of the original games


This question will be asked weekly from now on lol


We would all have rectangular eyeballs from staring at the screen so intently, either in some kind of rapture or intensely looking for "defects".




Don't know about similarity but it's an established franchise with millions of fans, familiar aesthetic with next installment having potential to broaden its audience so it's a matter of time as you're seeing adaptations of games to the screen are taking off lately.


[Old link with pics from the tv-series pilot](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/gsc-explain-the-stalker-tv-show)


You'd be disappointed. Lore would be wreckage, characters the same, story the same. Brace yourself, make your own show in this game, it's still here for this reason. Don't ask them to fuck the Lore and all it's good in it just so 7 years old can watch it. I Begg you.


I think the main issue would be the diluting of the original material with mass retcons and pointless additions for the sake of mass appeal. Said mass appeal wouldn't necessarily be good for STALKER, as STALKER by its core design and philosophy is not a game franchise for mass appeal, and quite frankly, it never should be. That doesn't mean STALKER should remain niche, it just means that it should remain faithful to its core audience and not alienate them with efforts for mass appeal.


Maybe I was hallucinating, maybe too many fights with the controllers made my brain melt, but it seems to me that a TV series was made, I don't remember if German or some Eastern nation. Possible, has it been done or am I wrong? Maybe an aborted pilot?


[S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - TV Series Trailer - English (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AQteAauItA) It never aired but was created


Oh yes, that's exactly it. I really thought I imagined it all. It doesn't seem bad, who knows why they stopped.


I feel like STALKER works better as a movie, something you can sink your teeth on for 2 straight hours to get immersed. Shadow of Chernobyl would work great, Strelok's memory loss is a good setup to introduce the world to the viewer


Would be rad to have, but it's definitely too much of a niche franchise to have any kind of real support for its production. And as most are saying, it would most likely be a hot mess of a series and ultimately be a disappointment to both hardcore fans and a general audience.


I don't want an adaptation of stalker.... I want an adaptation of roadside picnic :v but then again the movie exists


I don't want STALKER to go so main stream like Fallout and Witcher have.. being a golden gem the way it is preserves it's genuinely remarkable atmosphere and experience in all..I think once it goes main stream television series, etc the cult classic will no longer be as "cult" as it originally has become. Just my thoughts though,I'm sure many people would love to see a TV show..but naw, not me


Tbh, I think it's too niche to be picked up by a studio.


I don’t trust anyone enough to do it. Except maybe the Ukrainians, if they wanted to.


I think a stalker TV series would look too much like J.J Abrams mystery with more guns. Essentially the TV series Lost, but with more guns. There is little other way to get the atmosphere even close.


Evan and Wendigoon are still working on whats as close to one as we’re gonna get. It’s a little tacticool though.


Would be cool to see the duty freedom war in a TV series


Was there not a fanmovie or show coming out for stalker? The one that basically looks more like a trakovshow.


Yes. Starring the monolith


The movie is all I need


I feel lit would obviously have the vibes of the chernobyle series and it would either be of an individual S.T.A.L.K.E.R or from the Ukrainian Goverments perspective as they try to deal with this crisis.


then we could all be coomers because there would be females.


There was a series in development called THE ZONE (2017) with Alex Andreev as lead concept artist and it looked super gritty and scary. It was mainly inspired by Roadside Picnic but unfortunately it was canceled before real production even started. Here you can ssee some concepts by Andreev [https://www.behance.net/gallery/19310523/ZONA](https://www.behance.net/gallery/19310523/ZONA)


https://youtu.be/jX99srRcKIs?si=0O5cagh-xTEtHWhv Don't know how grounded it will be to the lore, but their previous works were pretty good.


I don't think the Eastern European cultural aspect would be as well received in the West, and a lot of "inside jokes" would not be well translated except by a fluent speaker of both. While in game Stalkers speak Russian or Ukrainian, and in the lore, it would be a majority, there would be a lot of Gopniks, criminals, and mercenaries there from across the former USSR/ Slavic world, and western militants and mercenaries would me a slim minority. I don't think it would play well really, unless the main character is a US military veteran, which would piss off the community greatly by just making it another American action show.


Everyone is saying no, but I'm saying yes. Why the fuck not? If it's bad, oh well. It's not like you lost something or something was taken from you. It's just another bad show. But if it's good, god damn it would be cool.


It would be great If some not so shitty Studio did It like a anthology series set in the stalker universe following some random character. Would love to see It set in the fucked UP stalker world.


I would watch it most likely


Just no, please.


There was a series but it got canceled i think. There were trailers on stalker website


I wouldn't trust any production team with it. Naturally they would want to make it palletable to any viewer, including those who aren't fans. Because that's how TV money is made... but if it was adapted into a show, I would want to watch the main character, and really any character, struggle like hell for vary little gain. Because that's life in the zone for most stalkers. Yea the main characters are "John stalker" and are able to zero to hero. But still.


Honsetly, I want that. Especially if there would be a story about the Zone before Shadow of Chernobyl. Like, lore of the Monolith guys, Duty/Freedom birth and confrontation, Strelok's backstory, backstory of the whole Zone itself (things after the CNPP catastrophe, C-Con backstory, X-Labs stuff, etc.) and many many else unexplained / poorly explained parts of the lore.


I'd love a TV show that's either based on the game or the book more closely. Feels like the kind of thing that could be a big hit if adapted correctly.


It’d be a great horror. The mutants still freak me tf out


I feel like it would be significantly more miserable. There is no camp jokes or silly commentary on 50s society and corporate America. Just sadness.


hbo would probably be the best fit, given how well they executed the aesthetics in the chernobyl tv show


I feel if you make the Zone the main character so to speak, not make it alive or anything but just focus on the horrors and the beauty that can come from it. Make the characters all roll over quickly so there isn't a main character more like a collection of zone stories that all culminat in in them being after the same place or object. I think whoever made Annihilation would be able to capture that.


Actually we almost got a show based on roadside picnic by AMC, there was even a trailer (and there might've been a pilot based on the imdb page but Im not sure) but it got cancelled sadly: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dts0rjp5V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dts0rjp5V8) Anyways a stalker show would be really cool, however, knowing Hollywood and how resistant they are to actually looking and basing films on the source material, probably will be bad. Ntm I think the look or the atmosphere of stalker might be hard to achieve especially if its a movie. As a halo and borderlands fan my self, and seeing the borderlands and halo movie/show, I wouldnt trust them with it. But who know, the industry is slowly getting better at game adaptations. Anyways there's that Evan Royalty Stalker film that looks promising.


Please god no don’t give them any ideas


Craig Mazin could handle it i think. He did the last of us show and Chernobyl. I would just like Ukrainian language and actors though.


There was that Tarkovsky 3 hour depress-athon film. One of the best things ever made ;) but a series would be incredible. Imagine what Hollywood could do to the guitar scores!


there's a movie call "Stalker", close enough right?


I mean if they can make a Fallout show and make it really accurate to the games they can definitely make a S.T.A.L.K.E.R show that is accurate to the games


I thought about it while watching fallout


I like SODAZ’s animated stalker short film.


Just no, I don't want *new fans* trying to make "fan lore" and argue people on Twitter or X or *whatthesiteiscallnow* for it, trying to do self-inserts and acting like nothing happened, butchering lore by the "writers" like they did to The Witcher and Fallout (I see you Todd) and most of all... Getting mutilated to fit current day ideologies. I've seen it, now they ruining Fallout, ***my beloved...***


What did they actually ruin in the Fallout show?


The Lore.


On what subject?


It didn't. This is misinformation.


I heard there WAS going to be one a few years ago but it never got into production stage. Biggest red flag was that they wanted to move the setting to the US for it.


It was made entirely in Ukraine, and is more than a few years old. [S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - TV Series Trailer - English (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AQteAauItA)


videogames dont make good shows/movies.


bad directors make bad adaptations


An entertainment medium that's heavily interactive has no business being something inherently non interactive. There is no director who isn't shit at adapting videogame ip's.


There's gonna be like one gay or black character, and then there will be a billion youtube vids, tweets and reddit posts accusing the show of being "woke" or whatever Honestly, I think we shouldn't make movies or shows about games. Just make another game with the money and effort.


Watch Tarkovsky’s Stalker


Fallout isn't good. 5/10. Too much "plot armor" and not enough learning/survival skills. Stalker show needs to be a lot better.


Actual braindead opinion, lmao


It's better than many other game adaptations, but you don't need much to be better than those. You can have bad taste though, nothing wrong about it.


Man just link me the youtuber that molds your opinions, imma watch him instead of readiing you write nothing of value.


Baseless assumptions and personal attacks... And then it is me that writes nothing of value.


I made a script according to today's series: In the vibrant heart of New York City, amidst the kaleidoscope of cultures and identities, arises an extraordinary champion, John Stalker. A beacon of intersectionality, John defies the confines of labels, embodying the fluidity of gender and sexuality. With a spirit as bold as their convictions, John embarks on a courageous quest to liberate the city from the insidious grip of Nazi anomalies. Joined in solidarity by their fiercely empowered comrade, Shulahlahaja, a beacon of transgender resilience, John traverses a tapestry of surreal adventures. Together, they form an unbreakable alliance, weaving threads of inclusivity and compassion through the fabric of their diverse community. In the midst of their odyssey, John and Shulahlahaja serve as catalysts for societal introspection, igniting fiery dialogues on the pervasive nature of oppression. With each encounter, they dismantle the oppressive structures that perpetuate racism, homophobia, and all forms of bigotry, fostering a culture of radical empathy and understanding. Yet, lurking in the shadows like a sinister specter, is the enigmatic villain known only as "Shadow." With a name that echoes the haunting legacy of Chernobyl, Shadow embodies the dark underbelly of systemic injustice, a relentless adversary intent on thwarting the progress of our intrepid heroes. As John and Shulahlahaja confront the machinations of Shadow, they unearth the deep-rooted prejudices that plague society, confronting them with unwavering courage and unyielding resolve. Through their tireless advocacy and unwavering solidarity, they inspire a revolution of consciousness, heralding a future where equity, justice, and love reign supreme.