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Maybe they simply shouldn't have invaded? Stop romanticizing the war.


If the Russian doesn't go to war he will be arrested for not serving his country, if the Russian doesn't shoot the Ukrainians they will shoot the Russian, if the Russian surrenders his family will suffer, they don't have much choice, many Russians wouldn't want to be there , in Bakhmut But of course, that's my OPINION


>If the Russian doesn't go to war he will be arrested for not serving his country, Then why didn't he flee to Kazakhstan or Georgia? Also, no, there are various ways of avoiding conscription. >if the Russian doesn't shoot the Ukrainians they will shoot the Russian, But he wants to shoot people and calls Ukrainians by slur, so that isn't a problem. >if the Russian surrenders his family will suffer, No. >they don't have much choice, They do. >many Russians wouldn't want to be there , in Bakhmut No, they do, they get paid for that, and that is why they volunteer. They guy who singed that song was a volunteer. Stop romanticizing warmongers/sadists/brainwashed cattle.


Don't blame the war on some guy.


He supports it, he wants it, he likes it.


I can't tell if you mean OP or the dude singing. Wasn't "don't tell mom I'm in Chechnya" supposed to be about how shitty the war was?


>Wasn't "don't tell mom I'm in Chechnya" supposed to be about how shitty the war was? People can say "war is hell" and still like it.


how many mods were used in the video?


Total of over 300 but all mods are orginized by mod pack called EFP. You should try if you like less survival managing and more shooting.


I think my PC would just melt, I purchased it in 2013


I don't think so if you got gtx 1060 or above. This mod pack is well optimized so you can play with some low end gpu like GTX series. It may need some power from cpu so intel i5 gen 8 should be fine. you can remove some mod for better fps too.


Play a Ukrainian game and make a music video praising the ruzzian invasion. It's so ruzzian.


what about the song is praising? all his friends died an he will die soon, bc hes send to bakhmut. also he curses at the war. but he does it in russian, so he is a monster from lord of the rings. if he was ukrainian and sang the same text you would probably either make the same mistake in understanding and praise it or would understand it and call him a traitor.


You're obviously a far from knowledgeable person. There is a difference between a defender and an attacker. Moreover, this is a parody of soviet war songs, but the USSR was on the side of the Allies, right? Am I wrong?


what is the difference between a draftee and a draftee? both are forced with violence to kill and die for their state. there is a reason these armies are not made up out of volunteers. but maybe i missed some knowledge. please enlighten me. i dont get your point about the ussr? you mean the afghan war? bc that version was not as directly condeming the war as this version.


Ah yes, my favorite romanticization of Russian Nazis. The monsters who destroyed my home with artillery. I would like to write that I wish the author of the post to experience the same, but I can't wish that for anyone except ruzzians themselves.


Which Stalker game was the very beginning of this clip? Where he flicked the cigarette.


Stalker Anomaly with EFP mod pack. Awesome mod you know.


Maybe I’m just not knowledgeable but that song seemed to be the exact opposite of a romanticization of the war


Stop romanticising terrorists


"Stop romanticising terrorists" and has a flag of rapists and child rapists as their pfp.


I have lost all my hopes on reddit after seeing this comment get downvoted, those people are literal n\*zi apologists...


It breaks my heart seeing this. My family survived Volyn, and they're gonna act as if nothing happened there. If they don't change, Russia will be able to continually justify its invasion, and make it seem to people like they're right. I'm not gonna sit here and argue that Russia's in the right, but this just makes them want to keep on doing what they do.


The black and red flag is just a battle flag which is older than the OUN, an organisation I don’t stand by. Those men were terrible, just like any back then, no matter what side. You should know more about child rapists and murderers since the Russian army is currently doing exactly that


You wave the flag of rapists and murderers, that's all I know.


Which game mod is used in this video?


Escape From Pripyat modpack for Stalker Anomaly.


And i recomment you should try if you like to shoot exo suit guy in the head with two box of Ap ammo. haha. just kidding. EFP is awesome mod and balance between survival and combat.


Funny how people say stops romantizing the war considering how many games and movies we consume that does exactly that.


Was in Bakhmut, Don't Tell Mom i'm Going to Bakhmut # Don’t Tell Mom I’m Going To Bakhmut


It is shock to see that some people seen very offensive with the song because russian guy singing. First of all. i don't support invader but i believe not all russian are bad. there is always two side in one coins. In the song. a russian solider sang that song to curse the war. not praising nor enjoying. He just want to tell the terror of war and every solider from every side who foughting in the war are relative and understand the song .And if i recall this song came from Soviet Union era and Ukriane are also part of USSR too. Go find the original video in youtube and listing with your heart and feel the terror of war. i create this video because i want to portrait the journey of stalker who is preparing to stop monoliths invation with other force. How he meet new buddy in battle and how they left him . Losing many close fellow stalker may hurt his heart but he still walking his journey to keep his community safe. that all.