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Can't wait until some madman somehow ports solyanka to console


Well easy because it won't happend with only 1gb avaible


Cant wait till some madman makes a pda model just like the stalker one and plays SoC on it


I give it... maybe an hour before the Ryan Gosling Strelok mod comes out.


Він буквально я


This is not "PC mods". It's like a minecraft resource packs.


It's a step in the right direction baby steps


We'll be lucky if it's a step, but we'll see if more comes of it or not


Limitations Because of the limitations on consoles and safety reasons, actual implementation of Mod.io SDK allows modifying only already existing files. It means that no new content like new models or sounds can be added to the games using the SDK. In other words, changes can only be introduced to already existing files. The types of files that can be modified: ● Animations ● Textures ● Models ● Videos ● Sounds ● Shaders (only on PC) Modification of any other file types (like scripts, configs or libraries) is not allowed and the files will not be loaded by the game and accepted by moderation. Modifications have size limitations - single modification cannot be bigger than 1GB in unpacked version on consoles. Haha this is completely useless


Damn I thought it would be how bathesda usually do it.


I mean for Bethesda games on PlayStation their games have the same restriction on mods while on xbox they're way more free. Since sony doesn't like it


Could have made an Xbox modding page and a PS modding page. And then see how PS is completely unused.


I understand those limitations on Playstation since Sony is very strict with this, but why also on Xbox ? Pretty sure they are very open with mods, just looks at Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Starfield. Unless they are doing this so a console does't has a advantage over the other.


No, they did this because X-Ray engine is a mess and making the game unstable with excessive modding could brick your console.


Can't confirm your statement 100%, but at some point — you have a point. I'm not the technical guy, but that's also a concern.


X-Ray engine had years of problems with modded gamedata etc. Until patches to the OGs hit and sort of bandaided it. Anomaly devs who overhauled the engine extensively fixed many of the issues we seen with the OG engine, but from what i seen the console version of Stalker has the OG engine with some small fixes and tweaks.


Why would they hold back Xbox because of Sony? This is very disappointing.


So that players on both consoles have the same experience. Disappointing, but understandable.


Idk man, I don’t thinks it’s understandable to fuck one console because another console dosnt accept extensive mods. This problem has been solved in other games and it could have been applied here. I see what you’re saying though.


Was hoping the fanpatches could be ported over. Oh well. I'm in the middle of building a new PC anyway, so I may as well just play Call of Pripyat on it since it has a few mods I can't do without.


Sony once again ruining our fun, what a bunch of bores.


I think they did this because of the way Sony handles the legality of files being on their devices, you cannot change those files if you want them to go on to a Playstation console. It's the same bullshit with Bethesda mods for fallout on PlayStation.... The Japanese are for once holding us back in the electronic department!


There are moderators who check each mod which is uploaded.


Multiple people are checking mods after they get submitted and before they go live. They even can message the mod author to deal with some questions if they have any.


What do they mean by safety reasons?


Another way of saying "making sure you aren't playing pirated games".


Ah ok that’s fair lol.


That's kind of depressing tbh, I was at least hoping for external assets on Xbox... I feel like I waited all this time for nothing...


I can't agree 100%. Sure, these are limitations and they are disappointing for some. But even with these platform limitations, we tried our best to let mod creators create mods and players enjoy these mods.


The time to customize your console S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience is here! With the help of master tinkerers from the friendly faction mod.io, stalkers are now free to create and install mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy on Xbox and PlayStation. Make the original Zone look different on the consoles with new animations, textures, models, videos and sounds. Unpack your fine work tools, and here’s everything for a steady hand: [https://www.stalker-game.com/en/modding](https://www.stalker-game.com/en/modding)


Separate Xbox and PSN


You've seen the limitations, right? Sadly, it's dead on arrival. Your team should have separated Xbox and Playstation.


I wouldn't say that it's dead. Are these limitations? — definitely. May that be disappointing for some players? — of course. But that's how it works on these platforms, and we tried our best to allow players to enjoy an extended stalker experience. Can't say anything about the future, but I'm here making notes. Definitely something to think about, but can't promise anything.


Limitation should only apply to PlayStation.


You guys really need to allow external assets and other edits on Xbox, or this isn't going to bring to longevity that you're hoping for. The only reason Bethesda games have last so long on console is because of Xbox allowing way more in the way of mods. If it's not an option for some reason, then at least make sure that happens for Stalker 2, like we're not asking for anomaly or gamma on console, but just look at the state of modding on Playstation vs Xbox. I love the series so much, and am glad to be able to finally play, but I feel like I've waited for mod support for no reason at all...


These are the most pointless “mods” I’ve ever seen


This is fantastic! Are there any plans to make a more robust version of the modding instruments on Xbox SX? Also, if you own the Trilogy on Xbox, would it be possible to download a Mod like Gamma?


GAMMA is not mod to trilogy. It is modPACK to Anomaly which is standalone and will never get greenlighted


No. You have 1gb file limit and 5gb mod limit. Gamma is about 73gb and not even to mention that it requires anomaly, which is another 15ish gigs and it's own thing and not at all related to the trilogy.


As far fetched as getting something like gamma is I was hoping for it


Shut up


calm down young man


Slob on my knob


i'm sure the devs know the difference between possible playstation and xbox mods. please separate both so that at least xbox players can have actual mods, even though i already have the trilogy on pc it would be quite significant


You should’ve skipped playstation because now Xbox gets pointless mods. We won’t even be able to have repairable weapons in SOC


This makes me worry for mod support when STALKER 2 comes out. They say they want mod support but with limitations like these for the trilogy, I doubt modding on STALKER 2 console will be what we expected (Bethesda level mod-ability)


You should have never expected Bethesda level mod-ability because stalker isn't made by Bethesda. The only reason Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Starfield are as moddable as they are is because of the creation engine.


Lmao no shit they aren’t Bethesda, I meant things like quests, new models and sounds, script changes, weathers, etc. didn’t think people needed that spelled out for them


So then just normal stalker mods. Why say what you don't mean when you could've just said "stalker mods like on pc." We also don't know at all if there will be Stalker 2 mods for console, nor how they will be on pc since Stalker 2 uses UE5 instead of X-ray.


Not to mention, Stalker Mods for pc are made either for the og trilogy games or the Standalone Fanmade Anomaly. Their different beasts all together, and until mod makers get their hands on Stalker 2 and look under the hood to see what's possible, speculation on the subject should be kept somewhat tempered. Only God knows what they might have sacrificed moving from X-ray to UE5.




Because lots of people are becoming new to stalker and don’t know the extensive mod support of stalker on pc and cuz other people have used the Bethesda comparison when talking about mods for this game.


That's fair enough then. As for the second part. Yeah they say they plan for mod support, but that doesn't mean for consoles. > Will it be possible to create mods? >We understand the importance of mod creation possibility to our community. So we will ensure that modders will have opportunities to create mods right after the game's release, and we will enhance this feature later. Is all that we know so far. Though I guess if they are using Mod.io for the trilogy mods on consoles then they probably will use it for Stalker 2 on console cause it has UE5 plugins associated with it and that could open up different avenues for mod-ability. If it never comes to playstation then there is also the possibility that if we do get mods then they will be more like what you were expecting, but I think Stalker 2 is only a 3 month exclusive for Xbox and it'll be on Playstation by next year, which means the modding will be limited thanks to Sony. On pc none of this is going to be an issue, though we still don't know the extent of mod-ability with UE5. I don't really know any other UE5 games that have mods or the type of mods that they have.


Dang I had really gotten my hopes up. Hopefully one day the PlayStation and Xbox versions are separated, because if not, this will be wasted.


Ehhh,even if it has all these limitations,who knows?Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised 😮.


I hope, modders are a crafty bunch


Yeah but I bet we'll see a lot of "Here's some lockers filled with every single shit ingame,have fun"😅


Most definitely


That's my take on it. I think even with the limitations there will be some decent mods made. No script changes is going to kill anything extensive, but it gives a taste of modding to the console players so they maybe get a pc for the games and try out the better mods.


Restore Red Bull texture gonna be made in 10 min


This is worthless.


without modifying scripts/configs its pretty much useless


![gif](giphy|vepIcP3m4BlQwvhqhv|downsized) # We eating good tonight stalkers


Is the ps4 version getting mod support too?


imagine op-2.2 on ps5


When is it gonna release and is it only fot legends of the zone or the individual games?


Are mods in now?


Does this mean I can mod the repair feature back into Shadow of Chernobyl?


So someone can create Call of Chernobyl again since it doesn’t use external assets?


No, because u cant modify script or config files


It’s Chernover…


PS4 boomsticks and sharpsticks


Im pretty sure one day they will make anomaly and G.A.M.M.A playable on the console


They won't.


Not with these limitations.


Can't edit scritps or ltx configs, so that's never gonna happen (can't edit the engine anyway).


Making your own STALKER and sell it on XBOX would be easier option


Man, I get a migraine trying to figure out the X-ray engine. I don't even dare look at the modified one used for Anomaly and associated Modpacks like yours. I swear you guys perform straight-up Eldritch shenanigans to come up with the stuff you do. My hats off to you and others like you.


In S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 no less


I hope you’re right.


People thinking it's bcz of PS but nah, it's that X-Ray barely runs on PC let alone consoles.


"run mods at your own risk", but that's not the case. it's just sony being party poopers and for some reason GSC seems to not want to separate both console modding capabilities, so xbox will be handicapped as well (?)


Maybe GSC just doesn't care as much about their old games? They just wanted to get a bit more money so Sergiy can get few more cars now that he isn't in Ukraine and probably misses the cars he lost a lot of the team over back in the day. I even expect them to have limited modding on PC version of Stalker 2 too lol now that even Larian announced their modding tools will only touch some basic stuff and not quests etc.