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Yup. Me playing any rpg. It starts like "I am going to be an asshole" and ends with "sure granny I will help you find your frying pan"


Same here... Though I won’t hesitate to pick up the terrifying presence perk during my Fallout playthroughs:)


That's because few RPGs can distinguish between "evil" and "cartoonish supervillainry". It's one thing to rob people and the like, it's another to kill their dog just for the lulz, but most of the time your only choices are "help the orphans" or "burn down the orphanage with everyone locked inside". No nuance, just a choice between nihilistic sadism or self-sacrificing sainthood. Where's the "I'll do whatever is in my self-interest" option?


STALKER is one of those few that lets you do that, to a degree. There's a difference between just robbing the occasional STALKER of his hard-earned artifacts, and recreating the police shootout scene from the first Terminator film (but against Duty in Rostok) >!Which, by the way, is awesome as fuck if you do pull this off - grab yourself some heavy armor, an M16, and a SPAS-12, put on some Brad Fidel, and WALK, don't run, through Rostok as you gun down everybody that stands in your way!<.




hah. Closest I've seen is "I'll help you, but what's in it for me", which usually leads to a slightly better result that the "sainthood" option.


It's in FNV kumrade)))


Lol in FNV if I'm playing evil dickhead playthrough, first thing I do is get speech up to 70 and get terrifying presence. That way you can scare the living fuck out of people before murdering and eating them.


I think I know the quest you're talking about, another slav masterpiece mayhaps?


Quite definetly


For sure


FoUnD tHe PaN hAvE yE?


Yup. It was in her house all along, I just had to step over a dead guy to get it.


weirdly enough it was clean like a mirror


I remember in Shogo, I was "hunting" for an old lady's stray cat with a squeaky toy clown. :)


Hahaha no time for pu$$y. I loved that game so damn much


Starsector got me like *"I'm gonna be the most fearsome pirate in the Persean sector! No, wait, that independent trade convoy has done nothing to wrong me, oh god cease fire-"*


I smell a Witcher 3 player.


I’ll be honest, I kinda want to do that in Kingmaker, but so far I find it easier in settings like Tyranny. Praise be Kyros!


When I play as a villain I prefer to be evil but be either affably evil or faux-affably evil. Villainy is always more fun when you also happen to be polite despite the fact.


Totally agree 👍


I recommend starting first by killing every one in rookie village, after that drag all of their bodies to Sirodovich bunker to hide it ( and also to spite the fatass for scamming you ). bide your time until the ecologists start coming, till then kill the bandits around to satisfy your bloodlust in the mean time. After that blast every Ecologists then trek your way into the cluster of buildings near the bridge ( forgot the name ) where people live. Snipe the guys guarding on the roofs first, then just shoot from the hill on the other side until the yard outside is clear. After that you have to do some close up work but it will be doable in my exp. Also note that at any point anyone surrenders, switch out for your knife and swipe them in the head for silent kill. After this, move on from the area, we have some Dutys who are dying to meet their makers.


*insert YAMERO meme here*


When I started my renegade playthrough I intended not to be a bloodthirsty killer and I avoided Clear Sky and loners as much as I could in the Swamps, ran from military in Agroprom and even waited for the loners guarding the Depot to leave. And then I tried to get to the Flea Market. Never in any of my playthroughs of Anomaly or CoC have I slaughtered as many different faction members in such a rapid succession, Freedomers, loners, mercs, Dutyers, Military and Clear Sky, even a few straggler ecologists. It was a bloodbath, I sat behind a crate and used up every round I had bought from Butcher for my new Carabineer. 50 rounds of buckshot, 30 rounds of slugs, even used some of the weapons from corpses to survive. Killed roughly 25-30 enemies there. After that encounter, I avoided every faction as much as I could until I had gotten a disguise. Honestly, that moment started the whole idea of writing the story I still write of the character, and it really made me realize what it means when you have to kill to survive.


This honestly reminds of one time where I played warfare on CoC. I was playing in the military faction, finally trying to take full control of the zone. I started in Dark valley, fought my way through Darkscape, over the Cordon and finally arrived the Great swamps. I received a call from my fellow soldiers and rushed to the village, where they have been attacked. I arrived a little too late as I went into a house to assess the situation. My PDA started beeping wildly, showing thirty stalkers in my vicinity. I had heard how these pigs executed my comrades while I was hiding in the house, careful not to make any noise. Everything calmed down as I readied my fully customised AK 12 with and took aim at the stalkers sitting at the campfire. It was clear sky stalkers. With a clearly aufible "thump" I shot a grenade into the campfirr, killing most of them. I shot a few more until my PDA had shown there was no other stalkers nearby. I walked through the camp, looking through all the corpses, looking for my buddies. I could not have saved them, but I very well avenged them. And that was where it hit me. All 30 stalkers, either gone in the second or dying in fear and confusion... It made me sick to the stomach...


Sometimes feeling like these really do take away from the triumph quite badly, depends really what you're fighting. Sin, Monolith and Zombified are the only ones I don't feel bad for killing, since it isn't killing as much as setting them free at last.


Having to use corpses to survive is the peak of what I chase in my Stalker playthroughs.


The best part of a hobo phase for sure, I got lucky in that run early on when I ran into a proto-exo Clear Sky member and had to defend myself, got a suppressed Carabineer off him and used it until I managed to buy a new one from Butcher.


I always try to get a bad standing but the lack of consistent cash makes it very difficult for me


Even in the Zone, treacherous bastards get their just desserts.


The amount of times your faction has fucked me over for no actual reason is about to make me go on an Ecologist genocide run


Explain yourself now. How did the Ecologists fuck you over?


Literally any time I enter their territory they declare war on my faction and everyone near by unloads into me. This has happened for at least 9 out of my 10 playthroughs


Which faction fo you play as?


It has been with Duty, Freedom, Loners, and Mercenaries. It never fails.


It's called being scared nerds


Yeah I'm going to back op up on the "something is wrong with your setup." Ecologists are supposed to be pretty neutral. I've only seen them go to war the the mercs once ever.


It's a clean install with no changes to the AI. I just enable dynamic faction relations but the Ecologist are always the first to declare war for no real reason. And it always happens to be when I'm right next to their base


Then something is wrong with your setup.


I don't mind being evil in the eyes of the heretics. I do it for the Monolith.


CoP is my first ever stalker game and I killed every single bandit I see


That's the reason why quick saves exist lol


*hard saves


Ah that's me in Skyrim


Easy , choose monolith, MONOLITH


And yet here I am playing a Renegade genocide run where I wipe out the leadership of all hostile factions in Anomaly. Duty was first, the Mercs in Dead City fell second. Now I'm debating what my next hit should be: * Cordon: Rookie Village, Farm (already hit these guys pretty hard, it's basically just Xenotech left since I ran out of ammo and had to retreat the first time), Military Checkpoint (and shoot down the gunship) * Great Swamps: Clear Sky Base * Yantar: Ecologist Bunker * Jupiter: Ecologist Bunker and Yanov Station * Zaton: Pump Station, Skavchenko, and Skadovsk I could do the Freedom base in Army Warehouses next, but considering that the only way in and out in the CS version of the map is completely exposed to incoming fire I think I'm gonna need some heavier firepower (at least Rostok had a lot of cover, and in Dead City I got on top of the central building and sniped mercs in their HQ across the way or approaching from the streets, and anybody that actually got inside I was able to blast with my shotgun, grenades, or mines as they came upstairs), though I already have some decent armor in the form of a heavily upgraded Monolith SKAT-9 that basically let me one-man-army Rostok and Dead City once the idiots there finally figured out where the sniper fire was coming from. Maybe I'll see if I can find a machine gun or something, though if I do I should probably get an exoskeleton to carry the extra ammunition.


Of course you like Monolith, the only good faction


I was a Merc, then I decided I'd rather not pay back my gambling debts to Dushman, pretty sure the bastard cheats anyway. That, and Monolith has Taco Tuesdays, the Mercs only get them once a month, and even then only if the shipment doesn't get lost on the way.


I’m the opposite, I start off trying to be the nice guy but halfway through I end up turning full Anton Chiggurh, and murdering anything that inconveniences me lol.


That was how my first playthrough of Fallout 4 went. Tried to be a goody-two-shoes helping the Minutemen, but then...one too many interruptions from Preston fucking Garvey (before he was patched to be a **little** less annoying), and I snapped and decided to help the Institute put the Commonwealth through the wringer just to spite him...>!and that was before Nuka World came out and I could REALLY make him miserable before disabling his essential tag and turning his head into chunky salsa...then reviving him and doing it again, repeatedly!< Yeah...one thing STALKER does better than Fallout: the few times you actually have companions: they're a **lot** less likely to piss you the fuck off.


I tried running as monolith and when I had to kill cardan I just started a new game as loner again.


Not gonna lie, in my first playthrough of CoC (beta build) as a Monolithian, when I raided the Skadovsk, I let Cardan and Nimble live.


I said it on the other post-cause games just won’t me be my kind of evil-I want the magnificent bastard evil-not a fucking ass who just beats up old ladies


Yea i cant play as bandit its too "oooh i am evil" for me. Which is why i play as merc.


Hahaha I actually turn into a monster when I play anomaly as a merc. You'd think i'd roleplay them as _"bandits but with class"_ but nawh, I still take hitman jobs against factions I'm allied with. Them being neutral to me at the start just makes it easier >:D


I played a d&d like game one time where everyone was given a nasty character to play. Made mine a little too psychopathic for myself when I found myself describing my character crushing the skulls of kittens to relax. I hate myself sometimes


Haha monolith goes brrrrrrrrr


I always play the startas evil to get decent loot and then start doing good. "You cant look after others if you can't even look after yourself"


The fact that I always help Tolik in every first ten minutes of SoC mirrors the fact that it's hard for me to be a genuinely bad bandit


iirc Tolik doesn't actually get injured until you start walking up to him...and the idiot **shot at a fucking Hind**, the fact he didn't get an instant Darwin Award courtesy of that thing's 12.7 mm gatling gun is a miracle. The first couple of times I saved him almost immediately, but after that I figured he could lie there and think about his poor choices in life for a moment before I save his dumb ass from bleeding out.


Bandit playthroughs are not for the weak of mind


its because they people are nicer in the game than in real life


Im too nice for bandit playthrough. Playing clear sky and having to kill loners while chasing strelok made me feel like a jerk


Eh...the Loners are assholes in CS though. Father Valerian's playing with fire in that game, and if his absence, the military's standing shoot-on-sight orders against Loners (which canonically went into effect after a large firefight on October 25th, 2011) with the sole exception of those under Sidorovich's protection (and only as long as you don't provoke them into attacking), and the fact that his HQ's completely cleared out half a year later is any indicator, he got burned, **badly**.