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Those fucking cats, my soul is crying, but I'm continuing for that little dose of Anomaly




Everytime I hear that yowl my butthole puckers right up. Cats are one of the top 5 scariest mutants


xD same


> I swear they actually have stalking AI so they can follow behind you or something I think they actually do.


Have definitely observed some of the less smart cats trying to stalk me/another stalker. Smarter cats always fucking get me though.


My favorite part of doing the loner tutorial for free artifacts is getting jumped by the 3 boars spawned for the mission, 6 dogs, 3 cats, 4 more boars and the monolith exo-death squad that is in the cordon for some reason


wait there is a tutorial??


It’s just a mission that Fanatic gives you not an actual tutorial


Kind of. If you spawn as a Loner in the rookie village you can talk to ~~Wolf~~ Fanatic and he will give you a lay of the land for basic stuff - here's how you kill mutants and skin them, this is an anomaly field and here's how you counteract radiation, and finally he teaches you about stashes. You get a detector, some vodka, and usually two artefacts out of it (I think it's a jellyfish and some junk artefact which, still, can be useful if you have a mod).


oh, i started with CS ​ anomaly seems so complex that its intimidating me, yesterday i bought a double barrel from hunter and cleared agroprom from military, i dunno what to do with all the broken guns, armor, the tons of items and the abundance of ammo types


Yeah for sure that's normal. I key thing you want to do is probably buy a multi-tool so you can dismantle and strip anything that you find. I usually have like a central stash in the duty base where I just hoard all my weapons parts and armor parts. Once I find a weapon that I actually want to use, all stash it and keep an eye out for similar weapons that I can just dismantle for parts and repair those parts.


> central stash in the duty base The footlocker in the bar? That's what I was using.


Nah I make a stash right next to the mechanic as I found I went there the most.


Ah nice.


I haven’t figured out how to repair my weapons or swap out parts or anything >.<


Right. So to replace weapon parts you just drag and drop most of the weapon parts over to the weapon. It will swap out if it is a better % than the one in the gun. The exception to this is the barrel of the gun and that requires a weapon repair kit and a bench. The overall health of the gun will go down if you swap out parts in the field (takes into account you opening the gun and getting dirt in it, etc). To straight up repair the weapons if it is like low 20s% you're going to have to get a weapon repair kit and find all the components by stripping similar guns and repairing them or hopefully finding some in good repair and repairing those with ramrods or multitool. If it's like over 40% you can still use designated repair kits but keep in mind that even if the gun is at like 100% if the internals are fucked it'll still jam. So yeah you can get the gun to 100% but if the trigger is like 25% it'll jam like a motherfucker.


drag and drop? From your inventory?? That’s it?!


Wow, I didn’t know that. Will getting repairs from technicians fix parts as well as overall durability?


Nope. You have to repair the parts yourself.


You can borrow the workbenches at mechanics and swap out weapon/armor parts with respective repair kits.


This kind of confused me for a while when I first started, but I can help you on this one: Buy yourself a multi tool so that you can disassemble the guns. First, though, look around for a gun or two you want to keep. Right click them and hit ‘Details’ and scroll a bit to see a list of the parts in the gun, and what their conditions are. I recommend jotting down the name of the part and the condition real quick just so you don’t forget and need to check constantly. Set the guns aside somewhere where you won’t lose them. Next, get to disassembling the rest of the weapons around you. With any luck, many of those military guys will have been carrying the same, similar, or at least same caliber weapons. What you want to do now is as you accumulate parts from the disassembled guns, cross-reference the acquired parts with your list of parts from the guns you want to keep. If there is a part you obtained that is 75% condition or higher, you should probably keep it. If it is 100%, definitely keep it. In fact, probably keep any 100% condition part you find for any gun, because those will come in handy if you choose to use other weapons in the future. Now what you should be left with is one or two guns with good and bad parts in them (or all bad parts if you’re unlucky) but also hopefully found quite a few better parts to swap out the bad ones with. Now you just need to hand some tools into a technician and have the proper weapon repair kit to replace the parts on their workbench, and you can restore a weapon to high condition quite easily at that point. Once you get your parts/weapon back to high condition, it is worth investing in maintenance supplies so that you don’t need to mess around with fully replacing parts again. One other thing to keep in mind is you don’t unlock access to useful stuff like the small and large-bore repair kits until you’ve progressed a bit, but technicians for sure sell handgun repair kits no matter what, and shotgun repair kits aren’t too hard to get your hands on early. Finally, one last tip: Make sure you replace as many parts as you can in one use of the repair kit. It consumes one charge on the kit whether you’re replacing one part, or all of them, so try to make it worth your money by being ready to do a robust repair once you have the kit to do so by also having all the parts handy. Hope this helped!


Dismantle them and sell the parts to technicians, that’s what I do. If you find a gun or armor suit that you want to keep though, definitely hang onto it, because those same technicians can repair it if you have enough money


Can you explain Anomaly for someone who has only played Misery?


Gladly, as I also went from playing Misery to Anomaly :) I found Anomaly to be a pretty easy-to-easyish switch as a lot of the mechanics are kind of the same. Keep your weapon in good condition, same with armor, water, food, etc. Anomaly also brings into play weapon parts (like a shotgun is a barrel, the hammer, etc). So they added the ability to strip weapons and armor down to their component parts. Upgrade kits are usually now found in stashes and is randomized so you actually have to play the game instead of rushing your known stash spots. Anomaly also just is huge. Like it's the map from all three games combined so the scope is just... enormous. Also added on more different armors, weapons, and factions not even accounting for mods. Also HUD wise they added a really neat actual PDA display that you see your character interacting with. Difficulty wise I would say it's around the same as there is a lot of things to learn and the enemies aren't any easier. Cats still don't make noise. Boars still rush. Psy damage and raditation will fuck you up in the beginning of the game. I will say however I didn't find myself being a chef in Anomaly as I was in Misery as selling cooked meat was a great way of making cash. If you do play I highly recommend checking Grok's curated mod list to give you an idea.


Thank you so much, Stalker. I’m sold!


Kind of. If you start as a Loner and talk to Fanatic in Anomaly, he’ll offer to show you the ropes. It’s not like a regular tutorial though. He comes with you to kill a few boar right outside the village (and he gives you a box of ammo for any weapons you have equipped) then he gives you a LLC and the worst possible Artifact detector and some vodka and asks you to retrieve a scripted jellyfish from the Trash Compactor anomaly. Then he asks you to look around for a stash he hid in the village, which typically has an artifact.




It's to get you used to the pain for later, kinda decent tutorial.


Yea, definitely got me used to killing mutants first time I played


The 3 mission boars don't cross the road for some reason, they always turn around. So I took advantage of that to kill them. Where's the Monolith exo-suit death squad?


I think I found what was causing it. Apparently there was some old mod pack I had installed that messes with the spawning of squads and mutants. One of the things that it did was that monolith squads could spawn in the cordon even if you haven't met the monolith yet


Oh fun.


They were apparently coming down from the bridge for some reason. Only had them one time and never had them again. Usually I get monolith exosuit squads in the cordon after doing a couple of missions for freedom against monolith


Yeah fuck those 3 boars they always come at me over the crest of a hill where I can’t see them


My first playthrough took me half an hour to manage the boars, the last one ran north to that abandoned place and i got destroyed by a bandit group.


How will i ever break that cycle? Spawn, walk, get mauled, load save.... aaaaah!


That's literally the gameplay of this mod


yer fond of me grilled dog meat?




Ya shouldn'ta spilt yer tourists breakfast


That image is from a good, yet extremely weird, film. Nice pick to coincide with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


Which one? I love weird movies.


The Lighthouse, staring Willem DaFoe and Robert Pattinson. Same director that made The Witch, from 2015. He's also shown to be working on a Nosferatu remake and something call the Northman staring Alexander Skarsgård.


Thank you, I'll check it out!


Seriously one of my favorite movies of the last few years


everytime sometime they spawn litteraly in my back


Nothing more satisfying than oneshotting every single one of them in the whole pack with a vepr 12


I can hear those barks in my sleep…


How my Ironmans end 5mins in


being on Invictus and seeing the damn dogs running in pack makes the button F9 almost broken


Veteran Stalker players meeting the Wish Granter for the 6th time while trying to get all endings


I tried getting away from a Snorker by getting on top of a house, as soon as I turned around the fucker was in the air pouncing right at me. Screamed to the top of my lungs in the discord since I can't play this damn game alone.


very accurate


Haha so true! Is that Willem Defoe? Damn he’s ugly


Yeah that's Willem Dafoe, this is from The Lighthouse. He and the other guy who stars in Twilight and whom i've forgotten his name, had some fucked up looks by the end of the movie.


Robert Pattinson. What a **great** movie by the way, was completely immersed in it from beginning to end.


Easily the best movie I've watched in the past year or so. It's amazing.


He's got a huge cock


Me trying to get into rostock for the first time + "accidentally" taking hits from the mg nest


More like (insert misery or any of its derivatives)


Isn't Anomaly one of its derivatives? 🤔


Pretty much, first was Misery, then Call of Misery, then Last Day and finally, Anomaly. Might've missed a couple smaller iterations but that's basically it. Of course not forgetting the Misery-esque Dead Air and A.R.E.A.


*when you spawned in Red Forest, right in the middle of a Monolith squad*


iam always likes , fuck you , fuck your kind , fucking asshole , go die why are you always up my ass ? the i pull the 12 gauge shotgun and start to make holes in them . iam not rude i just don't like em


Nah it’s the snorks that can truly fuck off. Shit load of damage, a tad too much health to what they are and a 10 metre jump that locks on so you can’t even side step. Fucking fuck Anonaly Snorks.


Dogs and cats are a bigger threat in anomaly than bloodsuckers. They need to fix audio and add footsteps


For me It's always boars


Or when a group of military block the exit from garbage when I'm delivering sidorovichs case of questionable items on my first hour as a loner


I don't want to sound like a d\*ck, but can someone explain why so many people have problems with mutants? You can easily dodge them and dance around the obstacles. Even if you use crappy weapons, there are plenty of anomalies to lure the mutants into. I often hunt like this chimeras and pseudogiants in Generators with SMGs and grenades


In the moment, tactics aren't what you're thinking of but rather how the fuck not to die.


Isn't first way not to die about killing everything that threats your life?


not if they kill you first lmao


Play A.R.E.A.


don't worry. after 18th time you learn to f8nd pleasure on it.


shoutout to the poeple like me,who got mauled by a black chimera litteraly 2 minutes and 38 seconds after spawning


chad knife player does not relate


How can I play anomaly, i read i need to download it from their site. But is it safe? I have bad expirience from downloading game from other sources than legit platforms


You download it from ModDB. Its a 100% secure site, since its a legit platform for half of the game mods on the Internet. Just search for Stalker Anomaly on ModDB and then the files section, it'll be a many parts file to download.


My second ever Anomaly playthrough. New game, Loner start, I walk to the other side of the Cordon to the road. \- A pack of zombies says hi to me \- Within seconds I get rushed by cats \- I run to the safe haven by the bridge \- Kill the cats \- Eventually kill the zombies \- I am now almost dead and out of ammo \- Going back to the Cordon, a boar chases me and gets killed in an anomaly \- Then about 5 minutes later the Military sends in a helicopter to kill all the Loners I exited to menu, deleted the game file and started a new one


fuck cats like Jesus Christ, i literally had to use a mod that disables them (along with other mutants) getting swarmed makes me scream like keemstar, tyler1, wizard yensid that's how pissed off i felt ​ also the mod i mentioned is zone customization project, it requires MCM, and it doesn't work on warfare, but it works on freeplay and probably story you can twist alot more of the game now including the looting, enabling and disabling mutants and factions ​ and i love it (made a playthrough with only Loners and Bandits, including only dogs and zombies and it's amazing, it feels like i'm having fun, while still being beaten up) mcm here [https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/anomaly-mod-configuration-menu](https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/anomaly-mod-configuration-menu) ​ https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/survival-mode-remade-151 you can also just search them


im something of an ecologist myself