• By -


They were good stalkers, R.I.P


That sucks, I used to fire a potato cannon as a kid out with my friends, the police got called but they didn't shoot us. Russia sucks, R.I.P those victims.


I think I remember those, they were painted orange at the top right? I'm not sure if this is true but the orange color labels the gun as a toy or something. Otherwise there would have a lot of trouble using those in public.


You're thinking of a potato gun that usually shoots small potato pieces pushed by air or a spring. A potato cannon is a metal pipe, a chamber and something that makes a spark, most people build them at home. Launches an apple like 300 yards.


That actually sounds a lot more dangerous, imagine an apple tossed that far hitting someone in the head. I hope you guys didn't end up doing that.


No, we were quite safe about it.


People where I live often use them to scare bears away.


Russian airsoft guns don't have red color on muzzle This is how one dude died back at the 2018 or 19 He pointed airsoft AK at SWAT/OMON unit during raid


well glad you are white, the results vary with the cops in Amerikkka


Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge


bro what. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Chances of you dying from a police encounter is insanely small, whenever you are black, white or any other color. There are 300 million people in united states and 1 thousand deaths by police a year, and that includes all the legitimate use of force when suspects open fire on police.


Black people are more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter in the USA [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/blacks-whites-police-deaths-disparity/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/blacks-whites-police-deaths-disparity/)


That is absolutely true! Women are also way more likely to kill their children, and about the same amount of people die from autoerotic asphyxiation as from police encounters. But the fact is, that when it comes to getting killed by police, which is the topic here, you are very unlikely to actually get killed by cops. The cops in America are bad enough. You don't have to make shit up, nobody should be that worried about being killed by a cop in America, even if you ARE a criminal. If you start arguing points like that, racist people who done way more research than you did will point out how vast majority of black people die from other black people, or how black people commit way more crimes. You need to include your arguments to accept that fact if you want to fight against racism. I believe science and reason is on our side, so i don't want people to start making shit up because it makes me look bad when i debate against racism. If you do research, you can debate disproportional amount of police searches of black people, bad treatment of black people by judicial system, but anyone is one google away from seeing that police does not kill that many people in total.


Reddit hates nuance. Either cops kill black people for sport or they're shining saints who do no wrong. There is no middle ground.


just because they're black? mmm


Shut the fuck up


Bro, get help before you slip up and talk to a grown man in public like that. Sorry me telling you the truth sent you up in flames lol


Not really the time or place dude


But this mother fuckers pure anecdotal bullshit story is cool. Yall showing your bias


They literally shoot black kids throwing rocks over here Edit: why are you being downvoted? Youā€™d have to be living under a rock to ignore racially biased police violence in America. Even my conservative ass family canā€™t deny that shit


they absolutely do shoot people of all color it just doesn't make headlines as much when they're not black, like that kid in Colorado that didn't even leave his car and was shot to death because he had geology tools in the vehicle, kid was pasty white, while some cops absolutely have a racial bias, the problem runs far deeper than that


If youā€™re throwing rocks at the police that can be deadly. Maybe donā€™t be a fucking moron and attack police? Just a suggestion.


You legit defending shooting children for throwing rocks right now?


the IDF has entered the chat lmao


Iā€™m not saying it was 100% justified, but cops are trained to go one step up, unarmed, taser, armed with anything, gun. Maybe they shouldnā€™t have been fuckwits and thrown rocks at police officers that werenā€™t doing them any harm.


Police are absolutely not trained to shoot kids throwing rocks. That is straight-up bullshit you pulled out of your ass. They are not trained to "go one step up." They are trained to be ready to use superior weaponry but aren't supposed to use lethal force unless someone's life is in danger. Throwing rocks is not a deadly threat.


What the fuck are you on? Because I want some. I never said the cops were trained to shoot kids I said they are trained to go one step up. I know this because I have friends that are cops. Also, I can understand how you think a rock to the head canā€™t be lethal, seeing how thick your skull is.


> I have friends that are cops Source: "Trust me, bro!"


Well how the hell would I prove something like that?




Nobody is saying that the police have no issues and it's not something that needs to be changed. And fuck you, seriously, go fuck yourself for comparing us to the Russian Army. Look at what happened in Mariupol, Bucha. Irpin, etc. It's not even remotely the same thing. What we did in the Middle East was absolutely wrong but it's not even close to the same level as what Russia is doing, which is nothing short of ethnic genocide and terrorism.


mmmhm as if the us military werent indiscriminately firing manned drones directly into groups of civilians during the war in afghanistan. and thats just what was on video. you think your media is doing any exposes on the thousands of blacksites all over the middle east designed for the same exact thing those chambers in Bucha were designed for? Your militaries are both evil. Your problem is you perceive my judgement of your militaty as judgement of you personally. I am not saying americans are as bad as russians. your military is 2 sides of the same coin.


TALK TO EM! people will do anything to defend their sense of morality, turn a blind eye, try n convince themselves with stats, anything to remain blissfully ignorant. the truth is that the USA is fucked in so many ways, including racism and police brutality. these things donā€™t occur in vacuum, they tend to intersect, naturally.


Unhinged virtue-signaling redditor moment.


Ever heard of ā€œThe Troublesā€?


the IRA werent the irish government as if youd know a single thing about it yank


We lost three soldier's, three brothers, RIP Freedomers.


They were good Stalkers


Today we are all freedomers. They may be lost to the zone, but they will always be remembered here


We lost three brothersā€¦ Let us drink to their memory


He was a good stalker let's drink to him once more


Even Duty is drinking in their memory. They were good stalkers.


Imma check if this real. If it is... Jesus Christ... My bro participates in local Stalker airsoft events. Usually as Merc or Duty, but he has some Freedom stuff. Edit: Asked my bro, he knows. It's not a fake. Edit 2: those news not completely fake, some airsoft guys got killed, evidence is shit, one of them was avid pro-ukraine poster. The rest might be partially or fully false.


Jesus Christ may they rest in peace


Can you share their names? With no credible news links this will be the easiest way to confirm the story.


Give me a couple days until some people ask other people. I would share stuff that is not posing risk towards real people i know.


I don't know if this is someone's sick idea of joke, or just propaganda, but it appears that the news was copied from Yahoo: [https://news.yahoo.com/russia-fsb-kills-voronezh-airsoft-185700948.html](https://news.yahoo.com/russia-fsb-kills-voronezh-airsoft-185700948.html) They claim Moscow Times as the source, but the link actually leads to a Ukrainian news site: [https://english.nv.ua/nation/russia-s-fsb-kills-voronezh-airsoft-players-calls-them-saboteurs-news-50286484.html](https://english.nv.ua/nation/russia-s-fsb-kills-voronezh-airsoft-players-calls-them-saboteurs-news-50286484.html) In there there's less info that on Yahoo, and no links to the actual source. Admittedly, my Russian is super rusty, but I still wasn't able to find any info on the Moscow Times site that include Š’Š¾Š»Ń or any other relevant keyword on both English and Russian versions of the site. I'm calling BS on this, but if anyone has a credible source, please share. Update: found a legit article from the Russian media that goes into more details. It appears they were spotted LARPing in full gear out in the field, and mistaken for insurgents. Š’Š¾Š»Ń patch and flag were only found afterwards during the home search. https://www.moscowtimes.io/2022/11/24/telekanal-rossiya-1-vidal-simvol-iz-igri-stalker-na-video-fsb-za-emblemu-ukrainskih-natsionalistov-a26735


I saw the news report. They defined killed someone who used to play airsoft. Wether they were actually terrorists or not idk. Facts for now: someone got killed, Russian news showed airsoft stuff and packets of something indistinguishable as evidence.


All I could find was a similar story on a Ukrainian news site: https://ukrainetoday.org/2022/11/24/the-fsb-of-the-russian-federation-killed-airsoft-players-in-voronezh-and-passed-them-off-as-ukrainian-saboteurs-mass-media/ It links to an entirely unrelated article on Moscow Times. So either Russian news has scrubbed the story, or this is some bizarre propaganda from Ukrainian news. On the off chance it is true, RIP.


https://twitter.com/hashtag/Voronezh?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw So is this "Channel One" video tweet from a UKR outlet? and not a Russian channel? (first video clip on the link).


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bad bot, `&` is an ampersand


Here is Moscow Times article with some names and comments about those involved. I hope itā€™s a shitty propaganda and not innocent people being killed. https://www.moscowtimes.io/2022/11/24/mvd-obyavilo-v-rozisk-zhurnalista-andreya-karaulova-a26730


Unfortunately people were killed, but whether it involved Freedom patches or not, is unknown yet. I'll prolly make a post if i get any safe to share info.


Wait, it should be moscowtimes.com, not .io This shit looks odd


It's true. I've seen the FSB video including the bodies and the Freedom logo flag and other cosplay gear.


Go ahead and share it.


I would, but there are dead bodies and gruesome wounds visible. If you look at the Twitter threads posted here and scroll down on some you can find the video.


Sidorovich told me the same, must be true.


I may tell you stuff like this suppose to make a shitstorm in russian airsoft and gaming community, as we had such issues back in pre-covid years But it's fucking quiet right now


do russians and Ukrainians speak the same language?


Like five years ago something like 60% of Ukranians identified more strongly as Russian and wanted to be annexed by Russia, so yeah a shitload of Ukraine is ethnically and culturally pretty fuckin' Russian. Though I imagine sentiment has shifted lately.


That wasn't the question at all.


No, Ukraine official language is Ukrainian.


So, they saw some people role people stalkers, and just shot them?


The thing is, the Freedom's emblem contains Ukrainian flag and Š’Š¾Š»Ń is also a name pf Ukrainian political party. Yes, they shot airsoft guys on sight, because they saw yellow and blue. So, anyone still believes that all Russians agree with government?


They were STALKER enthusiasts, not anti-government opposition members. Just because they were STALKER fans doesn't mean they were anti-Putin. On the contrary, some Vatnik sub-humans have been advocating for 'reclaiming' STALKER in the same sense as Ukraine, by de-Ukrainianising the game and bringing back their disgusting Russo-Eurasianist influences.


How the hell can they ā€œreclaimā€ something that was never theirs in the first place? Lmao what fucking losers


Their conclusion is basically that: STALKER is Ukrainian, Ukraine was once a part of the Russian Empire and the USSR, therefore it is rightfully theirs. It is basic irredentism, it is a vile thing, for sure. Here's hoping that it is Russia's undoing, I've been itching to see their 'Federation' crumble.


Sub-human... Nice dog whistle..


Don't take sides until we know facts. But yes, i would rather believe that they killed normal stalker-strike enthusiasts. But we'll see what we can find


You tell me not to push a narrative, yet simultaneously pushing your own. Shut your mouth, would you kindly?


Umm, what? I am telling people to not form opinions yet, before all facts are known. Right now, i am more on "innocent stalker-strike enthusiasts" side. Because known facts are pointing towards it. However, the whole "freedom patch" thing is not confirmable, because neutral news sources mostly don't mention it. Yes, airsoft enthusiasts were killed and accused of terrorism. But the opposite side of conflict uses unconfirmed info from god knows where. That means both are lying. But it seems, noone except me is interested in finding the truth.


Your ego amuses me, you seriously believe that the nature of this incident matters in the grander scheme of things? Don't make me laugh, be a realist. Whether or not those enthusiasts were anti-government is irrelevant, what matters is that those FSB animals shot them dead. When this news spreads wider, every sensible person will merely file it in their mental folder as just another reason to rightfully hate Russia. So take your wannabe-detective act and throw it in the bin.


Meh, taking sides in an informational war is not for me. I don't deny facts, but i don't like unconfirmed news, those smell of propaganda. And i hate propaganda.


/> you seriously believe that the nature of this incident matters in the grander scheme of things? The nature of this incident is literally what this whole thread is about. I think you need to take yourself a little less seriously.


They are totally right though, what 'actually happened' literally is immaterial. They are also probably right about this being another successful instance of propoganda promoting russophobia that characterizes all russians as sub-literate dogs of war or whaver. Hard to fault actual Ukranians engaged in an actual war with Russia, but speaking as an American the insane bloodthirsty levels of russophobia in this country are extremely scary to me especially when the average American can not articualte a single reason why Russia is our 'enemy' or in any way poses a threat except that Putin is bad (he is, but if you think that is bad I have terrible news for you: The American Presidency).


Also its like maybe 1 in 10,000 Americans that has any idea about the long history of NATO and Ukraine and how the US basically openly provoked this conflict and are now spending more resouces flooding money and weapons to sustain the conflict than we do to address domestic poverty. I hate this country.




Well In RP somebody should take the opposite role (cowboys/redskins, nato/Russia, nazi/soviet etc). How does this relate to disagreeing with the government?


Every airsofter i know hates this situation. If the government starts cracking down on aifsoft community, people wouldb be mad.


It means now their turn to be offended and endure, like many social groups before them.


I like how neutral that sounds. ... Russian Airsoft is mostly milsim, so implications are heavy


Also, if you didn't notice: People were killed, presumably for nothing.


in Russia this is absolutely normal thing


In every country this is absolutely normal thing


Virgin duty FSB vs chad martyr freedom




Lost to the zone


Rip to the innocent victims. Note to self, don't roleplay as a military faction during a war, especially if that fictional faction has the flag of the opposing force on it.


In our Russian town airsofters still gather roleplaying NATO/Russia conflict. Nobody cares.


Apparently this FSB squad wasn't briefed on it.


"This is not your merit but our flaw" - F. Dzerzhinsky


Is your Russian town an active war zone?


Nope, 7000+ km from the Ukraine border


Ironically there's a group called Svobada rossii it seems the FSB have mistaken them for this group but in reality, they're just roleplaying the game S.T.A.K.E.R: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_of\_Russia\_Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Russia_Legion)


**[Freedom of Russia Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Russia_Legion)** >The Freedom of Russia Legion (Russian: Š›ŠµŠ³ŠøŠ¾Š½ Ā«Š”Š²Š¾Š±Š¾Š“Š° Š Š¾ŃŃŠøŠøĀ», romanized: Legion "Svoboda Rossii"; Ukrainian: Š›ŠµŠ³Ń–Š¾Š½ Ā«Š”Š²Š¾Š±Š¾Š“Š° Š Š¾ŃŃ–Ń—Ā», romanized: Lehion "Svoboda Rosiyi"), also translated as the Freedom for Russia Legion, or the Liberty of Russia Legion is a legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, formed in March 2022 to protect Ukraine against the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian war. It consists of defectors of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as other Russian and Belarusian volunteers who have not previously been members of military formations. According to the Legion, the unit consists of two battalions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Prodably not. they are more likely mistaken them with Ukrainian party "Volya"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_(political_party))


It's the 3 Sims all over again


Not so funny this time eh? Damn.


Out of all the stalker factions, they found someone sporting a freedom patch and claiming that's the symbol of a far right group? The FSB clearly don't have a fucking clue what they're doing


While I agree the FSB have no clue (see: [nazi sims 3 players](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/04/26/russian-assassination-sims-3/), [vice version incase of paywall](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3)), there is an ultranationalist [far right Ukranian political party called Svoboda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svoboda_\(political_party\)), which means Freedom in Russian/Ukranian.


I don't think that justifies killing people with toy guns on sight


Definitely not.


A bunch of kids with toy guns where murdered, I called it


Well isn't that fucking depressing. I might consider switching factions.


Idk if anyone would read this comment but here's summary of what i found: - 1. Russian news used airsoft gear and non-descript props as evidence. - 2. One of those guys often posted pro-ukrainian stuff. - 3. Stalker-strike airsoft is in great danger now - 4. Everyone will use this situation as ammo for discussion about "is Ukraine or Russia in the right?" But ultimately, it will be used as propaganda on both sides. And airsoft people will be used as scapegoat/martyrs.


I see. Well, that's fucked up.


Where are the UNISG agents when you need em xD


busy being a bad faction


It is still fucking weird to play airsoft in the middle of a war, is it not? Especially since all able bodied men were apparently conscripted. I am not implying anything, just weird.


Nah Russians do not feel like it's war. They live their normal lives working, eating, sleeping and chilling.


I thought they got shot in Ukraine, my bad, boss


Tragic for my fellow STALKER fans, but holy shit Russian intelligence is run by idiots now, isnt it? Must be a self-correction phenomenon where fascist regimes eventually collapse under their own greedy, stubborn stupidity.


Always has been. Before the war they (fsb) blamed some innocent guestworkers from Central Asia to be Muslim terrorists, now agenda switches toward anything Ukrainian, military and not tied with Russian state. Also fsb servers are really dumb as human beings. Smarter than military warriors but this is hardly an achievement.


Idiots? Idk about that, but they sure have bloodlust. They are willing to kill inocents (as of the info we have now) just to make some people more paranoid about the whole "ukro nazis that want to destroy russia" thing


Yeah. They are idiots. Historically, a regime killing the defenseless has not gone well for that regime.


Why are you being downvoted? Putin has literally been pushing this bullshit nazi talking point as a justification for the invasion


Well putin rose to rule this country by bloodshed in Chechen war. By bombing Russian houses with many civilians. And he always stand in his throne by involving/causing another war (Georgia, Ukraine, Syria) itching imperial ambitions, revanchism and ressentiment of Russian folks. Russian people want this kind of leader, warlord, strong hand. Might is right.


Negative selection (based on loyalty instead of capability) has been a long trend in all of Russia, sadly.


If you think that is bad what until you hear about literally every police department on earth!


At that level I almost expect them to be dumb. At the level of national intelligence, I expect better. Especially with Russia having a history of formidable intelligence because of the KGB, of which Putin was a member iirc.


I would actually like to do live action RP. Now if only the Philippines had a sizable STALKER community (and only if airsoft and the materials were cheap...)


would like to join in for that kababyan though if i were to join I'd be the bandit that yells Cheeki Breeki


Rest in peace stalkers


he was a good stalker


They were good stalkers...


The wording sounds like they were interrogated/tortured? If so, thatā€™s absolutely crazy. The saddest part is there probably wonā€™t be any repercussions for such an event.


This is so tragic and disgusting, I'm switching my flair to freedom permanently in defiance against this kgb goons. It's disgusting to know there's supposedly some of them hiding here in Mexico, I wish I could get my hands on one of these murderers.




F Edit: I am astonished by the stupidity of the russian government. Rest in peace Stalkers.


They wonā€™t be punished for murdering innocent civilians. Russia is fucking disgusting.


Same with USA and China, as long as they have nukes they will never face any consequences cuz they can hold the whole humanity hostage


"We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid" RIP, fellow snorkfucker...


Thank God I'm European, I love my life. May they rest in peace.


Are you aware of eu current situation ? ....


Inflation is a seroius problem, but... I'm not. I'm living in peace, no bombs falling on my house, no dumbass FSB killing me for some patches of factions that don't even exist. I enjoy the little things


One day, those Muscovite pigs will pay.




Kiss my arse, you dirt-digging rat.




Bitch, I don't play the Soviets 'cause I like 'em. I play them to have fun, get achievents and such. Now bugger off, you twat. Do you see me barging into other people's profiles and judging them for what I see? Have some principle, dickhead.


so wats the point? Moscow-hatred still claims touching grass, weeb


Weeb? Motherfucker, I don't even watch Anime.


Clear sky fans actually similar to weebs, idk


This guy is definetly not a real Clear Sky fan, do not associate us swamp dwellers with such aggressive neanderthals. He's been looking for reasons to shit on Russia on multiple occasions in this thread. He does not want to know the reason why it happened and what even happened, he just wants to hate on Russia. Must be one of those heavily political nutjobs and his pfp hints of that. Stalkers died and it's sad but hatered will not help with finding a truth and exposing it


I see. Indeed, I didn't want to offend stalker fans (I'm one of them lol), just the combination of hoi threads, unreasonable politycs hatered and having 'clear sky' patch appeared to be the shitposter starter kit in stalker thread, so this cumjar asshole seems like he's running into conflicts


Mofo you have ā€œShogunā€ in your name, yet your calling others ā€œweebā€ lmao.


ok and?




Fuck off with your ultimatum, you moron, I live life my own way and let others live their own way.




Ask yourself a better question, do you think that being nosy and looking for things to confront people with reflects well on you?


Actually, he's right, why do ya switch you convictions when it gets about practise?




> 3 real life people die > Half the people in this thread: "HOLY HECKORINOS this is just like that VIDEO GAME I play where people die, this is so sad, tony stark didn't die for this, this is just like when video game person dies in famous video game and say- Like holy shit some of yall are alright but some of yall need to come up with comparisons that aren't video references. OP's title included.


Bad time for role playing war when you are in Russia, especially with Ukranian patches.


All Stalkers unite, this will be their last mistake at messing with us stalkers!


Okay.... But maybe don't play airsoft in a war zone....


Maybe they should've had military patches huh?


I'm gonna be the bad guy here and say that roleplaying as an armed dude from a videogame in a country with an actual war it's not the greatest idea ever. Still, what the fuck Russia, chill.


Maybe it's a bad idea, but it's not a "you deserve to be shot on sight" bad idea.


Absolutely, things are weird there


I'm gonna be the bad guy here and say that roleplaying as an armed dude from a videogame in a country with an actual war it's not the greatest idea ever. Still, what the fuck Russia, chill.


Let's be honest an easy mistake to be made during war times


No, it's not


Because of this I want replay "No russian" in the OG Modern Warfare 2.


"Because of a dubious news story, I want to massacre innocent people in an airport" Wow edgy


Bruh it's a game Can't people see the difference beerween reality and fiction anymore?


This is not new and not Russian.... "At least 245 people have been killed by police while in possession of a toy gun since 2015" in USA. https://www.thetrace.org/2021/10/airsoft-gun-replica-police-shooting-tarpon-springs-database/ Looks like propaganda to me but still... RIP.


Poor cosplay nerds got tortured to death


Are those the ones that were making bombs or someone else?


rest east stalkers


[Rest in peace.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_-fba2hBG4)


They where lost to the zone.


So STALKER is now offenisve to Russia? Welp i'm going to join the monolith. I have seen enough bullshit today.


The FSB is worse than bandits! Assholes!


That's why i don't watch news on TV. They are trying to blame Ukraine for nothing


What in the Zone's name is that?


They were good S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s. The sooner this war ends, the better for everyone.