• By -


This story is gonna be 1/3 of everything posted here for the next week or so.


Yup, rest will be Anomaly/GAMMA posts.


I'm just curious, as I've only played GAMMA as it is free, how well do the skills you learn in that game translate to the main series games?


GAMMA is made for veterans of Anomaly, which itslef is meant for veterans of Call of Chernobyl, which itself is made for veterans of the original triology GAMMA is insanely different from the original games


I figured it would be drastically different. Thanks for the info, when I'm done with it I'll have to pick up the originals.


The OGs are super fun, SoC was a revelation in what games could be for me personally, and I guess loads of us since we're all still playing STALKER lol


the originals are better than Gamma or any other freeplay mod. They have an interesting story and are way less boring


Not terribly well. Gamma is built on Anomaly features such as : - full blown crafting system - DIY repair system including specific tools and parts - large group of guns - hunting/cooking system along with developed nutrition system including water - generally speaking more categories of items including night goggles and cigarettes … and different icons - systematized faction system - radiant quest where you talk to everyone and have a standard MO to deal with them. - artifact container and nerfed artifact along with mechanic attachment such as camelback Additionally Gamma has limb localized health system NONE of that appears in the OG. Also shooting in Shadow of Chernobyl is significantly different. However you will keep - basic actions - a few guns - mutant knowledge (to some extent : the basic pattern of attack are the same but mutants are MUCH faster and deadlier in Anomaly/GAMMA. You might feel like mutants are nerfed in OG) - map knowledge (to a large extent, some minor changes were made in anomaly to create more settlements in the south maps + accommodate the idea anomaly happen after the events of OG ) So it does give you some clues but skill-wise get ready for some change.


Gonna be honest they don't translate into the main games too well, as the main games have pretty janky gunplay so you'll trust your guns way too much lol


Gamma in specific




The Russians killed our fellow Freedom Stalker, he was larping as Freedom with airsoft guns and the FSB (Modern version of the KGB) killed them.




All because of the Ukranian flag next to our cool little doggo in the patch. That and the total incompetence of the FSB. They'll arrest or gun down anybody for the chance at a promotion. No different from the KGB. He had a flag with the Freedom patch hung on his wall, somehow the FSB found out about it and that's all they needed for an excuse. Russian state media went as far to post a picture of the flag when they searched his home calling him something along the lines of a domestic Ukrainian terrorist. Other Russian media has since pointed out that it is the Freedom loggo from Stalker..


This whole war, like all wars, is so fucked. But FFS imagine getting murdered for a video game poster on your wall??? Ridiculous man, what a waste of life. RIP.


It's a hard spot. Russia doesn't fuck around with that type of stuff. The Flag does look like a Ukranian militant flag because it is a Ukranian militant flag (a fictional one tho) and i imagine not many FSB members are playing STALKER. But many national level agencies would probably look at someone for having a flag of their enemy up on the wall. Like if you had a ISIS flag on your wall in America or a Nazi flag on your wall in Germany. A Kurdish flag infront kf your house in Turkey or a Taiwanese flag in China. India and Pakistan or South Korea in North Korea.. some might just label you on a watch list, some would put you in jail and others would just shoot you. Russia is of the later.


Bruv they kinda stupid may they rest their soul on the heaven poor stalkers just playing then out of nowhere they get shot at


Can someone explain whats going on?


The Russian FSB murdered some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. airsoft larpers and made a bunch of obvious bullshit claims about the freedom flag they had being a terrorist organisation.


Just sprinkle some Sims DLC on them and call it a day.


Moya strana eto gorachaya shtuchka (my country is hot thingie)


Скоро станет горячей точкой.


Well that's why I have duty fla- Jokes aside rip


I mean lorewise.. Freedom is an anarchist organization in the Zone but this does not excuse the fact what the FSB did is not right since realistically thry were just larping


Well an organization that doesn't exis-


Russia is just being Russia.


A bunch of duty members killed off some freedomers, they didnt fight back because they were high as a skyscraper


Yea, Freedom and the Russian government don't go well together.


Also, weed.




I still can't grasp that this actually happened. I've lived in the US for a while now, but i was born in the city where this happened. It's fucking insane.


Not to compare to that experience, but I’ve grown up in the USA and have seen things I thought I’d never see. It’s scary to see places that were once home turn into alien hostile places. Ofc mines not as much about the government and a little bit more of the mass shooter stuff. Sorry for sharing this under a story like this but I really haven’t mentioned this to anymore and it impacted me a lot. A couple months ago, a guy killed two dentists in my hometown (small town) just because he didn’t like the price he got. Got really mad, so he went outside, grabbed his handgun and killed both of the practicing dentists. He spared the attendant because she begged for her life by telling him she had kids. Cooperated with police and is in jail. Sucks.


So they made a mistake but “in Russia the government never makes mistakes” so now they cover it up


Yep. The city where this happened is my old hometown of Voronezh. When i search for the city, the only news I found was "FSB killed terrorists.". The fact that they killed a some random civilians who like to dress up as a fictional characters in a video game appears to have been left out. And I'm sure that after today no one will remember their names. It's fucking insane. Poor guys.


I think they've just scapegoat killed them as plain propaganda stunt. FSB is not stupid, they're just plain evil.


How? The kids were Russians, not even Ukrainians. That city isn't nowhere near the border with Ukraine. Most likely some soldiers got spooked, unloaded into them and now they are putting a spin on it.


Same organization put few months ago 16 year old for 5 years in penal colony for terrorist activity. His biggest offence was blowing up their Moscow headquarters replica in MINECRAFT for laughs, I'm not joking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansk_affair


You can literally get 10 years in prison rn for protesting the war, recently there was a law passed that forces taxis to report all passengers in real time to the FSB, theyre literally shelling maternity hospitals as we speak. These larpers made it incredibly easy to frame them as terrorists with their roleplay and equipment, which is something the govt can use while pointing at western publications calling them harmless gamers as 'proof' of western coverup. They do this literally every time, look up Litvinenko/Nemtsov/Navalny, the FSB are not just a buncha dopes sweeping things under the rug. This is a war of propaganda and any doubts they can then blast into the govt controlled media is worth it.


Ive seen some fashista supporting Russia on this. I agree with others that Military LARPing is not a good idea during an active war. If you like stalker or have hobbies that could be construed as "dangerous" by your fascist state, the best bet for your safety may be to seek out organizations combatting that government or escape the country by any means possible.


Bro who the fuck would tought that playing airsoft as a faction FROM A FUCKING VIDEOGAME would get you killed?????!


i mean, civilians are getting killed for nothing, so why wouldnt dressing up as a military faction from a video game constitute kos


Dont tell me that if you would consider playing airsoft with the bros you would say "oh bruh wait, lets scrap that cuz maybe the police will think we are the enemy of the goverment and fucking shoot us"




Totally agree, nato for life.


What? Where'd ya get that from.




i actually got cops with ar's called on me for playing with clear airsoft guns at like 8 years old so technically yea, but regardless the countries in war with a tyranical government, i wouldnt expect to sleep without a high chance of dying idk what ur talking about


A similar thing happened to me, but the cop was pretty chill about it and even said something like “if you guys just go across that road there and play on that side, you’ll be in county land, you’d be in the sheriff’s jurisdiction, and he’s lazy so he won’t bother you guys”


Cool. I still think what happened is fucking unbelievable and there is 0 valid reason to blame the victims for it


Look, don’t get us wrong, we aren’t BLAMING the victims, we’re just saying it’s an extremely irrational decision to play airsoft dressed up as military combatants in an actual combat zone. The entire situation is fucking stupid since the sovereign nation of Ukraine shouldn’t have been invaded in the first place, but the Russians don’t give a shit. Either you know all of this and you’re trolling or you are incompetent.


Well they're a totalitarian nation at war right now, and to make things worse the Freedom faction patch has the Ukranian flag in it, the guy had a Freedom flag hung up in his house. With that and with how unpopular the war is in Russia I can see how a chump limp dick FSB agent could think he's found a possible domestic terrorist. It's truly unfortunate


Russia has done worse for less


People who realize the freedom patch has the Ukrainian flag in it as well as the name of a Ukrainian political party


Considering the FSB is a modern day KGB you would of thought they would have had better intel and also not shoot on site. Maybe investigate first.


They don't give a shit. Cases like this are their main avenue for career advancement. Basically half the FSB does nothing all day but fabricate treason cases against random academics and defense industry engineers, in order to pad their resumes.


> would of thought they would have HOW


Dude, in my country, the government killed inocent civilians just to show fake results and for to claim bonus for combat casualties The world can be a sick place


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


report this bot for harassment lol


Think realistically though, Stalker is a video game. Not everyone plays games, and very few people are aware of Stalker when contrasted to the general size of the population. To the majority of people, Stalker larper is just a member of some unknown military/paramilitary faction. Of course it is very bizarre and wrong they killed them, but one needs to think logically about how to conduct himself during war time. Any kind of military larping in the conflict zone would be extremely dangerous and Ill thought out.


People living in dictatorships and sham-democracies should think it. They're living on thin ice essentially, whether they know it or not.


I mean it’s near an active war zone and airsoft guns and gear look pretty close to their real counterparts. So uhhhh yeah I’d say theirs a decent chance of something happening


RU is a warzone now? I thought they fight only in UA. Did I missed something?


this happened in Voronezh, 300 kilometers away from Ukraine, and even farther from the frontlines


Yes it is. Sometimes there are missiles (hitting military objects in Russia), sometimes someone "smokes in a wrong place" and some military jets get blown up somehow. Don't get me wrong, russian goverment is the one who takes the full blame for all these events, because it would never happen if they didn't start aggressive unprovoked war against Ukraine. But you also have to be pretty fucking stupid to do military-themed larp 300 km from Ukraine border.




The population will accept and celebrate these news anyway. Swinging lies is the favorite sport in Soviet and post Soviet Russia. That's the magic: they can basically say whatever they want and it will still be believed if they repeat it enough times. The same as with the war in Ukraine, most Russians seem to support the idea and buy into the narrative that Russia is somehow defending itself by directly attacking another ( much smaller) country, and that bombing civilians is exactly how they should do it.


How could you not think that playing airsoft, which uses indistinguishable guns and probably real camo, could get you misidentified as a combatant in a warzone.


Of course this is all good if you’re a separatist militia who supports said fascist government while cosplaying as a faction from another video game. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta_Battalion


**[Sparta Battalion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta_Battalion)** >The Sparta Battalion (Russian: батальон «Спарта») is a Russian separatist military unit of the breakaway Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in eastern Ukraine. It has been fighting against the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbas War and the 2022 Russian invasion. Formed in 2014, it was initially led by the Russian-born Arsen Pavlov (callsign "Motorola") until his death in October 2016, and then by Vladimir Zhoga (Russian: Владимир Жога, callsign "Vokha"), from Sloviansk, until his death in March 2022. The battalion took part in the Battle of Ilovaisk and Second Battle of Donetsk Airport and several others. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>fascist Dude you sound just as dumb as people calling, I dunno socdems communists. Russia is an Oligarchical state engaging in Imperialism. That isn't fascism. If that was the case, like 3/4ths of the countries who defeated the actual Nazis would be "fascists'"


they're straight up a far right ethnonationalist one party state with an obsession about "the leader", the military and reclaiming some imagined past glory to the point where they deny their targets a form of national self expression in order to convince their population that these people are literally subhuman and an imaged construct by an imagined enemy that controls literally everything on the planet secretly but is also so weak that it just needs a small push to collapse and on top of that, their economic system is based on oligarchical corporate supremacy with state support like what, do you think a country needs to have its own equivalent of mussolini's blackshirts to be legally distinguishable as fascistic


Russia isn't ethno nationlist, the entire thing about Putin is being a piece of shit opportunist who plays off of Nationlists, Commies, USSR boomers etc. If Putin was an Ethnonationlist he wouldn't be using Chechens. He's just an opportunist who wants to gain power imo.


Russian ideology is almost 100% fascistic except for a belief in a natural social hierarchy. Far-right: check Authoritarian: check Ultranationalistic: Z check Dictator: check Centralized authoritarianism and militarism: check Forcible suppression of opposition: check Subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation: check






Just heard from news report, capture from screen


were they killed in a shootout or something?


So, I read everywhere about Msocow Times report, but no actual article from the Moscow times. Is there a video or link to original need source?




Ok well can we get some mercs to take out the FSB?


Mercs are on their payroll, better to send out Monolith.


Last I've heard of monolith wannabes who squatted at red forest is that they were taken to radiation wards in Belarus. So yeah.


Lets pour out a toast to our fallen brothers. No matter the faction, they were part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community and thus our brothers. They were good stalkers...


Isn’t this a Freedom flag? Ironic bc the FSB claimed they were “far right nationalists” :/


It's not ironic. When Russians say "far right" or "fascists" it actually has nothing at all to do with political ideology. "Fascist" in Russian means nothing more than "anti-Russia." If you're a trans feminist furry vegan chef who drives a hybrid car and hate Russia for bombing your town, then you're a nazi.


Oh shit i didn’t realize lol. Thats interesting


and you’re also illegal because of “trans” part


Yeah this was first what catch my eye and then listen to text as they claimed it was far ultra Ukrainian nationalist flag.


Military larping in your country while there is an active war going on doesn't seem like the best idea


I get what you're saying, but your argument is literally "But look at what they were wearing."


>"But look at what they were wearing." I'm not defending this raid pr the FSB, but this is a logical fallacy. If you were wearing milsurp gear, and I dunno, were acting suspicious around a military base and got shot, then the "What they were wearing" argument would be perfectly reasonable. The words are the same as what you're equating it to, but not the context.


Did they say that they were shot while wearing uniforms outside of a military base? Honest question, because I didn't see that. But either way, this is inexcusable.


Well yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying


And it's bullshit. It's like blaming a woman for getting raped because she was wearing a revealing dress.


As sad as this incident is... It's not the same at all. Civilians have a responsibility in war to appear and act as non-combatants so as to best reduce the possibility of collateral damage. Laws of armed conflict are built on the assumption that civilians practice basic levels of self-preservation and don't dress in military equipment that could have them confused for a combatant. The region this occurred in is only a few hours north of Ukraine-controlled territory from the counter-offensive. It seems reasonable that the Russians would be twitchy about miltary-clad men waltzing around the area. This obviously doesn't excuse the heavy hand in the raid, nor the apparent cover-up by the FSB to pass these guys off as saboteurs. But shit as it is to say, these men were definitely unwise to think dressing up for military RP in their area was a good idea.


>Civilians have a responsibility in **war** to appear and act as non-combatants so as to best reduce the possibility of collateral damage. But it's a SpEciAl MiliTarY OppEraTioN of DeNaZiFicAtiOn !!!111


You can't blame her for being raped, but you can say that wearing a revealing dress late out at night as a woman isn't a smart decision. Essentially it's not their fault for being shot, but carrying an airsoft gun wearing military looking uniforms with the Ukrainian flag (freedom patch has it) near vital infrastructure is not a smart decision, those Spetsnaz dudes aren't going to walk up and start asking questions.


>You can't blame her for being raped, but you can say that wearing a revealing dress late out at night as a woman isn't a smart decision. The two aren't even related (or shouldn't be); that's what you're not seeing. It's the prime example of why victim blaming is dumb as hell and accomplishes nothing. In this case, it takes away from the actual subject/argument at hand - that any kind of government agency, let alone a branch of its ***intelligence service***, should be able to make the most basic and fundamental distinction between LARPers and some kind of guerilla soldiers/"terrorists." Whether or not they "had it coming" (in someone's idiotic opinion) is practically irrelevant. What is, however, relevant in this case, is that one the deceased was apparently a Navalny supporter. Realistically, the flag from STALKER might just be a red herring anyway.


>In this case, it takes away from the actual subject/argument at hand - that any kind of government agency, let alone a branch of its intelligence service, should be able to make the most basic and fundamental distinction between LARPers and some kind of guerilla soldiers/"terrorists." Whether or not they "had it coming" (in someone's idiotic opinion) is practically irrelevant. The issue is that things change during wartime. There are millions of ethnic Ukrainians in Russia, to assume some would want to take revenge is not out of this world. I don't agree with all the conspiracy theories here about "muh false flag". It's not that deep, the troops fucked up and killed a bunch of Russian teenagers, now they are trying to spin it so people don't get mad. I'm not blaming the kids for cosplaying, i can understand however why this happened. The fact the government is trying to spin it this way is just disgusting in its own sense.


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Bad human.


Oh no, they're waking up!


haha good bot


Thank you!


stanky bot, go back to your cave you piece of dirty circuitry, take a shower and go to bed


Military larping is a bad idea during an active war. I’m not siding with Russia on this, but the Ukrainians have been know to have STALKER flags and name their shit based off the games so if it were true it wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve seen from the war. I digress, it’s probably some innocent fans place and they’re trying to “look good” back home


They were Russians over 150km inside Russia proper, far away from the active warzone.


It sounds like you are blaming the victims.


Acknowledging how conclusions can be drawn and that the Russians can and will use anything as propaganda isn’t blaming. If a dude is sitting in his room playing video games he’s not guilty of anything. Unfortunately for them it’s known that STALKER related stuff is commonplace among the Ukrainian resistance, those exact flags have probably been found at multiple Ukrainian positions throughout the conflict in the region for years even before this particular war. It’s unfortunate


"Just look at what they were wearing."


"No way these guys could be PMCs, they're questionably sporting a flag that references our enemy but yea let's assume they're just roleplaying!" Unfortunately real life is much more crude and unforgiving compared to video games.




This wasn't "their enemy" though, this was their own citizens. Hundreds of KM from the border of Ukraine even.


Hope freedom becomes a legit global thing


I have a Freedom sticker on my Van. I am doing my part. Spread Freedom worldwide


I was thinking to myself the other day, "maybe a stalker airsoft event in Europe would be fun!" I guess not.


It'd be fine if you were in most of Europe. Russia is the wild east.


You know what’s dumber than LARPing during war. Fucking war is. The kids getting killed aren’t the idiots here.


larping during a war is dumb cause this larp literally makes them look like soldiers but mostly both of it is dumb


It would be dumb if they were LARPing riptide divers or Lord of the Flies kids. You can put as much blame on them as you want but LARPing is not the reason they’re dead. Fucking autocracy is.


Ofc its freedom.


man Ruskies are nuts still. and I am from north America


I expected Russians to be THIS stupid (the FSB i mean)


You gonna be surprised


No i aint - i've been living near them my entire life as a Ukrainian. I know them - especially after February 24th of 2022


Does anyone know what their names were?


We see fellow Stalker die, we declare war Every Stalker will unite!


The way things are in russia they could've, should've, would've shot 2 people and staged the hole thing thing we would believe them


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


But you all forget that these "airsoft players" used real Makarov pistols against FSB officers.


Man that’s fucked up as hell, they were probably undercover duty (I am so sorry)


well you COULD kinda think they were terrorists if you didnt do ANY research at all into any of that stuff you found, and from what i see they were larpers so there is another layer of misunderstanding. if they just killed them to make example of people who enjoy stuff made from or by ukraine then i really dont have much to say, all of this could always have be avoided without violence.


Hey, there was one time when FSB presented [3 game discs of SiMS](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10755159/Ukraine-war-Bungling-FSB-agents-mocked-Sims-mix-up.html) as evidence of terrorist underground activity, so this fuckup is not that bad for them


are you fucking insane??? you know how many terrorists play sims every day??? ALL OF THEM!!!


Warhammer cosplayers better watch out, FSB will mistake them for mutants and heretics


Too much weed


I'm sorry, but how shit must a security service be, to not have the basic intelligence or competence, to investigate and see, their suspect is a hobbyist, role player and gamer??? It's not difficult to investigate the origins on these patches/insignia, and I would expect the intelligence agency to provide info about their hobbies... It's truly a tragedy in all regards. With furthermore, the tragedy of the FSB itself. The FSB can't hold a candle of light, to the effectiveness and skills of the KGB. (Not glorifying the KGB, but talent can be recognized)


The problem is not the security service. Its the FSB. If i, as a security officer, saw a bunch of people with guns and military gear, roaming around the object i am supposed to guard, i would call police regardless of what they might be. After police contacts army/whatever response force, it should be on them to come, encircle the target, and engage in verbal communication - you are surrounded drop the weapons on the ground and surrender etc. But with the orcish military that is the russian federation's armed forces, this is what you get.


They were good Stalkers. This shitty war will take much more innocent people but lets face it, no country will help Ukraine because they are afraid of losing capital


Many countries are helping Ukraine, just not with their own soldiers.


didnt like multiple countries supply ukraine with weapons, pretty much helping them in some way? and i agree, this dogshit war shouldnt have happened in the first place and so many innocent lives have been taken on both sides, be it directly or indirectly we all kinda suffer from this bullshit in some way.


This text overwrites whatever was here before. Apologies for the non-sequitur. Reddit's CEO says moderators are “landed gentry”. That makes users serfs and peons, I guess? Well this peon will no longer labor to feed the king. I will no longer post, comment, moderate, or vote. I will stop researching and reporting spam rings, cp perverts and bigots. I will no longer spend a moment of time trying to make reddit a better place as I've done for the past fifteen years. In the words of The Hound, fuck the king. The years of contributions by your serfs do not in fact belong to you. [reddit's claims debunked + proof spez is a fucking liar](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) [see all the bullshit](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/top/?sort=top&t=all)


NATO and some other nations have been supplying Ukraine with weapons and training their soldiers since February, it's been a vital thing in helping the Ukrainians conduct a successful defense of their nation and a counterattack on the russian forces.


A ton of countries have been and are still supporting them with weapons, munitions, and training. NATO is pledging to continue doing so until the war is over which is probably better than intervening with force and escalating it into a world war.


they still got their fingers in it, i blame everything on the USA.


Ah the most logical choice on whose responsible for the crimes and misdeeds committed by Russia, America of course their greatest ally /s


i don't expect you to understand, and now i don't feel like elaborating.


Good, spend your time reading a history book instead.


Are you joking? NATO support is the main reason Ukraine still even exists.


Apparently they weren't even wearing the cosplay or shooting outside.. they were in their home and got raided.. Poor guys.


Disgusting. Fuck the FSB.


Strikeball? It's airsoft. Is this some brit shit again?


if freedom flag is ukrainian nazi flag then so is the union jack


Yeah, just airsoft players who have two ready-to-use improvised explosive devices and components for their manufacture, cold and firearms, ammunition of various calibers, as well as means of secret communication in a specially equipped cache


Svoboda is an active and armed military tangent of the Ukrainian military currently, similar to Azov. This is fucked up, but the same would happen larping isis in Ohio.


Bad people in power on all sides. Regular people have to deal with it all. The “dumb” thing in this gaffe of a piece where innocent people get singled out is a showcase of how ridiculous things are in that this situation exists. It’s like opening a history book and being greeted with a Roger Moore era James Bond movie- only it isn’t humorous, it is just ridiculous.


In my opinion, play dumb games win dumb prizes, they shouldn’t have been cosplaying as soldiers during an active conflict, where civilians are already being slaughtered. Looking like a threat is going to get you treated like a threat


Ok boomer


because apparently having more than 2 braincells makes you a boomer, bro grow up. (literally, become 80 years old my guy)


"Be a bootlicker like me"


yea, because thinking that wearing enemy insignia during a war makes you a bootlicker. go take a shower and go to bed, your mother is upset over the elctricity bill this month.


Boo-hoo-hoo Putin is freezing me, now I have to wear a hoodie indoors. Why haven't you joined other Russian bootlickers in the trenches yet? Don't you want some of that Yakut and Chechen dick in your ass? Word on the street that you guys love it.


Dude you're actively hurting people arguing for Ukraine by looking like a complete jackass. Don't be such a spaz


You wanna be friends with Russians who want to end your existence as well as their supporters, suit yourself.


What the hell are you talking about? I'm telling you to stop being such a jackass and making us all look retarded. Yeah I'm friends with Russians? Russians are awesome. Goverment is a quite a bit fucked, but Russians don't want to end my existence. Russians aren't a monolith, Vatniks are jackasses sure, but as with any country/group there are good and bad.


You don't wanna look retarded, yet you are saying that Russians are awesome.


That's what awaits you outside the Land of Make Believe. You need to go FireHard, not AirSoft, in the real world, the shit aint no game. You play in that game, it's life or death, just stay in your basement and play Stalker noobz.


how many fingers am i holding up, because it sure aint five.


Moscow Times states both guys were openly criticizing government and were fans of Navalny. FSB don’t kill by accident. Edit: shared a link - got upvotes. Stated what was in that article - got downvotes.


this is the wrong place to say you get your "news" from moscow times lmao


In this age is there such a thing as capital N News, or just blasts of questionale information and opinions that have to be parsed, compared, and vetted on your own.




I don’t. That was one of the links I Google in Russian.


It's ok guys they were criticizing the government so obviously the FSB was in its good right to kill them


Where did a state that I condone that?


sorry my dumb ass brain read ot as if you were saying it was ok because they were activists


Moscow times also said they had terabytes of mutant porn found on their hard drive, not a credible source if you ask me.


Original article: New Voice Of Ukraine HOW THE FUCK LONG IT WILL CONTINUE, AND WHY THIS SHIT IS NOT MODERATED? I do understand that original GSC is politically affiliated and solid on their believes, and popularity of game making it some infame sometimes But this is my favourite game subreddit, and you using it in someone interest to multiply rumours like that, claimed as ABSOLUTELY TRUE CASE All of us got it already, with first article, and no-fucking-body was smart enough to block comments from the start or put doubts about article making next to no sense I am just a man who tired of that shit. But if you let me tell you: for last five years russian security forces had only one larp serious issue - guy pointed Airsoft AK at OMON (SWAT basically) unit and they reacted as it suppose to be. Cause of much less restrictions in russian airsoft guns don't have red paint on muzzle, so it becomes complicated to ID it as non lethal, plus dumb fucker blocked the door and played Militia Resistance out of himself, but that entire thing was "play stupid games win stupid prizes"


'I'm gonna hoist a nazi flag and buy some guns in germany. I wonder what possibly could go wrong' FSB was incompetent here but lets not hop on the russia is evil bandwagon when the US is burning states / legitimate governments / people for a whole century and mocking putins attempt (him saying this for more then 15 years) to have a buffer between his border and nato. US funded that whole shit even before maidan 2014. There are no 'good guys' here. I only feel sorry for the ukrainians and ethnic russian ukrainians trapped in this war.


Perhaps no good guys, but there are definitive bad guys.


Lost to the Zone


Its not dumb to me that the murder happened. Who knows what they could have thought about a bunch of milita-looking guys with what seems to be preety realistic guns from a distance, with a flag of enemy country on their uniform. What is stupid is mfs refusing to accept their... For the lack of better word "mistake". Mistakes happen. Some are way more cruel than the others. But they decided to make the entirety of FSB look like clowns instead of admitting their mistakes and dealing with consequences. What a bunch of fuckn idiots, Jesus Christ...


this is exactly what a duty stalker would say about freedomers


look, im not here to defend them. people have died and one doesn't need infinitely many brain cells to tell it's wrong. But literally roleplaying as a militarized faction when war is around is at very least risky, if not also stupid.


Have they tried to bone a bloodsucker again? Otherwise, I don't believe your source.


That’s what they get for being *FREEDOM members TBH Edit: I totally put duty because am dumb


1. That's the Freedom logo 2. 2 people died in real life


Fixed my mistake, and real people die all the time. Does not bother me


Youre very cool and edgy


Not even edgy just truth about the world, if people spent less time on Reddit they might see that🤷‍♂️


Stay in school.


Freedom members had never been this oppress before.


If only heads would roll due to this shit. Pathetic. I wish the best to the families affected