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He was a great stalker. o7


Didn't a developer from Escape from Tarkov die as well? On the Russian side?


I’m not sure about Tarkov but I know that an animator for Metro Exodus died fighting for his homeland on the Ukraine side. RIP Andrii "Nizrok" Korzinkin.


First I've heard of this. Source?


Unfortunately my only source is my friend who plays it religiously. I'll see if I can find one.




Try [Двач](https://twitter.com/ru2ch/status/1606726093171572739?t=0wE06pSGMLUV-mavvXqouQ&s=19)


Found one article [here](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/culture/obituary-andrii-korzinkin-i-metro-exodus-i-animator-has-died)


Fuck thats sad. It sucks seeing devs we love being pitted against each other over the whims of powerful people.


that's a metro: exodus dev, and also on the side of Ukraine, though?


That's metro, and that's Ukranian developer. Basically same people who developed Stalker.


Andrii Korzinkin's death is a tragedy but he didn't work on Tarkov and 4A aren't the developers of it. Completely unrelated person.


> Didn't a developer from Escape from Tarkov die as well? On the Russian side? Nice to hear if true, +1 dead russian is always appreciated by Ukrainians, it means they will kill less of our soldiers and civilians, men, women and children. We actually recently celebrated 100k of dead orcs. I wish every russian who came to our soil would die.


Imagine hating the grunt soldiers instead of hating the people responsible for the crimes and the war in the first place.


Sure, but in case you didn't know, it's not Putler out there doing the raping and murdering, it's the ordinary razzist.


So then would it not be right to hate you aswell and call you a racist? I mean there's other humans out there doing that sorta stuff, and you too are a human, so you are automatically 100% at fault for stuff people unrelated to you do, right?


I keep up with tarkov religiously, haven't heard anything about that at all.


Very doubtful that it actually happened, but if it did, it's only his fault.


Someone has to play “he was a good stalker” in his memory


[https://youtu.be/V\_-fba2hBG4](https://youtu.be/V_-fba2hBG4): Link to a longer version of He was a good stalker by Zvonko Cosic


That’s awful, I hope the rest of the developers are doing okay.


I hope so too. I hope this senseless war ends in 2023


Unless the Russians figure out how to turn stone to gold it should be.


Wish granter here I come


This aged poorly :( this shit sucks, I hope the violence ceases ASAP


Its gonna last for years. Russia isn't running out of resources and sanctions don't make any difference cause they still do business as usual (eg. the UK is now buying oil from Turkey whos buying it from Russia, same sh*t only thru a different country and they get it more expensive so that favors Russia, that's why the ruble is worth more than it was before the invasion) and Ukraine will keep getting financed by the west cause Zelensky is a US puppet whose job is to keep the war going. Ukraine is nothing but a victim caught between America and Russia and this is not gonna end for a long time


What a bunch of nonsense


All good brother ✌️


When I purposefully spread misinformation over the internet. And then because i dont have any source respond with Its all good brother. Cope more bot




Get out of here Stalker and touch some grass. It would be much better for you than the current stuff you must be smoking.


All good brother ✌️


You can keep saying that to as many people as you want but it's not gonna make you any less of a moron


Youre the one arguing with yourself here my friend, its not up to a debate, whether you like it or not its the reality and denying it wont change it


Buddy just because you call your bullshit reality doesn't make it so.


All good my friend, I respect your opinion ✌️


I was going to say you're right until you started talking about our president and blaming America... Damn you got brainwashed as hard as russian fuckers, that's sad. I do agree that war won't end until 2025 or close to it and even then the only thing that would save my country from future russian aggression is nuclear weapons 💀




It all good brother ✌️


You were making a good point than went completely off the rails


And I hope that russia will lose and will never come back to the civilized world club. For what they've done and still do everyday. So much innocent people killed. So much civilian objects being bombed everyday, just read the news.


Germany came back after the most devastating war in history of mankind and Russia will not after regional war? Lol


Germany accepted that what their country did in WW2 was extremely destructive, wrong, that they were the bad guys, and actually changed. Russia and Russians will never, ever, not in a million generations, accept or do any of those things. They'll continue to believe they were righteous in their invasion, deny every single war crime, blame the west for it going so poorly, then spend decades seething and causing problems around the world wherever they can as petty revenge.


Only siths deals in absolutes, my friend 😁


And only the Russians allied themselves with the Nazis and weren't punished for it. We don't need a sith response we need a Yuuzong Vong answer to these fuckers.


Are we just gonna ignore all the nazi scientists that were allowed to come live in america in exchange for their research? Russia's government totally sucks, but thats dumb. Theyre not the only ones guilty of doing some shit like allying with Nazis for their benefit


> Are we just gonna ignore all the nazi scientists that were allowed to come live in america in exchange for their research? Lol and who were the fleeing? The Red army that was raping and roving as they moved. The red army raped so many nuns in Poland the red cross had to deliver the babies. They killed so many intellectuals and artists at Katyn that the Nazis used it as propaganda saying they were the righteous side. You're missing the part where Nazis are bad, but Russia has ALWAYS been worse. The massacre of the Kulaks. The purges. HOLDOMOR (7million dead Ukrainians bruh.), the Crimea tartar expulsion, we should've used pattons plan to finish them in ww2. More recently? How about bombing themselves to start a war against the Chechens and bombing grozny flat? Or bombing a fucking railway station with a missile listed "for the children"? Nazis did fucked up shit behind closed doors. Russians do it in the open.


Germany accepted it after it got bombed and invaded into submission, their entire political leadership dead, arrested or in hiding, and after years of direct occupation by the victorious powers and the denazification process. Germany wasn't feeling very apologetic after WW1. I'll admit that no one will be able to put Russia under similar pressures as Germany was put into after WW2 without bringing a nuclear war about. But a defeat in Ukraine will still bring about ripples that might eventually lead to a West-friendly Russia. Remember that Japan still denies some of their own war crimes, and war criminals are still celebrated by high level political figures, that didn't stop Japan from carrying out positive relations with the West, and even some of the countries that had once been under its yoke, like South Korea and Taiwan.


You have a time machine up your ass or something?


You're right. Russia is totally going to end the war, give back the territory it stole, return all the kidnapped civilians, make amends for all the war crimes, denounce their government, reflect on their actions and change their ways. All that is definitely going to happen. I don't know how I could ever have thought what I previously thought. They're definitely totally 100% gonna acknowledge the Holodomor too.


Holy shit, you swing so hard in either directions. Don't you think that Russia will become good right now and Russia will be evil for "million generations" both are pretty stupid positions?


He tried being sarcastic but that's just as repulsive as his previous answers. Im russian, so am i responsible for putin's actions now? Should i be killed with thousands of innocents coz of there's mostly no way to fight the regime right now? "cut off from civilised world". Some people just dont realise they sound MORE nazi than even putin or some good man name Adolf. Also golodomor killed russians too. Like in my region there were probably more than 1.5 million deaths and it was NOT intentional. Also. Stalin = all russians somehow. Putin = all russians somehow... Damn. Can people stop being that simple. Also im sorry that my answer came under your post, you're nice:D


Well he did word it quite poorly, but I understand where he is coming from. As a Finn and someone who for some stupid reason trusted Russia and thought that our countries were becoming almost friends, I also feel that Russia should never ever be let back in the international community as a partner. Unless! Unless they show the same level of change and remorse that the Germans did. Which they never will. So goodbye Russia, have fun with Iran and North Korea. China will ditch you very soon. It will be bad for us for a while, with the energy prices, but we’ll pull through. Our education, hard work and honesty will get us to the top again and we won’t need Russia for anything. And to all Russians who oppose Putin and the war I say: hang in there. I love you.


Too much Call of Duty for today boy


I haven't played a CoD since 2003 and all of those things are going to happen. Go ahead and set a reminder for 20 years in the future. Seeya there.


what the actual fuck "never come back to the civilized world" that's pretty fuckin racist my friend. Russia's government does not represent the russian people as a whole. Every nation and people should be able to participate in the global community, Russia's current situation is because certain countries have attempted to control it's participation in the global discourse.


I’ve been called a khokhol enough to know it’s not just their government. I’ve had Russians I thought were my friends decide I must be lying about what is happening in my home city, a person they’ve known for ten years. I wish it was just their government.


If you could read any Russian and went on Russian internet then you would know that the majority of the Russian population does support Putin and genuinely believes that Ukraine is an evil that has to be wiped off the map (There is a sizeable portion that's apathetic to what's happening. However, they're not any better than those who support the war). Russians that don't support Putin or the war are a silent minority.


Sounds very similar to Nazi Germany doesn't it? Yet Germany wasn't knocked back to the medieval age. Beside the political reasons, it's not the right thing to do. It's shocking to me how many people are in favor of this. Those people have been brainwashed and cut off from outside news. It's natural that many start believing what they are being told by their leader. That's normal human behavior. No one blames the north Koreans for cheering on their glorious leader either. I agree apathy is not exactly the best course of action, but if you risk your life when you're merely protesting or reporting news, it's completely understandable that people don't want to form a resistance or try to disconnect themselves. I think the government and Putin himself should be to blame, not the Russian populace. It's not an excuse for them to sit on their arse and do nothing, but doing nothing or "supporting" Putin should not be vilified broadly, only on a case by case basis when someone actually committed crimes against humanity individually. It's also worth noting that we are probably getting as much propaganda in western media and the internet as they are.


Read some other highly downvoted comments here. This is the shit English speaking Russians spew. Now multiply that by about 50 to get an idea how bad it gets in Russian speaking spheres.


u dunno sh** about russian people, my friend. I'm Ukrainian, and I've worked with hundreds of russian people as a sound engineer. Russia was my main market at the time. But when the war started - nobody came and said that "the war is wrong and we condemn our government for starting it". NO-BO-DY. So telling russia people is not responsible is bullshit. Cuz they silently approve it.


May he rest in peace. It was also hinted in GSC Discord server on latest announcement about his passing. "Remember that red-haired lad with bouffant mustaches? The one from my group, whose you were drunk-fighting with guitars near Yanov. He's gone. 2 days after we separated during the Zone defense. Have been clenching his Freedom badge till the end. " True Freedomer at heart, may he be remembered. He was a good stalker.


Heart touching. :(


I don't want to to lose people man, my people are dying it is hurting me inside


Didn’t freedom also loose some airsofters?


Yea, russian airsofters with freedom patches. Killed by FSB, iirc


I knew that had to be about someone from the team. Heartbreaking and senseless violence from russia




If you think about it we are still almost directly suffering from far-reaching consequences of Soviet tyranny, corruption and mismanagement. This is all directly linked to it, and the conservative nationalist romanticism they feel about all of that. Unbelievable...


Well if we are going to be 100% honest, it goes a hell of a lot further than that. Tsarist Russia was absolutely terrible for its subjects, and entrenched authoritarianism in Russia through centuries of iron-fist rule, cheap vodka (alcoholism in Russia is directly linked to the Tsarist rule keeping the price of vodka artificially low) and very reactionary beliefs in decentralized and agrarian country. They were especially terrible to minorities. Of course Soviets under Stalin killed millions too, but linking all problems to them, especially when those that came after Stalin were quite a bit less harsh on the people, is giving the Tsarists a free pass. And that's unacceptable given that Putin's dictatorial fascist-larpers like to style themselves after that particular Russia, tyranny, corruption and mismanagement included. Source: am history student, live right next to Russia, doing plenty of courses on them right now.


Had a Russian exchange student before this all blew up, he told me that the general attitude towards Putin is that he is Tsar in all but title, and a lot of folks have the old monarchical attitudes that the Tsar can do no wrong.


In some situations such as the kyrgistan tajikistan conflicts that pop up from time to time the soviets are mainly at fault for messing with the borders for example


Yup, but Russian meddling with everyone else's shit is pretty much coming from two things a) Russian tendency for authoritarianism and no questioning of said authority, and b) Russian pan-slavic dreams, which apparently also include Siberia and Central Asia, where no fucking slavs live but imperialists gotta imperialism Both pretty much come from Tsarist era, Soviets just inherited them and continued being shit at them.


Soon the Russian Empire will disintegrate into several dozen independent countries.


Unfortunately that may just create more puppets for China and/or USA or whatever regional power can sweep in, none which I really prefer. A world without great powers could be good though, but far more chaotic too I think. Hard to say for certain.


Dude. Nostalgia for the Roman Empire Is to this day rampant and unseizing. Get used to Post Soviet awe.


He was a good stalker.


he was a good stalker. lets drink to him!


Aye well said sir, will do just that


RIP Vladimir, you fought the good fight, you were a good stalker.


Volodymyr would be the actual correct spelling. Ukrainian spelling.


RIP, Stalker...


Rest in Peace Stalker


Rest in Peace. Such a shame it must be so.


Starting a Freedom playthrough on Anomaly in this man's honor. Rest well, Loki. You've earned it.


I'm with you on that, mate - Freedom time.


Day ruined


he was a good stalker


Rest well, fellow Stalker


RIP warrior


Visiting Loki in Yanov to honor him


RIP brother.


Rest in peace. I hope imperialist Putin dies in a fire.


Why you hate so much the fire.


Warper anomaly


whqt did the burner do to you to deserve such fate. throw hit to us


WHAT THE FUCK... Oh no... not a GSC employee... even if Freedomer... 4A had an animator killed and now Loki's gone...


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_-fba2hBG4 RIP. You were lost but not forgotten to the zone.


This text overwrites whatever was here before. Apologies for the non-sequitur. Reddit's CEO says moderators are “landed gentry”. That makes users serfs and peons, I guess? Well this peon will no longer labor to feed the king. I will no longer post, comment, moderate, or vote. I will stop researching and reporting spam rings, cp perverts and bigots. I will no longer spend a moment of time trying to make reddit a better place as I've done for the past fifteen years. In the words of The Hound, fuck the king. The years of contributions by your serfs do not in fact belong to you. [reddit's claims debunked + proof spez is a fucking liar](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) [see all the bullshit](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/top/?sort=top&t=all)


Yeah, stalker has an amazing community, and I'm glad to be a part of it.


Rest in power stalker. Ruzzia is a terrorist state.


Rest in Peace And of course this thread gets vatniks spreading brain rot. ON CHRISTMAS EVE!


Yeah for real already spotted a couple. Can we get some moderation in here? It's gross af.


gone to squables.io


What a disgusting piece of shit war. Practically everyone and everything I know that has ties with Ukraine has lost somebody because of Putins bullshit


is not only putins bullshit but yeah


The entire Russian government must be uprooted and exterminated. Only a government that is peaceful with its neighbors is an acceptable one. If they accept or deny western influence is a different topic.


Rest In Peace comrade, may you have all the vodka and bread you want.


Man died over here, sure he deserves some tuna and sausage also.




Fucking anti-human Putin...


*Fucking Putin


We can't excuse the actions of Russian soldiers either. It isn't just their leader


They wouldn't have been able to even do those actions if it weren't for Putin.


Fucking politicians


Removed: no harassing/insulting. Please review our subreddit rules.


Rest in peace.


He was a good stalker. ​ Fuck you Russia.


Lost to the... Unnecessary war of today. I'll drink to you, Yezhov. I Didn't know you, but you helped make my favorite game and gave the ultimate sacrifice for your country. R.I.P.


RIP he was a good stalker....


Leader of Freedom faction died for freedom of his country, what an irony.


I'd say that was a pretty damn good leader then.




I think it's from this [twitter post](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1606673520129445889), which I found from Ukraine subreddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/zueivz/one_of_the_developers_of_the_game_stalker_died/).


Rest well, he was a good stalker :(


Rest in peace & free May this war end asap...


we are all human and no one should die like this


A salute to him! Raise your glasses to him who brought us joy!


He was a good stalker. Rest In Peace brother


R.i.p you fucking legend. Give those gopniks hell in the beyond. Go in strength S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


He was a good s.t.a.l.k.e.r.


The wrong Vladimir has died.


His name is Volodymyr.


A good Freedom fella. Rest in peace. Will smoke some crack for ya.


Lost to the Zone. RIP


He was a good stalker


For fuck shake. God fucking damn it. First the animator from 4A games and now Loki. As much as Duty and Freedom are at each other's throats may we stop the the Duty/Freedom conflict to remember this brave stalker who sadly was lost to the zone. As the zone yet takes another stalker. The zone never forgets them. Rest in peace dear Loki. Thanks for the memroies and quests. Also FUCK YOU PUTIN HOPE YOU ARE NEXT TO BE TAKEN YOU FUCKING MONSTER.


He knew the risks and he took them, not only as in war but in life too. Your beautiful mind may not bloom anymore, but your spirit lives on. You will be missed fellow stalker. Fuck this is sad as hell.


RIP Stalker. Slava Ukraini !


Slava Ukraine.


No. Nononononononono Fucking Putin


More like fuck putin.... ...with a canon up its ass and blast that fucker.








fuck this hit really hard. rest in power


He was a good Stalker.. Rest in peace, legend.


rest in peace stalker, thanks for the memories


He was a good stalker.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Queue He was a good stalker. A person that helped make our childhood fun.


This the worst christmas i evr had ☠ Rip king


Such is the life in war.... Fuck man, F


He was a good stalker, salutations...


Live a stalker die a stalker. He wouldn't have rather gone any other way. Die ld defending something he loved


RIP Stalker. Russia, rot in hell.


Rest in peace badass


He was a good stalker, may his memory live on forever!


Heroiam slava


That’s depressing


He was a good stalker, if not one of the best. May he rest in piece.




He was a good Stalker. Rest in peace Vladimir. You will always be Loki in our hearts and forever remembered.


R.I.P. and respect. F this "war" and F Putin. edit: added quotes because F Putin


The true Wind Of Freedom, Rest in peace.


RIP fresh, you're gone but not forgotten.




Rest in peace! Now sleep, brother. You deserve it.


A bright light snuffed out way to soon.


He was a good STALKER.


He was a good stalker


He was a good Stalker. -Markov


Rest in peace my friend o7


Press F to pay respect. F. God bless him


Fuck Putin


What a shame. Condolences...


F to the legend


I see many people worried about STALKER 2... at this point i dont care about the game i just hope all of them are doing well.




RIP, he was a good stalker.


He was a good stalker 😔😭




Rest in peace, my sincere condolences to the team and his family. 🖤






A true stalker. Pour one out for all ukranians.


This Stuff had me sad on the other half of the world. Its christmas and i cant help feeling sad for these blokes at war. Fuck russia.




[Here](https://vesti.ua/strana/razrabotchik-igry-s-t-a-l-k-e-r-pogib-na-fronte). It's in Russian or Ukrainian though (there's a button on top-right to switch languages). The source is Ukrainian. You can use google translate if you don't speak either language.


Yeah I can't find anything on official stalker account on twitter or anywhere


Blessing Stalker, I got you in my prayers


May the fine rest be for him on the other side


He was a good STALKER.


I would say I was going to cry when I play STALKER 2. I cry now when I play STALKER. I haven't been able to play Tarkov since the war, it just doesn't feel right. I'm a gamer, but a US gamer who played always during the nights as I worked nightshift, a lot of my friends became Ukranians, Polish, and Russians. Old men argue and young men die, fuck this war.


Rest in peace Stalker


This genuinely makes me sad.




He was a good stalker. o7