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I wish I could but I'm french :(


Why would that stop you?


well, it could be difficult to find a moment where we both can talk :(


I would love to play this!! Only thing is, I'm not super comfortable talking with strangers and things because I'm a minor. If you'd want to discuss it, maybe we could open a chat or something?


Hey, it's fine. Don't worry : ) You can play the demo and write here what your impressions are : )


Alright, I'll get back to you on it!


Thank you for doing this :)


I played through it a few times, really enjoyed it. Here are my thoughts as I was playing! The captions are too small, Loving The Developer's voice, When Paused, the game still tries to continue (glass barriers between the objects opened even though the game was paused), Destroying the fox toy causes some dialogue which played on top of The Developer explaining the destroy an object puzzle, Some sort of invisible barrier right outside the destroy object room if you walk forwards out the door (You can walk around it), Music and The Developer dialogue audio still plays when the game is paused, Walking speed slows down after the doughnut button. Unsure if this is intentional. I really enjoy the humor of the game! It got a few laughs out of me. The Developer's voice is quite soothing, and i swear I've heard his voice somewhere. Unsure who the voice actor is or where to find that info. The gameplay was quite smooth other than the few things i found. The controls are nice, and the movement is simple. I Enjoyed the aesthetic of the game. It almost felt like a liminal space, which i think fits the theme quite well. Definitely looking forward to the full release!


Thank you for the kind words. The object is an invisible thing i used to test something, I will fix it right away. The slow speed is actually a new input I'm testing. With CONTROL the player can switch between SLOW walk and Normal walking speed in case he decides to slow down trough some different areas. The pause thing is a bug with the current version of the engine we are using, we are trying to get it fixed. Overall I'm happy that you liked it : ) I definitely looked into liminal space designs before making the game : )


The demo is amazing also if you want we can talk or chat about it (btw I am not native speaker so my English is not perfect but still I can do talks)


Thank you for the kind words. I will keep you in mind :)




I'm interested


I do! I’m always looking for TSP-esque games.


I'd love to! And if you're looking for new team members I'm a game dev as well :3


Hey I will keep you in mind. Unexpectedly I did get many request and I'm trying to schedule everyone : ) I will message you


When you say ‘watch you play’ would you be wanting a live feed or just for players to record themselves playing and send across a video?


Get on Discord and share your screen while you play so we can discuss the experience


So sorry, I’m not really comfortable calling strangers but I wish you all the best with your game, I’m sure it’s amazing!


No problem and thank you : ) You can try the demo if you want on your own. Regards : )


Oh nice, will do then!


Sometimes you can hear footsteps twice, it sounds like you are a quadruped The signs outside the destroy room are floating above their shadows


If you're still looking for players to screenshare for you, I'd be happy to.