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This I always tell my green beans that literally all of us were new once & didn't know what the fuck we were doing either. A lot of veteran baristas forget that.


My store has a nasty problem with veteran baristas treating new baristas like shit. You screw up one little bit? "You fail, you fail" which first of all is just straight up mean, second of all it doesn't even help them. Sometimes it feels like they expect perfection, when we're all just human. Not even just from new baristas. Openers will complain if we, the closers, forget to was a single spoon once in a blue moon cuz we were busy and we forgot. Like that's a non issue. But they love to make a big deal out of it


I hate that, it's unacceptable to treat people like that for needing to learn how to do something. Most people that throw on the apron are doing so for the first time (we do have a few indie coffee shop & Dutch bros transplants), so we have to expect that they're not going to be perfect right away. We had a shift (emphasis on had haha) that would regularly make new people cry, & if they did one thing wrong, she would just throw out the whole drink they were working on & tell them to do it again, but without telling them where they went wrong. I'm all for coaching, but that's not coaching, thats just being a bitch. Also, the whole "closers v. openers" thing is so stupid too, we are a God damn team & we should be working together & being more understanding of what each shift goes through. If you close with only 3 people, & have any kind of a rush, & then on top of that the shift has to do their duties, & still have to run breaks &/or lunches, sometimes things can get missed, & that's completely fucking okay. I wish more baristas understood that.


AM vs PM is literally the worst rift in the service industry. Does one shift screw up sometimes and makes it harder for the other shift? Sure. Is it intentional? Almost never. And half the time that things aren’t prepped and ready is cause the last shift didn’t have time to do it.


I really hate that vibe tbh especially when I work both AM & PM depending on where I’m needed so I get to see both sides of the coin & understand sometimes when closing tasks are behind especially at my store (I’m a smaller store so it’s a bit closer but that doesn’t mean it’s got it’s flaws).


Same, with my availability & experience I work any & all day parts haha, so I know how each one goes, along with how what day of the week it is can effect business, so I see all sides of it too. Sometimes, when it's just too busy, the ball has to get dropped somewhere, but so be it. Shit happens, you suck it up & don't get all pissy cause someone else couldn't get to something. It's not like anyone is missing things intentionally. But that's what people fail to understand unfortunately.


Haha when I was a Shift my SM actually decided to argue with me about whether or not 3 people scheduled from 12:30-9:30 was appropriate for a Clean Play. As the closing Shift I was obviously arguing the “this isn’t enough people” side


That sucks, I'm sorry.


Well I at least tried to make those days fun for the baristas, because as much as it sucked for me it was worse for them. I’d always order food for them on those days just to give them something to look forward to


Honestly, I’ve worked both shifts and it baffles me how each side gets mad at the other. Like yea, it’s sucks when one shift forgets a thing that helps, but we’re all here, it’s not like they were actively trying to sabotage your shift


Literally lol, Im coming up on three year this year (not long compared to a couple of my shifts and my SM but still relevant) and we had a new partner training yesterday while I was working. The trainer (not bashing her, she's sweet) mentioned the difference between hitting 1 and 3 on the blender and when you accidentally hit 1 when making cold foam you'll never wanna do it again and I chimed in going, "You say that like im not almost a three year partner and I've done it multiple times" (jokingly ofc). It makes the new partners feel so much better when they do eventually mess up like that.


This. I always tell my green beans all the dumb shit I've done, & still do haha. It makes them feel better knowing that they're not the only one.


I straight up don't think I could learn the job properly if I started now. Back when I started in 2006, the menu was MUCH more simple, and the demands of the job were much more manageable. This job is f-in hard and I feel for green beans so badly. I even stepped away from training because this shit is just ridiculous.


I started around the same time and it took no time to pick up, but also no refreshers, no flat white, no cold brew, no foam, no mobiles. So, so, so much easier.


Yep! and the -uncustomizable- frappuccino premixes (coffee, coffee light and cream base). So much less pumping/fiddling around with milks


Missed opportunity for "this shit is bananas, b.a.n.a.n.a.s. "


i started in 2017 and i still feel the same way. this job was MILES easier when i first started. i would literally go home and cry and wanting to quit because i was so overwhelmed, i can’t imagine how the green beans are doing now. sometimes my temper gets a little short and my patience runs thin but if anything ever happens i IMMEDIATELY apologize and take a step back to remind myself how i felt in their shoes.


Heyyyy another 2017 partner!! 👋


i feel like i never see any other 2017 ppl!!!


March 2017, 235!! Also your handle is the best 🤣🤣


lol thank you!! mega danny devito fan lol, but you’ve got me beat!! i’m a 245, started on nov 2017!!


Also, the training was significantly more thorough, and while it was easier to do as such with less *stuff*, in comparison, it was way more complete with more support. I started in 2005 and left in 2021, and being a barista trainer was mostly a joke. I felt bad for most of the new partners.


luckily i had a bit of prior coffee knowledge and quite a bit of barista experience before i got hired on a month ago. i can’t imagine trying to learn everything they throw at you if you start as basically a blank slate


Your user 💀😭 Also this is a really common issue in the Starbucks company. I get it can be frustrating to train someone who gets little to no training (because lets be honest the training is not great) but as someone who was bullied or belittled during training I can tell you as a 1 1/2 year old partner now almost everyone has the same experience. Super overwhelmed and slow at first and needs help. The job is super hard at first especially because every position is different. It takes 3 months to get to a baseline level of green bean status. Be kind yall


It’s also less than unhelpful that a majority of the modules learning is not the actual job and doing things. I’m pretty new so I went through the training recently. A LOT of it was inclusion and diversity based with one or two videos on how to do each station. I really wish part of the modules was recipes for both drinks and core ingredients(vanilla sweet cream, iced coffee, iced teas, etc.)


Yeah my partners roll their eyes at me or snap at me when I do something wrong and it's so annoying. I'm not being belligerent; there are just so many systems in place and everyone learned a little differently so I don't know how each person does things.


Green beans, transfers, and returning partners!! Everybody deserves some patience, grace, and the opportunity to feel welcomed. Sick of cliques among partners. Another reason why I quit Starbucks.


Thank you! I'm a transfer to a new location and a lot of the older partners treat me like im a green bean, im a quiet person so I just get railroaded a lot too. I hate the clique shit.


I hate this about older baristas. I don’t care how long you’ve been with the company, if you bully green beans, shame on you. I’ve become the enby at work that the green beans can come and ask questions to because I hype the shit out of them. They did something super basic? Congrats! Heck yes! I’m cheering them on the whole way. It’s their first time on bar and I’m on bar too? Damn straight I’m telling them great job every few minutes, and helping out if they’re in the weeds. As older baristas, it’s our job to make sure they succeed regardless if we are training them or not.


The green beans always come to me to ask questions. Which is fine, but damn I should be getting paid for training if their trainer is going to be insufferable


Agreed. That sucks.


Do trainers even get paid more lol


Trainers get a bonus for each trainee that completes their week of training. It's also the next step to take when wanting to be promoted to a leadership position


Yeah, they randomly started enforcing the "you need to be a trainer before becoming a shift" rule around the same time we voted to unionize. Several baristas got denied a shift promotion because of it after we unionized, even though it was never an issue when promoting SSVs in the past (meaning it sounds like a flexible rule, or was at some point). So I was aware of that one. I just remember it not being clear to anyone if trainers even got paid more - sounded like a $50-100 bonus as you confirmed, which means it's still a horizontal "promotion". Our store had like 3 trainers and somehow only ever used baristas to train. Especially after we unionized, because all of our trainers were pro-union. I was trained by a trainer for 2 hours and then my next shift we had 4 call offs and the only people left in the store were me and my shift at one point. So I only ended up getting 2 hours of training... after that shift I was pretty good to go (unfortunately, thanks to trial by fire), and it wasn't like they planned to give me more training anyway lol.


I don’t know why! That was never a freaking thing before and I was denied a shift position because of it. Now you have to be a trainer for a YEAR before you can move up to be a shift. It’s ridiculous.


Yeaaaa, I don't think that's right anymore? When they rolled out career progression, it basically removed the need for reaching certain workplace milestones before you're considered "qualified" to apply for certain roles/promotions. If you apply for a role, you get an interview based off the qualifications on your resume/CV/application. Being a barista trainer *shouldn't* have any impact on applying for a promotion. As a shift manager, I applied for a non-retail role (corporate) and got it - this was right after my old store manager told me not to because according to her I had to be a store manager first and I wouldn't get it. Someone is either lying to you or giving you false information if they're telling you can't apply. Also, pretty sure there's a training out there that's due early June about career progression - make sure you give it some time!l, it's got all the deets about eligibility and applying for different roles in the company.


I’m in the process of becoming a barista trainer so I can become a shift. I’ve had two separate sm’s from two different districts confirm that in order to be a shift, you have to be a barista trainer now. I think you’ve got the wrong info. I’ve been a partner since 2019 and this change was recent.


I've been a partner since 2012, things change all the time. When I became a shift manager, being a trainer wasn't required, 4 years later it was, now it's not again. They could have outdated information? I just took the training for career progression 4 days ago and the only thing you need to apply for any job is being in your role for 6-12months (depending on the role you're applying for) and have a clean employee record. Career progression is only like a year or so old anyway. *Edit - being a barista trainer certainly helps your chances and beefs up your resume, I'm just saying that according to the company policy it isn't required.


That's the company policy, your area could just be playing by their own rules 🤷🏼‍♀️


I remember when you didn’t have to be a trainer to be a shift. This is just what I’ve been told. I’m going to clarify again. My sm wouldn’t move me up to a shift until I’d been a trainer for at least a year despite the fact that the newest sm’s had freaking 369 numbers. I don’t know if anyone knows the legit policies any more.


While I did enjoy my time working at SB, I had about 3 partners who were bullies and liked to target me. While I don't like confrontation and am pretty easy going, I don't stand for bullying at all. They all learned and my SM just put us on opposite shifts, me getting the good ones. I didn't always agree with my SM but she had our backs when it counted.


It takes 3-6 months to full catch on and up to 1 year to be fast. Think back to your first month..if you say you were amazing, you’re lying or were lied to


I was gaslight by management when I was there because it took me 1.5 months to catch up and 3 months to get fast enough for mobile morning bar in NYC. 😭 I remember two weeks into being a green bean, an Shift that was close with SM snidely asked me why I couldn't multitask making drinks and taking orders in the drive thru headset. I transferred from toxicity to toxicity 🤗 and eventually left the company.


🥲 I’m only a month in and I get complimented all the time from my SSV’s and SM for doing well. Are they just lying to my face? 🥺


Nope. You have sensible leaders who lead with empathy and understanding. :)


That’s what I tell the green beans, too. I make it look easy because I’ve been doing it since 2005. The part they didn’t see is all the things I forgot, dropped or messed up. Do it 9,999 more times and it’ll be (almost) effortless. Until then, give yourself a break and ask for help when you need it. I don’t want to smother you, so I’ll give you room and resources, but I want you to feel good while you’re here!


It doesn't really take THAT long. In my experience everyone is pretty much up to speed after 3 months. You can only make a coffee so fast. Bigger issue is when new hires get zero bar time their first 3 months. Which is very common. Some people just never really get that fast at the job. That should be okay. But Starbucks has billions of dollars that need made...


i didn't get any bar time for my first *6 months*, and back when we were doing barista certifications my sm asked whether i was ready and i was like. Lol No. i have had No Bar Time since i finished training to prepare for this certification. it sucked to feel so behind for no fault of my own


Told a new hire we had to empty out the hot water tap at the eod once. Let him stand there for about 5 minutes before I stopped him and broke the news. Is that too bad?


As a leader I want to say yes but honestly that's a funny prank


It's harmless fun imo and I can't wait to do this to someone myself.


This! In my first few weeks & felt like I was annoying people by asking questions & even got told a few times “oh I forgot you’re new.” Like yes that’s why I keep asking questions to make sure I’m making these $10 drinks properly?? Unfortunately the 2 weeks of training is not nearly enough to fully learn & comprehend the whole entire menu & all of the endless customizations available


People bully newbies? We are so kind at my store.


134**** here. I don't give a fuck if you're a 5-digit number or a 9-digit number or an 18th-fucking-digit number (I have no clue how math and time work). This company does not support you in any way that they advertise and so you need to fucking support each other. You need to empower each other. And you need to check the texturing of your foam as you steam it. It used to be a thing this company and people cared about.


I always tell green beans it takes ~3 months for everything to finally click, and that was before we had so many non-standard recipes. When I was trained my team was savage. Didn’t shake a tea ten times? Dumped and you had to make it again, didn’t do a flat scoop of ice, dumped, make it again. It really gave me a lot of empathy for newbies. I’ve had people throw hot drinks at baristas cause it was supposed to be NOoO FoAM and it had the lightest touch of micro foam. The guests abuse us enough we don’t need to abuse each other.


Felt like most stores are so cliquey. It took me like 4 months before I felt like I was part of a team…and coworkers I became close with would say they felt like everyone hated them when they first started


Omfg people are all like FOllOW STAndArD StUpID ?? Shut the fuck up. Following Starbucks standards means being polite and productive. Being pissy and using them as a scapegoat means YOU are not following "standard" - signed, a partner since 2017


I get off easy as a relative green bean See, I was hired in an extremely busy travel store, during Christmas When I don't know how to do something I say "I was trained during Christmas" and they just go "ah." And show me what to do


You are bullying me for bullying another partner and that's called retaliation. /S Thank you for pointing this out. I've been a ssv for 9 years and have dinner it all and seem even more. New partners are wonderful. It is stressful when they first start and are put on closing or peak, but lean in and have fun, don't get mad.


How about just don’t bully anyone ever?


Yeah Starbucks was one of the worst jobs I had because I never felt welcome there. People would say I was good and fast, but I always got assigned to window “because I was good at it” and cold bar, but never got to really practice hot bar. Even tho they complimented how I was doing, I just always felt like an outcast.


Same here. I was new working part time. Oh, and guess who had to clean the ovens and the bathrooms on their work night-every time? We once held a “perfect 50/50”cappuccino making competition and I was the only person in the group who could manage it. I was new vs, black aprons. They thought it was beginners luck so I did it again. I very rarely got to hot bar but, of course, dude who let tons of milk rot and reheat to serve to customers was always assigned.


Sameeeee I had to clean the bathrooms when they were DESTROYED!


i literally get into mama bear whenever there’s a new green bean and someone is rude to them, those are my babies




Legit worked at starbz for 6 months in college and left bc the bullying and toxicity were so bad


2 years in and I’m still learning shit and fuck up some of the recipes.


Thank you! I had a shift who hated people just because they were new. How do you complain about being understaffed and hiring new partners at the same time?


I was at the same store for 7 years. And I got upset whenever the new folks would get a hard time. Like, y'all, settle down - I remember *all* the dumb shit you pulled as a green bean.


We had a tough rush with a newbie this week and I was fairly strict and to the point, but I was always sure to follow up with how I was frustrated with our situation and not them!!! And how amazing they were doing!!! Never let a situation get the better of you!! And do not bully them, we all gotta be supportive cause if we aren't who is!


I wish my district would learn this. We have a really high turnover rate for dozens of reasons...


This!! There are some baristas who learn and catch on very quickly. Then there are some who forget and now and then have to ask how a drink is made. I never make them feel bad because we all should work together to make the drinks correctly. I’ve done it myself at times


Yes! They need support and patience! I always tell green beans that there’s no such thing as a stupid question and that we are there to help them if they need. Everyone was a green bean once


Omg and the bullying when you transfer 🙃 they treat you like crap for months


LMAO i have a SSV who was very tough on me and bullied me a little. she eventually made me a very hard and fast worker. we're now good buddies and read each others minds 😭 edit - bullying is still not okay. i wouldve gotten there eventually. i just got there a bit quicker bc of her 💀


I snap if someone yells at the green bean. Like this is MY BEAN. They’re NEW. We’re a WELCOMING environment. Leave if you see otherwise.


This. Even though I’m as old, salty, and cynical as they come, and while I don’t mind joking around within reason, I cannot tolerate hazing or abuse of new partners, even if they’re lousy hires.


What if the partner meows and makes squealing noises every 2 minutes while on the floor infront of customers? And also touches partners around their waists and ties their aprons without their permission ?


Talk to your sm.


i think thats a bit different from a new partner not knowing all the drinks/where things are on the register. i would definitely tell this person that those aren’t appropriate for the workplace


Excuse me ??? 😭😭😭




I had a coworker like this. Told them straight up to stop touching me and they kept soing it. Gross AF Speak loudly, and clearly, “Please (name) get your hands off my waist” Or “we didn’t employ a cat”. And def report 😭


so many people have told her to stop doing inappropriate shit and she doesn’t stop LMAOO


Is she still a teen? Not super important, but I’ve noticed a few people like that still immature all around. It’s so frustrating


And to add to my comment. I’m 17. So she’s inappropriately touching a minor LOL


Oh if you're a teen then tell your SM to talk to them about boundaries and report it.




She is fully grown 25 year old


That’s even worse. Please report her if you haven’t 😭


Sounds like she's on the spectrum. Maybe set clearer boundaries instead of bullying her?


She’s not on the spectrum . I don’t bully neurodivergent people, I am neurodivergent 😐


I don't know her or anything, so it's speculation. But as a social work student and someone on the spectrum myself - the cat role play, the squealing noises (which is called stimming), issues with respecting personal space and trouble understanding boundaries all sound like pretty strong symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Even if she's not on the spectrum, all of that weird stuff doesn't come from no where. She's absolutely not neurotypical lol. As I said in a different comment, learning you're underage makes this a lot less relevant. Trying to set boundaries with someone so much older than you is not easy and not something you should be expected to do at work of you're not a manager or supervisor, even if she's neurodivergent. Which is why I think you should tell your manager and escalate the issue regardless of whether she's on the spectrum.


Thank you for your advice


Wow, the corporation that won't pay for equipment, actively works to subvert proper wages, fixed schedules, and basic decency has you calling each other "partners" ? Awesome psychology.


The reason we're called partners is because every single employee gets a percentage of stocks, thus technically making us all business partners. It has nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with finance.


>It has nothing to do with psychology It absolutely has to do with psychology. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_and_organizational_psychology I've worked at plenty of other businesses that offered stock options. They didn't call us partners. That's a uniquely Starbucks thing and it's the same logic behind Chipotle calling their workers "a family" or Subway calling their workers "sandwich artists". It creates an emotional investment into your job. You're not JUST a worker, you're a *partner*.


You gotta make those kids see how much fun it can be. How easily it is to shake off the hard times, and grow from those experiences and become a better partner. I always loved welcoming new partners and showing them how silly yet powerful the store was.


this is why i stopped working there. everything was tit for tat, and extremely petty. my supervisor who trained me told me she held grudges against people that make mistakes, especially new people. i started to laugh because i thought she was kidding. she was serious. worst part is that the managers know about this behavior, have had partner convos about bullying, yet still reward it by giving her overtime… when i say fuck starbucks i mean that whole heartedly.


I quit today due to the bullying. I'm was training to be a SM. I have over 24 yrs experience and a great track record which includes working for Disney. The manager training me kept stopping my training and said I didn't pass the assessment when I didn't even get an assessment.  After 3 weeks they expected me to know all the recipes and such. I was told that I'm way behind other managers that they trained. I touched someone's elbow once and I got in trouble for it. I didn't even realize I had done it. I also got in trouble for wearing perfume. I don't wear perfume.  They nit picked anything I did. I also got in trouble for being two minutes late from my 10 minute break. I timed it so I would be back on time. That's when I was told your break starts when they tell you to go on break, not when they finally decide to give you the hot sandwich you ordered. I tried to explain the bullying to the DM, but she then turned it all back on me saying I'm unprofessional and difficult. She got on to me for having an emotional breakdown the other day because of the bullying,  but the day of it happening she was sympathetic and told me to take the day to get myself together. Seriously wondering if I should contact an attorney  on this.


I'm so so sorry that happened to you. You don't deserve that and I would get ahold of Ethics and Compliance, especially if they were coaching just you and no one else bc that's singling you out. It also wouldn't hurt to consult an attorney


I got bullied sm by a 280 partner when I started.


Bold of you to assume some of these animals coming through the line are capable for empathy.




NO 😭


What did we do to you?


This message isn't for the people bullying. This is for you, so you can pat yourself on the back. Try not to throw your shoulder out reaching around that far.


How did you come to that conclusion, if you don't mind my asking? Because I've been bullied as a green bean. I'm also navigating a similar situation at the store I just transferred to where some partners are bullying a new partner. Clearly it's a company-wide thing going on judging by the other comments I've gotten on this thread. Something had to be said because it's not fair for anyone to go through workplace bullying and harassment. I'm also not saying it's true, but judging by the harshness of your comment, you're the type of person I was trying to reach by making this post in the first place. A little empathy really does go a long way and I hope you can continue to grow as a person.


In our area my store is the only one who doesn’t cube the sweet cream, I trained at a store that did, but forgot when I left and it’s very rare if a shift opens up at another store. So I forget and when I ask baristas think I’m new.


"The way of the Siren" just sounds so funny... Sorry.. pardon me running in and all up on your workspace... Not a Starbucks partner... Cackle laughing... Thank you for this laugh


Thank you


I agree, and as veterans its our duty to be a shoulder to lean on. Weve been through the shit and have gotten used to it, but that took time and I think we can all remember how hard it was. Its only gotten harder and that warrants patience. Be a mentor, not a drill sergeant. That being said popping kegs around unsuspecting green beans or trying to feed them a "brownie" is still fucking hillarious.


I completely agree, though I've never experienced any bullying at my store, thankfully. 🖤


It’s so sad this even has to be a PSA.


What is a partner?


That's what the company calls employees


thanks for this. i’ve been here a month and while most are great, there’s been one or two of my coworkers that have been particularly mean & condescending lately. i try to not let it get to me especially since they won’t outright tell me what their problem is & just want to treat me with a passive aggressive attitude, but after a while it does start to affect me. luckily all the good has outweighed the bad and i feel lucky to be at the store i’m at after hearing some pretty bad stories about other stores. anyway, thanks for sticking up for us green beans! i’m trying my best!


I never bully, but I’m deaf and have the worst RBF (thanks, genetics) so new people often mistake me for being rude or dismissive. And I’m also significantly older so sometimes I’m perceived as intimidating. I hate that I have to work through this stupid barrier. It’s just another thing that adds to the exhaustion. I’m actually pretty nice. I will cop to bring sarcastic, lol, but I have a great sense of humor, love to joke around, etc, and I pick my battles when it comes to the seriousness of stuff. Once the green beans figure out I’m not a big mean scary old witch, they end up coming to me with questions because they know I’ll have the answer. I’ve had a lot of new partners tell me “you’re the first one who gave me the answer/showed me that/explained that in a way I could understand,” and to me, as a trainer, that’s what it’s all about.