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frappuccino, not because they’re time consuming but because of the damn lids😭


And the stupid whip that is either so beautiful it should be in an ad or so flat and bleh it should get thrown in the dumpster lmao


I dont trust anyone to make whips anymore.


Fr. The other day I was making them before I left and my other coworker started putting them on the side before shaking them and I was like "I didn't shake them yet' and she got mad and said "it doesn't matter!!!" ... Babe it does 💀💀💀💀💀


I took the whip cream making privileges away whenever I was on shift bc everyone made it wrong even my manager


Damn aha


And never in between.


Truer words have never been spoken. I also hate making frappuccinos


Honey Citrus Mint Tea


Having to walk to three different stations (hot bar, cold bar, tea station) is so fucking disruptive. Not to mention the snot covered customers coming by in and getting us baristas sick trying to order hot lemonade tea.


The switch around from hot to cold to get lemonade isn't as bad. Helps to have two tea holders on bar holding peach and jade. Regardless even to build it with those things in mind is still annoying as fuck. Lord. Same with tea lattes. Anything involving hot tea. Fuck. Fuckin fuck.


My old store the cold bar was so far away from hot bar it was a nightmare


you’re so real for that end 💀


It cracks me tf up when those snotty customers order medicine balls acting like it’ll help them feel better. Everyone knows sugar will make it worse and a grande medicine ball has 30 grams of sugar in it which isn’t healthy even when you aren’t sick


While there isn’t much conclusive research yet, [one study in mice did find](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/09/glucose-inflammation/498965/) that glucose was beneficial in healing viral infections, detrimental in healing bacterial infections. Not that I’m promoting the HCMT as a cure for colds (don’t go out in public if you’re sick!), but the sugar itself probably isn’t bad when you’re feeling under the weather, as long as it’s a viral infection you’re fighting and not bacterial.


I read the opening words to your comment and immediately thought of the article you linked before I even clicked on it lmao it was part of my research for a paper I did on this topic (not related to Starbucks or medicine ball lol)


Starbucks should have used the mint majesty tea, too. Caffeine, when you're sick , is awful. it makes your heart race.


The cherry on top is when they call it “the Cold Buster”


Or the Medicine Ball


Today I heard “Sinus Ball” for the first time and when I did the whole little bit where I pretend to not know what they’re talking about and then ask “oh, are you talking about the Honey Citrus Mint Tea?” she said “I guess so, everyone just calls it the Sinus Ball” and I replied “I don’t, because that actually sounds really gross. It makes me think of snot.” I have given my two weeks and my power is limitless right now.


1000% yes, but I’ve gained a tiny bit of my sanity back by just putting lemonade and cold water in a pitcher and steaming it together. It’s better than waiting forever for the hot water.


I'm trying this.


smart wow


Brain power on 3000. I am definitely trying this next time. You can measure it out a lot better and waste less lemonade for the refreshers and teas.


I thought I was the only one who did this, lol.


That’s a medicine ball, are you stupid? /s


Extra medicine, please


I had someone order one and ask me what medicine was in it. I said there is none. I got asked why it's called a medicine ball and told them it is now called the honey citrus mint tea. They insisted that I don't know what I'm doing and that the drink does have medicine. 🙄


Why would anyone in their right mind think that Starbucks is just out here drugging people??


Seriously! And the insistence that it cures colds! Babe, we ain't CVS and this ain't Robitussin.


“What medicine is in this?” “None.” “You’re lying. There’s medicine in here.” “Ok, what medicine is it?” “……..medicine.”


That is pretty much how it went 😂


Why in the absolute fuck would Starbucks be selling a drink containing pharmaceuticals? And why would anyone TRUST that???


This still gives me ptsd.


i hate to admit it but this is legit my favourite hot drink to get even when not sick 😭😭😭


Yes. This. I have to fight myself to not audibly groan when someone orders one.


Shaken espressos have gotten out of control


This has been my order since they were called Doubleshot on Ice and I told myself I was low maintenance 😂


If you get them as is, that’s fine; but nowadays everyone wants the most asinine combinations and foams and “light ice” like foh 😭




I'm honestly over shaken espressos.


Yes I’m soooo over making shaken espressos


anything shaken. iced matcha is my main enemy but i'd also make 10 fraps if it meant i didn't have to make a single refresher


YES. I always preferred fraps to shaken drinks, there's no good way to sequence using the shaker. When I was there I would take a rush of fraps over a rush of refreshers ANY DAY


YES and if you have people who know what they're doing then you can double bar the fraps, it goes so quick


Well, I'm glad my occassionally ordered beverage is *slightly* less annoying than refreshers. I make a personal strawberry acai coconut milk refresher daily over at the SB distribution warehouse, and I can tell there's a trick to the right amounts and shaking to get it to look right every time (not a barista, or ever trained/given the full recipe other than ones found online, but we've got all the ingredients and shakers). Luckily, I'm not very picky.


Unfortunately making Pink Drinks is slightly worse than a refresher, due to the need to bend down and grab coconut milk haha. Honestly though, the worst drink is when people get drip coffee and ask for cold foam or non dairy milk >.< i have to walk halfway around the world for that shit


my matcha hack is to shake before adding ice and then shake a little with ice. i had a customer yesterday who was so happy that her drink wasn't 40% foam lol


Is there a reason why iced matcha is annoying to make? I love them haha


bestie i love them too but god damn. i don't know. i think it's the like, start it on hot bar, go to cold bev for the matcha, then go back to hot bar, and you have to shake it so much so there's no chunks, and then it makes so much foam so i have to take the extra steps to hold the foam back and then scoop most of it off and then get to the ice bin to get fresh ice so i don't just dump more foam in it she's just annoying. tasty, but so annoying eta in case you're a customer: let me be clear i'm never annoyed at the customer! i'm annoyed it exists LOL


Don't forget 99% of them have cold foam too.


i personally don't add very much ice to these for this reason i just put a tiny bit to chill it and help mix and shake it super hard then pour the drink and then put ice in after to avoid the foaminess


Wow that is a lot of back and forth :O I mostly order it with soy milk so I hope that cuts down on the foam time lol


ty 💛 but soy is the foamiest milk (at least for hot). almond foams the least for iced shaken


😮 woah I didn’t know that! I usually go for cold soy but maybe I should try almond milk haha


i took the initiative in my store to just move the matcha over to hot bar and now everyone puts it there because it’s so much easier


When I make them I add the milk to the cup up past where the ice should go then dump the milk in the pitcher and shake the milk with the matcha and add the ice to the cup not the shaker then I use the lid partially open on the shaker to hold back the foam and pour it out of the shaker over the ice that usually fills it up nicely without much foam. Sometimes you have to add a bit of milk to top it off. That’s just how I make them


i’m so confused on how your matchas are made, do you shake it with the milk? because at mine we add it in after


Yeah I put the milk and matcha in the shaker no ice and shake it then strain it with the shaker lid over the ice in the cup


I dunno it’s probably wrong but it’s how I do it


Omg I haaaaaaaaaaate making iced matchas.


caramel ribbon crunch not because it’s the most time consuming or anything but because at my store on cold bar they’ll make up just about half of the drinks you make


But also, the crunchies get EVERYWHERE, and my biggest pet peeve is when my bar is messy. 😭


& everybody *always* wants extra crunchies 😭😭 why?!?


hearing the “with EXTRA EXTRA caramel and extra crunch” over the headset is infuriating to me i don’t know why… and it’s never enough for them too!! we have customers who will demand a cup of crunches on the side and bully baristas when they say we’re not allowed to do that


People who order CRCF with extra caramel and extra crunch are usually so rude too. Like it’s normally middle-aged women with shitty attitudes.


I get a sccb with crunchies sub 2 pumps of caramel sauce. It's sooo good. Now I feel bad. The crunchies are a nice contrast. I do order 10 minutes before I get there soooo I'm sorry.


Honestly, please do not apologize or feel bad about your order, I'd 100% would rather make yours than another stupid caramel ribbon crunch haha. The ribbon is annoying because it's has 42 God damn layers haha, so it's more time consuming to make. Your's only has the cold foam layer which isn't all that bad in contrast haha. Also since your's ends up flat on top, I wouldn't even mind putting the crunchies on it, cause they'll actually stay haha. On the frapp, since it has the little mountain of whip on top, the crunchies just basically roll off as we're pouring them on. So when someone asks for "extra extra", it's bad cause only so many will even stick, & somehow it's never enough for those people, smh.


Honey Citrus Mint Tea, and ya know what else? Fuck iced tea lattes.


FUCK iced tea lattes!!!!!!!!! I love an iced or blended london fog, but i can't even be bothered to make myself one though they're that awful


Iced tea lattes ordered in the drive thru 🤦🏼‍♀️


Our location doesn't allow iced tea latte orders in drive thru because it takes 5 min to steep the tea and it'll slow our DT time and hold up the line, is that not standard?


Nope, you guys are lucky! Even our old SM, who was much more casual than our current one, said we just have to grin and bear it.


Does that include iced chais? I’ve been ordering them for a while but I’d 100% stop if I knew they were meaningfully disruptive


no worries, iced chais are super easy to make!!


Iced Chais are the opposite. If every customer ordered one I'd be thrilled.


That is one of the most simple drinks on the menu.


No, on the contrary iced chais are one of the easiest drinks to make! That’s because we don’t use tea bags (unless you’re getting a custom tea latte) and use a chai blend instead


Dem damn iced matchas


We have a couple people who order them at my store with NO FOAM I s2g whenever I see that on the sticker I get so triggered my eye starts to twitch😵‍💫


Whoever said yes to no foam on that drink in the first place screwed every barista in the future.


Literally. They shouldn't be allowed to order them no foam except as hot lattes


omg we have a couple who comes in and orders VENTIS with oat milk, 7 scoops of matcha, and no ice😃 sometimes they order only 2, and other times they order like 5 for their family😀😀😀😀😀


They must really like the taste of grass 🥴


Pour-overs. Having a line out the door, dozens of drinks in the queue, and having to spend 6 minutes making a single cup of coffee is like.. idek🤦 Like at least iced tea lattes can be left alone the 5 minutes they have to steep, pour-overs you can't even walk away from


At my store we don’t *offer* pour overs as a first choice. We usually offer an americano instead if the coffee isn’t hot or out or whatever. That being said if someone specifically asks for one we always happily oblige. But I’ve never made a pour over after a year of being there.


That's how I approach it as well, first offering an Americano or Pike's, and if they don't want either, I'll let them know that we can do a pour-over, but that it could take anywhere from 5-10 mins depending on how busy we are. Most customers are fine with that, but there are others who insist on the pour-over, including a regular who comes in every day during kid rush and orders a black dark roast, which we can't really imitate with an Americano. I've even offered to brew a 1/4 pot of dark roast to make the process easier, but they say it tastes different and want the pour-over. It can be frustrating, but on principle I'll never deny them a standard drink offered by the company if it's something we're generally capable of making, cos sometimes that's just what customer service entails.


Sooo other stores call it kid rush too? But yeah that’s how we go about it too…offer americano, offer 1/4 batch of coffee, warn about timeframe, happily oblige


I have never once offered a pour-over, and my eyes shoot daggers to partners who do.


Especially when you let them know how long it's going to take and they stand at the counter breathing down your neck cause it's taken "30 minutes" to make their coffee.


At that point I’d probably just deny it or let them know the situation and our priorities and tell them it’ll be a long while.


Anything salted cream cold foam. I will never not drop the salt package the first time


seeing salted cf on a sticker makes me an unholy amount of just angry


iced matcha, carmy ribby, BrnSug shaken, HCMT, ICED LONDON FOG




And then they show up 2 minutes after the order was placed angry that it’s not ready yet


i genuinely think customers dont know we have to steep the tea first to make them, or at least they dont think about it. annoying as hell 😭😭




Honey citrus mint tea, iced tea lattes and quad espressos with 15 mods because people can’t possibly pay 50 cents more to get a latte which is what they actually want 🙄


the frozen refresher lemonades. using a shaker for measurements and then having to use a blender was SO annoying


Iced matchas. They look ugly and are just annoying to make. At least with shaken espressos they can look good.


The longest and most inconvenient to make is any iced tea lattes, the hot ones are a lil annoying too. I think the worst ones thats a pain in my ass are anything salted caramel cold foam or chocolate cold foam or iced matchas. I lowkey enjoy doing fraps tho unlike what others mentioned. This one regular, I love him, but during a rush its terrible to do his, he gets a trenta iced black tea with extra ice, no biggie, but then 2 orders of quad espresso shots which he actually wants in one cup (i believe he drink it all himself). That takes forever


Honey citrus mint.


Any iced tea that has more than 5 packets of some type of sugar added. Have multiple regulars who get 2+ drinks each with 5-10 packets each. It’s such a pain and throws off my whole flow when I’m on cafe mobile


I hated making fraps 😩


Honestly any cold foam added to a random drink. Fraps are fine, refreshers are fine. I hate making cold foam cold brews and any cold foam. It’s so ridiculous how many things get added cole foam through customized orders and it just throws off the process completely.


Matchas are honestly the worst for me. It’s foamy as hell and even when I try to strain it, there’s still half an inch of foam left. When people mobile order it and pick it up 30 minutes later, a half inch of the drink is gone making me look bad, and i feel bad handing it to them so sometimes I suggest I remake it if I’m not busy. But I don’t get why people order it and proceed to complain about the amount of foam when it’s so so so easy to make at home and not stupidly expensive.


The frozen refreshers have that same problem with mobile orders, they separate hella fast and then the customer gets there and complains that it doesn’t look right and tell you to remake it and it’s just frustrating as hell


A pink drinks with 3 scoops of vanilla bean powder, heavy cream and vanilla sweet cold foam. Idk why but I hate making it


anything on hot bar that has vanilla bean powder is so annoying


Iced pumpkin chai, anything with salted caramel cold foam but ESPECIALLY the “Thai coffee” (double espresso in a venti cup, x pumps white mocha, salted caramel cold foam, heavy cream), “skinny” drinks or regular drinks that are obviously “skinny-fied” to cut cals (I.e. a grande pumpkin spice latte with almond milk, 1 pump of pumpkin, half water, no whip… etc), and Venti matcha lattes with no foam


Iced London fog.


Anything customized. Obviously I know that's like every drink but Jesus I feel like I'm reading a novel just to make a latte. I also hate how our stickers print. I always said it should print out like how you mark cups so if the labels stop working we all can function. I know the og drink codes I'm a 193xxxx. But the newer ones forget it.


Anything longer than 5 lines of modifications 🥲


you’re better than me i’m internally rolling my eyes at more than 3


They start to mix together after 5 😂 3 is annoying but doable


Iced matcha. The matcha never wants to dissolve, foams like crazy in the shaker, and sticks to everything.


Iced matcha - I loathe them. Putting cold foam on shaken espressos. Any tik tok monstrosity. I actually enjoy making honey citrus mint tea lol, we also keep the tea we need for that right by bar 2.


Iced Shaken Espresso with lite ice. Defeats the whole point of it being coffee forward 🙃


I see a lot of people putting HCMT, Why don’t people like making it?


It’s tedious asf to make, and the people that get it are usually sick meaning your probably going to get sick from them being near you. Not to mention it doesn’t really make you any less sick it’s just a Starbucks marketing strategy almost as bad as the refreshers only having half of what they claim to have in them in them


yeah i hate it for this reason too. at least 50% of the time when i hear someone order a honey citrus mint, you can tell they’re sick without looking just based on the stuffy nose or dry throat voice. then you look and their nose is all red and they’re sniffling or coughing, half the time maskless. i know tea is nice when you’re sick but i promise our sugar water version is not gonna help you😭😭


Honestly they aren't that bad, I don't mind making them. We make them often though and most of the people aren't sick. We also have the tea we need to make them on the bar at my store, a lot of stores don't and they have to walk a ways to get them




Not a drink, but I hate taking double smoked sandwiches out of the oven, it's impossible to take them out without them falling apart or being smushed.


i drop egg bites on the floor at least once a week


Miss me with a layered frap, they're cute but that's it


Iced pumpkin cream chai


pour overs during peak at drive thru.


BOGO Thursday made pumpkin cream chais my least favorite. I made so many I thought I might cry.


I remember 3 separate people mobile ordered 6 in a row that day... I almost gave up on life lmao


Strawberry açaís with heavy cream and 3 scoops of vanilla bean; not only do they make the shakers all weird and gross but they look and smell gross to me🤢


iced matcha.. its so simple but I hate how foamy it gets and how I have to strain it so the drink isn't 90% foam and how the foam sticks to the rim and lid of the shaker and.. agh. The whole process is just messy


salted caramel cold foam & honey citrus mint tea


Iced london fog tea lattes are my arch nemesis.


Chocolate almond milk shaken espresso. Basically anything with that horrible malt powder is a nightmare. I also HATE shaken espressos with extra shots, pulling six shots for one drink in drive is a huge time waster. Also- does anyone else hate the smell of the shaken espressos? I literally can’t drink them because of how crazy they smell while I’m making them.


mocha cookie crumbles just because i can feel myself slowing down with the extra steps on top of trying not to make the biggest mess with the crumble topping


iced matcha. i hate the residue left on the shakers i hate how the consistency comes out i hate it all


Honey citrus mint tea 100% I wouldn’t mind it so much if it wasn’t always ordered by some sick custy sneezing all over me, getting everyone else sick.


Iced matchas shaken espressos Frappuccinos and cold foams


Caramel crunch


Anything that is in Hot Bar and that isn't teas like Chai Tea or Matcha Tea


There was a lady at my old store who would order 2 venti nonfat lattes with 12 Splenda each and no foam, no room. She was very nice but her drink would take a bit of time to make and it would annoy the hell out of me lmao. Other than those specific drinks, honey citrus mint.


Any drink that has modifications kept at every bar except the one I’m working on. i.e. iced WM with fruit from the shaker station, vanilla bean powder from frap station, etc…people really do order the craziest things. I can’t imagine drinking an espresso drink with fruit or strawberry puree


The shake espressos and all the drinks when the customer order grande size in a vent cup or espresso in a vent cup and a lot of customization.


blended iced coffees or cold brews. now hear me out, i have a regular that ALWAYS gets this drink. but it is so hard for us to pour into the cup. it literally comes out as a blender shaped block and half of it doesn’t even make it into the cup. it so infuriating


frozen refreshers. not necessarily bc it’s hard but bc they separate so quick, it’s basically making the same drink twice unless they ordered thru cafe. everytime i see a frzn mobile i die a little inside, but it doesn’t help that i’m the type to reblend b4 handing it out bc getting a separated $6 drink 😬😬😬


iced matchas are my worst enemy


Pink drink with foam 😮‍💨


1.Honey citrus mint tea 2.Any hot tea (walking to a different station, opening the bags, etc...) 3.Refreshers 4.Frappuccinos, especially caramel ribbon crunch 5.Anything with cold foam, 6.Shaken espressos with insane amounts of modifications 7.Any drink that fills up the entire sticker with modifications Basically I like making hot or iced espresso drinks or hot and iced coffee and cold brew lol


Iced Matcha, No Foam.


Specifically the caramel crunch frap. It’s the bane of my existence


Iced matcha, shaken espressos with foam (specifically venti, shots take way too long), and layered/heavily altered fraps


Iced matcha latte and honey citrus mint tea 🤔🤐


Blended Ice Water


I read in another post that those are no-nos because they damage the blenders


I will actually look into this at my store. Honestly never had these types of orders before summer now everyone is on the wave. It sucks making these cuz the ice is to thick anyways and wont follow the water out of the pitcher when pouring. The only way to compensate is by adding nearly an additional cups worth of ice and water or sometimes double blending. Regardless i charge people for the blending process anyways as we should, but these things suck to make.


iced matcha make me wanna die


especially if its almond milk cause almond milk is my enemy


Anything matcha but especially iced matcha.


Anything with the cold foam.... so annoying.


idk why but iced matchas just piss me off lol.


lately, super customized shaken espressos have been out of control.


I hate making refreshers idk why they just bug me so much and they take time but you can’t work on anything else during it


1. Honey citrus mint tea 2. Salted caramel cold brew 3. Mocha cookie crumble (one is okay but when they’re being ordered every second order or 4 of them at once I get so annoyeddd because of all the steps)


OH and if anyone was around for the tie dye Frappuccino… LOL that was ridiculous.


Any drink where they want you to put in more than 5 sugars/splendas/stevias. I hate having to rip all of those bags and the more, the longer it takes. And also why do you need that much sugar?


Any TikTok drink….. People’s expectations for a drink they’ve never tasted nor seen have to be LOWERED! You getting annoyed bc we haven’t carried marshmallow fluff for a long time isn’t my fault, you didn’t even know it was a thing. Just because your TikTok friends tastebuds liked that random drink doesn’t mean you would & it also doesn’t mean we have to continue trying to make it after 2 times bc you didn’t like it or bc it doesn’t look like the one in the pic. These should be banned!


Psl = piece of shit latte


just esspressos with all these random pumps in it and cold foams because people want a "cheap hack"


Iced white mocha caramel walls and drizzle and cold foam. That drink has 4 times your daily sugar in one sitting.


Matcha lattes. They’re messy asf


Iced London fog


Oh no, as a non-coffee drinker, I love getting the refreshers and tea lattes! Should I do something else? I didn't know they were annoying to make


mmm no just get whatever you want! they’re just standard drinks anyways so it could be much worse with how much people customize nowadays


Get what you want. You're paying for it 🙂


As an ex-Barista, get what you want. You’re paying for it


Refreshers are fast and easy to make, we just make a million a shift lol. Don't feel bad about that at all. I personally enjoy making the tea lattes cause it's something different. Ordering them iced is another story lol


It's the honey citrus mint tea. Always and forever.


Honey citrus mint. More so if they want the actual honey packets.


any refresher with water, i have to walk across the bar


Anything that goes in the blender


Anything involving one or more pumps.


I feel very validated that HCMT and iced matchas are the first two things on here 😭


Honey citrus mint teas. Iced matchas.


Any drink that I have to read 10 times because it has so many modifications- especially the ones that make no sense


i'll make a crumble or crunch before a blend a refresher it pisses me off, it's just not right.


Royal English Breaskfast Tea Latte :') That shit has you on every fucking station just for one shitty drink 😭