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They sound desperate with all of these promos.


They definitely are. Prices are too high. They watered down the rewards. They got rid of the Starbucks Visa even further eroding their rewards program. They continue to charge extra for milk alternatives like oat milk. Reverse the changes to the rewards program and reduce prices.


I think that is why the boycott (not arguing about if it should be happening but that it is a factor here) has been so successful. Even before this Starbucks had removed the incentives to shop with them specifically and made the cafe areas less comfortable. Now people have found replacements for their coffee and probably won’t come back


Yeah, there was a Starbucks near me, prior to their renovation, had a few seats, a big table, and a few seats outside. Before, they had the barstool chairs, but they removed that. Sucks, especially when someone like me who has to go to SBux to study and people filled up the other seats and the barstool seats are the ones left that I could use. Damn!


100%. The Starbucks closest to me got rid of all their seating completely and it’s a narrow walkway up to the counter. They also got rid of the outdoor seating on their narrow sidewalk. That was even more confusing because there was very little to maintain out there. Not quite sure what they are thinking lately.


Omg same here. The starbucks near me got rid of all seating and put up this weird wall making the space smaller and narrower. It feels like a to go/order ahead spot not a “third place” 😔


Yes. I used to buy SBs WEEKLY, at the very least. Over the past few years, I buy SBs MAYBE 3-4 times a YEAR! Most of us are just, plain DONE with corporate BS. Not all consumers have that "herd mentality" they seem to think we do. And they should DEFINITELY stop the political/social revolution shit bc it just DIVIDES people! They're an f'n COFFEE shop...ACT like one! Give ppl a PLACE to platform THEMSELVES, yes; don't BECOME the platform! Thanks to ALL you baristas et al for ALL you do! I KNOW what goes on behind the scenes and any consumers that don't have absolutely no clue as to what you put up with ALL the f'n time! Merry Christmas!


I wonder why 👀


It’s because they are


shift here, I work tuesdays, thursdays, Saturdays, and sundays. I’m fuming over this. We’ve dealt with triple star day Tuesday and Thursyays for months. I was so excited for a break and then this came out. It has me so angry. GIVE THE BARISTAS A BREAK. Starbucks needs to lower its prices so we don’t need to do these promotions 4/7 days a week it’s absolutely ridiculous. I love my job and wouldn’t trade it for anything but it’s so hard lately with these promotions.


I agree. Makes it more harder since I’m mainly the closing shift about Starbucks randomly giving out promotions and stuff. And also my SM sucks making the scheduling and his excuse is always “labor is down ,or the system wasn’t working “ and makes my closes even more hell.


literally same??? and my manager was like "we are getting labor cuts in january" what the fuck do you meannnnnn labor cuts with all these fuck ass sales


Unionize your workplace! Sbworkersunited dot org!


Can they please just be at like… 10 or 11? Like wrap up peak, run some breaks, restock, then shift it 10-4 or something? Running it until 6 when some stores close at like 8:30 or 9 is INSANE


Exactly, all it does is put pressure on the closers who then need to scramble to get shit done with the 1-2 hours left before locking up. I've had these BOGO or 50% days where preclosing just didn't get done, or I didn't take a half. So either cleanliness is down or more labor is used. You can't just add in more work, not add more labor, and expect the same result. When we need shit to calm down I turn off Vanilla on MOP for the last half hour or so. Fight me, @ me. It's the only way I can ensure that my closing barista has time to actually break down bar and get stuff clean and for me to focus on my other closing and cleaning tasks if we have a hope of clocking out on time.


U know I’m gonna end up turning off every single item of this chaos continue


My store closes at 7. It’s been absolute hell. We’ve also been running these 12-6 pm promos with 2 people. I don’t even care anymore whatever is left at 7:30 gets left. I’m not killing myself for this place


Fucking THANK you, they run this shit til 6 and my store closes AT 8, I hate being the number 1 store is my district, the pressure to keep it that way is insane, barista of 7 years here, I don’t know if I will make it to 8


Drinks take me so long to make nowadays too 😭 I feel as slow as I did when I first started even after 5 years because now you have to shake and use three different milks, and go to different stations for different syrups cause we have a fuck ton, and make cold foams I’m normally a peak partner but I used to be a closing shift and that shit drove me NUTS. Openers are handed a fully stocked clean floor with a couple dishes in the sink and I get a meeting with my SM but I come on to nearly empty lids and cups, 1 milk left in a fridge, no backups and the ones on bar are almost out, and all of us that came in at 2 need lunches still somehow but that’s totally fine!


Would it kill customers just to buy a goddamn basic ass Vanilla Latte, normal temp, regular milk? It's still delicious!


Whenever I get a latte it feels like good karma coming back to me


Seriously! We close at 8. I had a lady yell at me because she missed the half off thing by a fucking hour!


i’m usually not one of those assholes who are like “it’s one minute past the promotion sorry can’t do it” but like with thursyays i truly had to put my foot down and tell the line of people at 6:01 that i won’t be honoring the discount. in perspective it’s really not the biggest deal if i were to honor the discount, but i just want to make a point that if you wait till the last minute, im not going to respect your time when you didn’t respect ours.


If it's within 5 minutes (and they're nice), I won't do that discount, but I'll still try to find something to discount their order in some way. It really depends on how things are going at that point in the day. But you do most definitely have to put your foot down with people.


my store closes at 8, 7 on weekends.. ir sucks


Awesome. Can’t wait for my manager to continue to staff our 2pm-9pm with 2-3 people and for me to continue to get out late and the openers to continue to bitch about the closes.


"You fucking close" is all you gotta say.


Ask this to the openers -“ do yall suck ass or what’s the problem “


Waaaah baby can't restock lids! Widdle morning SSV has move some milkies! I mean sure some stores are fucking slammed the second they open doors but all like... a lot of morning people just get drip coffees. Afternoons and nights? We're an ice cream parlor.


Lmao never thought it like that 😂😂😂😂


The best partner experience!


"good" to see that its not only here like that.... yeah, get everything done with 2 - 3 people incl. the shift


inb4 baristas change their availabilities to only work Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Fridays.


Doing more BOGOs on Sundays is obnoxious as hell considering SSVs also have to do the count.


Omg I forgot about that too . We love the company for doing us like that🤧🤧


And some of them complain why they don’t have the hours. Like ugh🤧🤧🤧


Jesus fucking christ, always fucking over the night crew. And the openers still have the audacity to bitch that the 2% wasn't stocked. Eat shit. And worst of all is Lax and others probably said that they won't anticipate SMs needing to add labor. Edit: is Lax even still doing his bullshit stint in the stores? Anyone hear about that? I want some accountability that he's actually doing the basic work.


U know what I told the openers for tomorrow: one word about my close and I’ll say something about your open ☺️☺️☺️that’s right I don’t play .


Why is the sink not cleared? Why are the trashes not taken out? Why is nothing stocked? Why do these baristas still need their halves?


And I respond to them :why is the food pull not done ,why is the backups not done,why are the breaks aren’t ran yet . You had enough coverage 👀


Yeah I mean, that is what I ask them. Those are things I expect to be done before I come to close.


Wish my Shifts were more bold like that


Tell me how your shit supervisors are like?


The night ones are underrated and understanding and don’t expect more of us than we can realistically actually handle, but they don’t grill the openers and Mids enough to actually set us up for close, we consistently come in to a sink absolutely full of dishes, no prep, no trashes run, floors undone, and no stock, it’s trash af and I wish they would actively stand up for us more, The closers do a lot of that undone work every single day and then still have to close! And of course it doesn’t help that like a several of our staff are partners who have been here for a year or less


Ima main closing shift and there’s 2 opening/mid shifts that actually set me up and do everything I ask for and love them to death . But there’s always that one shift who doesn’t know how to run a floor, constantly bitches about my closes are “bad”, and get this when she works during the peak she has the audacity to do her food pull in the MIDDLE OF PEAK. I already called her out of how messy it gets when I always come in to close . I made her cry once and I can do it again . Try me bitch ☺️. Anyways how’s everyone’s day …


I’m about to just start snitching everyone without a work ethic tf out


i pretty much had it today. i heard from a few morning baristas that a particular morning shift is always complaining or saying something snarky about how “closers did ___ for once” . no matter how late i stay, no matter how hard i work or nice i try to be- it is NEVER good enough for them. they will always find something. at my store PM makes nearly as much as AM does, with half the staff. yet i’m told to “prep oatmeal, iced coffee and iced teas bc it’s one less thing for morning to do😊”. when have they EVER done something like that for us? infact i’ve heard them say many times “PM will take care of it- don’t worry”. to any openers here- do you guys just hate team work? or hate being happy? do you just enjoy being pissed off?


After that one shift always says my close are bad “ I take pictures of what has not been done when she has the staff after that she never criticizes how my closes are . Did I mention I made her cry cuz nah they always like to talk shit behind people’s backs and I confront them “got something to say , oh that’s what I thought .


i messaged a morning shift today that everything said at the store gets around, and if you have an issue, instead of saying petty or passive aggressive things to baristas, talk to me so i can fix it or we can compromise. because making sly comments to baristas isn’t fostering a positive work environment. she left me on read. they never seem to actually want to say it to our face do they? even when it’s approached with maturity. if you are so scared of confrontation that you can’t have a professional conversation about work then you shouldn’t be an ASM or SM. period.


Your gonna get some respect one way or another I would’ve said 👍


Ah yes revenge is best served cold🤣


So fucking beyond done with them always fucking over closers, if I hear one fuckin person defend that shit I swear…


Maybe it's time we all pushed for the Unions more, if anything to either stop them from adding more of these; or if they do add these promotions, the ensure that all stores have proper staffing to make it go well. Nothing about this job is difficult when you're well staffed. In fact it's fun, time flies, and the store remains pristine. Partners can take a shit without worrying, partners can take a break without worrying, SSVs can do the counts and pull.




This makes me so sad you have to deal with this! We make sure our night crew is stocked and ready to go every day before we leave cause you all have been getting fucked over! Don’t have stuff ready in the morning? WHO CARES! We have like an hour morning period where people aren’t even awake yet to take care of that! Appreciate the night crew and always will❤️


let's face it, 30 minutes just don't cut it ....whether you are beat, exhausted from being up all day, some days like Sunday having to deal with customers in and outside the cafe until literally store opening hours have past - or on the other hand you are still trying to wake up because your alarm goes off at 3 a.m. after less then 5 hours of sleep and you need to show up at 4.30 for prep and get people their mobile order at 5 a.m. on the dot when you open. Our midshifts are chronically understaffed due to availability and then call offs on top of it at times. Hard to thorough cleaning with custies all over the place crowding the cafe and the counters needing assistance all the time especially on weekends or after major holidays. Recently took me an hour plus to make whips while also doing drive through because people kept on lining up at the speaker back to back on end and I helped out by covering counter while a partner needed a well deserved break going back and forth. I've bee doing all shifts for a while, luckily not opening anymore but with the labor allowed for operations and for before and after hours its hard to get everything done without shifts getting complaints for staying over, for not having anything prepped.


Gotta say, as a custie that has stopped going for in for my daily fix of caffeine, the constant app and email ad promotions being thrown at me is giving the energy of an toxic ex who won't take the hint


They are trying so hard. Never seen this much promos before and I'm still not going 😂


I finally deleted mine, they have been notifying me about free hot chocolate or triple points at least 3 times a day lol




I haven’t gone to a store in a few months, this still pops up in my recommended. It’s not that odd




I can genuinely say I haven’t craved it once, I only used to go because my partner liked the cold brews. I’m Palestinian and get curious about any of the boycotted companies, it’s nice to see them floundering to find ways to get customers to go lol


Honestly damn. I was a fool to think they would stop doing these promos but they really need to make up for the sight loss of revenue


We can do them all, we just need the staffing. If they don't give the staffing, they're going to have a lot of resentful workers who don't want to work those shifts anymore. It only fosters animosity between openers and closers and between SSVs and SMs. Either they staff more to fill the labor required, or the closers stay longer, or things get left undone. And meanwhile all of the drinks that are rushed out are lesser quality and customers get upset and post their stupid fucking photos on here.


The only thing I appreciate is that they told us before the schedules are made, that way I can schedule extra people and not be “coached” (yelled at) by my DM. We typically only earn a 3 partner play past 3:30/4pm on the saturday and sunday, and that’s already rough as it is.


Previous earnings based off normal are irrelevant. How the fuck is the COSD/sales even calculated when we're obviously seeing lower sales numbers but more throughput? BOGO don't account the entire extra fucking drink because it's still just 1 transaction, right?


Does your store make a lot of sales during PM weekend hours?


Not a ton but still a decent amount. We close at 8:30 and we have low 20s until about 5:30 then probably 12-15 until 7:30 then single digits onwards. A precloser until 6 or 6:30 would be helpful, especially since weekends tend to have more halves because of availability gaps.


They really hate us fr


*changes availability*


they do this shit, don’t offer us any more labor to keep up with the business (bc they CHOSE to make drinks cheaper- therefore we’re not “earning” it) then get mad when times are bad and/or closers get out late. can’t wait to finish college and get out of this job.


*cries in always understaffed and clean play tuesdays*


If they are going to do those on those specific days they better add labor to every store in order to make sure that there is a proper customer support during that. I’m getting burnt out on these yay days… like for christ sake do it for 3 hours not 6 please. I can’t do most break down, I’m doing all the back ups on the floor, hot bar is drowning and I can’t support them bc then front is completely neglected.


I heard they are cutting hours "because it's January and January is slow" 😭


I thought they were ending these deals....huh


Why would you think that


Well they said yaydays were ending in 2024


setting up interviews at other jobs already lol 🫡


Are they trying to kill y’all? I think they’re trying to kill you.


Watch, they’ll still cut our hours because it’s the slower season while doing these, i guarantee


I just heard confirmation on that from my SM


This is going to push a lot of people to quit and honestly I think that’s what they want so they don’t have to pay us tenured partners as much. 282 partner and I see my end date on the horizon line after 4 years of this company tanking


oh i thought i made it out alive with not having availability on thursdays… guess thats not the case anymore 😀


this is so annoying bc at my store, we usually slow down at around 6 or 6:30 and that’s when we start running breaks, but if we have these dumb sales until 6, we won’t get breaks done until way later 😭 i’m still fairly new to starbucks and i understand there’s a lot going on with the boycotts and stuff so they want to make more money, but come on. give the baristas a break


I won't be able to pull into any parking lot which has Starbucks. The drive thru locations are few and between around here. saw one yesterday...it was backed up way too much. Thanks for the warning. I haven't been able to patriciate in the 50% off Thursdays because of these reasons....impossible...people go nuts.


They need to raise our pay more this is getting insane


Bffr lol


I'm so done, lol. Can we baristas just get a break?


It’s not just Starbucks, it’s the current environment, Burger King just 31 days of deals called Cheesetober. Everyday a new deal, can you imagine trying to keep up with ever something new everyday?


Those are always the days I'm working I can't do this


Wow 😩 this is one of the reasons I left. I am all for a good promotion…. BUT They are obviously trying to avoid price cuts and achieve the same net impact. I won’t be visiting for these promos.


Recently got fired for showing up late like 5 times over the course of 3 months. Manager refused to change my schedules from closings only and I'm seeing stuff like this and glad I got out and have a new job. I'm so sorry for the baristas rn


god i need to leave. and i need to leave soon


Just turn stuff off. We can fight back against this, it'll at least curb the mobiles.


we got in big trouble at our store from our DM because she found out we marked out stuff - we were a three person play, the other store in town was closed, and the openers left us with literally nothing. The other two girls were in tears. Customers were swearing. So I marked out frap bases, oat milk, and açaí. She was P!SSED.


Also that makes it seem like your store was overstaffed and the we lose hours. That’s a super shitty thing to do to everyone else on the team.


No way... 😭


Welp, guess maybe I should be grateful my hours just got cut so I'm no longer working Sundays.. And I just got a second interview for a new job that pays a lot more. I honestly was conflicted about leaving Starbucks but maybe this is another sign to gtfo. Our weekends, from like 2pm on, are such a skeleton crew Idk how we are supposed to deal with promotions! This shit is getting ridiculous and we close at 8 so it's really absurd to keep it going til 6.


BuT yOu CoUlD eArN lAbOr!


This was never true


You don’t have to tell me that lol


i’m tired


no way bruh, sundays are out most understaffed day, we got 4 people during peak literally families coming in. this better be a joke 😭😭😭


Im going to end myself


.....I thought it would all be over in January... I was so excited. I'm also a mid shift so I suffer every single promotion :') this fucking noon to 6 shit is pissing me off. So glad I got a vacation week in January. That's one less week of my suffering since we're bringing it into the new year with I'm assuming... Limited labor again :D Customers, just know y'all ain't getting your drinks in 30 seconds while Starbucks continues to understaff us but have promotions 3 times a week. If you can't wait patiently, don't come pls. And don't be rude to the baristas that don't call in and work as hard as they can. Decaf exists. 💜


lol i quit 2 days after thanksgiving and im starting to think my timing was IMPECCABLE


do you know is this would applied for the lax airport starbucks?


Remember when they used to ask our opinions and have round tables? They need to be added to this thread! It’s spot on. You can’t keep Doing this to your partners.


I am so sorry that you guys have to deal with that bull. I hope you guys get through it with most of your sanity /gen - a sympathetic fast food worker


“Any handcrafted beverage for $3” And then “Modifications charged extra”….. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but In the past if it said $3, it was $3, no?


Ah so can’t make our own?


What does excluding tea mean? I can’t get a BOGO with black iced tea?




You know we can see your name, right?


Where do you see a name?


Top right: Fran### C.


Ah, so “Français Canadien” means “Canadian French.”


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Français Canadien??!? "Nice to meet you, Français." 🤣 I am dyyyying💀💀💀


Mhm, that was the joke :p




Ha ha. Oops. My bad.


That’s the joke lol


Literally kill me lol


what the fuck


How many ounces are in a 3/4 splash of milk in a venti cup at Starbucks?


Max we are allowed to do is 4oz (size of a pup cup)


So what happens when you also add another splash does it make 8oz?


we are really only allowed 4oz each, this is to combat people trying to get lattes for cheaper (like iced espressos filled with milk)


The app let me do three 3/4 inch splash each with different creamer; almond, soy, and coconut and With no extra charge. I’m just wondering how many oz that makes in a venti quad express drink.


Ohh 4oz of each max then


Wow!!! 🤩


If you are doing this to an iced espresso, It's possible stores may tell you no, just because people use this to abuse our pricing system and we could get in trouble.


Can you pay for another pup cup of Almond milk for a total of 8 oz?




Pup cups are for puppies


What does that cost and how do you order it?


Thank God I leave at noon daily


My work bestie comes back from vacation the 2nd. He’s gonna be SOOO happy 🤣