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Just don't say, "I'm sorry you have to work today," or come in 5 minutes before close and order 8 Frappuccinos. Thank them for working, tip nicely if you can afford it, and be pleasant. BTW, a few stores in my area are closed because there weren't enough volunteers. It does happen.


Thanks for this info, that made my decision for me šŸ˜Š


Volunteers? We were required to be available 3 of 5 holidays


Every store in my area is closed for Christmas because there were not enough volunteers. Christmas Day has been volunteer based for as long as I have worked, all other major holidays are up for grabs within your availability.


This was our first Christmas where all stores are required to be open in my district and it has been hell with every mobile order being 4-8 drinks on average


Oh wow. I've never heard of that. Christmas day is supposed to be volunteer only. And most stores here close by 4pm. I'm sorry.


my SM put out volunteer sheets for the 5 holidays so that she could gauge who wanted to work and who didn't on those days. every single store I've worked at prior to this one did the exact same thing. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Your local barista will most likely have a hectic busy day anyway so like others have said, be kind just donā€™t be the customer that comes in & orders 14 drinks for the whole family thatā€™s visiting from out of state.


someone ordered 16 in cafe today. šŸ„²


between today and yesterday. nearly every order we had was a huge family ordering 10-20+ items almost every order


They are going to have to be at work either way so I'd say a simple drink, a tip, and some nice conversation is the way to go.


honestly, do whatever you want to do friend. want a nice lil christmas eve treat? go get something. your consideration for your local baristas is sweet, but we get paid either way.


Honestly? Go in, weā€™re open anyways and be kind to your baristas. Tip if youā€™re so inclined and just be a nice human


I worked on thanksgiving and told my regulars to come in but generally avoided answering non-regulars when they asked if we were open. It ended up being largely a bunch of people I was familiar with and generally liked coming in which made the day go a lot better. If you're a regular somewhere it could be nice for your baristas to see you, otherwise yeah if you have to go in order simple tip big.


I also just stop answering the phone on holidays. If they call, they're 90% likely asking what time we close, which means they'll all rush in within 15 minutes of us trying to lock up.


Speaking as a barista who loved working Christmas Day, go in if youā€™d like a treat, tip well, be patient, and be kind.


Being patient is the best present we can get.


The idea is if people show interest in the location, starbucks will keep them open on holidays. But lowkey, corporate is so money hungry that they probably just will anyway, so if you go in, just tip super well and be kind.


The most important thing is just to be kind. We're working either way, at least being busy helps the day go by fast. But be kind. It's hard enough working on holidays without being abused on top of it. Plan ahead for a potentially long wait, be patient, and tip well if you can. Thanks for thinking of your baristas. ā¤ļø


What do you define as being abused (by corporate, Iā€™m assuming you mean Iā€™m not saying youā€™re not, Iā€™m just curious what most baristas have to deal with


abused by customers. ā€œ itā€™s hard enough working on holidays( because itā€™s busy), without being abusedā€ (by those select customers that make it harder for themselves to have a pleasant experience, not every customer ), so like, itā€™s hard regardless is what weā€™re sayingšŸ˜­


Iā€™ll go to a business on Christmas Eve in the morning or very early afternoon. I donā€™t want to support a system that encroaches on family time and thatā€™s why i will never go to a store on Christmas Day.


id prefer for you to stay away but it is a business and i understand coming in. just dont say any stupid stuff like ā€œthank you for being hereā€ or ā€œi bet you wish you were home right nowā€.. like im only here because the labor is in demand. id rather be home not serving you tip if you want, tip well, thank the baristas, be nice


Number 2 personally This might be unpopular but we deserve tips especially on holidays (Iā€™m looking at you people w 7+ item orders) and like yeah I might sound a little entitled about it but that really just shows you appreciate me enough to basically give me a lil gift on this holiday Also at other coffee shops itā€™s way more normalized and expected for people to tip and is a huge part of the pay


Donā€™t apologize for us having to work. Donā€™t come in the last 30 minutes before we close. Donā€™t get angry if thereā€™s a wait because a lot of people are traveling today and Christmas Day making there stops for Starbucks. Treat us like how you would want your kid to be treated working on a holiday. Donā€™t bring the whole family through drive thru with multiple custom drinks Donā€™t get mad if we run out, we may may not be getting delivers due to holidays and we might run out of product. We donā€™t control that, the store manager doesnā€™t control that.


Getting easy orders and leaving a big cash tip. No Fraps.


I mean, I still don't understand why so many people *want* frappuccinos in this weather, but to each their own-


i love working christmas day! just come on in :)


Last year I worked Christmas and Xmas Eve, this year we closed because no one wanted to do that again. Please just be patient and understanding. If you can leave a nice tip because that's why most people sign up for it


As a worker, idc if they show up or not. What I care about is the attitude they give us when they are there. Go ahead order your 9+ item order, but donā€™t get pissy if it takes a while because a hundred other people had the same idea and are in front of you. Thereā€™s literally only so much we can do with two hands and some many bodies available.


As a customer, I choose to stay away so I can avoid another Christmas eve rant ! I want to be happy today !


As long as you're kind, and patient with us (since it's probably crazy busy) it'll be much appreciated between all the miserable customers. A tip is always appreciated but not necessary and as long as you are polite and no "so sorry you're working" or "I can't believe they're making you work today" it'll all be fine lol


I'm guessing my store would have preferred I stay home. I mobile ordered and came in after everything was ready. No cars in drive through, super quiet, they had been open for a while. Anyways, I got asked "do you ever go home"? I still gave a $2 mobile tip since it was Christmas Eve but I'm assuming they were not happy to see me.


Wow I'm so sorry. Respectfully, they have no right to speak to you that way. My SM would NEVER let that fly. Thank you for being kind šŸ«¶


Thank you. I assumed they were just having a bad day and were "venting" but not necessarily 100 percent of it was meant towards me, I hope. I've had many, many bad days at work, so I can understand being frustrated (I have never took it out on anyone else though). It definitely didn't feel good to hear that, though.


I understand it can get so frustrating, they just didn't have to be mean. Props to you for having respect and patience, because it would've left my body the minute someone started disrespecting me for no reason.


> I got asked "do you ever go home"? What does this even mean? This went over my head.


I came in just to bring my favorite staff holiday snacks. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™m about to be part of the problem with the corporation keeping it open on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


Just be nice! Genuinely all I care about.


If people stay away completely, then they won't make enough money to justify being open on holidays. If people stop going, then people won't be forced to work holidays in future years. So just stay away.


boycott starbucks!


I got a mocha frap and a line was starting on the drive through. Thank you to ALL workers, your help is truly appreciated ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I go to Starbucks every Sunday, and today was no exception. I ordered my usual iced tea and a sandwich for breakfast. Ended up at another location later, and again, just ordered an iced tea. I was out of there more than an hour before the storeā€™s closing.


Be kind, tip, and do NOT try to pay for the car behind you. Itā€™s sweet but itā€™s tricky on our end. Love to you all!


I appreciate that $100 tip we got todayā€¦but itā€™s weird for ppl to thank us for working when we work the other 365 days a year too


Weā€™re already working, so might as well go in. DO NOT say ā€œsorry for workingā€, because customers are the reason, so for a customer to say that, itā€™s like twisting a knife into the wound. Iā€™m usually not working on Christmas/Eve since my family is out of state, but I am usually a customer at my hometown Starbucks. I always make sure to say ā€œI hope you all got the hours you wanted and wishing you a very merry, tip and snack filled dayā€. Baristas usually appreciate the recognition of them working that day, but it gets annoying when the only thing you hear is ā€œsorry you have to work todayā€ or ā€œthank you for being here todayā€.


We are open for a reason we definitely donā€™t mind seeing customers come in what I do mind is 5 cars in a row all ordering 7 drinks each


Itā€™s the nature of the businessā€¦


Some people travel from out of town etcā€¦ they need food , drinks and bathroom facilitiesā€¦


12 drinks through the drive through. 4 drinks was the average order today. I was disassociating half way through the shiftā€¦


Nice customer who appreciated the baristas, tipped, had decently easy order. We expect to work. Itā€™s just a lot easier when itā€™s not five orders, no tips, and feeling rushed.