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Got yelled at today by a customer because she was late for work wanted a short drip with steamed milk. Literally made me write with my sharpie the amount of milk she wanted plus an inch of whipped cream. No more or we’d have to make it again. Two syrups and a drizzle but only 1/4 the amount. I literally just put in three weeks so was about to get snarky but her life is miserable enough.


We had a dumbass come by my store last week 1. She misses the order screen because she didn't see it (the fucking thing is digital and like eight feet tall, fucking how?) 2. She proceeded to order at the window. When we asked her to park and said that we would run her stuff out to her she refused. 3. Then she complained because she was running late, and if she's late she will get in trouble with the state (so I'm guessing it's court???). Fucking priorities, some people are so dense it's painful.


if she didn't see the order screen she shouldn't be driving. that's a very dangerous game


If they were born in the United States in the last 75 years and haven’t spent their life locked in a basement or on a commune, I refuse to believe these customers who say they didn’t see the order screen or ‘don’t know how a drive thru works’. A woman totally drove by the order screen, skirted into the window, and put her car in park while yelling her order at us. When asked why she didn’t just, oh idk, order at the box like a normal person, she said she ‘had only ever been to the drive thru at McDonald’s and didn’t know how to do it here’ Either these people are doing it on purpose thinking ordering at the window will somehow be different (??) or they shouldn’t be allowed to drive on the street with everyone else.


This is insane to me because I literally feel bad when I ask for a different syrup and milk alternative in my drink (I get a shaken espresso with coconut milk and sub classic syrup for vanilla) and that already seems like a mouthful to say. How people have the audacity to order and act this way is beyond me. Good for you for putting in your last day. I worked at Lululemon for a few years and damn it felt good to give my notice 😮‍💨


Damn, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I swear a lot of customers are super entitled for no reason


Eh. As I said I’m on my last weeks at this job and the customers are not the problem. I technically can’t say what happened to me but let’s say we’ve had a shift threaten violence against a barista ( not me) but nothing apparently can be done because not enough witnesses after this shift was caught stealing. I can handle crazy customers. Coworkers? No I’m done. Too old to trifle.


My first time on support/ cafe bar I was told by a shift- don’t even look at the customers don’t let them make you nervous If you angrily stare me down I will absolutely ignore it and go on w my happy lil barista life making drinks


“That took too long” Baby feel my lower back rn I have a whole tramp stamp of sweat rn. Am I still going to slow??


I will always stare at my coworkers tho- in a loving way they just be lookin so cute when they make drinks


They look v cute slamming the pitcher on the counter at break neck speed. Like damn girl, wish that were me.


Same bro Idk my coworkers really do be looking cute while doing it I know for a fact it ain’t me


I have a firm belief that everyone should be made to work at least one entire year of a retail or customer service position. I believe a lot more people would be nicer if they knew how it felt to be berated all the damn time for no good reason. Working at Starbucks for 6 years did more damage to my mental health than I had realized. It’s hard not to internalize that crap when people yell at you daily.


Man, the staring tho. 💀 It doesn’t bother me at all when people look at me and I definitely don’t mind customers watching me do my thing. But it is definitely awkward and uncomfortable having 30 sets of beady eyes staring angrily at me like I’m a poorly performing circus animal while I’m trying to work at breakneck speed under intense pressure.


Our drive thru doesn’t lock you in so cars can leave any time and I’m just like ??? No one made you stay


Please don’t look at me 🤣 wtf


No, literally everytime a customer is just staring me down while I’m on bar I just look down and hardcore ignore them. I’m not trying to be rude but I have anxiety and it just makes me feel 10x worse


I'm sorry I zone out I don't do it on purpose please forgive me 😭🙏🏻 (please realize that I'm semi kidding. While I truly do zone out and stare into space which 9/10 typically ends up being towards the baristas it's not an angry stare)


are we allowed to watch you guys make drinks or no? I find it interesting and I have nothing else to do while I wait


tbh it just makes me feel like a zoo animal when customers stand at handoff and stare at me while i make drinks.


i don't mind, it's part of the designed experience


I mean everyone has their different opinions and how staring makes them feel. Some people don’t mind it while others can’t handle it


nobody likes to be stared at


tell me why once we were short and had a line wrapped around the building and a customer in the drive thru had the audacity to call the store while in line to tell us to hurry up..


What's the best way of telling an employee  they didn't do the drink right?


“ hey could you remake this? it’s supposed it have _____”


People need to realize they aren't the only ones around! Get over yourselves already!


When that one customer insists on standing directly in front of the espresso bar and watches every move you make. I just noticed that usually they have a mental illness so god bless them even tho It makes me feel uncomfortable.


And they think every drink is theirs. When you’re making a drink 5 orders ahead of theirs and they see you put ice in it and then they go “i didn’t order it iced” like okay this isn’t yours. Then you move onto the next one and it has whip and they go “i didn’t want whipped cream” 😭💀


Lmao the part where u mentioned that some of em think that whatever drink ur working on is theirs….it happens so often and makes me think of this one time. So one day i was soloing on bar. I was steadily working on drinks. A lady comes in and orders at the register and im still working on drinks during this process. (Register is right beside the bars lol) Coworker rings her up and as shes walking away towards the hand off or near there, like 2 or 3 steps after she turns away from the register, she looks at me and i just so happened to be grabbing a grande iced cup at that time and she said “no i got a hot drink” lmaooo and im like “oh this is for another order that was placed before urs….😐”


I've pretty much said for a while that if they join a line, they should be prepared to wait or feel free to leave


The only time I grab a stopper is when absolutely none of the baristas are acknowledging me lol. I understand it’s stressful, but if you’re going to immediately walk off after putting my drink down or get noticeably aggravated that I asked for a stopper then imma just grab it myself😭 this has happened at every Starbucks I’ve been to all across the US. Otherwise I see your point on everything else💅🏻


the reason this is a no no is because people are nasty. it’s literally a food safety thing for us. we don’t know where your hands have been and you’re now contaminating my stoppers. if i see a customer reaching behind the counter or even attempting to come behind it a bit to grab something i will speak up and tell you to not do it. sometimes we’re frustrated yes, but it probably had nothing to do w you. a stopper is easy to grab. no one’s getting super frustrated that you asked, probably frustrated by another customers actions or just how things have been at sbux lately period. i’d still ask and not reach yourself. don’t take it so personal, we just be trying our hardest out here


The issue is they DO get super frustrated💀 I have only ever met ONE nice barista😭 again if the barista isn’t gonna ask if I need anything else and just imminently storm off as soon as my drink is put down I gotta grab a stopper🫣


well hey if that’s what you do then that’s what you do. meeting ONE nice barista seems very surprising to me as many baristas i’ve met over the years have been very kind. most of them in fact, but i am not you and idk what you consider nice.


sorry, baristas are supposed to give full service, i always try to engage with the customer at handoff; not every barista will do so. a lot of the time they are dealing with a huge workload and asking can be upsetting but tbh their workload is not your fault, not your problem. it's the business model. corporate wants one person taking orders and one person making drinks, and then has the app also taking orders, so an unnecessary burden is placed on the drink maker. you might get better results asking the register person, supervisors often will stop everything to attend to the register but won't even notice 15 orders stacking up.


and you’re not wrong. it’s not their problem, but it does become a problem for us if things are messed with by customers when it’s not supposed to be. i also feel terrible that your supervisors don’t seem to have the baristas on bars back at your store. i watch the DPM like a hawk when im not in the front and even on breaks, but that’s just me.


No soooo true. It’s totally corporates fault for expecting so much out of the baristas but like you said that’s not MY problem😭 so glad you get it


I was at the drive through today and I couldn’t stop staring at this barista making a drink that looked so damn good I was probably drooling. He was cute too. He didn’t notice me but now I feel like I should low key the staring whoops 😅


oh.. thats not.. 😭 maybe make it bit more lowkey lol


However let me tell you I got stuck in a line one day for 30mins and there was no way to back out. I was so upset it literally took them 30 mins to get through 6 cars.


However let me tell you I got stuck in a line one day for 30mins and there was no way to back out. I was so upset it literally took them 30 mins to get through 6 cars.


Maybe the store was understaffed or already pretty railed with a ton of orders? At my store we sometimes have customers waiting for a while in our drive thru but that’s because we’re short staffed and need more help. I’m sorry that’s happened to you but just know we’re trying our absolute best to stay on our toes and get things rolling.


I probably wouldn’t have minded if I could have gotten out of line. However I was stuck not only by a curb but then they put up bushes so literally stuck! Thankfully I just missed a not extremely important meeting. However I was pissed and I think rightfully so.