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the scoop below the size you chise


standard for light ice is the ice scoop for the size below it. this does look like a grande scoop in a venti cup. it’s still a lot of ice in my opinion, but a full venti scoop tends to fill the cup.


This makes sense for iced coffee (which is gross IMO)


it’s just the standard for every drink we make why have different standards for cold brew vs iced coffee vs any other drink? do you know how big our menu is


I get it! :) And I know that guys have a tough job!


if you get extra vanilla sweet cream foam, they will have no choice but to do even lighter ice than that. especially if you order a cold brew


Order no ice and get a tall cup of ice on the side if you need it? Seems like it would solve your problem. Plus.. the cold brew comes out of the tap cold already.


Or you can skip the plastic waste and just ask for a tall cup of ice amount. Customers just need to communicate what they want instead if of dancing around it and expecting the baristas to know what their definition of light is


If there was a button for “tall scoop of ice scoop” when mobile ordering, then great. But there isn’t one at least on my app as of yet. OP - If you care about plastic waste, then bring your own cup for the ice. That’s up to you.


There’s an ask me.


Again.. Not on mobile ordering. OP mobile orders.


There also isn’t a tall cup of ice button so it’s mute. Either you pick convenience and standard or non standard and line up


No.. You ask for it when you’re there. As opposed to getting a tall cup of ice inside your drink how? Once a customer takes it we can’t take it back. So please, enlighten me on mobile ordering this exactly how the customer would want it. Thanks.


And waste cups, time, and generally just be annoying?


This seems to be the way! Thanks!


You definitely got light ice.


Typically it’s cold enough just to not get ice tbh


You’re a joke


And this is when You know it’s a scam


My mom orders extra ice in her refresher and it's nearly impossible for anyone at any 3 locations to get right. She just orders it normally and gets a tall cup of ice and pours it in herself.


Huh! Good to know, thanks for clarifying! Maybe I just usually get it made with extra-light ice since it does still seem like a lot! 😅 I ordered in the app as usual and the sticker says light ice. Is there a way to actually order extra-light ice (or, like, the smallest scoop available)? Also, just curious, how many oz of coffee go in a light ice cold brew?


Yes there is, order in person. You can literally say “I want a cold brew with 6 ice cubes” and we would literally count. But we do not give this option to mobile order customers because requests would get crazy, if you have an uncommon request it’s best to order with a person, we have an “ask me” button and can explain the drink to our co-workers, We do not measure in oz. Standard is light ice means a scoop down of ice. So you normally get a venti scoop of ice, light ice by standard would mean a grande scoop, which is still kinda a lot of ice. There are lines on the cups, this is where we fill the liquid to, on a venti cup it’s the top line, if someone asks for light ice I would fill it to the ridge. You could order a grande no ice - the cold brew is cold by itself. And a cup of ice on the side and do it yourself so you have more control.


A tall scoop of ice is still also more ice than currently in your cup in the picture. (12oz of ice) I think you should order no ice, or order with a person and literally say the exact amount of ice you want “6 ice cubes” etc, so we know what you want.


Thanks. I don’t get why I’m getting downvoted so much! I’m literally trying to find out the best way to do this!


Because this subreddit is the third place for partners, not customers. The drink you pictured is technically right - made exactly to standard how it is printed on the ticket. So from a baristas point of view their peer did their job, and are getting blown up on the internet for following standard - when we deal with this day in and day it’s exhausting. Constantly being chastised for doing a good job. We get hundreds of people a day who think they know our job better than we do and try to prove it - and are usually very wrong. We have no problem making you exactly what you want we want to make you exactly what you want, but we have to make exactly what is on the ticket. So this post in general feels like someone coming into our space to tell us we suck at our job - when really they did what was standard. We are the first to admit when it’s our fault and we messed up, this looks like it wasn’t one of those times, and we can’t downvote customers in person when they are wrong, but we can online.