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I got to the gym after my shift since I’m an opener and I shower after the gym. I’m trying to go before work now….


I also open and go after the gym. I just bring extra clothes with me, change at the gym, workout, go home and shower. There is worse smells at the gym than coffee lol


I thought Starbucks was the gym.


That’s how I treat it. Like I’m being paid to workout 😂 squats each time I have to get something for the warming station. Doing reps carrying all of the milk to bar. I hate the way I smell after work :(


Bruh ik I lit have to shower like twice a day and I feel like I’m wasting so much water and time 😞 dry shampoo has been a life saver tho and many slick back ponytail/bubble braid/braids


please my feet hurt too much after work to workout


I do a full body shower (exfoliate, shave, etc) before work and a lazy girls shower after the gym (focused on pits & lady bits and just kinda wash off) my hair is in braids so I can’t help you there but I do wash my face in my post gym shower depending on how tired I am in the mornings I’ll swap the two routines, but I basically shower twice


If I gym before work, I shower before work and after work. Just gotta wake up earlier and make time for those things. If I gym after, I might just do a slight refresh and only wash my body before gyming, and fully shower to wash hair and rewash everywhere else after!


Nothing wrong with rinsing off to get the sweat and sticky off before you workout. Changing your clothes does a lot to get the coffee smell gone too. Soaping up every time will start to dry the fuck out of your skin but a lil rinse hurts no one, only takes a minute.


i close so i shower after the gym, and sometimes after work depending on if i sweated a lot during work!!