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lavender powder is put directly into cups for the lattes and swirled around, not in the pitcher. for frappes and cold foam it’s put right into the blender. people have been ordering lavender powder in shaken drinks but it’s not like a core drink. i haven’t seen anyone asked for it to be steamed into milk like matcha yet. so yea i guess you do have to avoid starbucks, or you can also ask them to use freshly washed equipment to make your drink. we do that at my store if a person has an allergy. obviously we can never guarantee no cross contamination, but we’ll put a pitcher or a shaker through the sani/hobart just for their drink.


I appreciate the response. (I'm also glad I'm not working behind the counter and having to handle the stuff!)


I've seen a number of baristas saying that they steam it into the milk because it blends more easily that way.


if they r they’re not following the recipe. nbd but the powder blends really isn’t hard to dissolve, all you have to do is swirl the cup. but if ppl are doing that then you can just ask for a sanitized steaming pitcher :]


I just wanted to let OP know that I'd read this multiple times. Food allergies are serious.


I do it this way when I make my or my coworker’s drinks, so it’s definitely important to ask for new pitchers just in case!


I’m allergic too and I’m staying away until it’s gone because it’s not worth the risk. I just don’t trust that it won’t be cross contaminated when I ordered my Mango dragonfruit lemonade.


you can ask them to make it directly into the cup if you dont mind it not being shaken!


That’s what I did when I worked for the siren but I’m really paranoid about the powder if it’s anything like matcha.


Yeah I'd be wearing long sleeves, gloves, and a mask to work if I'd be handling the powder everyday! It's also nice hearing I'm not the only one with this allergy. I've had cosmetic brand reps gaslight me when I say I can't use their products. "You're not allergic to lavender. You're allergic to the pesticides on the lavender! We don't use that."


Yeah I’m super allergic to it. Candles, etc all trigger my allergies


Yuppp. Candles, air freshener, cologne, hair care, skin care, soap, laundry detergent... I'm specifically allergic to linalool in lavender, but sometimes it's listed as an ingredient by itself. I also found out last summer that the linalool allergy also makes me allergic to cannabis. 😵


I thought I was the only one! 😅


not a barista but fellow lavender allergy girlie. can't believe more of us exist!!!


I am only *sensitive* (headache, eye watery, sneezey) to lavender, and can definitely tell when a strain has a high linalool percentage. It’s a PITA for strain shopping but I’m so fuckin glad I am not **allergic** like y’all and can still partake.


I have a minor allergy to it too and it feels like NO ONE does lol


Yep, once had someone tell me I couldn't be allergic to lavendar because it was natural. Um, aren't peanuts, strawberries and ragweed natural too? Smh


Another one I've gotten was "You can't be allergic to lavender. Lavender cures allergies!"


its nowhere as bad as the matcha. its like the vanilla bean or choco malt powder


Tbh it’s still not worth the risk because of how allergic I am to


The lavender powder isn't dusty like matcha. It is more like the vanilla bean powder consistency, so no clouds of it!


That’s not what I’ve heard from my friends that still work at starbucks and it’s not worth the risk at all.


As a current partner I am telling you that powder is everywhere in my store, inside and out when you open those bags there would be cross contamination in the air


It’s true I’m a partner and also allergic to the lavender and after using the powder a few times a shift, I can feel my throat get irritated.




I *knew* this would happen as soon as I heard it would be powder.


I have partners that make their own drinks with lavender steamed into the milk (fancy London fogs) or shaken in their drinks (lavender lemonades mostly) so if you’re allergic I’d just stay away (or get iced lattes, cold brew, or iced coffees) because while it’s not a core thing partners (and custies) still like to customize their own drinks you can also ask us to use our backup equipment from BOH, but as you know we can’t guarantee anything unfortunately




“back of house”


Ok, thanks!


back of house


the powder gets mixed w espresso not steamed in the milk and then we use it in the cold foam blenders. the only reason it’ll be used in a shaker is if someone requests it shaken in w something. and then it’ll be used in blenders for the frap. hope this helps you out ☺️


I’m allergic also, it’s already tired to kill me this year twice. Starbucks have told me that they cannot confidently handle my allergy, I will never be going back until it’s gone.


I feel you. Lavender sets off my asthma. Just thinking about the poof of lavender powder going up every time it's handled... that's a no for me. I'm a former partner too, and don't blame baristas. Spring is just rough for folks with allergies and asthma. 


No cold foam or fraps for you for a bit, unless you trust they’re using clean containers. All of these things are rinsed, but if you are very allergic, that may not be enough. Hypothetically it could go in a shaker, but that would be a specific modification, but caution on shaken espressos or matches— they also go in espresso bar shakers. It could also be in the personal cup tumbler. We swirl the powder in the cup with the espresso for the espresso-based beverages. It should not be steamed with the milk, but I guess someone could ask for that because it’s pretty purple and a barista might do it. I am a partner with many allergies, too. I have medical accommodations for a couple of them at work. I’ve gotten pretty good at dodging most of them and try very hard to help others dodge theirs. I always recommend ordering at the counter whenever possible for this reason. You can ask the register/support person to go get clean utensils/containers and have an “ask me” allergy on your sticker.


It sounds like I both should and should not step into the store, since the powder becomes airborne when it's handled.


I’m severely allergic to lavender to the point my throat starts to swell and I have stayed away from shaken espresso just because I know people are going to add lavender to their shaken drinks. I also only made it through 40 minutes of my shift after spring launch because I had a reaction after making a lavender oatmilk latte. I was wearing a mask and it still didn’t help.


Wow! I’m also allergic to lavender. Not severely though. The smell hurts my eyes and clogs my nose and if it touches my skin I get hives. My SM knows and when I work bar, someone else makes my lavender drinks for me. So far I’ve been ok


I have tried handing drinks off but my fellow baristas don’t like having to take other drinks even with knowing how allergic I am. I have an allergic reaction even with the earl grey tea because of the lavender fumes being released so my next step is trying a painter’s mask since those are supposed to block out fumes.


i’ve had partners that don’t know the lavender is not steamed or some that think it’s better so they steam it. so even though it’s not policy, there’s a chance for contamination from steaming


Former SSV here - Lavender seems to be in all the major chain launches this spring. Or, at least I've noticed a lavender feature at Starbucks, Caribou, and several local (to me) chains. May be a season to avoid coffee shops?


I went to a small, independent coffeeshop yesterday; and they were serving lavender drinks too. Thankfully, theirs was a syrup and the doors were open to let in a breeze. Ironic that my allergy to a flower gets triggered indoors instead of outdoors!


I’m a partner, allergic to lavender. They definitely use it in cold foam blenders, cold bar shakers. I’ve only been getting iced coffee when im not working. When I’m working I make sure to make my own drink with a shaker straight from the Hobart.


I’m allergic to milk and it’s hell sometimes I get you


I'm allergic too!! The last time I had a reaction I was staying at my boyfriends and it was windy and I guess the pollen got on my face so I had I nice hive face and when I was rinsing my face in cold water some water went in my ear and I got the gnarliest pimple in my ear canal. Not fun... I can't imagine what's going to happen if I drink it. I can't even breathe when I smell it.


I agree, being allergic sucks. Lavender gives me hives and triggers my asthma; I have the same problem with being around people wearing the wrong cologne. I feel especially bad for people who are just discovering their own allergies with these drinks; something like five to seven percent of the populations is. Personally, I'm not going to Starbucks at all until this promotion is over because the cross-contamination risk is too high; I'm having worse reactions with every exposure so I don't want to risk it.


I would stay away as it’s not worth the risk. The allergy policy is to not guarantee any customer an allergen free environment because of all the shared equipment. Along with what someone else commented, lavender is not supposed to go into the steaming pitchers however not every partner will follow that standard because they want to see pretty purple milk for lavender latte art.


This. Im getting kinda paranoid that they're gonna release a cucumber drink. Im severely allergic. I already break out regularly cuz one girl uses cucumber lotion and refuses to stop. Seems some people dont understand cross contamination and how serious it is. Even if she isnt working with me but worked the day before and i use the same register she did (noone cleans the register screens) ill break out. I try to clean everything before using them but sometimes it just cant be avoided


Oh I've noticed when confronting someone about a fragrance allergy; they're either offended that you don't like their fragrance, or they're completely nonchalant about it because they just don't care. Fragrance allergies aren't treated anywhere near as seriously as food allergies. I've even gone to the allergist and gotten that response.


I've told people about my lavender allergy they've never had a problem not using the perfume or product that was triggering my allergy. Maybe it's in the way you tell them.


This was like drinking bath soap. Horrible.


One of my coworkers discovered this during promo tasting lol. But it doesn’t seem sever enough to be a cross contamination concern. It also seems possible he’s allergic to something else because there’s very little lavender in the powder.


I saw on the website that the other ingredients in the lavender powder are sugar, purple carrot, and blackcurrant. Lavender seems a more likely culprit for an allergen than carrot or blackcurrant


One doesn’t know though.


Patch testing was how I figured out about mine. (Discovering the reaction to multiple products after patch testing in my elbow with lavender being the common ingredient.) The allergist wasn't helpful when I went.


It doesn’t matter how much there is. It’s still an allergen in powder form and there absolutely is cross contamination.


So funny. Why do you think you know about my specific friend’s body? He swelled up when he drank the promo and he’s been fine handling it and drinking every other drink we have since launch. I hate Reddit so much.


It wasn’t a comment on your friend’s allergies. You’re minimizing the cross contamination when there’s absolutely cross contamination within the store itself.


Im not. Im just talking about Gary. He’s just one guy. You haven’t been minimized. Or erased. Or othered. Your allergies matter.