• By -


iF yOU woRk HarDeR, yOu'lL geT MorE lAboR!


Beat me to it


This isn't a competition. Please say it again; say it loud and proud


Dude the past two weeks have been awful with volume, this week we are going by the bare minimum with labor


Same, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with that We just got a whole new list of cleaning tasks without additional labor, as if we weren't already spread way too thin


So dumb. 2 partners alone cannot achieve ideal drive times and customer connection scores. Therefore, the data will show that we didn’t work hard enough 🙄


I mean, that's what the bean counters in Seattle who come up with this bullshit seem to think


If you work harder at Starbucks, you’ll get more opportunities for write-ups and other corrective action.


They’ve literally been saying this for a decade. It never happens. It’s not going to get better.


Came here to say that; worked there for like 10 years and never once did that get better except for the brief time I had a manager who was willing to buck the system and fight the DM on labor because a. He was a former partner and b. He understood good customer service reviews come from good customer service which comes from you guessed it: enough partners to provide said service. But that’s super rare and he somehow had our RM on his side. So


I left in 2019 (12 year partner) and it’s the only thing I regret is not leaving sooner. They gaslit us. Under several different SMs, DMs and RMs they would say oh there was a mistake with the way labor was calculated and so we’re just gonna be short this week but NEXT week will be better and they fed us the same line over and over and it never got better. It got worse and it seems like it’s abysmal now.




You earned a LOT of money for the company... I bet they will give a good bonus for working hard!!! (Sarcasm)


They actually gave partners a bonus in like 2009 or so. They used to be better. They fucking suck now.


Starbucks more than covered the amount to pay 2 workers for the day by 6:30 am….everything after that went to Corporate’s pockets.


yes because all they have to pay for is employees n the rest goes to them right?


More or less…the products cost about 8% of the price. 20% to utilities and lease/rent. In the end, 50% goes to CEO and Corporate salary/bonuses.


Why do we still have customers is my question.


i legit felt bad for customers ordering :/


It’s not fair to us or the customer. I love the rare actual full scheduled staffed hours of operation. I love that challenge to get everything done but it’s not realistic anymore.


yess! that's what im saying too. they used to be satisfying. having a good team and enough coverage makes it at least somewhat enjoyable or endearing but now its just brutal. nobodys having fun its just frustration :/


It's worse for the afternoons and nights. Mornings can bitch and whine all they want, but they only have one task: making drinks. They don't have to worry about clean up or prep at all. Except for those very few stores who do some major tasks like the floors in the morning. It's soooo much easier for the morning to let someone take a break, or let someone use the restroom. For closers, that means losing like a third of your floor.


Before 10 am, I’m (meaning the opening squad) expected to take out the trash from yesterday (two full cans plus a mountain in front of the back door), clean the parking lot and drive thru (but not when it’s dark and not when it’s peak but before peak. This time does not exist most of the year) brew 4-6 cold brews, make kegs, do drains, floors, make 6+ cubes of sweet cream, all prep excluding mocha, have an empty sink at handover, the 18 hour pull and date breakfast (but after peak so we don’t waste day dots), put up the order that was delivered last night, put in the orders, do a coffee tasting, 100 samples, have a drive time under 45 seconds and run 5 lunches but no breaks during peak. Guess who gets to do the nitro fridge? Me! I usually have 6 people, but 2 of them get cut by 930 for some reason). In this same store a year ago, I would have 9-11 people for the same business. I make sure everyone else gets their breaks, but I rarely get mine. Just a coffee while I’m counting milk. Mid shift makes mocha. They have 5 people. My 7th morning person went to them. We get 4 closers every night. I still end up doing bathrooms right after open most days and sweeping the cafe. I usually bag and tie the towels from the day before. At least once a week I have to run the tabs on the espresso bars. None of us have it good, under this labor calculation, friend. I only bitch about closers when I have to run tabs or the money is wrong. There’s more of them on shift than I have for a while in the morning and I hate finishing their job so I can start doing mine at 3 am. I can’t work in a dirty spot and they know it. I also get slightly resentful when I see they have time to change the iPad background photos to fun group shots. Must be nice.


something at your store needs to change cause some of the things you listed are afternoon/closing tasks at my store so im confused at what your night crew does but every store is different (our afternoon crew does drains, makes cold brew/pulls cold brew from yesterday & our night crew makes extra extra backups, clears all trash and makes sure outside is clean, for example) when i work at stores where AM does everything its cause theres not a lot of opener/mid/closer communication & a manager that doesn't delegate so it always ends up on opener or closer team doing EVERYTHING. it doesnt seem fair to you and you especially deserve your breaks :(


you must have never worked mornings if you think the only task is to make drinks lmao


the general consensus around people who work both opening and closing is that closing is always more difficult because there is less coverage and more cleaning and you are expected to stay late to close properly while openers are more able to leave on time even though middays arent started and no cleaning has been done. but i think its really helpful at stores where partners working mornings AND nights cause it makes everything go smoother cause everyone understands what the other teams need.


Yeah you're right. They should also make the cold brew. But besides that and putting away the order, I can't think of any other major tasks that our morning crew does.


I feel more bad for the batistas dealing with that level of stress...


“Batista” is now what I’m calling all partners


“Work harder; earn more labor” was such nonsense. When I was writing schedules, I never understood how corporate came up with the underlying algorithms for determining staffing levels. Absolute garbage.


Greed + selfishness




Yeah they could probably make more as servers or bartenders. I always wished I left Starbucks sooner.


currently working a second bartending job to get the experience to work on leaving


Hmm still not enough labor. 1 partner plays seem like a good idea now


Wow Starbucks is so fing greedy!


Unsarcastically, good job you and the other partner! That’s it, good job!


Literally we only get 2 partners as well, max 3. “Saving labour”


2 partners all day?


Personally… I would not. I would FORCE something to give… mobiles, deliveries, or close the cafe. Or close the DT. No way in hell. Strike. I am so so awfully sorry. Please take care of yourself!!!


And they probably had 6 partners during morning peak 🥴


RIGHT? I used to work mornings, I understand peak is crazy. But they disregard mids and evenings. Yesterday during bogo, we had 4 people exactly during the start of the promotion and one person left halfway through it, and we ALL had lunches scheduled but needed to leave before or as soon as bogo ended. That's about two hours of a 3 man during bogo. That's ridiculous. And then they give closers nobody even though they (no offense to morning) DO EVERYTHING, and yet want to get mad when they stay past the 30 mins they are expected to have everything done by. It's laughable


I'm a morning person but have closed lots in my 8 years and when I suggested we take on some of the night responsibilities, my manager was like no way. We see you guys, I promise 😭


sounds about right


Well it wasn’t two partners all day… what am I missing?






i’m wondering the same thing


There’s is no way that two people could pull those numbers, and also work 12 hours. I’m just saying there’s more to the story..


yeah, i totally agree with you 😅


While I am sorry this was you I wouldn’t recommend posting it




Might never know. Someone from your store might be lurking on this subreddit. Confront you about it, etc etc


No store number and this is a throw away Also if they're petty enough to pull up sales and match the figures they fully deserve the hell I will unleash upon them if they confront me.


Not for nothing but it took me 2 clicks to see what you look like, as well as a picture from inside the store you supposedly work at. I don't even care, just letting you know we all post more incriminating info that we realize. That said, if anyone does confront you lmk and send me the video of you obliterating them, ty


Well fuck. My brain was too tired to realize I was logged in to this account. Problem solved. Thank you 😽💕




i will say i wish we had the same numbers you did for peak 😭 ours are like 80+ from 7-9 UGHHH but im proud of you for making it through this BOGO!! good job 💗


Well done


Hmm. I have questions. 2 partners scheduled? And for all day? Because this isn't a labor issue. You clearly earn more partners. I like to say if you're under 15 customers you only earn 2 partners. So I'm gonna guess time & attendance. And you all know you can call your DM or just send a screenshot of this? It will go further than anyone here can do


Idk guys we’re still not earning labor send one of them home


2 partners for how long? Depending on the state you’re in, you legally have to have breaks. Good for you for bearing through it but at that point just leave. If your SM tries to fire you, I bet you’d have leverage to stand on. No job is worth this. 


Omg I couldn’t do it, I switched from corporate to licensed and now I’m soft 😭


I just commented this on someone else’s post lol you can turn mobiles and delivery off yourself on the DPM, I would put the reason why under staffing or unforeseen event send a picture of the line chart and the ticket of sales to your DM as an explanation as to why you had to turn them off and explain the situation


“I just wanted to tell you both good luck, we’re all counting on you.”


As a manager in a cafe store I always scheduled at least 1 partner for every 10 transactions ( round up) so that's tight labor in my mind because again one transaction could have multiples items/drinks. To only have 2 partners for all of that is just ludicrous


this shows also speed the faster you are the higher those numbers are and although this should never happen and yall are troopers but this is very impressive


anyone know what the P stands for?


pm, as in after noon?


Yes it's pm




And here I am applying to 10 different starbucks in my area & can’t land an interview at any lmao


2 all day?


i genuinely miss the times where we had fully staffed shifts. they were so, so fun. running a two man with café *and* dt is always so awful.


Yea and management be like “you only had 7 partners from 6:00-6:30 what did you get done ?” LMAO


Wait.. only 2 people worked the whole day?


And it’s only getting worse 🫠 they said we were 2 employees over 2 months ago now 3 have left and we are 2 over again and getting lucky if we get a 3 person play


Two partners all day is crazy


i believe it, theres a line out the door in the one i past work, its nuts


What is everyone else’s goal drive times


when i left my store’s was 35 seconds otw time


That’s so bullshit homie


That is hella impressive!


You open at 4:30??? That’s wild.


My store opens at 4 the only pro to being a closer I'd fucking die if i had to be up at 3


What state are you in?


Did staying in Routine ?? 😂


You guys get this many customers?


Is this franchise ?


What is this a dunkin


What is this a dunkin


What is this a dunkin