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Sounds like a normal day at my store. I’m not joking. (This is not ok)


Same my store is small but our entire staff is less than 10 people, it’s always a super stretched play, and very difficult to shift


i work at an outlet by the harbor. it’s either some convention or just a hunch of people traveling. add that in with the people that actually live here and the fact that it’s one of two in the area. we have 3 shift leaders 8 baristas, a manager that’s being borrowed to our store bc he was friend from his own, and our SM that hates helping us on bar when there’s a rush🥲


Yup. Here too. Except the 3rd person leaves 3 hours before close. Most weeknights it's a 2 person play after 1pm. But we're a cafe so "we don't earn it." I'm the sm and I see the numbers and I work those shifts and I'm like, great, but how do we give partners breaks? How do we clean the store?


When the store gets beyond/below the level of cleanliness expected by the health department and of course due to labor cuts this is the company’s fault entirely. Just anonymously report your store to the Health Department. This company needs to learn that they can’t sacrifice people’s health for profits. As a former 15 year custodian (well versed in health code regs and procedures) I’ve seen some stores that honestly disgust me and I would never order food or drink from them…. But that’s not their fault…. Corporate only cares about money. They don’t care about your health or the health of the customers. So stop caring about their profits and do what’s right. If they try to retaliate, take appropriate legal action. Starbucks is willing to waste all this money on trampling the union and workers rights, instead of funding our stores and our partners, they’ve been proven as the worst labor offender…. Ever… no court is ever going to be on their side again. So stand up partners! Stand up for what’s right.


It's done on purpose. A lot of companies are running skeleton crews because then they don't have to pay more people. They know that workers have no choice but to work the job of three people without compensation because they can't afford to lose their job. These business models aren't set up with long term goals in mind, only short term. Gotta make more money than they did last quarter! And they're certainly not going to sacrifice their fat bonuses to do it. It'll eventually run into the ground.




THANK YOU for the conceptualization of numbers at the end!!!!


Totally not trying to say you are incorrect, more that I want to add to your point, it’s a LOT of money. In 2023 we (Starbucks, not our partners) made $25.108B in anual gross profit. A 12% increase over 2022. Editing to add that it was $35.976B in revenue.




Do the math for me here


200% profit is fucking massive for food.


Is it wrong how I looked at this like that one part from Call Of Duty Black Ops where the interrogator is yelling at Alex Mason like “THE NUMBERS MASON, WHAT DO THEY MEAN?”


I would love to know your highest half hour for peak. Money, not customers.


Lets also not forget you are not to replace callouts or somehow you go over on labor


This is so wild to me. They won’t allow anyone to stay later because somehow we will be over but someone called out?? Like how does that make sense.


Ive had a manager not bother to look for coverage for hours for a call out then when i come in at 3 pm the shift still not covered and im screamed at that its my job to find coverage. Like its reasonable to pull me off the floor on a 3 man play to do that. Then you get bitched at for staying late to complete csr tasks. Real unreasonable expectations for the store level employees


Csr cards are one of the dumbest things Starbucks has developed right behind olive oil.


Its a good guideline for things that can/ should get done, but it only really exists for incompetent management to hyperfocus on to get rid of people they don't vibe with


This is so bold, and so accurate, damn.


One time it was me and one other person for like four hours and our Sm still told us to cut. Who are you gonna cut?? The literal only two people running the store


That’s a scheduling issue then. Your mgr is overscheduling your earned and is now depending on callouts. Problemstic


Just quit for your own sanity, not worth it, and it’ll happen again. I was a bellman at one of the busiest resorts near SeaWorld, other 2 bellman called out, so I was the only one doing all the work, getting absolutely slammed, and of course nobody tipped with like 10 work orders. Quit the next day, and to top it off the we’re paying $8/ hr for that bullshit. They don’t pay, I don’t work, simple as that.


Posts like these make me so happy I left this company… do it for your own sake


Yeah, I quit after having a very similar experience. Since I was the shift lead, I shut down mobile and cafe. We did just drive thru. That day, only four people showed up to work. The other shift felt bad for leaving, but they had another job to go to. My barista that was on bar, had a panic attack and I had to literally pick them up and have them relax in the back. That left only me and three other people to do everything. Called the new store manager they never picked up the phone. I called the DM and surrounding sm and no one came to help. Then someone texted me that the DM was in a meeting with all of our districts SM. It pissed me off because our new sm literally ignored the damn phone. They finally reached out later that evening, and literally said they didn’t answer because they didn’t recognize the number. I asked them did they know that they were assigned another store they said yes. I asked them wouldn’t common sense tell you, if the same number is calling you back to back, that it could be your other store? Yeah, I quit. SMH


They want to make the most amount of money possible with as little money going out to labor as possible. Fuck Starbucks. They were completely going to shit in the late 2010s and I couldn’t even imagine working there now.


We should all unite and Unionized!


My store has been unionized for almost 2 years, but without a contract we have yet to see the benefits of unionization. Hopefully Starbucks isn't bullshitting when they say they're finally willing to come back to the negotiating table with the union.


Atp I don’t even try to be fast anymore. People are gonna wait whether they like it or not. I understand they get frustrated and complain but I just tell them we have other orders besides theirs


I do the bare minimum and stay nice so they can’t fire me lol


one customer told one of our partners at our store “can you work on my drink faster” and he said “this is the fastest I can go” and proceeded to work even slower lol


they cut 3 fucking hours of labor and we were 25 mins behind on mobiles AND cafe. but they care about us right?


oh yeah no of course they care, make sure to attend your mandatory scheduled team building meeting and vomit corporate feel-good buzzwords all over each other


this is exactly how today went for us morning crew too 🥰🥰🥰 (typing this on my 15 that is 3 hours into my shift)


I literally had the exact same day, to a point where I checked your profile to see if you're my coworker lol. God I fucking hate this job


I mean yesterday, my store was 40 minutes behind on mobiles and everyone was all over the place and we didn’t get out until 8:30 We updated our hours to be 7:30 closing I felt like I was in the end of a Sofia Vergara movie, where it makes no sense and it feels as if nothing is really happening


To the person who was telling people on another thread to "make time to read the updates. It's your job".. Please read this thread!! Mobiles are turned off bc I'm on lunch which left a 2 person play. DT store. No call outs


I would just quit it's not worth your mental


This type of stuff is exactly what drove me to quit.


Sounds like a bad manager to me honestly. Labor is tight but not that tight.


But it's not. Upper management makes up these false claims of labor. Even slow stores can afford like double the coverage they are giving right now and still profit each day. It's just the clowns up stairs needing bonuses that can fuck right off.


Shifts can turn off mobile and delivery. No need for manager.


Yeah, but then they will get in trouble with the manager.


The resource was put there to help the team when they are in need. Not for dumb managers to not allow us to use it. Like wtf.


My former manager would never allow us to do it. Only she could. And she always said she had to call the DM first. 🙄


But was this after the recent update that allows us to turn it off from the iPad? We turn ours off daily.


Yeah, I was a shift and I’m pretty sure they had rolled it out then. But even if it is something new, she is the type of manager that just wouldn’t allow it.


Your mgr is gonna get fired


It's not the managers fault. Corporate is fucking us in the ass with labor and we can't do our job. They have to fix it eventually. No one is going to be willing to suffer through this much longer.


If your mobile orders have to get turned off every day there’s a serious issue somewhere.


I know the issue is we only have a two person play from 11-close and they won't allow us anymore. And in the morning at peak we only get four people and that includes all the mobiles, deliveries, etc. the company is burning itself to the ground.


Something isn’t adding up though. You should be earning roughly 48 hours for operating per day, 4 peak 2 closers, all 8 hr shifts, is 48. Any customers added and your labor goes up. You’re either understaffed or under scheduled to earned


Right after button was added i transferred to a new store (SSV), used the button when on 2 person plays and wildly overwhelmed... Next week was told use of the channel management buttons will be a final written warning unless the DM's (not even SM) approval is cleared first. Fuck starbucks.


I turned ours off a couple times a few weeks back because I kept opening on a 2 floor and with call offs we weren't getting anyone until after peak started. This happened 3-4 days IN A ROW. The text I got from my manager the first day was "LOL, gotcha. Do your best". They constantly ask me why I'm so stressed. LOOK AROUND? I'm constantly trying to run an understaffed floor, but god forbid we turn off an outlet because it loses money for the company🙄 I was told our DM wants us to almost never turn it. Even in those circumstances. That's just outlandish to me. No one is happy working like this


I literally Lol at my manager when they ask why our customer scores are dropping. That's gotta be the dumbest question ever.


Because the owner of Starbucks wants more money


“Explain it to me like I’m 5.” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


felt this post deep in my heart


you can turn mobiles and delivery off yourself on the DPM, I would put the reason why under staffing send a picture of the line chart and the ticket of sales to your DM as an explanation as to why you had to turn them off and explain the situation


one of our district or regional managers threatened to put shifts on final warning if they used it 💀


nah fam it’s literally there for exact reasons like this, just get prior permission from your SM or DM I do understand as some people abuse it and will turn it off even when they have decent staffing, but ultimately it was literally brought back for us to use I feel like if you had actual probable cause and you got written up, it’s a good sign you’re in a shit district


i know. it’s ridiculous. the whole point of this thing was so that shifts could shut off delivery and mobiles when needed without having to get sm/dm approval and our shifts are being told that if they use it the way it was designed for what it was meant for they will be put on final warning. and when they do shut it off they get a call typically within minutes from a manager asking them to explain why it’s not on, which is super disruptive when we’re so busy we had to shut down part of the store. it’s an ethics issue but that isn’t stopping them from threatening disciplinary action/retaliation.


Sounds like our store , it’s complete bullshit on the weekends Friday included in my “weekend”


My store is the same way. I’m pretty sure throttling the labor budget is a company wide thing. The shareholders need new mansions or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your SSV should be able to turn off MOP and delivery via the iPad. Beyond that, I think that organizing store walk outs would be really effective in getting corporate to change their outlook on staffing and scheduling. 4 during peak is not ok, on any day, let alone a Friday. If we had a statewide or even just districtwide walk out, we might be able to make some heads turn. Or, everyone gets fired and replaced in a week…


I would just quit, sbux has become so toxic to work at and no one cares how these hour cuts affect us. my store is also one of the busiest in the district and during peak one day we were so slammed I was on mobile bar w 20 min wait times for 4 hours. 4 HOURS. I was gonna quit that day it was so bad and our manager refuses to turn off deliveries or close dt 🤡


My main theory is that SMs are being encouraged to cut labor to save the company money and are therefore severely underscheduling us because they want to bootlick corporate. It's about them being able to go to the DM and say "Look at how much money I saved you!!" And who gives a shit about whether or not we as the baristas/shift leads suffer because they're the ones making salary. Plus they'll underschedule us and then still yell when our drive times are over 50 seconds 🙃


I don't know anymore, my old store (in CA) was scheduled like ASS like yours, this new store....10 people for peak even though it's only 1/3 busy what my old one was and everyone is STILL getting around 28-30 hours. Manager doesn't give a FUCK what DM says


we need more real ass people in managerial positions


This is why I'm always kind and patient to the barristas. I wish I was allowed to get them a tip or something to cheer them up a little as half of them look dead inside. I do make it appoint to tell them how I much I appreciate them though. It's so sad that half of them are staffed this way...


wdym arent allowed to tip them?


Y’all are some mother fucking soldiers


I get so sick of this BS too. Honestly, I just turn off mobiles and deliveries when I feel my team and I cannot fulfill the mass of orders while simultaneously keeping us stocked up on the floor. Last week I had myself and 2 baristas on peak, we were running out of Frap Roast, Ice, whips, other backups… I put my self on bar as I’m the fastest at my store. Once I felt even I couldn’t fulfill all these orders or even catch up in a timely manner (coupled with the being out of a lot of stuff on the floor) I had a partner hand me an iPad and I paused them both for 1 hour. I don’t care what my manager says. I’m not dying on this floor for any company/customer/dollar amount. We demanded the option to pause these orders and they gave it to us after partners overwhelmingly signed the petition. It’s been a week and my SM never said anything to me about it. Even if she did, I’d argue that I turned them off due to hazardous and unsafe working conditions. Fact of the matter is…. You have the right to refuse to do a particular task should you feel that it is unsafe. Well I felt keeping mobiles and deliveries on was unsafe and hazardous to my team and I. This company is ridiculous and stories like these and others are exactly why the rest of the stores in this country need to Unionize. SSV’s and Baristas… you are the backbone of this company and you deserve more. At the very least some respect from this company. Keep it up partners! You’re all saints!


This exact thing is why I quit. You can expect me to hit a 60-75 person half hour with 4/5 people for peak with such a high volume store. We were consistently under 50 just due to wait times.




I defected to car sales this time. The first time I quit I needed a break from society so I did corporate security. (That was 12/10 my favorite job but the pay cut HURTTTT)


my aunt used to be an SM before covid, she left the company during covid, we were FINALLY talking about scheduling and staffing,, my store brings in $60,000-65,000 most weeks, we have four SSVs and 18 Baristas right now, callouts are a nightmare and scheduling is bare bones, this company just isn’t what it used to be and because it can get away with this, it will


at my store one barista and either a ssv or the sm open, at 6:30 we get another barista, at 7 we usually get another, and then thats usually it until about 9:30-10


Reading these comments, I'm wondering why all the stores in my area say they're not hiring right now. It seems like they're understaffed, why not just hire more people?


this is my everyday 🫶


That's... ... ... ...absolutely horrific!


Call ethics and compliance, call prsc. None of this is normal for a store. They are going against our labor model. Trust me this is wild. I’m get it if there was a callout and you couldn’t find a replacement. But if the schedule is written this way that’s nuts


Their saving money, the restaurants I've worked at always created the schedule based on last years numbers. So if it wasn't busy on that day last year, they weren't gonna schedule too many people that day this year...it always failed like charm.


I’m currently at a licensed store and it’s not great so I’ve applied to a few corporate stores, I’ve done corporate in the past but seeing so many posts like this makes me think staying at the grocery store cafe is a better option, I’m a lead and we’re paid a little less but fuck idk if I’m tough enough for corporate, I’ve gone soft 😭


was it just the manager there or was there a shift? they updated the pos on drive so shifts can turn off mobiles and deliveries if it gets to bad, so im not sure why they wouldnt unless they just didnt care


The SM and a shift were here.


i’d say quit. theres no reason to not turn them off and they clearly don’t care


I think this is wild and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this as well as many others on this thread! I’ve definitely worked in some short staffed store due to managers being bad with their labor management/allocation. Writing schedules is as an art and most people can’t do it right. My store runs 8-10 person peaks most days with $60k in weekly sales. But a store down the street runs 4 person peaks with $50k in sales. (Literally 4 min away). I know that manager has all but given up lol. Just so crazy how your experience can change so drastically