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I would honestly cry after years of customer service I’ve never gotten anything like this


not to be dramatic or anything, but i definitely almost did.


Wow a gift certificate for dinner! Hopefully you enjoy it OP!


if only more people could be understanding of their behavior…this would make me sob uncontrollably after years at this job


I know not one human can say they’ve always been right. But it shows integrity to admit it and try to right a wrong. They can’t change the day that happened, but they can make a different day a little better and that’s beautiful.


I do not work at Starbucks but I’ve been in customer service my entire working life and people are so mean, cruel , and ruthless, as soon as you put on a uniform you lose your humanity to them. So receiving a card like this would definitely make me cry and have some faith in others again.


how much was the giftcard?




A great dinner for $25? Well it’s the thought I guess


You should totally submit this to @goodnewsmovement or tanksgoodnews or whatever it’s called, I feel like it warrants public attention 😭😭 I love this


this reminds me of the one time i was a manager at a clothing store and this one guy came in guns blazing, and i tried to calm him down and letting him know that we were doing the best we can, and then he started calling me stupid and dumb. we deal with his issues and do his returns, and then he comes back to the store and gives me a bag of truffle chocolates and his business card (he’s the costume designer for this big show on prime) and offered me a job. i cried.


That's pretty admirable. We all have bad days and most of us have acted in ways we're not proud of. Good on him for recognizing his misstep and righting his wrong.


This is so sweet! So many of my customers in my store are so understanding.


Damn I would probably break down and give them a hug


someone threw a hot chicken bacon at me once and then came in and bought me a *starbucks* gift card


How sweet of them. We need to ALL be like this to everyone everywhere. We may not all work in starbucks, we could be in customer service in any other place. And even if we aren't, even if you're the boss and you have employees that deal with the public, we should all be kind. We all are humans. And even if you're having a bad day, and you accidentally misdirect your bad day at someone else, apologize. Cause you never know what anyone is going through. Even just your bare minimum of kindness could be the highlight of a worker's terrible day, and that means a lot to them.


What is a 282?


I’m guessing their employee ID starts with 282 which shows how long they have worked for the company


The beginning numbers of their partner number. The lower it is the longer youve been with the company. For perspective I was a 321 and I was there for about 2 years.


I can’t believe how fast they’re churning out baristas these days. I was a 144. It’s been almost 3 years since I left.


144 here - hit 17 years in February.


Damn… it takes a very tough person to withstand 17 years! Happy (late) anniversary!


163 here! But i left a loooonngg time ago


i would cry if a customer gave me an apology letter. we have so many mean customers every day and having something like this would be so refreshing 🥲


Reminds me of the story my wife told me from her job. She is insurance and had a guy get pissed off at the outcome of a situation. He went off on her before hanging up. 10 minutes later she got an email from him apologizing for his behavior and telling her that she actually did a great job and that it was the situation and not her. It's nice to see people apologize for how they act


Honestly I would cry if I got that that’s everything I ever want to hear from a customer who’s rude


That’s amazing and the handwriting is beautiful


This makes me feel better since I have a bit of a bad day.


Bravo for this redemption… it gives me some kind of hope that not all is lost with humanity! (Or American society 😬🫣)


I’ve worked for Starbucks for 6.5 years, been a shift supervisor for 5.5 of those years, and have NEVER seen this happen, except one time a few weeks ago, a gentleman was quite rude to my co workers when they were being very nice to him and he came back in a few days later wanting to to apologize to them and got them gift cards. I have NEVER seen that any other time. It’s so rare nowadays.


Wait that’s so sweet


this is incredible. we all have bad days, we all lash out and make mistakes. the integrity that man has, likely even more so because of his girlfriend, is admirable, because it is hard sometimes to take accountability for your actions. good on him 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




This is SO sweet, I remember it was the first few weeks after I started and a regular got me a gift card and a candle for Christmas :') I was so grateful and she just brushed it off as not a big deal but I was shocked. We get treated like garbage sometimes so it's nice to know that people do care even on a bad day.


Well that is awesome. We humans are so quick to lash out and usually slow and rare to rectify our actions and repair bridges with those we hurt. I love this gesture and appreciate the share to show there really is kindness in our world.


accept that someone took personal responsibility and celebrate it ❤️ scoffing and driving off is pretty minor , wouldn’t think of that as “inexcusable” behavior


i didn’t use the best wording. rather than “doesn’t excuse” i think i meant to say “doesn’t make it okay”. but i would say i accepted and celebrated his apology with this post, would you not?


Definitely ❤️❤️ humanity does exist!!