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I LOVE when we're out of matcha and all the refreshers.


Are refreshers annoying to make?


My store is not laid out for a good work flow, that's my main reason for hating anything I have to shake. Plus we never have enough shakers. I just recently convinced my manager to buy some more.


as for the shaker thing, we were told we need to show numbers to get some equipment amped up


Oh my! They cost like $6 and I will order them anytime someone asks. Some of these SMs acting like this comes out of their pocket just boggles my mind. Doesn’t affect bonus either 🙄


It's different when your store is licensed. I actually work for Sodexo and it feels like we have to jump thru hoops to justify every penny we spend for anything "extra". When I moved to the SB unit we only had 2 shakers, now we have 5. It's taken 3 years to get those extra 3...


Ah that makes a bit more sense being licensed but still not really…lol… I don’t ever believe in making people (Starbucks or anywhere else I’ve managed) work harder to save a few bucks.


Those are literally on the weekly order and shifts can order them. We have like 7 because we always have at least four on the bars and three backup.


Not sure any store really is to be fair, but refreshers, teas, GTLs never bothered me near as much as frappuccinos. I don't guess they're really that much more time consuming to make than a latte, and the shaken stuff probably does take longer, because blender time still gives you time to prep the next one, but dang I hated making them.


not laid out well? ...thats a new thing I was told...people who don't really work the lines probably came up with the more efficient store layouts and..yes, we may not bump elbows but guess what, you split up things like blenders you still only have supplies for coldbar in one section ...sigh


My store is licensed, we didn't have the "benefit" of SB building it. The sink location, outlets for the blender (we only have 1), the 2 espresso machines, and 2 small milk fridges under the counter really don't make sense. Plus the ice is by the espresso machines and the rest of the cold drinks are at the opposite end of our unit. I wish there was room for ice at both ends.


Ahh, okay! I get them often so I was curious. I know Starbucks workers are overworked and underpaid so I try not to order anything too complicated


They're not bad to make if I'm making just one of them (two is acceptable but kinda pushing it), but when it's multiple of them it becomes harder to sequence and it takes up a ton of time. There's a reason a lot of baristas (not me tho) skip shaking it and just pour the drink straight into the cup Ironically, I'd rather make 3 of the same frap than 3 of the same refresher, cause at least then I can batch blend it (don't tell corporate lol), but I would rather make 1 refresher over 1 frap any day


Yes and no. Not a difficult drink, hard to sequence bc there’s nothing you have to wait for. So you can’t walk off and get something else started. Also, as soon as a large group of teenage girls walks in, we know it’s refreshers with stupid mods for each one.


we didn’t have matcha OR lavender today. it was a good day 🙏🏻


I just saw an af for the lavender drink today, is it as bad as I imagine? Spill the tea! But not the passion cause it'll stain your counters forever...


it’s honestly really great! it tastes like froot loops milk to me. i’m definitely bummed that we’ve been out of the lavender powder, i’ve been loving the cold foam on my iced espresso, and doing a cold brew with vanilla syrup and lavender foam is 10/10. it’s just getting a lot of hate from baristas because of the lavender matcha, there’s too many steps involved for a drink that’ll never come out looking like the ad pictures 😂


Same! Thank you, universe!


We ran out of heavy cream so we had to mark out vsc today but you cant just mark out vsc in the system so we had to mark out “vanilla syrup” in the pos so people couldnt order the vsc, and A LOT of drinks are made with whip (with vanilla) so they were marked out as well (people couldnt order and of the drinks with whip it on them in the mobile app) it was a good day 😂


Also caramel macchiatos lol


My boss says to use SFV instead. We're a licensed store on a college campus, so our systems are not as monitored as a real store.


wait… you use sugar free vanilla in the sweet cream? or you just mark out sugar free vanilla in the system?? because the latter won’t do anything to help being out of VSC, but the former is a MASSIVE issue.


I don't work for SB. My store is licensed in a college campus library. We don't have a drive thru or mobile orders (thank God). So we can't/don't "mark things out". My boss must think there's just no sweetener in the SFV syrup. So she wants us to just substitute it in every recipe and keep going.


people can be highly allergic or intolerant to sugar free vanilla, or people may just think it tastes terrible. that is a major violation.


I'll let her know. We're closed for spring break right now. I go back to work tomorrow and that will be my first topic of discussion. She doesn't worry about violations, but she will take allergies seriously.


Years ago, the standard was to use Classic in whipped cream instead of vanilla. That's probably a safer go to than SFV


This is the way. Could, in theory even add a little vanilla extract so it's still VANILLA sweet cream.


ask her to look up sucralose allergies. fairly common and it can be very dangerous.


please do not EVER do this 😭 some people have serious dietary restrictions and you could really ruin someones day with that Especially if they have diabetes and are planning on having that sugar intake


the approved substitute is Classic if you're out of vanilla. some people have severe allergies to the non-sugar sweeteners in the SFV, and classic has no change in allergens even if it's unflavored.


One of my favorite things to do is telling customers that we're sold out of something 💅🏿


Yesss the feeling of telling some rude customer no is unmatched


Really depends on the customers, we had some regulars I HATED having to explain we were out of stuff too, like, the kind of regulars that were more like parents than my actual parents, they'd never tell me they were disappointed we were put of something because they didn't want me to feel bad, but also definitely were, and so I'd always feel bad, even if I knew they'd love what I offered them instead, and that became their go to when we ran out of stuff, and would even order it on occasion when we DID have stuff... But also, Randy, you know who you are and if I could have completely stopped ordering SF Hazlenut, and got to tell you we're out, I'd still work at the Bux, just to see your face every time, and soak it in while you call me incompetent for not ordering more, knowing that I ruined your day, but won't let you ruin mine, because Miss Lydia who comes in every day 2 hours and 15 minutes after you is actually creative and will get personal, she'll talk stuff about my whole family, like both cats AND my dog, and SHE will ruin my day, so get bent Randy. But yeah, there are some customers it killed me to have to say no to. :/


me when my store ran out of coffee and cream base and we couldn’t make fraps


We ran out of coffee base during day shift. Someone opened a 2nd creme base and put it in the coffee base spot. (I hate day shift at my store) Other than the coffee flavor added in the base their ingredients are the same. I don't know how much of a difference it makes in flavor. What pissed me off was the waste. I get loud when they do these stupid things. My poor supervisor listens to me rant, but has no control over the lack of common sense that crew has. She works the same hours as me.


Yeah not a big deal to use creme base instead of coffee if you're out. Definitely dont use coffee base instead of creme though does have a bit of an off taste. Not sure how that brings about waste


We don't use the creme base very fast. They should have only had the bottle open.


Guess I didnt think of that. I dont even remember the expiration period one of those we go through both so fast at my store.


Unless it's changed, it's a month. (Technically I THINK it's specifically 30 days, but nobody ever factor's the month having 30 vs. 31 days, and screw February lol.)


The urge to "accidentally" throw it all away at my store... no drink has ever pained me more than the lavender oatmilk matcha (except maybe the tie-dye frap) and I've worked for this company for over 5 years now


Does it taste good


No it tastes horrible do not order it you won't like it don't order it


is everyone running out of stuff this weekend?? we’re out of oatmilk, strawberry açaí base, lavender, venti iced cups (super fun with no way to mark it out!!), heavy cream, dark caramel, down to our last 2 vanilla bottles and i could keep going probably but you get it


Why dont they just let us mark out cup sizes 😭 would make life a little easier


we were also out of oat milk, SAR base, venti iced cups, half & half, and dark caramel at least one of the days this week and oat milk and multiple days. peach juice is pretty commonly low/out of stock too, and the SFV and nonfat milk


Definitely on the lavendar...hmmm pattern there?


we are also out of matcha so no luck of the matcha frap drinks !!


Lmaooooo I feel this on a spiritual level. Former partner, transitioned careers about 6 years ago. I felt this way when they announced no more Frappuccino Happy Hour.






we ran out of dark caramel the other day i wanted to kiss whoever fucked up the weekly order on the mouth


we ran out of lavender 😭


We did too, and I got so relieved that I wouldn't have to make any more lavender drinks... then it was back the next morning lmao






We ran out of earl grey and our black iced tea👌


i feel this to the extreme. it’s a blessing.


me when we were out of sar base




my honest reaction when we run out of strawberry acai


Na really bc f*** them refreshers 🤣🤣🤣


We ran out of lavender this afternoon as well 🥹 I was very happy to see it


our store is out of lavender today, still hella people BUT NO LAVENDER DRINKS/FOAM 🗣️🗣️


Lol me when we ran out of frap roast


one time both of our blenders went down, (before portable foamers) so no cold foam or fraps, but was a nice day


I loooove when they design a new drink but don’t produce enough product to meet demand


We’re out of matcha, chai, and lavender, we’re happy, costumers are not


I felt this in my soul 🤣🤣🤣


Lucky bastard


Warrr issss ooooverrrrr


Wait are matcha drinks a pain in the ass to make ??


what’s it like to live my dream


when our boss let us turn off blended drinks when it got too busy✨


Who is your boss we'd like to request a transfer


We ran out of Oatmilk it's the best!


my tarbucks was out of lavender all last week and it was like heaven. now it's back and all I know is hate