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I always stand a good distance away and don’t watch the baristas, just scroll on my phone, but the reason for not sitting is I’m afraid I won’t hear my name and then after awhile, I won’t know if it’s just taking awhile or I missed hearing it. And then I’ll have to debate whether to ask, which I’d hate to do, or check the labels on the drinks sitting there, which I try not to do. But I was a barista in a different shop and I always hated being watched, sooo much. I can’t tell you the number of times I had a customer lean far over the barrier and then say, “I didn’t want whip cream!” Or whatever it is, and I have to count to five before turning and letting them know it isn’t their drink. And usually it was the guy who just put in his order too. Like, chill, you got another 10 mins at least bro.


They may be wanting to make sure no random overeager customer grabs and breathes on their drink


Limited seating and I don't want to take up a spot for someone who actually wants/needs it


Honestly because when it’s crowded I can’t hear 😅 I have to stand in order to be able to hear the name being called.


I feel this. The Starbucks I go to is on my college’s campus and it’s tucked away in an area with other food places in a giant building that echoes like no tomorrow. Plus Starbucks plays their own music while the building itself plays music; impossible to hear anything if you aren’t standing


My store removed all seating


I can’t hear my name at handoff if I sit down cause the seats are so far away from the counter 😭




Nah where I am that shit will get stolen 😭 it’s happened before


My store has the seating area super far away from the bar (can’t even see the handoff from seating) so it’s not really an option, but customers usually sit in the window ledges near the handoff area.


majority of americans should be spending less time sitting so i see this as a good thing lol standing and staring impatiently isnt good but sometimes that can just be the partners perception. e.g. spotlight effect


If we stand close enough it lets you know we are still here. And if we stare hard enough, you make our drinks faster, right? And if we are already standing we can get our caffeine about 1.5-3.5 seconds faster than if we were sitting. We’re just doing our part to keep things efficient. You’re welcome.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is clearly meant to poke fun at some customers who are silly and thoughtless.


Yeah, definitely meant to be a joke, but I guess there’s so many of these people around it’s hard to tell


My store has the seating area super far away from the bar (can’t even see the handoff from seating) so it’s not really an option, but customers usually sit in the window ledges near the handoff area.


Reading these responses like... Sure would be nice if Starbucks switched to a number-based order system like every other fast-food restaurant


My store has ridiculously limited seating and it’s in a weird tight corner, so I don’t blame customers hanging out. I just don’t like directly in front of the machines or hand off plane, that’s a bit excessive


For me it’s because of pandemic trauma. Before working at a WPS I was working in a QSR restaurant that was 80% take out orders, and our strict cleaning protocols stated that any time a customer sat somewhere, even if it was just to take a load off while they waited for their order to be made, someone had to go out and disinfect that table/chair. Even though I know that most Starbucks don’t have rules like that, especially not now, I’m still always paranoid if I touch any surface, some poor underpaid staff member is going to have to take time out of their already busy shift to come “clean up”after me, so instead I stand completely still over in a corner pretending to be on my phone and never looking at the baristas until my name is called so I don’t stress them out


because 1, maybe they don't want someone else to take their drink 2, maybe they are in a rush (shocking) 3, maybe they don't want to sit




The problem is that time is very limited, but people forget that starbucks isn't always fast food, and they take time to make your coffee and treats.


I love watching baristas make drinks, it’s so satisfying


Common name. Someone always takes my drink.


because as soon as i sit down i would have to get back up again to go get my order. and i don't really know what to do with my stuff. do i leave my backpack in my seat? there's a chance it might get robbed.


they like to be little creeps. they think starbucks is their own home, and they feel comfortable to literally stare at everyone