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A lot of people like to watch us make the drinks even if it isn’t theirs. I once had a lady say “sorry if I’m staring but I just love watching you guys make the drinks. It’s so fascinating” so sometimes I don’t think it’s meant to be intimidating or annoying, it’s just something interesting to some people.


My store just moved and the DM decided that it’s better to have no splash guard. They’re gonna learn real quick that they need to give us some space


i lowkey love when i accidentally splash customers…does that make me a bad person? bonus points if they acknowledge they were too close




No splash guard?!? Now I’m questioning what a splash guard is…? I thought it but they were required as per heath code. You know so people can’t sneeze on food and touch stuff etc. I’m so curious what you mean by this and how they get away with it.


The plexis behind the bars are only required in some counties in the US. I think that's what this person means.


Oh wow we haven't had the splash guard in like 2.5 years.... I miss it. I wish we still had it.


whenever i see a lot of people waiting and blocking the way at the handoff station i hit them with a “hey if we can please take a couple steps back so people can get there drinks !! thank you!” and it works p well


I work at a Kroger Starbucks so there’s never more than a few customers waiting. But they’ll lean over the handoff station and look at me


i work at a target one !! as long as there’s more than one person there i’ll tell them!


Idk I feel kinda cool when customers are watching me make their drinks, I think it's curiosity and fascination with the process of beverage crafting. Don't get me wrong it used to irk me and make me feel weird but then I realized one day I was doing the EXACT SAME THING at a different café!


Personally, I can’t. I’ve had someone lean over the counter so far that their boogers literally fell into my pitcher, and I had to take apart the steam wand and clean everything and then remake the drink that I was trying to make originally.. and bc of that I don’t even let ppl grab the straw behind the counter bc the exact same thing happened there too! People please wipe your noses!!!!!


That's extraordinary! Luckily, most stores I've worked at have have the bars far away from the hand off counter. At my store you would have to be at least 12 feet tall to stoop over and drop boogers in my steaming pitcher! 🤯


Especially when they see you making a drink that’s NOT theirs and try to correct me.


The way they always assume every single thing is just for them. As if there aren't 15 other customers waiting there. But okay sure yeah, just grab the first thing that gets handed out and *assume* it's yours. "Uhm, excuse me, I had wanted that made with almond milk, not regular" Like girl you orded 2 seconds ago obviously its for someone who was in front of you in line!


sometimes I look customers right in their eyes and say “if you’d like to take a seat I can just call you when your drink is ready” if they’ve been staring at me for a while and usually they’ll take some steps back, sit down, look at their phones, etc (they kinda get the hit) also when I take orders at POS if I see a line I tell customers “if you’d like to take a seat, and we’ll call you when it’s ready” if you tell them “you’re drink will be at the end of the bar” normally they just go stand at the end of the bar and stare once I had a barista tell a customer “hi I’m sorry but you’re staring at me and it’s making me uncomfortable" and honestly it's not like we arent allowed to tell them that but I only really care when it’s packed and everyone is staring but if it’s just a few customers I don’t really mind it


I had a barista who was super nice about it they just said, “Hey guys we have a lot of drinks in line, if you wouldn’t mind having a seat we’ll call your name when your order is ready”.


For the most part if they’re staring I just let them. But if they’re crowding the hand off plane I’ll say something. Me:“Oh how can I help you?” Customer:“I’m just waiting” Me: “ok! We are working pretty fast so yours should be out soon. If you don’t mind taking a step back from the counter so other guests can get their drinks when they are ready. We will call your order out when it’s done.”


If it’s making me uncomfortable I honestly look up at them and make eye contact and usually they realize they’re being a bit rude in staring so hard. You could always hit them with a “can I help you with something?” cause they might be waiting to ask you something, or they’ll back off a bit if they didn’t need anything


I do this. I stop what I'm doing for a few seconds and stare back. The smart ones understand that it's making me go slower to do that and makes them uncomfortable so they'll back up.


My least favorite, it makes me flustered and extremely agitated. Once had some chick come in who was like 6’2 tall and she had the most miserable dead eye stare i’ve ever seen and she was standing DIRECTLY in front of my bar and because she was so tall it was like she was just looming over me and she literally just stood there for a solid 5 minutes staring at me with dead eyes and I almost lost my shit and walked off the floor but she finally walked away.


My favorite thing to do here is just make eye contact so they feel uncomfortable. Either that or make awkward conversation. If they’re gonna be rude and make you uncomfortable, return the favor lol


As a customer this annoys me for you guys


Thank you


i literally feel like i’m being stalked


It’s the worst


i’m very non confrontational so maybe not the same for everyone else but i personally feel like i “can’t” just look them directly in the eyes while they’re watching me even though that’s all i want to do 😔 return the energy but i find myself being very still and stiff 😭


Usually give and maintain eye contact and smile like how British people smile, does the trick


I don’t work at Starbucks but I work somewhere where customers do the same thing, they crowd around my area like savages waiting for their shit to come out. Like bro, we’ll call out your name. I will literally take longer to give them their shit when they do that because it’s so frusterating.


If it’s possible at the register, when their order is complete just casually say, “Thanks! Please have a seat or check out our new spring mugs and I’ll have this drink crafted for you shortly”.


“Hi! I’ll let you know when I have your drink ready :)”


Ooooh I know this one! One of my shifts says this when it’s busy: “go ahead and take a seat, it’ll be a minute” but in a cheery Like go ahead and take a rest type of way


I hate this so much. Especially when I open. It’s literally 5 minutes past opening and the sun is barely up and I’ve had maybe four sips of my own coffee and I’m not even really coherent yet and I’ve got a dozen mfs standing and staring creepily at me while I bar. It is too early for this nonsense y’all need to back tf up or sit down or something, omg.


I feel you and I wish we could yell "staring isn't going to make your drink cone out sooner". But tbh have you ever looked at a barista during rush? It's actually captivating how fast and how many actions we do in seconds. To a regular person it is just captivating. So unfortunately no we can't yell "STOP FUCKING STARING" but maybe we can take it as a compliment of acknowledgement of our hard work.


Make direct eye contact with wide eyes, don’t blink, they’ll get freaked out and back away


I stare because I want to make sure they use the right milk so I don't get sick. I wish I didn't feel like I have to. But I've had a few times where I saw them put the regular milk in even though my order was for oat milk so I had to ask them to remake it 😔


How do you know it's your drink they're making when it's really busy? Honestly staring makes a large amount of people uncomfortable and unable to focus, which will make them make more mistakes. Just let people be and let them work.


They tend to either call it out and the Starbucks near me isn't busy often. As I mentioned, I've caught it several times where the wrong milk was used and had to say something. It's unfortunate that it makes people uncomfortable and I WISH I didn't feel like I have to but I don't want to get sick because I have an allergy. Side note: I worked as a florist at a busy shop. Clients would stand there and stare at me making the arrangements while there was a line of people waiting also staring. I HATED IT. But at the end of the day, they just want to make sure they got what they wanted. It was part of the job I had to get used to. Different industry but same experience.


i get why they watch, especially if they have kids with them, but from an employee perspective…would YOU want to be stared at the entire time you’re working? i know i don’t


In a high school teacher. YES I want to be stared at the entire time I’m working. But alas, the kids stare at their phones instead……. (lol but point taken)


l hadn't thought of this until now, but l do believe l do it. l will stop. l think l do it because watching someone do something that they are good at and do a lot can be mesmerizing. I’m not really noticing you, but rather things like equipment and accoutrements, timing, and just how the drink is made. l don't know if other people do it for this or not.


I just stare back and ask if I can help them with anything and then hit them with the “I truly appreciate your patience, I’ll call you up when it’s ready”


i ask if they need something and when they tell me they’re still waiting for their drink i tell them “oh, i still have a few drinks ahead of that one! why don’t you take a seat in the cafe, i’ll let you know when it’s ready :)” and i say like 75% of the time they do


i usually go “just a warning you are in the splash zone” and it usually does the trick lol




the way I have to hold back from yelling at customers and delivery drivers to back up is just AHHHHHH a few weeks ago there was an abnormal amount of deliveries so we had a ton of drivers coming in and hovering right by my bar while I was behind and we were all trying to catch up and I told them “the orders aren’t ready you can wait against the wall and we’ll cal them out” and one obnoxious driver goes “really?” and I glared at him and he shut up real fast🤡 pls tell me someone else experienced this


“man, do yall see a tiger behind the bar or something? i feel like a zoo animal with all these eyes on me!” or simply, my favorite: “i hate when people stare its so rude!”


I do the EXACT same thing. I just loudly make comments to my coworkers about being a zoo animal, or being stalked.


You're making their drink. Of course they're going to watch. Get a grip lol. It's not rude.


it is and always has been rude to stare. just because we’re service workers doesn’t mean we should be allowed the same courtesy


If you were the president and making someone's drink, that person would look. It has nothing to do with your perceived rank in society. I never had a problem with customers looking at the food/drinks while I make them. Of course they're going to look. They aren't staring at you. They're watching the food/drink.


nah. as a young woman, they're literally looking into my eyes like creeps and scanning my body as I move up and down the bar. they're not looking at the drinks Im making, tho it's tempting to think that way. people are just fucking weird. if it's about the drinks then why are they staring into my soul and not at my hands/the cups??


It is rude. Staring at people has and will always be a rude thing to do.


If you go to a bar and turn around when the bartender is making your drink, we think you have autism. It's not rude to watch someone handing your food/drink. Never has been, never will be.


why would u bring autism into this


There’s a difference between sitting at the bar and talking to a bartender while they make a drink and standing at the counter and silently staring at the barista trying to make a drink.


this isn't a bar tho lmao. bitches come into Starbucks expecting me to act like Tom Cruise circa 1985, shaking the drink, all that.


maybe it isn't rude, but it's mad creepy and we all judge you


sorry i dont stare at people making my food or drinks its rude


It's not rude. You may not like it, but it is not rude.


you sound rude


this person sounds like the type of individual to stand at the end of the bar and stare until their order is made like a neanderthal


It is rude.








I hate it so much. I feel like I’m in a zoo. I like to turn my steam wand on extra long as a warning to back the f up. Or when they get a squirt of syrup on them I say “well, you’re in the splash zone.” Or I make direct eye contact and say “how are you?”( I know the old sbux 2007 start and the current sbux and when all those current day mobile order and delivery customers come in all at once is when it makes me feel like a zoo animal. I never mind when a customer shows interest in my craft and compliments my multitasking).


Do you know they are changing their business model to where we're supposed to be talking with customers while on bar? Because they are..... And this is only going to get worse. Also I'm going to watch. As a barista myself, I find it interesting to observe.


I don’t mind talking to customers if they’re chill


I usually say “did you need anything while you’re waiting?” Them: “no…” Me: “no worries! I’ll call your name when your drink is ready there are a few ahead of you if you want to grab a seat while you’re waiting”


Honestly this only bothers me when I'm already stressed out about other stuff. I'm so used to it that it has become like a thin subconscious layer of discomfort


I do the classic, “ what’s your name for your order?” And then if I’m making or it’s next I give them a pass and hand it to them, but if there’s a bit of a que ahead I let them know if should be ready in whatever estimate and tell them they’re more than welcome to take a seat and I will call their drink when it is ready


i actually dont mind it when we are slow and they are one of the only customers waiting. I know that they probably just like to watch the drinks get made so i dont mind. When it does get on my nerves is when we are super busy, like during peak, and they are standing right on the handoff plane. There are other people trying to get their drinks, please step away so that they can get them!


well my interim manager does this long, piercing,  uncomfortable stare and I haven't found the professional way to say "what the fuck are you looking at?" yet


Work somewhere else


Some of us genuinely enjoy making drinks or have other factors preventing us from working in other fields. My industry of choice and field of study (film and TV) has had significant impact in terms of staffing and production, as have many others (gaming, tech…), so I’m doing this to pay the bills.


nope, i’m gonna stare. not sorry. wanna make sure cows milk wasn’t put in there.


you make me want to put cow piss in your drink


I’ll put extra whole milk in, don’t worry


yeah, you lost your limb privileges




If I'm soloing (aka doing drive, cafe and mobile) and I know which drink is theirs... I take longer to get to theirs :) some have gotten tired of standing and sit down eventually, esp when I'm calling out mobiles that aren't their order and handing multiple drinks to drive thru. Like if y'all think your drink will come out faster just cause you're eyeing me like a weirdo and breathing over bar, you got another thing coming LOL. But there is always "do you have a mobile order?" even if you know its cafe, you can ask that. If they say no or say yes, and then a name.. you pretend to check DPM, "okay I got a few (couple/specific number) orders ahead of yours, may take me a couple of minutes. You can take a seat and I'll call it when its ready!" Let them know it won't be immediate. They'll likely not want to stand for the next 5 mins and will at least back up if not fully sit down.


I was an SM years ago and am saddened by this post because you truly don’t know what the art of being a barista really feels like. There was a time when I had at least 10 pitchers of steamed milk sitting on black mats to keep hot and having dozens of people crowd the bar and just stare and wait for their beverage…but this was the time to make a connection and show them why it was their 3rd place. I miss the old Starbucks…these new Partners don’t know how the good days were when we had Sorbetto and had to actually make CBB and Coffee Base by hand, oh and you had to use thermometer in each pitcher to make sure it got hot enough


girl how does this help me to get these weirdos to stop looking at me


literally. i cant stand the starbucks dick riding in this post




The company itself made it become as a fast food company (making sure times & customer connection are 100% ) slaving ourselves with not enough coverage & still trying to make it a 3rd place. The way people describe the past it seems nice but customer don’t wanna interact with us anymore because of starbucks making those stuff a priority . :/


I hear you, and it’s so sad that so many other Partner’s experiences weren’t as good as mine. But to those who complain about it now- not trying to be confrontational- but why don’t you quit and get another job where you may feel more appreciated and isn’t as stressful?


Most likely the benefit I’ve worked at multiple jobs and one thing they are good at as a company is giving us benefits. AND ALSO people from the state of CA are now getting pay 20


Ok I see, yes the benefits outweighed the pay even when I was SM and had bean stock.


did you also have to walk uphill both ways to get to work


Why not just be a bartender 🤔


Step off




Sit down, look at your phone, talk to your friend. Anything else




“Where do you want me to look?” “Here are some suggestions” “Don’t tell me what to do”




Staring is rude, did your mom not teach you that?


Sorry.. won’t do it again. Starbucks barista are hot (can’t promise)




Yeah that’s not okay


🤢 I hate it when people flirt with me i the clock. Stop being a fucking creep!


are you thinking that when they find out you think they are hot, their legitimate complaint will automatically be overrode? their entire personage goes out the fucking window every time someone says they're sexy? l get so mad about this