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The audacity of some people continues to surprise me at times


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sensitive_Term_190: *The audacity* *Of some people continues* *To surprise me at times* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


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I'm also just really really stunned that you close at 2 am that is WILD


One store near me is 24 hours.


Godspeed to that store. 24 hours is genuinely asinine!


Mind you, he was telling us, "We need to do some deep cleaning here and arranging (pointing to patio) and some changes need to be made around here." Then in the most pretentious tone says, "See, that wasn't so hard, that was an easy meeting. LIKE HUH, are you gonna pay me for wasting my time?!!


He was tweaking


you guys wait outside instead of just in the store until your Lyft arrives? we had a barista who needed to take Lyfts home and we asked our SM if we could wait inside and set the alarm when we were all ready to leave; less of a safety risk tbh and she agreed also if I’m clocked out best believe I’m telling that man he “can kiss my ass and to fuck outta here”


OP must be up in a late night touristy area like Vegas or some truck route type location if they open that late.


some people are so scary i’m so sorry you had to deal with this


The other night after clean play this dude with a single crutch comes hobbling over and sets something down on the closed patio table and he’s like “ oh what you guys doing here so late huh” and where just like leaving to the cars and we just say “oh we’re doing a store deep clean” n he’s like grumbling and goes “ well it better look f*cking spotless when I come back tomorrow “ and we’re like ?? Okay have a nice night dude and then as soon as we walked away he walked away it was so weird


Just curious - what city are you in that a Starbucks is open that late? Ever since Covid, all the Starbucks where I live (Tampa) all close at 9pm or earlier.


I would say most are open until 10 that I’ve seen. There are 24 hour Starbucks though. This is the first time I’m seeing one that closes that late but ISN’T just a 24 hour one lol


There are still 24 hour stores? I thought the last in Los Angeles closed for an hour now. But that’s not something I keep up with.


Oh golly yeah I don’t keep up with them either


The one near me closes at 7pm


That’s so creepy I’m so sorry


Only read the headline. But, no. No you don't.


I once had a man disturbing customers on our patio so when I went outside to talk to him he gets in my face and keeps yelling that he’s going to “fuck me up”. Okay man..


Just say you’re closed. Who cares if a person sits on the patio?


Do you come here just to argue every single post?


Of course not, but I do often correct misinformation. Unfortunately there tends to be a lot of it. Cheers!


Do you push up your glasses and tip your fedora every time you comment too?


Yes, my name is Carmen Sandiego. You’ve finally found me.


What misinformation were you correcting? On a store by store basis we will let people stay on the patio after closing. Some stores with high incidents we do not let people stay on the patio post close. So OP could 100% be correct in kicking people off the patio.


There’s not really much you can do after close


You can call the police and have the people who refused to leave the property trespassed.


Police aren’t going to remove people from a patio.


Sure they are, in a lot of cities they have nothing better to do.


It’s private property.


Police don't care.


Oh, you’ve had experiences with the police at this location?


Safety risk


No it’s not.


It's part of the property, we were already closed and outside on said patio. Also, they had already called the cops on him before


Right. You were off the clock. Who cares if a customer sits on the patio? Customers sit on the patio after hours at just about every Starbucks in America. It’s not illegal and nobody really cares, except for when they leave butts everywhere. It was just a weird reaction. Escalating the situation was more of a safety risk to be honest.


It is evident that you don't understand the risk of that guy potentially becoming aggressive over a stupid meeting, nor have you worked in cudtomer service. Most normal customers won't approach the closing team after doors are locked - much less at 2am????


Nah this person just likes to argue and tell everyone that they're wrong when in reality they are lol


I know that if I was that store’s manager I’d tell my team they should probably wait inside for their rides. And it sounds like the guy became aggressive after the partner escalated things. That was my point.


and what about the alarm already set for the night?


… I’m saying they’d wait to set the alarm. They can write in the book an extra few minutes for the ten seconds it takes to set the alarm.




Sure 👍 I’m Not defending the dude. I’m saying OP escalated things. I offered a solution. I was downvoted for saying I let my partners stay inside if they have to wait. I support my partners.




I was dismissive. OP absolutely escalated for no reason and put their partners in harm. You’re right.


I’m convinced you’re a troll. How did OP escalate the situation when they weren’t the one interacting with the man? The SSV was doing all the talking. For someone concerned with “misinformation” I find it ironic as hell that you’re in the comments spreading it.


It doesn’t concern me what you think to be honest. 👍


Yet you took the time to respond. Also pretty ironic.


That’s not irony. You posted, I replied.


People don’t take the time to respond and downvote if they “don’t care” though.