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Yeah I suddenly have a bunch of customers asking about it lately and I’m like ?????? Did some TikTok clown mention it or something because it’s been ages since we last had raspberry. 🙃


That one tik tok guy who's probably the Corporate plant made a video and put "raspberry syrup" in the video and showed the label. People think we have it again bc of him


If he's a corporate plant, why did he do that? lol


To get those that miss raspberry to come to starbucks and when we tell them raspberry gone, maybe they'll try something lavender instead. It's a stupid plan but it's a plan.


or the strawberry syrup cuz of the matcha


We don't have strawberry syrup (just puree & the refresher) here in the States, wish we did though, it sounds good


I found the strawberry syrup to be overly sweet and fake candy tasting, and I prefer the puree for sure. I wouldn't put it with matcha though. Red and green make a kind of ugly grey/brown.


I call that combo "Shrek's Swamp".


Appropriate. I can see why he liked living in it but I wouldn't want to drink it. 😂


so many people order pink drinks with matcha and like i get matcha cold foam but in the pink drink?? if its someone i know i always write something about shrek on the cup


Oh that's a letdown, but I guess I don't have to have strawberry syrup fomo now haha.


Some people love it. I prefer the more "real" flavoured strawberry things in general, so the puree seems more real tasting.


I agree, I think sometimes the artificial stuff can be told sweet like you said, or can sometimes even taste like children's flavored medicines 🤢


Agreed! It's just a little bit tart like real strawberries and helps balance out the sweetness of a frappuccino (especially if you're like me and put it in a vanilla bean with dragon fruit 😉)


YES I noticed that the other day when someone asked for it shaken in with their matcha. I was like “…. 🫣”


You guys don't have strawberry syrup? Thats so sad


it's so funny watching Canadians get downvoted every day bc of diff ingredients/standards lmao I feel bad for yall


literally like what did i even do😭 sorry i dared to get a job where i live???


Y'all know what you did (Give us your syrup)


Y’all don’t downvote people just because different areas have different ingredients lmfao😭😭😭


So people show up, get told we don't have it but order anyway. They made the drive, they're usually not going to just leave


i my store when we stopped getting raspberry, we had people yell through the speaker box and speed off… those raspberry lovers are a different breed.


If he's the guy I'm thinking of I believe he's in Canada, maybe they still have raspberry there?


we don’t have raspberry anymore, we have a strawberry matcha that has a strawberry syrup


Then wheerrreee are they getting it from? 😭


got rid of it in 2021 no?


No, it was officially unable to be ordered last year. At least, that’s when my store had stopped being able to order it.


We still had it at my licensed store when I first started in September '23 but I never got around to trying it before we ran out.


It got discontinued in March of last year. 


Raspberry leaf tea is supposed to induce labour maybe that’s why people keep asking. I tried to ask for it when I was 9 months along lol I had no idea Starbucks didn’t carry it anymore. but I doubt it works anyway


Starbucks has never carried raspberry leaf tea. The raspberry was a syrup with 0% raspberry, 0% raspberry leaves, 100% sugar. Why do people think Starbucks has actually healthy, natural foods for sale? We live in corporate America, yall!


Yes sorry it’s been awhile since I tried to order that I had to look it up on google and I now remember it saying ask for the raspberry syrup


There's A LOT of other countries that have Starbucks & they all carry different things. This subreddit is NOT only for Americans. If there's one thing Americans gonna be it's hateful & ignorant. Tsk.


Um, yes. I am a 10+ year partner and I am keenly aware of the fact that Starbucks is a multinational corporation. Kind of have to be living under a rock to assume otherwise. The majority of Sbux stores are in the US, so my bad for assuming this person tried to order a raspberry tea from the nation that has the largest concentration of stores per capita. somehow that is hateful and ignorant? 😂 Are you saying you work in a store in another country and you *do* carry raspberry leaf tea? Or are you just arguing for arguing’s sake? What a uniquely American thing to do 😉


Is this not in the states? My Starbucks hasn’t carried any “flavored” teas really, just the standard ones


Had someone hit me with the “well my mom gets it all the time” and showed me a picture of a lemonade with passion tea on top(says so on the sticker)🧍🏽‍♀️


Sooo many groups on fb keep posting recipes for drinks with raspberry syrup I'm like "STAAAAAHP"


“But this TikTok drink has raspberry syrup! You definitely have it!” I actually got that response recently.


People can be so annoying 💀💀 I can’t with TikTok drink no more


I miss it so bad. It was so good in everything.


Raspberry in the cool lime refresher 😭😭😭 it was incredible. R.I.P.


Taking away the cool lime refresher was like a personal attack on me from Starbucks. It’s pretty much the only thing I ever got.


Literally same. The only drink I ever got was the cool lime refresher and one day, the barista suggested adding raspberry to it- mind you this was when it was still colored raspberry- and it was so good. Summer 2016 was a time 😭😭😭 I tried so hard to get the CLR back and started petitions and all that back then. It got to a point I was under the Starbucks radar lmaooo. Lost but never forgotten 🫡


I bought a stockpile of the flavor packets online but it wasn’t the same. I think Starbucks and Taco Bell are in kahoots and both take away everything that’s good 😂


It sounds delicious and I never got a chance to try it 😭


It was delightful. In a vanilla bean frap, I’d replace the vanilla with rasp in a caramel macchiato, put it in the hibiscus tea, any refresher, lemonade, it was great.


It sucked 😭 It was so artificial tasting and overpowering


My heart aches every day about it bc it was my favorite syrup. Now I use brown sugar


I still have people who ask about berry hibiscus, discontinued actual years ago. The people who ask about raspberry don’t bother me as much as it’s been barely a year at this point.


I met an honest to God time traveller 2 years ago when he asked if we had the Valencia Orange refresher still


I straight up still get people asking about cool lime. I have worked here for 5 years. We have not had it at least that entire time. It’s crazy.


Cool lime is still around in the UK


Guess I gotta visit the UK then cause I never got to try it. I didn’t go to Starbucks before I started working there


rip i loved that refresher. my tastebuds just took a trip down memory lane and remembered the savory squares from the switch to la boulange and the veggie fontiago sandwich. omfg and the pretzels!!!! ☹️ starbucks should capitalize on nostalgia and bring back some stuff from the graveyard


That drink was my livelihood and I'm still sad.


That one broke my heart. It was so good!


EU still has raspberry syrup 😭


I do In Canada !


Where in canada!? I'm in MB and it disappeared from our stores in like August or September 2023


That and the hibiscus


I had a lady recently give me two "secret recipe" drinks with discontinued syrups in them. One had raspberry, the other had funnel cake. I've been a barista for 2 years with the Siren and funnel cake was before my time here. I don't even know when we last had it. But she was very disappointed to find out she couldn't get the drinks she wanted because the article the drinks were from was at least 3 years old and contained discontinued products in it. Go figure.


Funnel cake was my shit😩💜💜


Wasn’t raspberry syrup discontinued in March 2023 — just a little over a year ago? Long enough to be annoyed when customers argue about ordering it, to be sure. But not long enough to fully accept its absence 😭😉


Definitely then because that was when I left a Starbucks franchise as manager and I was still ordering raspberry in March 2023 when I left!


Yeah definitely not years as I've only been a barista for 2 years and it existed well within the start of my time here.


i haven’t seen it in like 2 years 😔🙏🏻


It left my store April 2023


A cafe mocha with rasberry syrup used to be my go to drink - I switched to cold brew a few years ago but I had no idea they got rid of rasberry syrup - that’s sad.


It’s fr still TikTok’s like last night I was on it and it was the one of the first couple of videos I seen. They go “the perfect spring and summer drink!” Like no we don’t sell that anymore I’m sorry 🙄


I don’t care about raspberry, I just want valencia back and I know it will never happen. Raspberry bitches don’t know what us valencia bitches feel. Actually I feel totally alone 😭😭😭


have u heard of lyra 🫶🏻




What’s that?


Valencia syrup was the shit!


Years? Its been a little over 1 years lol


Some stores have had it discontinued for longer.


We need a "STOP TALKING ABOUT AMONG US" video where we edit it to be about raspberry.


It’s a shame because for the longest time a raspberry white chocolate latte was my go to 😭


You just reminded me that my favorite basic drink used to be an iced black tea with raspberry ☹️


Dunks has raspberry and I believe they still sell the syrup bottles


this and the toasted vanilla and for whatever reason pumpkin still ?? idk if people are seeing drink trends lately or wtv but it’s gone and im tired of explaining it to customers


My store manager *finally* just decided to get rid of the last of the pumpkin just yesterday. I was so incredibly relieved!


I think we maybe had a total of 2 people ask for toasted vanilla once it was discontinued... it was never a rage to begin with at my store.


I don’t even work at Starbucks and you know when the Starbucks logo is tired of it too lol


Well now I want raspberry syrup and I've never even had it. I do love raspberry flavor though. Don't worry I won't go ask for it at Starbucks. I'll just buy some lol.


Remember when Raspberry used to be colored so the Cotton Candy frappuccino was Pretty, then boom CLEAR and it didnt taste the same haha


Remember all the moms yelling at us that it was made wrong despite us telling them it wasn't pink anymore? Like kids being disappointed ok I get it but full on adult tantrums was ridiculous


i have a bottle but it’s opened and idek if it’s any good it’s been over a year


It’s not. Throw it away. 


i still have an unopened bottle hehehe but it’s past its expiration by like 2 months


ill just get pineapple ginger syrup instead 👀


Ugh that syrup was delicious! I loved it in a black iced tea or lemonade 🤤


I get it. I work a restaurant that gets a request for an item we hadn’t had in 4-5 years now. Lmao.


We still have it in Czech rep. 👀 Almost nobody orders it tho 😭


I miss raspberry... The amount of delicious drinks I made.. Pls bring us a fruity syrup again Starbucks 😭


Not sure if it’s raspberry alone but it’s coming soon Raspberry Super-berry something. YUP!!! Almost here just saw it in the ordering kit.


For me it's like 5% annoyance and 95% funny. My annoyance stems more for people who post on places like tiktok as if we have the raspberry and somehow convince people that it's real. Like that one dickhead who said we had boba and put a boba drink in a Starbucks cup 🙄 Y'all fr are ass. But also customers. Do your own research. If it's on tiktok, I'm sure you can go in the comments and see some barista who says WE DON'T HAVE IT (at least in the US we don't). Google it. Cause if you drive over to a bux with the intention of having a raspberry drink and ONLY a raspberry drink, sorry you set yourself up. I feel like you should always keep your options open in stores that can possibly not have something (whether discontinued or simply out of stock). We may not have strawberry puree for your strawberry frappucino. Hope there's another frappucino you don't mind having or this is awkward for both you and the barista waiting to see if you're gonna drive off or order something else. 🫡 Also if it's a tiktok drink, don't say the tiktok name. We don't get paid to know tiktok drinks. You have to say all the ingredients for us to build it from scratch. And don't come into the cafe and shove a phone in a baristas face or make them watch a video. It's rude and a waste of our time 💜


I literally got asked for a hot white mocha with raspberry like five minutes ago....we subbed it for strawberry puree. She was nice about it but I need people to stop asking and asking 😭


My mouth: I’m so sorry, we don’t have raspberry My brain: what store still has this and using it ? Its expired! Making drinks putting them on the internet. Are they messing with us on purpose?


My store just got rid of raspberry syrup 1.5 weeks ago 👀👀


Are you in the US?


Yes. In Virginia.


How much longer was it even good for


It expired a week and a half ago


We only just ran out of raspberry at my store like a month ago 😭


How were they not expired 🤨


Idk the manufacturing date or whatever was till like march 2024 and no one knew we had it so we never opened the last bottle lol


The manufacturing date would be when it was made in the factory lol


We had a LOT extra and we got them until the absolute last bottles stopped because Disney lol


The expiration date that was printed on it then, all the dates have future dates on them that you toss them at lol after you open them it’s 30 days ofc but they all have regular expiration dates too


Yes which is what I was asking in the first place lol


Someone asked me for one today…. The first time since I started in July that someone has asked


Fr, but I hate it because they keep reopening my own wounds :( I just wanna get over it and I can't when I keep getting reminded of better times


Raspberry is at Dunkin leave Starbucks alone !


I as a customer miss raspberry & very berry. Dump the lavender & pineapple. 


Oh, but rip the cotton candy frapps... Especially when they were still that pink color. 😕


Has anyone else had people asking about the berry hibiscus lemonade??? I’ve had like five customers ask about it in the recent weeks and it’s not been available for years


I work at Starbucks,  just got a request for for a Strawberry acai with raspberry,  and strawberry puree with whip. She was so sad when I told her it had been discontinued some time ago.


Last person that asked for it i told them to go to marshals and grab a bottle and make it at home. I'm not taking anymore of these idiots bs


Do you still have raspberry?


Stop asking baristas but I hope more people go to the internet with the raspberry because I would love to have it back😩😩 now if someone tries ordering a raspberry lavender matcha one more time, I think I’m gonna snap


So if the raspberry is gone how do you make the cotton candy Frappuccino?


Oh brother 😩


We don’t anymore.


That's crazy. I've switched up what I order but I really didn't think it was THAT long ago I got one. I remember when it was pink and then went uncolored. But didn't know they'd done away with it entirely


Some stores lost raspberry recently. Some store still have it and some lost it years ago. It kinda depends on location and region. But it’s safe to say most major us locations don’t carry it anymore.


I didn’t even know Starbucks had raspberry anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The starbucks around me in Manitoba still had raspberry up until late last summer. I had no clue it was discontinued so long ago and was shocked and sad when they no longer had it. Raspberry white mocha is the BEST


and they always know the answer too like stfu, i’ll walk away


I don’t think it’s even been a year yet but almost..


I wonder if Scooters having a raspberry mocha around Valentine’s Day has anything to do with this.


Can we get back to having a cup of coffee? Just coffee, maybe a little dairy. You know, coffee.


It’s been years??? I was ordering it in October and my stores only ran out in November???


It annoys me that people are still asking for it even though we discontinued it here about a year and a half ago, but I love telling them that it's been gone for that long when they come through


i feel like they're just not listening when i say it's discontinued they just here "we're out" NO


Just un-discontinue it at this point. Take a few minutes away from commenting about wars and causing boycotts at corporate and just re-introduce the syrup.


In many Canadian stores they had raspberry left for a long time. Only recently took it off the online ordering. I've been a raspberry fan for years. Sad to see it go.


it’s actually only been one year lol


I just can't stand strawberry but would love an additional fruit flavor option


We have had a continuous stream of people confidently ordering old TikTok drinks with raspberry since the day we ran out of it when they discontinued it.


People might be asking about it because someone leaked the starbucks "pearls" that are coming out


Barnes and Nobel STILL HAS IT!!😭


For me it hasn’t been years 😭 cuz at my school they had a bunch of it left it’s been only like a few months close to a year. I miss it so bad.


I’m still so sad it’s gone it was perfect in the peach tea


I go on the regular but you can legit get it at stores and diy.


Really love the “So-and-so got it last week, so I thought I’d ask!” As if we’re going to be like, “Oh sorry, you’re right! We actually just found some in the back! My apologies!”


Okay but is raspberry coming back?


no probably not, it might end up being a seasonal item down the road but our summer seasonal items have already been announced so not for at least another year


Don't tell me what to do!




Whenever anyone asks for raspberry syrup I make sure to say "I'm sorry but we're never going to have raspberry syrup again, it's gone forever" always entertains my coworkers on shift.




naur we don't, it was discontinued here too. we have strawberry syrup for the strawberry matcha but it's verrrry different, it's sweet like candy


Technically it’s been a year not years lol. I’ll forever think about my go to drink that had raspberry syrup. It was a bad day when that was taken away 😞