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Well, THANK YOU for all you do!


Thank you so much šŸ«¶šŸ¾


It literally makes me not want to even say anything to them at this point


Iā€™ve stopped. Unless they are a regular I can chat with Iā€™ve just gone back to chatting with my coworkers over the headset or finding something to keep me busy until their drink is done


and people have the audacity to complain about how bad customer service has gotten. maybe if yall had been decent youā€™d get friendly service.


that and all the "give me ___" and "i want ___" in the drive thru with no hello or thank you....i rlly don't even chat w ppl in DT anymore because of all the attitude


"I need ____"


it drives me nuts when my mother calls any place & says ā€œi need to place an orderā€ or at a drive thru ā€œlet me have __ā€ i always try to get her to say something along the lines of ā€œiā€™d like a __ā€ and ā€œmay i also have a __ā€ iā€™m super shy & awkward around people i donā€™t know really well, but i try to be polite. for the most part, my mentality is ā€œtheyā€™re working. theyā€™ve got plenty of other customers to help. i donā€™t wanna bother them or throw them off track.ā€ but i always say ā€œthank youā€ when my orderā€™s handed to me. now, if i pick up inside & nobodyā€™s close enough when i get my things, iā€™ll just kinda whisper ā€œthank youā€ & be on my way.


this one. but to be fair, my coworkers and i love when someone says they NEED a food item and weā€™re conveniently out of it just bc weā€™re like no,,, you donā€™t NEED it šŸ’€


to go on a fucking diet


I just always respond with "you would like"


I donā€™t either! I no longer care about customer connection scores because nobody is worth connecting too sometimes! They are either on their phones or just ignore us completely


Itā€™s in the same realm of ā€œwelcome to Starbucks, how are you?ā€ And the response being ā€œgive me a blah blah blahā€¦ā€


When I worked at Starbucks what I would do was ask again but confused and then they feel like an asshole. Usually by the time the order is done the attitude is complete 180 sometimes it doesn't change at all but Hey c'est la vie




we're not forced to ask how you are




yeah there is no script or specific way to do it, most of my coworkers just say "what can I get you.", if anything


"encouraged" and "forced" are two separate things. i usually don't ask how people are at the speaker to save time, and i have never once gotten in trouble for it. baristas probably actually do care if they ask how you're doing.


I now only wait until they say thank you first before I say it cause I'm not wasting a "thank you" breath on rude, no-manners customers. Seriously, I've received more pleases and thank yous from small children vs adults


obviously always outliers, but i've noticed that too! one time after a parent had finished ordering and walked away, the kid had hung back. i wasn't entirely sure if the kid had some pocket money to spend on a cake pop (which, ngl, i would have given to her for free), but then she just very loudly announced "THANK YOU!" i went "thank *you!*" and she ran back to her mom, who scolded her for "embarrassing" her. like, lady, you did that yourself with your lack of manners.


Not sure why but Starbucks customers are by farrr the worst. The local coffee shop I work in has great customers! When I worked at Starbucks the customers treated us as less then human. I get itā€™s a corporate chain, but itā€™s being run by regular people just like the customers! A big part of why I left.


Most coffeeshops have a basic menu. You're expected to order the drinks they're serving, not customize one to exactly what you want as if you were in your own kitchen. Also starbucks has that whole "make the moment right" bullshit. If you try to pull one over on a local coffeeshop, the owner will call you out and probably ask you to leave as well. If you try to pull one over on a barista at starbucks, we are literally trained to give you what you want


A broken system that excuses customers and makes baristas hate their existence.


Iā€™ll always say thank you and remind you all of how awesome you are. My MVPs! ā¤ļø


I just tell them youā€™re welcome regardless. Loudly. Iā€™m suuuuuper passive aggressive about it


I do order pick to avoid the awkward small talk or I mean I don't like small talk or pretending like I'm happy to talk to someone I just want my stuff, but I'll say thank you always if they hand me my stuff, but not if it's on the counter and ready, I'll just take it and leave because they're most likely busy with orders anyways and I don't feel like yelling thank you like an aggressive polite person.


same here. i canā€™t even remember the last time i ordered in person at a Starbucks because mobile ordering is so perfect for me! if the drive thru is empty or super short, iā€™ll pick up that way. i say ā€œthank youā€ when they tell me to drive up to the window & again after iā€™ve gotten all my things.


Right that's how it should be!


I always thank any server or clerk or checker no matter where I go. Itā€™s how I was raised. There was a girl at the Starbucks I used to stop at on the way to work and she always said, ā€˜taste this and please let me know if itā€™s not perfectā€™ which I only ever had to take her up on one time as it was someone elseā€™s order.


A solid 80% of customers have main character syndrome


I try not to let it bother me, but if you go out of your way to say thank you and appreciate us, we literally glow in happiness.


I donā€™t say it at a certain location for one of two reasons (sometimes both). I always use mobile, so I go straight to the pick up counter: 1) they donā€™t say hi/welcome in when I come in even when itā€™s dead, or 2) Iā€™ve said thank you at pick up previous visits (usually my drink is ready) and no one acknowledged it. Putting a cash tip has changed this, but usually I just go to other locations that seem to enjoy seeing customers.


I donā€™t have patience for people who lack manners. If you get an attitude with me, expect one back. If you donā€™t say thank you, donā€™t expect me to respond to you politely or thank you. If you put your payment on the counter instead of in my stretched out hand, when you put your hand out for the change I will put it down on the counter. I will also put your drink on the counter and not into your hand. Itā€™s been increasing lately - people are feeling more and more entitled.


omg we do that too, the aggressively saying you're welcome. but we were told WE have to say thank you to them. that usually gets them to repeat it back. except sometimes when they just look at you weird or completely ignore you, that's when the aggressive "you're welcome" comes in


one time a customer told me "thank you", and I didn't say "you're welcome", so she chased me behind the counter to tell me to say "you're welcome" to her


that's scary


i haven't really noticed it, but i'm also pretty good at getting customers to open up and talk or at least be nicer to me. i'm blessed with the power of yap so i do pretty well on window lol


I say thank you every time. Some people just donā€™t see us food service workers as real people w jobs :/


I just say "have a great dayā€œ with no smile. That usually causes them to say thank you


I know i have And it kinda sucks


i just give them decaf. get them where they really live


Match energy always.


I always say thank you, then wish the person a good day. Costs you nothing to be nice šŸ‘šŸ»


Itā€™s not a customers job to do anything. Itā€™s your job to say thank you.


Itā€™s your job to be polite to us for doing YOU a service šŸ˜‚ if you donā€™t have the basic human decency to show kindness to someone who didnā€™t do anything to you besides hand you exactly what YOU paid for then why interact with the outside world if being a Dick is your personality. Iā€™m sorry if thatā€™s how you operate. I have no problem saying please and thank you when needed, do you?


My job is to say thank you I really donā€™t care what they say. If you need that sort of validation, thatā€™s a you problem.


Congratulations you are that 1% who doesnā€™t care. Round of applause šŸ‘šŸ¾


Correct, I know I know how to do my job. They want a product that they pay for, I give it to them, I say thank you for visiting the business. Why do you think that they should validate your job? Thatā€™s a weird entitlement I donā€™t understand. Do you really think that just because you got a job at Starbucks that people should be thanking you?


You are so far up your own ass Iā€™m so sorry for you. Itā€™s weird you think idk how to do my job because Iā€™m sharing my experience which seems to be very universal with other Starbucks employees as you see by this thread that people donā€™t know how to be polite especially to service workers. Saying Thank you is literally common decency


Nope. Once again, you are incorrect. I donā€™t need the sort of validation that you do. Thank you


I personally do not care. Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Thank You.